5 NFT Tools (How To Find NFTs EARLY & Sell For Profit)

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if you're new to the nft space there is a lot to learn trust me but this video is going to quickly help you break down a couple tools that will make your life way easier when getting involved in the nft space if you click on this video you're probably wondering what are some tools i can use to help me get better projects for nfts and make bigger profits well guess what this is the no-nonsense guide that i'm going to show you all the tools that i use there's about seven of them that are really really helpful for helping you guys identify great nft projects when to buy those nft projects how to track those projects and then when to sell them for the biggest profit so if this video helps you at all make sure you definitely leave a like on it because it helps other people find the video it helps my channel grow and it's free to do so why not and if you want to see more videos just like this one make sure that subscribe button down below so you don't miss any new uploads if you turn on bell notifications you'll get notified as soon as videos come out and you won't miss any time-sensitive material and trust me sometimes these videos end up making people a lot of money so you don't want to miss out let's look at some must-have tools to help us find great projects identify when to buy into those projects and then help us track them and figure out when is the best time to sell for a profit okay so right here the first tool is rarity.tools if you guys are new to the space this is going to be all new to you but if you've already been here and investing in nfts for a little bit bear with me some of these tools might be kind of obvious but i guarantee you there's at least a couple in here that you haven't heard of before rarity tools is basically a site that ranks rarities of different nft projects so you can see right here if you go to collections you can search any project that you want to see but these are all the top projects right now crypto punks board ape yacht club mutant apes cool cats you know all the cool ones i love to go in the doge pound because it's one i'm heavily invested in so if you go over to dogepound for example you'll see the page for the collection right here on the left side you can go and search the id of whatever your actual thing is so for one of mine it's 5815 and type it in and there you go you can see my rarity rank is 867 overall that's pretty good because there's 10 000 of these doges in the collection so it's a top nine percent doge based on its traits i think it's really aesthetically clean all the colors work together they got the pink necklace with the pink hair you got the blue and green glasses that match the background somewhat but you can see right here all the traits that are on this doge and you can see the floor prices of each of those traits so for your gold earrings the lowest floor price for any gold earring trait is 3.85 aetherium that is one of its most rare trades you can see right here only 152 of all the dogs actually have that trait so you can go and click that and then if you go back here you'll be able to sort all the doges in the collection by ones that only have gold earrings and then if you click buy now to toggle on ones that are only for sale you can see all the ones that are for sale with a gold earring right now it's sorted by rarity as default so the most rare doge is the number 38 overall doge that has a gold earring but if we want to sort by lowest to highest you can then see the floor price of that trait and like we said before it's 3.58 aetherium so it's safe to say that that gold earring is a pretty rare trait because it's got a pretty high price floor let's quickly look at another project real quick the board ape yacht club for example if you wanted to only spend a maximum of 50 ethereum you can type in 50 right there and then it will sort all the collection by apes that are only under 50 ethereum you can see right here all the ones that are in 50 ethereum and since it's already defaulted to sort by rarity we can see the most rare ape under 50 ethereum is number 7737 and its rank is 3516 overall out of the 10 000 in the collection in my opinion the best way to use this website is to find great deals on nfts you want to buy so for example here i'm starting out i'm going to go over to cool class collection because i want to buy a cool cat so you can see right here it's already ranked by rarity and keep in mind there are about 10 000 of these in this collection the price floor overall the lowest price right now is 7.7 aetherium so i'm going to go and click buy now to toggle that on and then i'm going to sort low to high and what i'm immediately going to see is the price floor right this is the lowest for sale cool cat on the market 7.7 ethereum and there's a couple of these there's three that are at 7.7 then it goes to 7.8 7.9 etc but what i'm going to look for here is not the lowest price i'm going to look for a good deal meaning that i'm going to look for a cool cat that on the number up top here which is the rarity rank is a low rarity but it's also one of the lowest priced ones that way i'm getting a better ranked rarity for a low price keep in mind all these numbers on the bottom are just the ids of each of these these aren't the rarities the rarities are on top so you can see right here this one's 7 000 ranked 9 000 ranked 9 000 rank this one's almost the bottom 8 000 7 000. these are all you know very low ranked overall but if we scroll down a little bit and keep looking we can probably find one you can see right here this one's a 5000 ring so that's better but it's still not that great anything in the middle of the pack or the top of the pack is always going to be floor material but right here we can see this one's 27.53 so this one's in the top 30 of the rarities however it's a 9.45 ethereum so it is significantly higher almost to ethereum higher than the floor price so right now based on what i'm seeing here this one's also a 2 900 but still that's closer to the top 30 i like to see a top 15 one before i really want to pull the trigger and all right now all the ones listed over here are all pretty low on the rankings so i would say that there's no good deals at the moment however sometimes you will find that there is a really good rarity rank score for one of the ones that's near the floor and that's when you know you have a pretty good deal if you want a specific trait and you know exactly what it is and you want to try to target that you can narrow them all the way down by searching for it on here this site is probably my favorite still as far as the rarity sites go there's one more i'm gonna show you in a second here but rarity.tools to me is still number one the other tool i'm gonna show you guys is rarity ranks the dogepound team actually made this tool so it's pretty sweet similar to rarity tools on their website you can see the different collections that they have here but the best thing i like this for is actually for their extension if you go over here you can install the chrome extension all you do is click install boom done and then it'll pop up right over here so then when i go over to openc and i search for the dogepound for example because we definitely know that it's on there it will automatically show me the ranks right below on openc if you're new to nfts this rank right here will not show on openc regularly you'll be able to see the dog id but you won't be able to tell it's rank right away so if we go ahead again and click floor price it's around two ethereum right now we can easily instead of having to go to rarity tools and do what we just did we can just do it right on openc now so it makes openc a lot easier to use as far as searching for good deals and it's all done with a chrome extension which is really great for products that are on the site so you can see here six thousand nine thousand six thousand there's nothing too great on the floor and this one's a five thousand so it's not terrible but they're here's the three thousand that's not too bad uh and it's 2.42 so it's a little bit above floor it's not that you know it's not that expensive but it's still a pretty good rarity rank i'm hoping we'll find something good here this one's 2038 2938 that's a pretty good deal but anyway the chrome extension allows you to see this all on open c so you don't have to go to an external website like rarity.tools you can surf openc and see any projects you might stumble upon you can see the rarity ranks as long as they're on rarityrank's site it's a new website and they're still improving it so there's not a ton of projects on it just yet but as morgan added to it i think it's really nice to have that chrome extension so you can see it right on whatever platform you're looking at the next tool is called dune analytics and this is a tool that i use for analytic tracking of nfts now for things like crypto and stocks and other things obviously you like to look at charts to see you know highs lows support areas technical analysis do all kinds of different stuff on the charts to determine the price action of a particular crypto but for nfts that's still relatively new dune analytics does a fantastic job of being able to track the important data that you want to see for nfts and trust me it is important that you track the data and i will say this not a lot of people are going to want to spend the time to do this but i think and i've seen it happen before with my own experience looking at projects and their analytics as opposed to just how the community is and how the art is i think is really important to have some data driven analysis to determine which products you want to buy into as you can see right here this is the overall nft market analytics you can see the overall nft volume it's actually come down quite a bit since august when it peaked but it's still holding pretty sturdy overall you can see some of the top projects you can see all different kinds of stuff on this one but what i really like to use a site for is specific projects so we're gonna go to board api club because it's one of the biggest ones you can sort up here by interval of day time hour whatever you want to do but the most important thing on this site i think for me particularly is looking at the floor prices of each project this is a good graph over time from april all the way till now and you can see the average floor price each day of the board api club this to me is important when you look at a project and you say hey this project may be two months old and its floor price is up really high right now we'll see where the price has been in the past has it held sturdy you can see board api club has been holding a 40 ethereum floor give or take on the day since middle of august so several months now it's been holding this 40 ethereum price floor to me that's a sign of a good stable project that has a strong community behind it the collectors in the space really believe in the project and it's not getting these massive pumps and dumps we don't want to see any of that on projects we're buying in because it's very hard to predict where that price floor might be in the future so this is a site that i like to look at you can see all different kinds of data you can see the top sales you can see who owns the most of them the four prices over time like i said before you can see the volume you can see all kinds of different data depending on which project it is and then you can favorite all these different projects that you like to look at so for me i like to look at the dogepound one a lot this one's a really clean looking dashboard i think you can see the amount of doges that the top holder owns so you can see how decentralized the project is you can see the current floor the average amount each person owns i actually own three so i own higher than the average amount and you can see right here the price floor action to me this project i really like the price floor action of it because over time it's consistently going up yes there are some peaks when good things happen to the project and then those things dump after that's natural behavior and you can see right here it's been up pretty good for a while it's coming down now because it just released the launch pad for the jrny crypto um partnership right there so it's going to come off of that price a little bit but the important thing to me is it's trending upward over time and it's very very very difficult to see this on a platform like openc it's almost impossible to find this analytic anywhere else and see it easily so visualizing this data to me is really important another site that does that really well is nansen.a the difference between nansen and dune analytics is that nansen will cost you a hundred and fifty dollars a month for the platform nansen i will say is a better platform right now it's got a lot of really great tools especially for nfts the problem is 150 a month is not affordable to a lot of people especially maybe some of you guys watching this video you'd much rather spend that 150 on minting new projects or investing as opposed to paying for a dashboard especially when you can get very similar analytics for other projects specifically in nfts for free with doing analytics however i'd be doing you disservice to not tell you about nansen because you can see right here it lays out all the data you want to know really well it shows you blue chip nfts their price targets their price tracking over time floor prices volume whales in the space it tracks whales specifically account holders that have a a million or more portfolio and nft so you can see right here hot contract smart money token god mode wallet pro fire smart alerts it's got all kinds of different stuff right here this is another one the nfc god mode you can see here this is the board api club keeping it the same as the other ones you can see it's got volume over time it's got price and ethereum over time uh minimum price average price all kinds of different data that you're going to see it's even got the links right here that you can go and check out you can also look at specific whale wallets and anyone's wallet really to see what they've been doing over time so if there's someone that you want to follow that's that's really good in the entity space that you want to just kind of follow their moves or see what they're doing you can track them really easily and get alerts from nansen through their website really great graphs really great data analytic visuals so it's definitely a recommended product the problem is it's 150 a month and even for me that's quite expensive so you're gonna have to really commit to making a return on investment if you're gonna use nansen.ai and pay that 150 per month now before i go on to the rest of the tools here i want to say quickly that all of these things i'm talking about i already pay for and already analyze pretty much every single week and i give away all of the crunch down information all the legwork put into a service for you guys and that's on my patreon on my patreon i basically have an nft calendar as you can see right here that goes through all the best projects that i'm looking to mint each month and as you can see in november the high rated projects have done really well on an instant return on investment meaning that the products that we wanted to mint have done really well in their price action since minting i also have an nft buy list of all the major projects that i'm looking to buy with price targets and price alerts i have an nft tracker for all of you guys to track each of your nft investments to make sure you understand where you are how much money you've spent on fees and how much profit or loss you're actually in at every given moment and i most recently added an nft review so that anyone in my patreon membership can go and send me a project ask my thoughts and i'll give them a full detailed review of what i think of that project a lot of times if those projects are really good i'll actually add them to our nfc calendar our community has found some amazing products so far that are actually on the calendar and have performed super well we now have over 500 members in my patreon so i decided to open up a brand new tier the whales tier where it's going to be very personal with a couple people it's very exclusive so if you want to join that i've opened up a couple more spots link down below check it out okay the next tool that i have here is back to rarity tools because they have an upcoming nft sales one of the biggest questions that people ask is how do you find these projects well the easiest way to do it to start is to find an nft calendar and there are a bunch of different sites like i said rarity tools has an upcoming nft section where you can go and see all the nft projects they have listed keep in mind some of these are sponsored some of these are paid uh not by me but by rarity tools they charge people to put their projects on the site so just know that some of these products are actually paying for this kind of advertising and rarity tools isn't always picking the best projects they're picking people that pay them sometimes so keep that in mind another one is next drop dot is you can see all these here kind of sloppy website to be honest with you but you can see some of the projects have going on here nft calendar dot io is another one they also have a pretty bad website in my opinion what the heck is going on here dear lord uh anyway they have one as well but the best one that i found so far is nft go it's pretty much in beta at the moment but if you go to their nft drop section and click learn more you can see that theirs is the cleanest looking site i found so far it's got the project name it's got the price total date and you can actually see all of their links right here you can even go to their mint site right here and it's quick and easy to see all the different places you can go all the different projects that are available and how much longer until they're actually launching i think this is by far the cleanest site i've seen so far you can sort by day it's all in one spot easy to analyze very quickly and check out or like i said before you could easily just sign up for my patreon and get the actual best rated projects at least in my opinion on an nft calendar each month delivered to you super easy and you can see the return on investment on those has been pretty good so instead of having to weed through all this and do all the work yourself i do all the legwork i spend all the time and you guys get the best projects that you should be looking at each day one more site i can mention is what's minting.live this one's more of a what's minting right now situation you can see the top entity contracts activity this one basically shows which projects that are minting today are hot which one have a lot of traffic uh again this site's kind of hard to read it's kind of hard to understand you can see the transactions and gas price graph it's kind of like a heat graph but even these like it's not really clean and easy to determine what's going on on each one you can see it's a little bit confusing i would say you can sort it by the the time frame here but i haven't used this one a lot particularly i know some other people have i personally like to find really great projects early on have them on our radar on our calendar and then plan accordingly to mint those when they happen as opposed to looking at what's going on right now and then writing what's hot after the fact i like to know what i'm going to get into ahead of time and there you have it those are some of the best tools that i'm using right now there are a couple more tools but in the sake of keeping this video not extremely long i decided to put the best ones in here for you guys if you want to see the other tools that i use again patreon has all that stuff and i take all those tools that i use and crunch it down to the information you need to know most so if you want to sign up for that link's down below and if you enjoyed the video definitely give it a big thumbs up it's free it helps my channel grow and it makes the community bigger which in turn does help you because at the end of the day the more people that are involved in this the better these projects will probably do alright we'll see you guys all next time have a fantastic day take care [Music]
Channel: Matt's Crypto
Views: 23,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to find nft projects early, how to find nft, how to discover nft, how to find nft gems, how to find ntfs, how to find nft collectors, how to find nft drops, nft tools, nft tricks, nft tips, how to find the next big nft, bored ape yacht club, nft mint, rarity tools, upcoming nft projects 2021, nft calendar, cryptopunks, nft guide, nft tutorial, nft, matts crypto, matt crypto, nft secret tools, nfts to buy now, hidden nft gems, 10x NFTs, nft rarity tool, nfts to buy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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