5 MSFS Airplanes You Should AVOID!

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welcome to this look at five msfs airplanes which in my opinion at the time of publishing are currently best avoided let's get right into it msfs comes with two iconic long-haul Boeing airplanes in fact this was one of my main reasons to move from X-Plane to the new Microsoft simulator however although the airplanes themselves look great and fly convincingly for default autopilot is terrible if you want to fly in a realistic way there are two main issues the first relates to the largely broken v-nav and I use that term loosely as in reality it's a dumb climbing descent mode tied to the nav log profile which has no regard for Speed or altitude limitations published in SIDS or Stars therefore making it useless for that Sim Etc despite using the navlog profile as a guide the default vnav has a habit of completely ignoring it at random and decelerating or descending during cruise this can occur thousands of miles from what should be the top of descent essentially prohibiting long-haul flights as you need to constantly monitor the aircraft to make sure it doesn't do anything weird as a wise man once said if you have to babysit autopilot it's not an autopilot I'll note here that you can reliably fly these airplanes in Flight level change and altitude hold vertical modes but one no airliner is ever flown in this way in normal flight and two this makes you entirely reliant on the Sims built-in ATC for vertical navigation the second major issue is that there's some kind of long-standing bug with the default boeings in msfs where the aircraft may start to nosedive just before turning on to final entirely ignoring any currently engaged vertical modes this always requires manual intervention and is guaranteed to ruin your day it's worth noting that this does not happen on every Approach at every airport it specifically occurs during the transition from Star to approach procedure on certain routes regardless of aircraft configuration fuel or weight the fun part is that you don't know if the route you're currently flying will suffer from this issue until the end of your 14-hour flight which makes the whole experience something of a crap shoot luckily a comprehensive Fleet of Boeing airplanes is being developed by pmdg but until that happens if it's Boeing I ain't going next up is the captain sim767 I debated whether to include this or the rhd 767 here but ultimately settled on the captain Sim purely because the rhd is cosmetically more authentic and I had to pick one of the two the main issue with these airplanes is that they still use the D4 autoflight system and in my experience every problem that I mentioned in the default Boeing segment of this video also applies to the captain Sim and rhd 767s this renders them essentially useless for their main purpose long-haul flights I don't really need to say anymore so let's move on Early Access is a label I'm generally wary of throughout the interactive entertainment industry it was initially used for products that were almost finished largely in late alpha or beta stage but needed a little more testing before release testing that could only be achieved at scale the price was also generally quite attractive to encourage widespread take-up of the product however in recent years the label has often been applied to products that are in very early Alpha stages where it's entirely unknown whether the product will ever achieve its promised potential and the whole situation feels a little more uncertain almost akin to crowdfunding pricing is also quite unattractive in some cases a recent well-known example of this is Kerbal Space Program 2 an obviously early stage game with no guarantee that it will deliver on its promises being sold at an almost retail price in my opinion the current state of the flight Sim Studios Embraer sits firmly in this camp at the time of writing it's a product that is functionally just above a default aircraft and therefore below the standard of some freeware such as V fly by wire projects the flight Sim Studio features a great 3D model with custom flight Dynamics tied to mostly default systems with some custom electrical hydraulic and UI elements my understanding is that there are plans for entirely custom almost study level flight management and auto flight systems and the aircraft does receive patches every month with feature enhancements and Bug fixes however it's obvious that the flight Sim Studios Embraer is still a very long way off delivering on some of its goals and whether it will achieve the remains to be seen to summarize in my view this airplane has so far taken some early steps on a very long journey a journey which some developers never complete I do hope that this embryo can achieve its goals and that the current 40 Euro asking price will one day be seen as great value but for now I very much consider purchasing this airplane to be something of a Gamble the DC Concord is yet another airplane but is hamstrung by its Reliance on default msfs systems however the issues caused by these systems are quite unique when it comes to an airplane like Concord to explain we first need to understand a little about how systems are programmed in msfs when following a flight plan an airplane must constantly adjust its path to stay on track this is achieved through automatic flight control inputs the sensitivity of these inputs that is how far an airplane is allowed to wander off track before correcting itself there is for each aircraft the same is true for the intensity of these inputs how much rolling pitch has applied to bring the airplane back on target as for speed of an airplane increases smaller adjustments have a larger effect therefore an aircraft like Concord should be programmed to make very small infrequent adjustments to prevent it constantly over correcting during flight this is something that DC designs have programmed very well Concord holds its nerve track at map 2 with no issues whereas a lot of other supersonic aircraft built for msfs tend to roll and wander constantly during Cruise so why is this an issue well in X-Plane when building an aircraft the developer is able to set different sensitivity and intensity parameters for following a flight plan versus following a localizer enm SFS the same parameters are used for both flight plan and localizer following this causes an issue in the DC Concord as its lateral adjustments have been tuned with supersonic flight in mind and not with consideration for the frequent micro adjustments required to follow a localizer at 170 knots the result of this is for the DC Concourse struggles to follow localizers and in my experience frequently lands to the left or right of a Runway even on occasions where approach mode is activated when the aircraft is already on Runway heading and especially in windy conditions that the real world aircraft and other simulations of it could comfortably handle I don't blame DC designs for prioritizing Flight Plan Following over localizer following this is ultimately a limitation of a Sim not a product but I would have liked to have seen some custom code used in this aircraft to enable separate parameters for different lateral modes other developers both established and new across freeware and payware have delivered custom lateral modes for example flyby wire Phoenix pmtg and more so it's disappointing when an established developer like DC designs does not make such an effort especially for an iconic aircraft the other elephant in the room with DC Concord is field room specifically the need for the pilot to manage it therefore taking on flight engineer responsibilities in addition to Flying the airplane I have add-ons built for flight Sim 2004 that feature a virtual flight engineer who adjusts fuel trim for you during the flight and the kalimata Concord for X-Plane offers the same functionality the DC Concord offers a compromise in the form of the switch for allows for pilot to move fuel trim forward and aft without having to worry about the detail of which tanks to trim per one I've never personally known this to actually work in any of my flights in the DC Concourse and to this functionality could be automated with relatively simple custom code based on flight profile and CG again it's disappointing to see DC design seemingly shy away from writing custom code especially when a relatively small change would be a huge quality of life Improvement for the product and a step towards feature parity with its peers both past and current for these reasons I can't recommend for DC Concourse in my opinion it's a missed opportunity and a headache to fly luckily various Concord add-ons by different developers are currently work in progress so the dream of a great Concord for msfs is not dead yet at the top of the list is an airplane that in my opinion is so truly Harvest but I can't bring myself to spend too much time on it the Braddock eurofighter has systems from a default Boeing a barely functional autopilot and worst of all a price tag above zero even when this airplane was briefly available for free it still cost me too much hard drive space to justify keeping it around to be fair to Braddock no 737 Max has continued to improve which is why it's not featured in this video and I understand the need for developers to experiment and cut their teeth on simple projects When developing for a new simulator but for the love of whatever deity you believe in or not there are some things that are Best Kept to oneself and not slapped on the marketplace for 15 to 20 dollars enough said thank you so much for watching and I hope you found this entertaining if you did please drop a like and feel free to subscribe as I make regular Sim videos take care and I'll see you next time
Channel: TiJayFLY
Views: 52,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs worst airplanes, msfs addons to avoid, msfs top 5 worst addons, worst msfs aircraft
Id: oG9diusJQ1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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