Sulforaphane and Its Effects on Cancer, Mortality, Aging, Brain and Behavior, Heart Disease & More
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: FoundMyFitness
Views: 1,615,836
Rating: 4.9279113 out of 5
Keywords: sulforaphane, broccoli sprouts, cruciferous vegetables, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, NRF2, breast cancer, autism, glutathione, glucoraphanin, depression, schizophrenia, traumatic brain injury, huntington's disease, duchenne muscular dystrophy, heat shock proteins, neural plasticity, oxidative stress, inflammation, phase 2 detoxification enzymes, phase 1 biotransformation enzymes, longevity, aging, isothiocyanates
Id: zz4YVJ4aRfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Hey Rhonda - fan of yours from seeing you a few times on Joe Rogan - thanks a lot for posting stuff here. Just wanted to say that, I just randomly saw your post. I'll give this a listen, I'm a huge supplement/drug nerd (background in pharmacy, I work in bioinformatics - NGS/metagenomics now, hopefully I can contribute to the field with my software/bioinformatics work) and I'm glad there are people out there like you who are actually trying to do real science in areas many people sadly consider fringe (like anti-aging, nootropics). I've really had to search for alternative medicines/supplements because I had Lyme disease during pharmacy school which revealed to me how bizarrely separated from science our medical system is (and how information takes too long to get passed around/accepted)... so keep fighting the good fight, and thanks :)
Hey, guys! Thanks for the mad support I've received from so many of you. This video took a LONG time to make. It actually covers a whole lot more than just the brain stuff. As usual, I talk a lot about both human studies and animal studies. I think there's a lot of promise for sulforaphane as a potential nootropic, but only more research will tell us definitively. Things are off to a good start, though!
Here are a few of the major sections...
... I suspect the 26:30 is the one most interesting to many of you!
I'll try to check back in after a little while in case you guys would like to chat a little bit about sulforaphane! There was so much to cover in the literature that even this video that, as comprehensive as it is, it doesn't cover everything... which is why I have a whopping 2-hour interview coming out in a few weeks on my podcast on iTunes with one of the most prolific authors in this field, Dr. Jed Fahey. The conversation doesn't even repeat itself... it's literally almost 100% all new stuff on top of what I just shared in this video. Kind of crazy. :)
Post by Examine on sulforaphane:
Rhonda, what do you think about taking sulforaphane in supplement format, for those of us who don't like eating these vegetables everyday?
Something like this:
Hey Rhonda, big fan here! Do you have a guide (blog post/video/etc.) on how to grow broccoli sprouts at home? Also, aside from smoothies, what are some ways to enjoy them?
What is your take on sulphophan's anti-androgenic effects i.e. degrading DHT(the mechanism by which it prevents androgenic alopecia), lower serum testosterone? While finasteride is not exactly the same, but it can have rare but quite undesirable side effects and in theory any systemic anti-androgen will have same side effect profile including sulphorophan.
Great video Rhonda - I really learned a lot!
I am interested in good ways to try increasing Sulforaphane intake - especially as my youngest daughter has a condition that makes her susceptible to bladder and other cancers.
My question: what is the easiest way to prepare Sulforaphane. From watching the video, I got the impression a good way would be:
lightly steamed fresh broccoli sprouts + broccoli sprout powder + mustard seed
Does this sound about right? Is it important to have/grow your own sprouts, or is the powder sufficient? There were references to a broccoli sprout drink - has anyone tried a recipe, and could the above combination be blended/juiced?
You rock Rhonda!
Powdered broccoli sprouts?