5 Music Editing Hacks in Premiere Pro

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i want to give you five hacks that i use when editing music to videos within premiere pro for this first tip i want to show you that whenever i'm placing a transition between two clips and that transition happens to fall on a beat what i try and do is place it one frame before the beat so what i want to show you next is a group of clips cut to the music how i would normally edit it all of the transitions will happen one frame before the beat [Music] so now let me show you the other version of this edit where i place all of the edits directly on the beat and hopefully you can feel the difference as a viewer so personally i think the version that you just viewed feels a little delayed to me as a viewer and as an editor i much prefer the look aesthetically of putting the transition one frame before the beat like this [Music] if you find yourself editing to the beat of the music and you've never tried this before hey try it out and see if you like it if not you can always just switch back to editing on the beat but i'm really curious in the comments what do you do as an editor when it comes to placing your edits to the beat of the music for the next tip locking off your music tracks let's say i want to ripple delete a couple parts out of this project and i don't lock off my music track i'm left with a bunch of edits on my music that i don't want what would be easier is to lock off the music tracks create my edits and adjust the music afterwards if that makes sense obviously if you have a specific section of music perfectly timed to the cuts then you'll need to work around that and speaking of working around sections of music the third tip is to stagger your music tracks here we have a sub 4 minute video and within that video i have four separate pieces of music for the different sections let's say i wanted to do some edits to this first section i'll lock off that music i can ripple delete that and everything shifts down while this music stays the same now obviously there is an overlap here but it's easy for me to go in and adjust that afterwards if all of this music was on the same track and i locked it off like this and i went in and did that same ripple delete now everything's shifting over and we've messed up the sync between our music stems and everything that i've edited where this also comes in handy is moving around sections of your edits so if you're using something like the track select forward tool now i can track select forward and let's say i wanted to maybe move this whole section maybe i add more music in for this because i needed to switch something up or maybe you need to select all of this material move it to maybe the end of the video and now you can track select forward bring all this music and material in and then adjust your music accordingly using this technique of organizing your sessions like this is definitely a personal preference you could try it out if you like it awesome if not you're not going to hurt my feelings unless you aren't subscribed to the channel and you've been watching for a while i'm almost to 100k subscribers i would love to hit that mark soon so do with that information what you must next tip trying to end your music cuts with the actual ending of the song instead of an audio fade if it's possible here's the cut with a normal audio fade but what i think sounds so much better is if we use the actual ending of the song which is a nice [Music] [Applause] that definitely signals to me that it's a ending of whatever i'm creating let me highlight right here hit command k to make an edit and then i'm just going to zoom out and listen to where i want this to play [Music] so right here at this beat is where i want this to happen hit command k again right there on the track and then i'm going to ripple delete that so it brings this little section over and let's see what we get [Music] much better we can even uh shorten that a little bit maybe i will ripple delete that bit and hit shift command d to add a crossfade in there and now we get something like this again if i want to shorten this even more i'll highlight this hit w to ripple delete from the ending to right there and i'll double click my set duration and maybe make it 1.2 and now we have this fade and then a fader out [Music] so one thing i am noticing is the beat right here may be a little off so one thing that i want to show you is if you want to line things up to the most precision that you can you want to show audio time units so i'm going to hold option or alt on windows and hit the down key so that moves this down one and then i'm gonna take the music on top and extend this out you can see this beat right here is actually supposed to happen when this beat happens right here so i'm going to highlight these two and move it over one we're about lined up but if you wanted to really really get in there and match it perfectly what you can do is go up to your little hamburger menu and go to show audio time units so now instead of looking at frames on the time code now we're looking at audio time units so now if i zoom in i can really see if these match up or not it looks like i could move this over just a smidge to have it match up now i'm going to hold option hit the up key to move that back into place and what i might do is actually extend this over to see if i can maybe hit this beat right here i'll add the crossfade in i'll go back up to my hamburger menu and undo show audio time units and now we have [Music] man that is so cool if this video was helpful don't forget to leave me a thumbs up there are a plethora of other music editing hacks within premiere pro that i've already covered on this channel and would take way too long to describe in this single video so if you want to check them out i made a playlist you can click on it now until next time my name is javier mercedes hope you're out there living a life of abundance bye
Channel: Javier Mercedes
Views: 39,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Javier Mercedes, music video tricks premiere pro, where to place transition for music premiere pro, show audio time units premiere pro cc, how to edit music in premiere, how to edit music in premiere pro, how to edit video with music beat in premiere pro, how to edit background music in premiere pro, music editing premiere pro, premiere pro, adobe premiere, locking music track premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, adobe premiere pro, how to use premiere pro
Id: Ra5E8mnt-_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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