5 most promising anti-aging compounds (for 2021)

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hello and welcome to the cheeky science show where in this video i'm going to tell you what i think are the five most promising anti-aging compounds that i will definitely be keeping my eye on so i'll tell you not only what they are and what they're thought to do in terms of their anti-aging properties but also why i think they're promising but before we jump straight into it there are just a few important things i want to say first firstly just a disclaimer these are not recommendations these are just my opinions based on the current evidence we have and as i'll reiterate at the end of this video there's still a lot of work that needs to be done to try and understand the long-term effects of these different compounds in terms of not only their efficacy but also their safety especially in terms of the dose and more on from that these are just five compounds out of the more than 200 compounds that have now been classified as jury protectors and even as i was making this video my mind did change as to which ones i was going to include and as a bonus i did actually include two more at the end of this video but my point is is that there's still a lot of research that needs to be done and i'm certain that you as well may agree or disagree with the five that i'm going to mention here and so if you have a different top five then put them in the comments it'll be great to see what people have as their five most promising and so the thing is is that my top five could also change over time and so i guess if it does significantly depending on what research comes out then i could always update this top five in future videos so you want to subscribe so you don't miss out anyway if you do find this video interesting then i'm certain you're going to like the resource that you can find on the life extension advocacy foundation's website whereby they have a rejuvenation roadmap that basically shows you quite nicely where different jury protective agents are at in terms of their clinical process and i guess the last thing that i want to briefly mention before i begin is why is it so important to understand these different anti-aging compounds well by 2050 the number of people over 60 is expected to reach 2 billion worldwide roughly 22 of the population whilst in 2015 it was only 12 percent of the population however whilst there is a trend of increasing lifespan there's also a trend of increasing years spent with chronic diseases this includes age-associated diseases such as diabetes cancer and alzheimer's disease one way of dealing with this is to treat these different diseases separately this places a big burden on the healthcare sector an alternative strategy would be to target the aging process itself and alleviates the chances of developing multiple morbidities so the five compounds that i'm going to tell you about i've chosen based on what potential i think they have in terms of improving health span instead of lifespan however by improving health span there may also be benefits of increasing lifespan as well and this is why i particularly like leaf's rejuvenation roadmap because they split up these different compounds in terms of their effect by looking at which different hallmarks of aging they're most likely to have an impact on so in no particular order here are my top 5 most promising anti-aging compounds so the first compound is alpha-ketoglutarate alpha-ketoglutarate otherwise referred to as akg is a really important metabolite found within your cells playing a key role in the krebs cycle this is essential for the oxidation of fatty acids amino acids and glucose to generate atp that is the energy source of your cells but akg can also act as a cofactor for different enzymes including prolial 4-hydroxylase which is used to generate 4-hydroxyproline that's important for the synthesis of collagen and akg also plays an important role in detoxifying ammonia now i first spoke about akg earlier this year when a cell metabolism paper showed that akg when delivered as a calcium salt extended health span in both male and female mice and also extended lifespan in middle-aged female mice now measuring health span is notoriously quite challenging to do and the way that they measured this in this study was by using a clinically relevant frailty index that assesses 31 different phenotypes this includes visual factors such as loss of fair color as well as physical factors such as tail stiffening in addition to looking at their breathing rates and for example whether or not there's any hearing loss or visual loss and one of the most striking features that they found in the study as i mentioned in my previous video was the changes seen in their fur when the mice were treated with akg and they also found in the study that akg didn't reduce the number of senescent cells but it reduced the inflammatory secretion of the senescent cells for example you can see a reduction in interleukin 6 in the blood plasma so given that akg treatment impinges on some of the different hallmarks of aging such as cellulosin essence and intracellular signaling and metabolism as well as the fact that akg is generally recognized as safe i think that akg is a promising potential anti-aging supplement moreover i more recently mentioned a study whereby akg ameliorated age-related osteoporosis via regulating histone methylations and so given that looking at epigenetic modifications seems to be one of the better ways of being able to determine biological age as an indication of whether or not anti-aging supplements are effective it will definitely be interesting to see some dna methylation data in regards to akg treatment and another reason why akg is on my list is because a clinical trial of akg involving 45 to 65 year olds is currently being planned at the center for healthy longevity at the national university of singapore and this trial will look at the epigenetic clock as well as standard markers of aging including pulse wave velocity and inflammation among others and so as said here by brian kennedy this opportunity will allow us to go beyond anecdotal evidence with real clinical data to help inform physicians and consumers to improve health within the context of aging so that's definitely exciting news and so i'll be sure to keep you updated as we learn more now next up on my list is metformin now metformin is a medicine used to treat type 2 diabetes and it can also be used when treating polycystic ovary syndrome and like with akg metformin has been shown in a study to improve both health span and lifespan in mice now metformin has been used for more than 60 years in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and generally it's been seen to be well tolerated however adverse effects have been seen including diarrhea nausea and abdominal pain in terms of the mechanism of action again it's slightly similar to akg and that it impinges on nutrient signaling and metabolic processes a monster isn't fully understood how metformin acts it is thought that it acts through inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria reducing oxidative stress and also by activating the protein amp kinase which suppresses growth signaling pathways including that of mtor which sneak preview will be coming back to later and it also impinges on the insulin response hence its use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and interestingly it's also been shown to influence the microbiome which may also explain its mechanism of action and in the video i released earlier this year there was some infantry evidence that it could also reduce age-associated inflammation now the main reason that metformin is on my top 5 list is because of the targeting aging with metformin trial that is a planned six-year clinical trial at 14 leading research institutions across america that will engage over 3 000 individuals between the ages of 65 to 79 and the idea is in this trial they're going to test whether those taken metformin experience delayed development or progression of age-related chronic diseases such as heart disease cancer and dementia and so this would give us a really good insight into whether or not metformin could actually try and improve health span and reduce the onset of different morbidities now the cool thing with this trial is that they hope the fda will actually approve aging as an indication to signify that aging can be treated so that's the idea that drugs can be used to target aging itself as opposed to treating age-related diseases however the troll hasn't started yet but they do have their 14 clinical trial sites committed and interestingly they are working on a biomarker study but as they say on the website if this tame trial is successful and aging is made an indication for treatment a new era of treatment will be available so for those reasons that's definitely why metformin is on my list now next up are nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide precursors this includes the precursors nicotinamide mononucleotides nmn and nicotinamide ribosides as well as niacin so these are precursors for nad plus and nad plus is a really important cofactor within our cells that has two major functions firstly acting as a redox coenzyme and alternating between its oxidized and reduced state and secondly as a substrate for nad plus dependent enzymes including sertoins which we'll also maybe be coming back to later and i've spoken about nadplus quite a few times on this channel and so i'll link down a couple of videos in the description if you want to know a bit more about it so energy plus levels have been shown to the climb of age and mechanisms that increase levels of nad plus have been shown to extend lifespan in yeast worms and mice but as i said in this video i was more interested in looking at healthspan as opposed to just lifespan so it's interesting to see that in these wealth of studies nad plus supplementation has also protected against age-associated declines in mitochondrial dysfunction physical performance fission and arterial dysfunction just to name a few and so you can actually get these precursors from foods for example animen can be found in broccoli and avocados for example and niacin can be found in tuna and salmon however eating these foods wouldn't be enough to match the levels of nad plus gains in these different animal models so an alternative way is to take these nad plus precursors as supplements now unlike with metformin whereby we have 60 years worth of data looking at the safety of taking it in humans there isn't as much data to look at the long-term safety of taking different nad plus precursors especially in terms of what is the most effective and safe dose to be taking however if we go into the rejuvenation roadmap on leaf's website we can see that there's clinical trials being conducted using nmn by the sinclair lab whereby nmn is currently in human clinical trials at brigham and women's hospital and nicotinamide ribosides has been assessed in human clinical trials conducted by chromadex which is a company that has developed a proprietary form of nicotinamide riboside that has been found to be safe by the fda so for certain more studies are needed to really understand whether or not human health span can be extended however due to the availability of nad plus precursors and the high interest in it in terms of the number of studies being conducted i thought that nad plus precursors should make it onto my list now next up is resveratrol which is another compound that can be found in foods this time in the skin of grapes blueberries raspberries and peanuts now literally in my last video i spoke about resveratrol so i'll probably keep it quite brief here anyway resveratrol has been shown to extend lifespan in yeast worms fruit flies and mice when fed on a high fat diet and as i mentioned in this video earlier this week there's some human trial data whereby resveratrol seems to be alleviating the symptoms of heart disease and muscular dystrophy and the mechanism by which resveratrol is thought to be working is by activating the nad plus dependent protein cert 1 which is acetoin which is that family of enzymes i mentioned earlier in this video and cert one amongst many things is thought to be able to upregulate stress resistance pathways within a cell and so plays a key role in the dysregulated nutrient signaling pathways that is one of the hallmarks of aging and so for these reasons resveratrol made it into my list however i want to emphasize again as i have done in my previous resveratrol videos that it seems like there may be dose dependent impacts on the cell in terms of benefit or negative consequences and so it'd be really important to try and identify what is the safe dose of resveratrol to be taking and to actually have some long-term follow-up studies in human trials and so the last compound that's made onto my list is rapamycin that is currently given to patients undergoing transplants as a means of immune suppression to prevent rejection of new organs so robomycin has quite an interesting history and there's a lot of data that has shown that rapamycin increases lifespan in several muscle organisms such as yeast worms and mice and also delays the onset of many age-related conditions in mice this is nicely demonstrated in this table here whereby you can see rapamycin impinges on many different tool marks of aging including impaired proteostasis mitochondrial dysfunction altered nutrient sensing stem cell dysfunction cellulosin essence and impaired intercellular communication and so it turns out i haven't really spoken about rapamycin before in this channel but the way that it acts is by inhibiting the mammalian target of rapamycin complex one so the target was named after rapamycin's discovery hence the name and mtorq1 as a complex is really important in regulating metabolism and growth within a cell and so by inhibiting this activity it reduces signaling through the growth pathways and instead convert signaling more towards stress resistance and now rapamycin was one of the last minute changes to my list and although it was one of the first if not the first anti-aging compound that i came across however high doses of rapamycin used in trans block patients has been shown to cause side effects including poor wound healing elevated blood cholesterol levels and mouth ulcers and so one way to circumvent this would be to use a lower dose although this may also reduce the anti-aging benefits an alternative strategy as demonstrated in this paper is to have transient rapamycin treatment that was shown here to increase lifespan and healthspan in middle-aged noise and another alternative is to use rapamycin analogues that may have higher efficacy and lower side effects however this is still much under investigation but the reason i added it to my list is that there doesn't seem to be any particular reason to write rapamycin off completely yet given the number of studies that do show potential anti-aging mechanisms and if you want to learn more about it there's a really interesting opinion article that i'll link down in the description below that basically details the entire history of rapamycin and all of the studies that have demonstrated the use of rapamycin for longevity so if you are interested i'd recommend you check that out so these are my top five promising anti-aging compounds and to reiterate what i said earlier they are only my most promising because there is still much work to be done in terms of finding the right dose in terms of efficacy but also safety and also better understanding of the timing of when these different compounds should be taken and these are just my opinions not advice in fact some of these compounds are not even necessarily available to you at the moment however some of them are and if you are interested you can get ten percent off at do notage.org if you use the discount code cheeky but please consult with your doctor and do your own research first and now as i said earlier in this video it was quite hard for me to decide on my top five and so i've included two bonus compounds as well just briefly here at the end the first one is spermadine which if we go back to that table i showed you earlier it also seems to impinge on a variety of different hallmarks of aging similarly to rapamycin and the second one is physin that has been shown to extend health and lifespan by acting as a cenolitic which is a word used to describe a compound that can kill senescent cells and there are some human clinical trials being conducted at the mayo clinic and so i mean both of these probably could have been included in my top five so maybe instead i'll do separate videos on these that's a future date if there's more research to talk about but i thought it'd be fun to just kind of pick five because top five sounds pretty good anyway i hope you've learned something in this video and it was somewhat entertaining and interesting um be sure to let me know what your top five are obviously i think that even my own decision could probably be changed in light of more evidence but yeah i think again going back to my original points there's still a lot of work to be done in terms of really trying to identify the correct and most optimal dose to be taking as the last thing you want to be doing is taking something that could be more harmful than it is useful but anyway on that note i hope you've learned something and as always thanks for listening
Channel: The Sheekey Science Show
Views: 176,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anti-aging supplements, anti-aging compounds, top 5, most promising, aging, ageing, longevity, healthspan, lifespan, anti aging, david sinclair, AKG, alpha ketoglutarate, metformin, rapamycin, resveratrol, NAD+, NMN, NR, niacin, sirtuins, fisetin, spermidine, review, science, TAME trial, clinical trials, human trials, scientist, safety, side effects, reverse aging, nmn supplement, best stocks to buy now, longevity supplements, reverse ageing, anti aging supplements, what supplements should i take
Id: fxQA6xOL3rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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