5 Prebiotic Superfoods for BETTER GUT health!!

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people ask me a lot of questions about diet on a daily basis from what they should and shouldn't be eating to the importance of things like calories micronutrients and polyphenols and even how to support a healthy gut with food and that's what i want to talk to you about today how the foods you eat can support your gut especially one very important type of food prebiotics so what the heck are prebiotics anyway well to really talk about prebiotics first i need to talk about probiotics you know the beneficial bacteria living inside your gut right this very second well all those billions of probiotics are living things meaning they need nourishment to thrive and prebiotics are the number one food your gut bugs need to thrive think of it this way probiotics plant the seeds of your gut garden and prebiotics water them so if you're already taking a probiotic or eating probiotic rich foods like sauerkraut miso or yogurt unless you're also incorporating prebiotics into your routine you might not be doing enough so how can you make sure you're getting enough prebiotics into your diet well one way is through supplementation that's actually the reason i created one of my most popular formulas pre-biothrive you can learn more about it by clicking the link in the description below and whether you use pre-biothrive or not i also suggest incorporating prebiotic foods into your diet regularly these are foods that are high in gut friendly prebiotic fiber so they nourish your gut buddies while filling you up now these days you might notice more foods labeled prebiotic and grocery stores and i'm thrilled about that because it means research about prebiotics is finally becoming more mainstream but a lot of commercially available prebiotic foods have one big problem they're also loaded in sugars unnecessary additives and lectins so if you want to enjoy the benefits of prebiotic fiber without a bunch of nasty stuff gumming up the works here are five fantastic prebiotic foods i love they're incredibly delicious easy to find and safe on my diet plan personally i incorporate them into my daily routine with pre-biothrive to make sure my gut gets plenty of what it needs to thrive okay prebiotic food number one flaxseed not only is a great source of fiber but it's also rich in healthy omega-3 fats and protein making flaxseed one of the best prebiotic foods it's great to bake with and you can use it instead of bread crumbs for a tasty healthy breading on pasture-raised chicken or wild-caught seafood or if you want something simpler try mixing it into your favorite stir-fry by sprinkling on top of coconut yogurt or simply blending it in with your favorite smoothie it's great in pro plant just be aware flax seed can go rancid pretty quickly due to its high fat content so buy it whole and grind it yourself in a coffee or spice grinder you can also store it in the fridge or freezer to keep it fresh longer okay let's talk about my second prebiotic food artichokes now artichokes have a bad reputation for being hard to prepare because there's a lot of fancy knife work involved when you buy a whole artichoke from the produce section so how can you incorporate these powerhouse vegetables into your weekly meal prep without spending hours in the kitchen well i almost never buy fresh artichokes instead i stock up on frozen artichoke hearts at my local store or i go for artichokes canned and brine just make sure to read the label to make sure there's no sugar added using canned or frozen artichokes eliminates a lot of the tedious prep work it makes it super simple to add these prebiotic rich veggies to just about any dish personally i love them roasted with olive oil and garlic sauteed or even breaded in tapioca flour and pan fried now my third prebiotic superfood does require a little bit of prep work but the good news is they're not difficult to cook with i'm talking about leeks they're a cousin of onions and if you're not already using leeks and you're cooking you should be they're easy to cook with delicious and great for your gut now like onions leeks have tons of layers because of the way they grow sometimes dirt gets trapped between the layers so before you cook with them slice them in half the long way and rinse thoroughly in cold water to get any grit out then go ahead and chop them up cook them and use your cooked leeks anywhere you'd use cooked onions they're great in omelets salads soup or even as a salad topping now my fourth prebiotic food is something people either love or absolutely hate i'm talking about okra sure okra can be a little slimy but it's an awesome source of prebiotic fiber and it's delicious when prepared correctly and yes you can get rid of the slime if you cook it right just saute it over very high heat or toss it with olive oil and roast at 400 degrees until crispy if you want a recipe there's one here on my youtube channel i'll link to it in the description below now i know in a lot of the country it's hard to find fresh okra especially in the winter but there's good news frozen okra is available in most grocery stores and it's just as good make sure to thought and pat it dry before cooking to cut down on the slime factor now it used to be pretty hard to find my fifth and final prebiotic food in a grocery store but these days i've seen it everywhere from whole foods to walmart to costco i'm talking about jicama this root veggie is deliciously crunchy and it tastes like a cross between an apple and a potato jicama is great to cook with as it stays nice and crisp in a stir fry or saute but jicama also tastes great raw it's good shredded into a slaw chopped with cilantro and onion and a salsa or cut into matchsticks or chips and use to scoop up guacamole try it raw with a little lime juice or hot sauce it's so good and really refreshing when served cold so there you have it my top five favorite prebiotic foods along with pre-biothrive i try to incorporate at least one of these into my diet most days of the week because they're more than just delicious they're great for keeping my gut buddies happy and i strongly encourage you to do the same because i'm dr gundry and i'm always looking out for you and your gut buddies [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gundry MD
Views: 781,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gundry MD, Prebiotics, Superfoods, Prebiotic Foods, foods high in prebiotics, What are prebiotics, postbiotics, probiotics, bacteria, microbiom, gut health, nutrition, gut bacteria, gut, prebiotics, digestion, healthy gut, gut health diet, gut healthy foods, how to improve gut health, health, leaky gut, good bacteria, microbiome, gut flora, gut health and weight loss, prebiotics vs probiotics, healthy gut diet, probiotics foods, gut microbes, gut health foods, how to heal your gut
Id: Fignz2sGpwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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