How You Distinguish a Good NFT Project From a Bad One | How I Do My Own Research | Crypto Champions

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what's going on everybody it's another great day live in the bret way and today we're talking about what i'm seeing in the nft space at a macro level in my new approach when choosing projects let's get into it [Music] all right guys so if you follow me on twitter you might be able to tell that i have a little different perspective on the market than a lot of the other influencers out there and it's really because i'm kind of concerned with a lot of these projects coming up right now so when i was making videos for the first time like three four months ago in the nft space there was really like one or two projects launching a day tops like five a week that you could really look forward to and every one of these projects had a very brand new angle we hadn't seen before there's a lot of innovative different ideas and really the term utility wasn't thrown around very much at all so any type of utility was like mind-blowing and so it was a lot easier for you to distinguish like okay this is a good project and whatnot so now that so much money has came into the space and nfts are going much more mainstream what we're seeing is just more and more i wouldn't call them scammers but basically rug pull projects or low effort low quality projects that are just straight money grabs and so i talked about this a little bit my last video but basically these wolf game projects that went off just basically attract like dozens and dozens of these cash grab projects that are just complete knockoffs they get fiber art in like two days they copy-paste the contract and just try to build off that or feed off that hype and what happens with these projects is a lot of new people in the space be like oh my god it's the next wolf game they don't do any research there's fomo in because they think they're going to get rich quick they fall for these sleazy marketing tactics and just again fall for the hype and so what's happening is there are literally dozens of projects if not hundreds of projects launching every single day right now and that is just sucking liquidity out of the market and so earlier in like three months ago earlier in the nft space there was a good balance of supply and demand projects were kind of hard to make ideas were all kind of more original of course there were copy copycat projects back then but not at this scale but right now what seems like is happening is that the whole nft market is just so much more spread out and demand and unique wallet hasn't really got up there yet so let me kind of show you guys what this looks like so you go to rarity tools you go into upcoming projects there was a time when i was looking at rarity tools i saw four projects on here total for like two weeks okay now we're seeing four 10 12 projects per day and these are only the projects on rarity tools and i'm sure they cap it to avoid saturation so there's probably quite literally dozens if not hundreds of projects launching every single day now that doesn't mean that you can't make money in nfts absolutely not people are making more money than ever but what this does mean is that it's harder to find the really good projects that are going to stand out and right now is a flippers game i have never been the best like quick flipper i've always held for a good amount of time like a few weeks a few months to get the best returns and so this game is very hard for us to keep up on especially since i'm running a project and making a youtube channel so i'm taking a much more different approach when i'm vetting projects so back then i was just doing quick research looking at their discord looking at their website and then i talk about projects on my channel well now it's so easy for these rugpole cashgrab people to come in and make a good website replicate all the verbiage all the marketing all the messaging as these other successful projects so from the outside looking in it's really hard to understand like the core values of the founding team and who is doing a cash grab and who is just abusing grossly abusing these buzzwords just to get hype and just get a quick money grab and the worst thing about these cash grab projects is these are people who probably don't really respect or understand nft crypto culture and they're really just doing these projects for straight cash grabs and then just taking all of that money out of the market and so what's happening is these people that are buying these rug pull cash grab projects are literally getting eliminated from the space because they only came they came in here based off a dream they bought into this project thinking it's going to be the next get rich quick wolf game project and now they get rugged they have no more ethereum they cannot buy any more nfts so now those walls are leaving the space and so these projects are doing extreme damage to the nft space so if you are new to nfts please make sure you are doing hours and hours of research before investing in a project especially if you only have a few if you don't have a lot of money to play with like less than half of an eth even maybe an eath you need to be doing so much research and really being picky with what projects you get in do not go into a discord and buy the first project you see someone talk about you cannot be lazy here going the extra mile is going to ensure and at least mitigate the risk guys like this is like we all say this is not financial advice these are extremely risky illiquid jpegs so keep that in mind make sure you're really going above and beyond to understand who is behind this project i don't have anything wrong with anonymous founders but at the same time it is way easier for anon people to just ghost and go on to the next project and these people are literally making millions of dollars doing this and they're going to keep being able to make millions of dollars doing this unless we do a better job educating ourselves and picking projects so i want to show you guys one quick thing that's kind of a clear-cut example of what's happening is there is so much more supply in the nft space more supply than we've ever seen before and this is what we've all seen coming for a while but it's actually here and it kind of just sucks so i want to show you guys kind of what you can look at and how to avoid this so just so you guys know what's happening like i said there's a ton of projects here but if you actually go to the data on openc monthly active traders we actually had the first down month on open c active wallets since i think may so in the last six to seven months it's always been going up we had over 293 thousand wallets in the month of october but in the month of november we only had 274 000 so this is so interesting because now more than ever you'd think we'd have the most mainstream adoption we saw jimmy fallon by apes we saw post malone dj khaled change their profile pictures like these are top of the top celebrities yet we're not getting an increase in wallet on open c and so what is interesting to me is that this could possibly be because so many new people that come in just instantly get taken advantage of the very first project they come and see because of some influence or doing a giveaway and they don't even know they're giving away a scam project i don't know what it is but it seems like all the new people that are coming to space could potentially just be getting immediately wiped out by these people and so i don't have a solution to fix those other than the fact to educate you guys so that's what i want this channel to be more based on is education on how to identify a good project from a bad project so the few projects i'm going to talk about today i'm going to spend a little more time on so i can really help you guys identify the little continuities that say okay this project probably is legit oh i really like the way this founder was portraying his vision to me just the little little details that go a long way and that can really understand that this is what is going to make a good project in the long run of course there are a ton of projects where you just follow the hype wave and that's what benefits flippers and that's what i mean by there's it's a flippers world but i'm not doing that full time right now so i'm not that guy if you want to do like quick flipping you need to be following auto suin you need to be following kosher plug get a plug pass if you can follow popeye on twitter like those three guys are killing it right now with quick flips but that's just not my game i invest in good projects that i believe in the founding teams and longer term so these are some projects that are upcoming that i do think that you will do well in the short term for a few of them but most of these the biggest advantage of the biggest value add are those tertiary benefits down the line that they have planned so let's go ahead and jump into the first project this project is a little more hyped up when i mean a little i mean a lot i think there's over 90 000 people in their discord already and that's going to be slotty nft so there is a lot about this project that i like there's one little thing we got to be careful of but for the most part i like it a lot so right now they have 28 000 followers on twitter which is perfect phenomenal exactly where you want people to be i think their art is really sick i think it's really detailed and really diverse and it's perfectly in line with the profile picture collection and on top of their unique angle which is going to be casino-based slot machines in their nft projects so the really cool thing about this project is one they have 90 000 people in the discord their engagement on twitter is fantastic i have clicked through these before they are real people these are not bots it seems the comments are very authentic people are actually excited about it they just have such high quality graphics such high quality art such high quality social media and discords and if you go to their website the website is just so well designed very professional very good taste which is a sign that very high level experienced people are behind it these projects these types of websites are not easy to make so that checks box number one their quality on every aspect of their project now if you read their website the only red flag to me is that they're promising passive income but i have talked to this team and i've realized and learned after talking to them that they are not going to be continuing pushing this message they are actually going to change it just to protect themselves they're not in the united states so they don't have to worry too much about securities laws as much as we do but to make sure that they don't get anyone in trouble they are going to change the verbage i just want to knock that out right off the bat before anyone says that but guys let's go into what this project actually has in store so guys this is what i mean by i need to be like i'm in a different position now than i was three four months ago like i was just a kid flipping nfts buying and selling and i'm talking about on my channel now i have a lot more people that i'm basically responsible for that's how i view people that follow me my subscribers like i have to be very careful with what i put out there because i know people are going to make decisions based on what i put out there so i want to make sure i'm going a step above and beyond to really ensure that these projects are not rug polls so if i find a project that i'm interested in and now that i have a following i can reach out to them and nine times out of ten they will hop on a call with me and discuss their projects so i can like actually ask them the difficult questions and so all three of these projects i have reached out to vetted them and talked to and i'm actually going to be an advisor for both slotty and crypto champions the next project i'm talking about so full disclosure guys i am an advisor meaning i will talk to these people give them advice on their project i'm a project founder i've done it before so they ask for my advice and i give them any feedback so they can kind of avoid some of the mistakes we made but that's only because i see a lot of potential with these projects and i know they have very competent teams and so i want to help them so i'm an advisor for slotty i'm an advisor for crypto champions but these two projects i'm very excited about because of the quality of the team behind them so this project slotty they have every hype metric possible to be looking really positive for their nft and so let's go through it so they're going to do staking so they're going to do their own token when you stake their nfts and those tokens are actually going to give you benefits and entrance into a lottery so you can literally buy lottery tickets on a regular basis and you could win the lottery in their discord community perfectly on brand with a casino-based nft of course they're going to do 20 rakebacks at casinos okay so we see a lot of other projects like monkey bet dao or gambling monkeys or gambling apes i think it is where they do a casino with their nft well these guys are a level above that and they actually have over 150 casinos that use their proprietary software meaning that if you want to make an online casino you go to these guys and they have all of the software on how to build all the big games on the backend like the technical side of a roulette table blackjack slots they know how to code all of it and basically power every online casino so that's a really good sign so these are what i mean by they're checking every single box meaning they have really good designs they have really good twitter managers they have really good discord mods they have really unique angles i know every single every single one of their like marketing pushes but they're not showing their project when they go to like big influencers tweets they'll actually literally do lotteries in the comments of these influencers which is a fun different approach of course they're partnered up with llama verse if you guys don't know who lama is he's an alpha group caller kind of like kosher plug and then of course i know danny yukes really enjoyed the way they did the lottery in his comments on twitter as well so there's just all these boxes are being checked and guys so one thing they will do is actually one of course they're gonna make a casino if they have the software so they're gonna make their own casino for their holders and anytime you participate in that casino you will actually get what they call 20 rake back at their casino which means if you put 100 in you lose it all they're gonna give you 20 back 20 bucks back just to continue playing and for being a supporter and a holder of their nft which is always really cool kind of gives the odds in your favor a little bit of course guys it is gambling you're probably going to lose your money but hey there's a small chance you might make some so have some fun don't ever gamble with money you're afraid to lose that totally applies to nfts and just straight up casinos and on top of that they will do some sort of reward to holders based on the casinos that they work with so they're in the process i think they already got 25 of their 150 casinos to verbally commit to supporting this nft project and they are all very interested but of course the art is on point i just really like the way they think about this and the way they're wording this by saying the slotty community becomes the house and the 150 casinos by adding nfts to the slot machines so you can think of this as defy gambling where you can invest into any of your nfts into the slot machine and earn high returns on your investment of course you're gonna do the rakebacks and another cool thing they're doing with their token is they actually will do breeding which is another good use case for staking and using that token so casino uh breeding rakebacks and of course they're doing the token with the watts and then the lotteries for all of their holders you guys can read the roadmap things are kind of in the future what they actually have planned so keep that in mind if you like nft projects that are fully ready to go right out the gate uh this might not be the case but they do have what i believe a very competent team with every resource to actually live up to these uh promises on the roadmap and that's really what you're betting on in my opinion so guys that is gonna be slotty and by the way they actually hooked it up since i am an advisor to give me 50 whitelist spots to give away to my youtube viewers so anyone who has subscribed and has notification on you can qualify for this whitelist i'll leave the link as the very first link in the description below just fill out that form and i'll choose 50 random winners you just have to be subscribed and have notifications on maybe hit the like button while you're down there who knows but i'll announce those winners in my personal discord which will be linked right under the form so guys saudis has a lot of hype and will probably do very well right off the bat because of their reputation and how well their pr because of their reputation and how well everything has been planned out and rolled out so their mint is actually in four days and 17 hours so make sure you get on that white list as soon as possible join their discord there's over 90 000 people in there which is absolutely nuts this project is set to do very very well all right and then moving on to crypto champions i talked about them in the last video and like i said i am an advisor for this project now so they reached out to me we had a good conversation i was completely sold and i was happy to help so i'm an advisor for the crypto champions as well and basically the crypto champions are this another very high quality project one of my favorite things about the crypto champions is they're doing a million dollar giveaway to their discord community like right now not after the mint they're not using the mint money to do this they are already all very successful entrepreneurs in the e-com space nfts multiple real estate multiple different industries and so they have plenty of money in their bag already so this is not a quick cash grab project that was very clear very quickly for me when i was on the call with them so they're doing a million dollar giveaway in their discord right now which is just absolutely insane and on top of it i think they have one of the most badass websites i think i've ever seen so i want to walk you guys through the website and show you what stands out to me and why this project really really really excites me so of course the art next level all around branding on point and of course they're going after what i value really heavily and just having a very high level network and community where you can all kind of share knowledge and help each other like sure making a thousand dollars on an nft flip in a day that's great that's a very good living and will change a lot of people's lives but that's short-term thinking in my opinion really the biggest hack i've ever had in my life in becoming successful is surrounding myself around the best people and that really just expedites my learning process and just makes me better while also having very good people around you makes you guys much more efficient and it makes the greater goal makes the greater goal just a much more high quality product so they are trying to foster basically champion holders will have private access to exclusive information networking events and online masterminds all right and then another thing that's always stood out to me is their artwork these 3d models are absolutely nuts these hype videos are insane this is like very high quality production and really good like planning on their part they have the privileged side the rebel side and the art is just really cool 3d models of course they have the soldier sergeant lieutenant and major ranking system which is just a really cool aspect of how to do your rarity and then one thing i do want to put some emphasis on here guys when we're looking at road maps okay so road maps are super easy to copy and paste and it's really easy to make very big promises on your roadmap and then just completely forget about it and just ghost after two months that's why i really pay attention to the way they're wording things in their roadmap to one make sure it's not like a copy paste from another similar project i've looked into and two really try to understand where their heads at and what they value so first off we talked about that million dollar giveaway they're gonna be giving away a lot of cash they're gonna give away a sports car a rolex a private jet flight and a trip to the maldives on top of that capital to start a business which is something that i'm doing right now with arc project the magic mushroom clubhouse i have funded multiple projects already and i think that's just something really really cool that you can do for your community like what's better than to straight up just invest in the people in your community that supported you nothing so i think that's really cool something i definitely align with and really a big reason why i wanted to get on board as an advisor for this project but the next phase of their road map is going to be access to priceless knowledge this is again what i was just talking about earlier these are people that are highly successful in e-comm in real estate and other entrepreneurship ventures but basically they're going to be fostering a community of some basically the best entrepreneurs and investors in the world that's their goal and so their top members include startup founders renowned investors whales entrepreneurs and nft collectors who will share exclusive knowledge through and guys they told me the list of people they have on their team and i was actually very impressed i know yomi one of the advisors and one of the founders of this team is very successful i think he's worth over 20 million dollars from ecom alone and so that is just a really good backing of course he went to mit and harvard so you have some really quality people on that team let alone in the community so be a part of a private mastermind guys they're actually going to do weekly zoom calls you'll get free access to all of their online courses because they already have online courses made from their prior businesses and on top of that they're going to do mastermind events where you literally will stay luxury resorts with other influencers go to private parties with other entrepreneurs it's just a really cool community to be a part of because they're such high quality people so and one of the coolest things they were doing that was really differentiating them in my mind when i was talking to them guys keep in mind i talked to like dozens of projects probably a day probably that might be a stretch but like probably 10 to 15 projects a day trying to vet the best the best and 99 of them i absolutely have no interest in and just say no because they look good on the outside but then when i hear their team it's just they don't have much track record they don't seem too qualified to make any claims like like you think if you say you're going to make a game you probably have someone on your team who has background to making a game before but you'll be shocked of how many of these projects are like totally clueless and they're probably good people but they really just don't even realize that they shouldn't be promising that they're gonna make a game if they don't have game making experience like you can make any type of nft project why are you making a game sorry that's a little bit of a rant but guys they do have experience making games and the games are actually already done they're gonna just do it after their mint but before reveal so they made three very simple games like it's not like call of duty but it's like like a pong level just very straightforward task you need to do and the better you do the higher score you get and so you have three very simple games and the better you do the highest scores you get are actually going to be able to increase the rarity of the nft you get so you're to mince it and before reveal you'll play this game and after the highest scores come out basically the highest score is going to get better better weapons and it's actually going to make the nft that you own even more rare which is something i have not seen done before and i think it's absolutely sick so a lot of people just like to play the gamble where they're minting this at least gives you somewhat control of if you get like the ultimate rare one of one based on if you get the best score in the game which is really really cool to me of course they actually plan on making your nft a 3d model that you can wear in the metaverse because that is a very big thing right now and on top of this you're going to get investment opportunities which is very interesting they're promising real estate off market deals access to early round investments and startups angel investing icos and ideos i mean that is just a huge opportunity in and of itself that you get a seat at the table or the opportunity to be a part of this of course they're going to have a community fund and their dow where basically the community can decide where to distribute funds in the community treasury which is always fun to be a part of and a very good learning opportunity then they're going to do a purge and basically they don't want to create fomo they want to create romo which is regret of missing out which is something i have never heard and i just love the mindset of this so i kind of want to read this specifically so you guys can understand why this project is so interesting to me because they said as said multiple times their main goal is to build a quality and value driven community where loyalty is rewarded most utilities will only be available for long-term holders and unexpected gifts will be distributed when it's most unexpected they want to create romo regretta missing out not fomo this way the floor will be a representation of our strength as a tight community they are basically putting their reputation on the community to the test by simply adding value to the project and that's what's going to be a reflection of their floor price so and on top of that guys the ninth phase is they're actually going to give away free merch which i think every project really should do for their early supporters at least and honestly it's the least you can do for people that supported you and paid that much for an nft to give them merch so really excited about that i think they have a really good head on their shoulders but guys the final thing that really sold me on this project is that they have a huge team like this is not just like two or three kids that saw something and made cue art and they're going to make an nft project and say the word community 17 times this is 20 plus high level successful entrepreneurs and artists coming together to create like their life's work and so as i scroll down here you're gonna see the four founders they are all docs you can look into these people they are all very successful entrepreneurs and guys you know that like i always say i bet on people if they've been successful at one thing they're probably going to be successful at the next this is yomi he's who i've been talking to but the rest of the guys i looked into them they are very very credible as well you look at their marketing team there's five people on the marketing team 10 people on their design team five people on their development team five people on their moderation team on top of that if you don't know how to mint they'd literally give you a quick walk through right here with direct links and there's always the faqs which are nice to see so guys that is cryptochampions that is the research that i do and that is really what stood out to me like the way they are talking in their roadmap just was really reassuring and you can really pick up on the values that they have and when i say values let me just make a quick recap of what i would say their values are so if i had to summarize it their values would be community but community is a buzzword so you can't take that you can't take that at face value what do they mean by community they mean by literally creating investment opportunities and networking and sharing knowledge in their community that is their niche like that is what they're focused on their focus on people who are interested in entrepreneurship and growing businesses online so one i respect that two they have a huge team so that literally shows that they're about collaboration this is not two or three guys with big egos that think they're the men this is people that want to work together to build something great that's two that's what i mean by values three they're giving you stuff up front they're giving away a million dollars on the discord before the mint that shows you that this is not like a make or break it for them like a cash grab like if you don't have a lot of money it's much easier for you to make promises after the mint well these people are legit they're giving away a million dollars performance so these are all like really good like boxes checked for me to be like okay this is a project that people that care they're putting their name and their reputation on the line so they're not just gonna forget about this so that's why crypto champions is one of the most exciting projects out there right now really just one of the most quality all-around like this website is so clean and i just really really enjoy the project i'm looking forward to minting these in the upcoming weeks now these last two projects are very cool but this next one is by far the most ambitious and what i am so excited for like if this comes to fruition which i have full conviction and 100 faith that it will because they already have it in motion so i guess i'll just jump into it guys it is called crypto land and so cryptoland.eth is the most ambitious project why do i say that because they are trying to buy an island in fiji and call it crypto island yes a quite literal physical island and guys this is not a mock-up on their twitter banner that is the real island so they already have the island picked out they've already been in talks with the fiji government they've been working on this project for almost three years now and so they want to create like a hub for crypto people to come and hang out and have a private island just for all of us and so the coolest thing about this project one is that they have invested hundreds and thousands of dollars into this 3d reveal video it's 10 minutes i highly recommend you go watch this it is so well made there's a storyline like look at the quality of this 3d animation this is not cheap and this is not quick to make the like the storyline the script is so witty if you've been around crypto for four or five years you're gonna get a lot of subtle references and they're hilarious so this video is actually walking you through what the island will be like okay so this is basically a way for them to promote their nft project promote their island that they're trying to make but actually show you what the real island that they already have will look like when if their dream is executed on and so guys i was very skeptical but then i swatched this video like okay that's a really high quality video but do they have the background to back it up and so i talked to the team shout out to my friend kyle chasse uh if you guys don't know who that is he has me on his live stream show the the crypto connoisseurs every single thursday go subscribe to kyle chase a really great guy but he actually introduced me to them max and helena you guys are amazing but i just love max's passion and him and his father actually have a very large background in real estate development so this is what they do and now he's bringing it into the crypto space and he's not playing any games i think i i think he said they spent over two to three hundred thousand dollars on this video alone so after watching this video i got really excited i want to do anything i can to get a parcel of land on here uh it might be a little bit out of my price range right now because guys if you go to their website you can literally go here and pick out your private lot on crypto land and crypto island so that is amazing uh i think if you want to mint one of these the price is 319 eth so a little out of our budget maybe the magic mushroom clubhouse could come together to get a spot we'll see who knows maybe we can work something out but i don't know if i'm going to be able to afford one but this is absolutely beautiful if you click on their video here you can actually see like the real island and what their plans are for and so it kind of shows you the three different sections where this is gonna be like the crypto working hub this is gonna be house of doubt and then this is the i think they call it the blockchain hills where you would actually have your villa in your plot of land so they are quite literally selling land for millions of dollars right now on this island that they already have talked to the government about they already have permits for to do this it's just a matter of developing it and obviously an idea this big takes time but this is going to be the hub for all crypto nft people you don't have to have a land to visit it they are doing a 10 000 uh profile picture project nft project and if you have one of their nfts you'll get access to the vladimir club and so you'll literally be able to go to this island whenever you want and you're a private access member to the vladimir club now the cool thing about their 10 000 nft project is that it's free to mint you just have to get on the white list so it's 100 whitelist but it's free if you do get on the white list and that means you can literally come to this island you get access to it whenever you want in fiji nut right this is what the power of nft technology has and this is by far one of the most ambitious projects i've seen and what i'm easily the most excited for i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure i get one of these lots one has already sold for over 150 eats so there's still i think like 50 to 60 left but this is just rolling out so guys if you have some money to play with you want a private island on what is going to be the crypto island of the world really just a hub of everybody that's interested in what we're interested in this is the place to do it they have a big house of dao section kind of like an incubator for crypto projects and then they have the hub and then crypto beach and like i said blockchain hills so gonna be really cool guys i highly recommend you guys check out crypto land even if you can't really afford those spots yet just like me it's definitely something interesting and i'm definitely going to try to get my hands on one of those vladimir club of their 10 000 nfts so the top 60 of the nfts are called the crypto kings they have crowns on them but the rest are all just membership to the vladimir club so really cool project guys definitely go check them out so guys that's where my headset right now those are three really quality projects that i've looked into i've vetted and i've talked to the team specifically i hope you guys understand why i'm doing that and i hope you guys understand like i'm not doing paid promo like you cannot just pay me any amount of money that i talk about on my channel i am very very selective i just i feel like i have a lot of responsibility to my audience and i don't want to shill a project where i don't really know the intentions of the founders so i'm really making it an effort to talk to these projects try to get whitelist spots for you guys for my mushroom holders and then really vet them and ask them the hard questions so i can kind of get a better sense that these people aren't going to have bad intentions so yeah that's my new process on how i'm really choosing which projects to get into and so if you guys just want to find like the hype every single day if you're a day trader definitely go subscribe to kosher plug go subscribe to bento boy and popeye my friend popeye uh one of the most og mushrooms in the community is actually starting to make a channel as well his twitter has been blowing up so definitely go subscribe to popeye on youtube give him a warm welcome for me but guys that's gonna do it for today's video i appreciate all of you so much for all the support thank you so much for watching if you could hit that like button mean the world to me comment below what you're most excited about in the nft space and yeah that's going to do it for today's video guys as always thank you so much for watching have a great day i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Brett Malinowski
Views: 36,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the brett way, brettway, make money with nfts, how to buy an nft, best nfts to buy, new nft project, best nft projects right now, the nft bottom, 100x nfts, jrny crypto nft, mint nfts, nft whitelist, how to find nft projects early, make money trading nfts, best nft trading strategy, what nft to buy, where to find nft projects early, wolf game nft projects, how to buy an ape nft, what is a bored ape, jrny club nft, dj khaled profile picture, squishy squad, crypto champions
Id: LR_KaPxKmlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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