5 Cryptids That Could Actually Exist | Random Thursday

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It would be cool if u live stream the presentation of starship update, maybe think about it, we would love ur first reaction and opinion on it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 12 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
somehow I have never done this on this channel before but I'm gonna do it now I'm gonna pitch you a screenplay idea many of you may know I have a background in film screenwriting specifically but I've got this idea for a movie it's been floating around for a while I thought I would share it with you I think it's kind of great all right here goes okay it's about a teenage boy who discovers that Bigfoot is real and he's one of them he transforms into a sasquatch under a full moon just like a werewolf right and the title we're foot I know this is basically a punchline so far but seriously hearing me out it gets better okay so the kid grows up in let's say the Pacific Northwest that's kind of a squatchy area in growing up he has this memory of playing in the woods and seeing a Bigfoot like you totally sees a Bigfoot of course nobody believes him but he grows up just obsessed with Bigfoot and his favorite show is this over-the-top ghost adventure style show with this crazy Bigfoot hunter guy this dude is just like hardcore obsessed with catching and killing a Bigfoot like his goal in life is to have a Bigfoot head like mounted on his wall and he like generates controversy because some of the traps that he sets up could actually kill something if they fell into it this guy could be a popular youtuber actually anyway our young protagonist he's a huge fan of this guy he's really entertaining and everything but he contacts him and tells him this story about seeing a Bigfoot in these woods when he was growing up and the guys like sure I'll come investigate that so they schedule a hunt together so the kids super excited obviously he's gonna meet his hero and everything but before that hunt happens there's a full moon and the kid transforms into a sasquatch and this really terrifying scary way and this is where things get a little bit Teen Wolf he rushes home he tries to make it stop but he can't make it stop and he transforms and his dad winds up seeing him but what he finds out is that his dad is a sasquatch too it's like this this family thing and that's why he saw Bigfoot when he was a kid it was his dad the whole time and this is also why nobody's ever found any Bigfoot remains because they just turned back into normal people so now he's got to learn how to control it what he can do in that state what he can of course he would have you know super strength probably some heightened senses and whatnot by the way this is the part of the movie that they call the promise of the premise the premise is that this kid can now transform into this sort of super being and he has these abilities that he doesn't normally have and there's some upsides and he has a lot of fun with it on one side but there's downsides too like the fact that he can't really go out during a full moon so he had to kind of get used to this for about a month the kind of gets to where he likes and he sort of accepts that this is who he is and everything but then this Bigfoot hunter shows up for the hunt and of course it just happens to be under a full moon and he tries to get out of this thing but now he can't and now this crazy Bigfoot hunter guy is there with cameras and crews and guns and knives and and now he's like about to transform into a sasquatch and he's trying to keep it from happening but he can't and so now his hero is hunting him and he's got to find some way to survive for the next few nights I mean that's you know it's not the worst idea I've ever had I actually just looked up the word where foot to see if it's ever been used and there's a knee a band here in East Texas I'm gonna have to go see him anyway today's video is about cryptids [Music] cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals also known as cryptids things like unicorns werewolves Bigfoot or where foot critters olg is generally dismissed in most scientific circles although the search for cryptids can turn up some interesting stuff that we didn't know before for example a film crew that was investigating the Yeti in 2013 found some bone and first samples that they got analyzed by a geneticist to see if maybe it came from a Yeti and it did not come from a Yeti it was actually from the Himalayan black bear but when they did some mitochondrial DNA testing on it they actually found out some stuff about the black bear population in that area that they didn't know before they were able to figure out that 650,000 years ago a single population of bears got split in two by a glacier that formed in between there in those two different groups became different subspecies after a while one became the Himalayan black bear and one became the tibetan brown bear so yeah I mean thanks to a guy who was researching Bigfoot we now have more information about bears in a certain population I mean it's he's not going to change the world but knowledge is good I think people are interested in cryptids just because of the whole unknown animal thing like the the monster thing like that is some primal stuff that is deep deep down in there I mean obviously in the caveman days there were like literal monsters that could kill you if you weren't looking in the right direction but even up to like two hundred years ago or so the night time was that was the mysterious I mean before we had electric light you pretty much couldn't do anything in the night time I mean especially if there wasn't a full moon it was just completely dark out and there could be anything in those woods I mean like even today I have family that lives out in the country and whenever I go out there and see them I you know look out into the woods and and I mean what could I mean what would that I just saw something about what was that so it's really no surprise that our stories and our fables are littered with dragons and unicorns and elves and stories spread wildly about the Sasquatch and Lake Monsters and the Kraken these creatures are usually misidentified in some way but and this happens more often than you think sometimes they turn out to be real like the platypus or the gorilla or the Kraken I mean giant squid and these are just a few of the monsters that turned out to actually be real so there's plenty of potential for some of these other cryptids out there to actually be out there somewhere and here's five of the most likely ones the wrong pen deck the Arang pin deck is a human-like primate that's thought to be found in Sumatra specifically in the currency symbol at National Park according to people who have seen it Arang pin deck in the Indonesian language stands for short person and it's thought to be around two and a half to five feet tall it's covered in golden brown or gray hair and it walks upright on two legs just like a person and the kicker is apparently it's a very human-like face there's a possibility that this is simply an orangutan but most orangutangs use their arms when they walk and also none of them have been spotted in this particular National Park where the ring pin deck is thought to be but still very recently a new orangutan species was discovered on Sumatra it's called the Tappan uli and it was discovered near Lake Toba so it's not impossible to think that there's another rarer species of orangutan out there that walks upright looks a little bit like us it's possible the Nunda a great cat the size of a donkey is rumored to be found in Tanzania in East Africa the first recorded mention of it was from a Swahili song in the year 1150 so this goes way back the Nunda or the anyway as it's called in the sahih language is thought to have big hue giant claws and be super scary and oh kill people it's been described by witnesses as having brindled fur and having claws on their paws the size of lions and it supposedly never roars but it does purr but yeah it was blamed for several attacks on people in the 1920s because some of the bodies were found with gray hair clutched in their hands meaning that they major tried to fight off this thing and they think that great hair came from the nun dose but was it purring during the attack there's also the possibility that it's just a hybrid offspring or a subspecies of tigers or leopards or something like that so I'm cryptozoologist though think it might just be an abnormal version of the African golden cat the pro Phyllis errata the dobe horseshoe otters are very cute animals have you seen the Otters that that lay on their back and hold hands while they sleep because because they hold hands so then they don't tip over and it's it's cute because they're helping each shut up but cross an otter with a large hellhound and you get Ireland's dobar shoe known as the irish crocodile this creature is reportedly 7 feet long it can travel over land and in the sea and it's very bloodthirsty and also like otters they hunt in pairs Steff instead of holding hands they hold entrails sightings this creature go back to 1684 and they're often found in lakes around Ireland especially straw he's low in the county mayo mayo I don't know Irish but if you want to see a picture of one just go to the Cornwall cemetery in Drummonds they're carved in the gravestone of grace connolly is a picture of the dobar shoe that reportedly killed her in 1722 the no bar shoe is one of many water cryptids which isn't really surprising considering even to this day we've only explored like 10% of the ocean and there is something about the underwater world you know it's an environment that we can't live in you can only see so far down so it's not surprising that there's a lot of legendary cryptids that come from there but we're also always finding new species down there some that used to be cryptids like the perform mentioned giant squid the Chupacabra the chupacabra is easily the most famous cryptid on this list it was first reported in Puerto Rico in 1995 although there were stories of some weird creature killing livestock in the u.s. Southwest all the way back to the 1970s and it's extreme it's described as a reptilian creature with greenish gray or skin and giant spikes sticking out of the back it's not to be 3 to 4 feet tall hops around like a kangaroo and kills animals by draining it of its blood or according to some people it's really more like a hairless dog in fact one theory is that it's literally just coyotes with mange studies have shown that coyotes that are suffering from mange often just hunt the easy prey like livestock hence the name chupacabra which means goat sucker and as for why it was originally described as being kind of reptilian there's actually a theory that that's simply because the movie species came out in 1995 in Puerto Rico and that just kind of got into everybody's subconscious at least according to National Geographic way to go Ben Kingsley way to go and last but not least the UH Carini's finally we get to a cryptid that we can all identify with because it's a human that Carini's are said to be an indigenous people located in the Amazon rainforest what sets these apart from other indigenous people in that area is that they are apparently very European looking pale skin blond hair that kind of thing there are first reported in the 16th century by Spanish missionaries but these were also thought to be the inspiration for Percy Fawcett to go look for the lost city of Z a bit more recently they were spotted in 1924 by surgeon and Explorer Alexander Hamilton rice in a New York Times article in 1925 he described them as a tribe of white Indians at the headwaters of the perimeter who spoke a language entirely their own and ate cocaine as a relish for their diet of wild plantains oh they're stockbrokers South America is home to many uncontacted tribes as I mentioned before but the Carini's are thought to possibly be the okay from Paraguay early descriptions of them talked about their white skin their pale eyes and their blond beards so maybe it's them the irregularity of cryptid sightings kind of raises the question what is a minimum population that must be present in order for a species to be viable this is a tricky question to answer because it depends on a lot of specific variables about the environment and the life history of that species it's kind of hard to evaluate the life species of an animal when Ben you know discovered yet there are computer simulations that can help sort of determine what a minimum viable population of a species might be and researchers use it to look at the natural history of the species a reproduction behavior and movements of individuals amongst a population but once again you kind of have to have access to a species in order to really understand it in that way one quick shorthand is what they call the 5500 rule and what it basically means is that you need about 50 members of a species for short-term survival in 500 of a species for a long-term survival that can survive you know outbreaks and calamities and stuff like that so if you apply this rule to say the Loch Ness monster that would mean you would need about 50 of those in that lake which is kind of hard to imagine there being 50 in that one lake and only getting just rare sightings of it and not to mention never finding any remains whatsoever and this is one of the reasons that most experts will rule out the possibility of there actually being a Loch Ness monster so sorry Nessie fans but even this rule isn't foolproof there are species that have dropped below that number and still survive like the cheetah and the European bison so who knows but you can also apply that rule to the sasquatch and ask is there enough untamed forest land out in the Pacific Northwest that a population of 50 to 500 of these humanoid creatures could live without being spotted even by all the imaging that's out there today and no remains being found I don't let you guys debate that down in the comments of course if you ask me I think it's just a species of where foot so yeah what do you guys think this was obviously just five of them there's many more out there do you have a favorite cryptid something that you think could possibly be out there that we haven't discovered yet have you seen something that you swear is real and nobody will believe you but nobody believed you in the comments this should be fun real quick t-shirts available in the store answers with Jo comm slash shirts if you like fun nerdy and science e type stuff we got lots of them there's all brand new ones you can go check it out answer judo answers with Jo comm slash shirts I can talk thank you so much for watching this video and if this is your first time here welcome thank you for watching one of my thing Google thinks you might like this one so you might want to check that one out and there's many others down there if you like the cut of my jib I do invite you to subscribe but come back with videos every Monday and every Thursday alright that's it for now thanks again for watching you guys go out now I have an eye-opening rest of the week and I'll see you on Monday hope you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 750,795
Rating: 4.82551 out of 5
Keywords: Answers With Joe, random thursday, cryptids, cryptozoology, orang pendek, the nunda, chupacabra, The Dobhar-chรบ, mysterious creatures, unknown animals, bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, loch ness monster, acurinis
Id: 8CCksq7sOYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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