5 People With SUPERHUMAN Abilities | Random Thursday

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last month in night shyamalan released his film glass which is the third movie in a trilogy that started 20 years ago nearly 20 years ago with the movie unbreakable and it centers around a guy who truly believes that they're actual superheroes out there and he's trying to find them and he goes about doing it in very twisty shocky spoilery ways now whether they were actual x-men mutant type people out there just waiting to wreak havoc on the world or save it there are actually people out there that have abilities that go far beyond what we consider to be normal human abilities one might even call them superhuman who didn't think when they were a kid that if they just believed hard enough and try it hard enough and focused hard enough that they could fly or shoot lasers out of their eyes or lightning bolts from their hands I know I did yeah this isn't that okay so maybe these people aren't the Avengers or anything but they can do some things that you and I just can't do by the way some of these things a little disclaimer here you shouldn't try them I mean you may want to but just take my word for it just don't just you know first up is Veronica Snyder the woman with superhuman vision Veronica Snyder was born in West Germany in 1951 it was West Germany back then and she had a relatively normal childhood went to school eventually went to school at Stuttgart University and this is where she discovered that she had something a little bit special about her visions actually always knew she had good vision but she didn't know that it was especially better than anybody else's she eventually got curious enough about this that she went to some researchers at the University and they tested her vision and found out that yeah her vision is quite a bit better than most people's in fact she had the ability to recognize a person from a mile away or 1.6 kilometers so when you hear the term 20/20 vision all the time you might not know exactly what that means it basically means that at 20 feet away you can see with the clarity that normal people see at 20 feet away so if you're nearsighted like me you might have something like 2100 vision meaning you see something 20 feet away at the same clarity that somebody else sees a hundred feet away and all you metric Nazis just calm down okay this is how they use it this is the way it's done this is they use Imperial can't change that so what am i using using that as an example in this case Veronica would have something like 5020 vision a male being 5000 - feet away in fact her vision was so good that she had trouble watching TV because she could see the individual pixels you know every individual pixel the TV is made up of three different colors red blue and green and she could actually see those individual colors in the pixels and it was distracting for her in fact she's been called the eagle-eyed woman because she basically has the same visual acuity as an eagle luckily she chose not to be a sharpshooter or something like that for a living she decided to be a dentist so she's a professional dentist and I'm sure she never misses a cavity next up is Daniel - met the man with superhuman memory Daniel was born in 1979 in London and the experience seizures me as a kid epileptic seizures that he eventually luckily grew out of with some medical treatment and he realized very young that he had an aptitude for memorization especially with numbers and so by the time he was 20 he was competing in world memory championships he was actually able to memorize PI 220 2514 digits I don't know my wife's phone number well it's technologies phone so some researchers started studying him just to try to figure out how he was able to do these amazing memory feats and about the age 25 they diagnosed him with Asperger's syndrome but he also has savant syndrome savants are people that have a high aptitude just a natural aptitude for certain intellectual or creative things now usually this means that they are diminished in other capacities but they found that Daniel is actually a very high-functioning autistic savant which means that he can actually explain how his brain does what it does which is incredible to researchers and this also led to another discovery about Daniel he also while being a savant and being slightly autistic he has synesthesia I cover synesthesia in a different video but it's this thing where you associate different sensory characteristics to numbers and letters and things Daniel for example associate different colors textures and shapes to every single number up to the number 10,000 so certain letters like 333 he finds very ugly and and unpleasant and then other numbers like pi he finds remarkably beautiful daniel has been the subject of documentaries he's written several books and he's also created some language learning websites online he's also done a TED talk which I will link down the description below natan guy so those are both nice let's talk about something crazy now let's talk about Raj Mohan naiyeer that electric man remember how I said not to try these at home this is the one I was talking about so normal mortal human beings can be killed with less than a tenth of an amp of electricity running through their bodies any more than that can cause organs to fail and can stop your heart which you kind of need but for some reason that nobody seems to be able to understand Raj Mohan naiyeer can take several amps at a time and just shake it off like Taylor Swift my references are current AF his body is more than ten times more resistant to electricity than the most most regular human bodies he can actually power lightbulbs and even power tools running electricity through his body and he does so with no adverse effects at all sort of he says he kind of glazes over and goes blind so there's there's that and it doesn't seem to be doing any wonders first teeth sorry I just saying often when he shows off this ability he puts the cord on his tongue because of the you know the fluid it actually makes it a lot more conductive so if he comes up and tries to shake your hand and he's got a cord in his mouth don't and the way you discovered this ability is actually it's kind of sad supposedly his mother died when he was seven years old and he was distraught and despondent and he tried to kill himself by climbing up an electrical pole and grabbing the transformer and it turns out nothing happened nothing hurt him and that's how he discovered he had this this crazy ability now if that's true obviously that's really sad I kind of had my doubts though it seems very PT Barnum esque you know if this is something that he does for a living if this is kind of how he's made a name for himself that sounds like the sort of mythology that you know a good showman might put on about himself I mean if you're gonna make your name as a superhuman you got to have a good origin story this next one is heartwarming amazing and potentially life-saving this is joy Milne and her superhuman sense of smell joy Milne was a nurse in Scotland and she always had a pretty hypersensitive nose she was able to smell things other people couldn't smell she could smell things before other people could smell them no big deal but one day she started to notice the smell coming off of her husband that she'd never smelled before she described as a is a deep musky smell she didn't really think much of it until about ten years later when her husband les was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and they went to a support meeting of other people that have Parkinsons and she smelled the same smell everywhere and yeah it turns out for some reason she can actually smell Parkinson's disease now if the story ended right there that itself would be pretty cool but luckily there are some researchers that took Joy's claims seriously they began testing her ability to discern between smells of people who had Parkinson's and people who don't and she was able to pick a part out of 50 samples with 98% accuracy meaning she only got one out of 50 wrong now keep in mind she was able to smell this 10 years before her husband started to show any symptoms so what they're trying to do is they're actually trying to find out exactly what molecules are trying to suss out the molecules that she was able to smell to make this determination because if you can predict something like this if you could diagnose somebody with Parkinson's that far before they start to show any symptoms you have a really good chance of slowing the disease down and maybe even preventing it from becoming debilitating with Parkinson's they say by the time you start to show symptoms like 60 to 70% of the damage has already been done the research is ongoing but last year they announced they were able to narrow down the list of volatile organic compounds which is what they're looking for down to only ten so they're coming really close to a breakthrough here all because of joy Mills special nose last but not least let's talk about modern samurai it's IO machi and his superhuman reflexes I'm just gonna say real quick I am 90% sure I'm mispronouncing his name so it's IO I'm sorry please don't stab me it's all my Ichi calls himself a modern-day samurai and he's been using katana sword and practicing with it for the better part of his life he currently holds six World Records using the sword showing a display of accuracy that's just almost impossible to believe including when he's able to slice a pea pot in half lengthwise with a sword he also has a knack for slicing up tennis balls that are fired at him but maybe the most impressive things he's able to do is he's actually able to slice a BB in half that it's fired at him from a gun this is a skill he's demonstrated many times in fact one of his world records involves this but it's even more impressive to consider that he actually unsheathed his sword when he does it so just the fact that he's able to unsheathed his sword that fast is incredible but the fact that he can determine the trajectory of the BB in such a short amount of time it's superhuman in order to get to the BB in time he has to be swinging toward it before it even leaves the gun and his mind has a calculate where that plastic BB will end up with in the first milliseconds of it leaving the barrel and this is actually an ability that major league baseball batters have that they actually start the swing as the ball is leaving the pitchers hand especially if they're throwing a fastball and they have to calculate where the ball is going to go according to where the ball is when it first leaves the pitchers hand this is something that can't be consciously thought out the brains conscious mechanisms are just way too slow this is something that has to be deeply subconscious and only acquired through lots and lots of practice so maybe that's all it takes to get superhuman just practice for years and years and years and years that's not fun but those are some of the examples I found out there there are definitely others that I didn't include including a guy who can look at a record and tell what song is playing on the record just by just by looking at it he can just tell by the grooves there's a guy out there that can do that I would have included a story about wanting to keep it to five anyway if there are other superhuman people out there that you can think of that I didn't cover here I know there are many leave them down in the comments below you can talk about it and if you think you're superhuman share it we'll see alright thanks so much for watching this is your first time here maybe check out this video right here because Google thinks you'll like that there's also plenty of other videos over probably over there on the sidebar on topics like this I do random topics on Thursdays more sciency futuristic topics on Monday and if you like that kind of thing please do subscribe because I come back every week I stay busy cool t-shirts available at the store at answers with joe calm slash shirts go check those out thanks again for watching you guys go out now have an eye-opening rest of the week and I'll see ya Monday love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 614,894
Rating: 4.9174767 out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, random thursday, veronica seider, daniel tammet, rajmohan Nair, joy milne, isao machii, parkinsons disease, autistic savant, synesthesia, glass, guiness world record
Id: ft1jWR-4In0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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