That Time When Cocaine Was In EVERYTHING | Random Thursday

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Danj_memes_ 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
how often do you drink soda be honest once a week once a day all the time whatever your answer just stop it just stop drinking sodas it's really bad for you or is it no no don't don't do that do what that thing when you talk about a topic and you set up an expectation that you're gonna say one thing and then you turn around and say something else just so that everybody is like oh that's an interesting way of looking at it I never thought of it like that he's such an interesting guy or is he there is no other side to this argument hundreds of studies of link sodas to obesity and weight gain diabetes even strokes or do they yes they do not even mention hormone spikes tooth problems the number one thing that anybody can do to improve their health is to cut out sodas or is it this bits run its course hasn't it or has it in all seriousness soda is kind of terrible for you so if you are one of these all day everyday drinkers I would encourage you to you know just just throw a little water in there Sam ironically though soda was originally considered to be a health drink containing essential sugars for him and they got carbonated water was first introduced in the 18th century and at the time they thought that it had healing properties that could cure a variety of ailments so the first soda shops were actually in pharmacies and they'd mix medicines into the drinks for instance you might order a lemon line lithium citrate or a caffeine and cocaine concoction and nobody would have blinked because at the time cocaine was perfectly legal and in fact they felt it had beneficial properties and it does to a point the cocaine alkaloid was first isolated from coca leaves in 1859 by Albert Neyman and even though its commercial potential was debatable doctors of the time embraced it you could get cocaine drops for toothaches or cocaine throat lozenges it was even used as an anesthetic by Denison surgeons Sigmund Freud the famous psychoanalyst used cocaine and promoted as a cure for depression and sexual impotence he also became super addicted to it and it took him 12 years to break his habit cocaine can be found in all sorts of elixirs and tonics in the late 1800s and early 1900s but there was one beverage that stood out above the rest the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Jules Verne drinker pope leo xiii carried it in a flask even the US presidents grant and mckinley were fans it was said to give you energy strength vitality and wings and that last one something else actually what we're talking about here is VIN Mariani what has been Mariana you may be asking well it's a combination of cocaine and wine it's literally cocaine mixed with wine cuz who has time to drink wine and snort cocaine and that's just that's just too much work you like cocaine you like wine but doing both at the same time is hard there's got to be a better way now there's been Mariani wine with an extra kick of cocaine now you can have your coke and drink it too perfect for weddings retirement parties funerals bar mitzvahs during threatening people in clown costumes bringing into your horror ex-wife's house to get your dog back and much more VIN Mariani get lit today it was invented in 1863 by a parisian chemist named Angelo Mariani and it's basically six milligrams of cocaine per fluid ounce of red Bordeaux wine damn son and they actually recommended drinking three glasses of this a day basically drinking a glass with every meal but before you guys start thinking these guys were completely crazy just just just know they only recommended half that amount for children now Timmy be careful not to spill your wine and cocaine juice VIN Mariani was so popular it spawned a whole slew of copycat mixtures including one by an Atlanta pharmacist named John Steve Pemberton he was trying to find an alternative to the morphine and heroin based concoctions that were out there which were totally a thing and super popular at the time but he found one that combined the extracts of the coca leaves in the Kola nut he called that Pemberton's French wine coca and claimed it was even better than than Mariani even saying that quote it was a most wonderful invigorate er of sexual organs unquote an effect that's shared by VIN Mariani and your mom but Pemberton ran into a problem with his wannabes Spanish Fly in 1886 when Atlanta passed a prohibition against alcohol making his drink illegal not because of its cocaine because of its alcohol because of this he replaced the wine with sugar syrup and he renamed his concoction coca-cola the temperance drink this drink became so popular it spurred a number of NA cops including Cafe coca y'see Ola and my favorite celery cola celery cola I can just imagine the taste of Cola syrup mixed with nothingness so how much cocaine was actually in coca-cola well it's kind of impossible to say in the early days but by 1902 it was down to like 1/4 hundredths of a grain of cocaine per fluid ounce of Cola syrup so I mean you know it's it's not like sound like a lot of cocaine but even that was becoming problematic because cocaine addiction was quickly becoming an issue in the United States at the time this kind of mirrors our current day opium crisis because they put cocaine and everything basically overprescribed it and then lo and behold people got hooked on by 1912 the u.s. recorded approximately 5,000 cocaine related deaths the drug became related with a loss of morality in the culture and lawmakers started pushing for it to be outlawed which they did with the Harrison narcotics tax act of 1914 which basically regulated and taxed any extracts from coca leaves or opium plants and essentially put an end to cocaine being in coca-cola but like a lot of things that happen in that time in American history they made some room for a little bit of old-timey racism African Americans and laborers in general were associated with cocaine because their employers would give them cocaine to make them more productive on the job so so this went way back but when coca-cola was bottled in 1899 that was the first time that African Americans could really drink it because up to that point it was only sold in pharmacies and most of those are segregated so of course once it was available they rushed out and bought it which of course only played into that Association that was already there between African Americans and cocaine and this narrative began to form that there was this explosion of drug use among African Americans to the point that in 1910 a US State Department official dr. Hamilton Wright said quote the use of cocaine by the Negroes of the south is one of the most elusive and troublesome questions which confront the enforcement of the law unquote so yeah that's some SM stay out the wool worst racism there it's also kind of par for the course in those days this right here was a Klan rally held in 1925 in Washington DC 30,000 Klan members showed up in marched on Washington and nobody blinked an eye held 10 years later the American Nazi Party held a rally and filled Madison Square Garden they were a little more racist back then but do the Harrison narcotics tax act as well as the Jones Miller Act of 1920 to cocaine use kind of fell off to the wayside kind of became an underground thing for a while and then well the 80s happened the economy was rising people wanted to party and cocaine started flowing into the country from all over the world and the price of cocaine dropped by as much as 80 percent so the suppliers had to get creative and find new and cheaper ways of selling cocaine and what they landed on was crack which is basically cocaine mixed with baking soda water and it's sold for as much as like $5 for a crack rock in 1985 and it became really popular in lower-income communities popular is a weird word to use there actually it was a scourge it decimated poorer urban neighborhoods see this cute little vial here it's crack rock cocaine the most addictive form it isn't glamorous or cool or kids stuff but the government's response to this has been highly controversial ever since then it only compounded the problems in those neighborhoods I passed a law called the anti-drug Abuse Act of 1986 and amongst a lot of other stuff that was in this bill one of them was that it differentiated the sentences between cocaine and cocaine based drugs lighter sentences for regular cocaine heavier sentences for crack in other words if you got caught with a little baggie of cocaine your sentence would be a lot lighter than somebody who was caught with a couple of rocks of crack even though the amount of cocaine and crack is far lighter than that in regular cocaine because it's mixed with other stuff in this flood of the prison system with low-income and minority prisoners so yeah controversial but there is some good news the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 was passed a sort of ameliorate these differences and now if you get caught with crack your sentence is only 18 times worse than regular cocaine so progress with methamphetamines and the opioid crisis getting all the headlines you don't really hear as much about cocaine anymore but it is still the second most popular drug in the United States although that popularity is waning according to the RAM population spending on cocaine in the United States has dropped from 58 billion in 2006 to 24 billion in 2016 but maybe that's because we're drinking so much caffeine we don't really need it anymore 80% of adults in the Western world consume caffeine and one form or another from coffee to tea to the endless brands of energy drinks also known as Kyle juice and people are vaping so much nicotine they're starting to die from it also also known as Kyle juice so maybe just turns out that one way or another people are just gonna want a little bit of a boost people go to people but as they say the dosage makes the poison so does it make sense to decriminalize cocaine and small I mean the number of people that died when cocaine was in coca-cola was far less than what happened in the 80s during the crack epidemic some countries like Colombia Mexico and Peru of decriminalized small amounts of cocaine and haven't seen any real substantial problems from it in fact Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001 and saw a huge decrease in drug overdoses as well as HIV infections and drug-related crime for something like that to happen in the u.s. though it would take a massive shift in public opinion a 2016 poll showed that 76% of Americans opposed decriminalizing cocaine but who would have thought 20 years ago that marijuana would be legal in half the states in the United States so who knows so I guess now if you want to try it VIN Mariani maybe someday you'll get a chance to or an original coca-cola but not new coke never new coke alright thank you guys so much for watching I've had a lot of people ask about you know whether or not coke actually had coke in it back in the day and I just thought it was an interesting subject because a lot of the stuff that today is just like verboten and you couldn't imagine actually being able to go out and get it just used to be in everything it's just crazy real quick though I want to give a shout out to some people that I really have not paid enough attention to and given enough love to on here and that's the members of this channel so YouTube does have memberships now if you look below the video there's little button that says join if you ever wondered what that means that's what it is right now it's about $5 a month 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and that'll be it for now you guys go out there have an IO rest of the week and I'll see ya Monday love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 1,018,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, cocaine, illegal drugs, history, john stith Pemberton, vin mariani, coca cola, history of coca cola, soft drinks, history of soft drinks, crack epidemic, anti drug abuse act, fair sentencing act, criminal justice reform, 1910
Id: 21NYNJDgNrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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