5 Most Amazing Science Discoveries Made In 2019

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20:19 has been a fascinating year for science and technology a number of startling breakthroughs have been made in different fields of science on one hand NASA has continued to explore the deep pockets of space making new discoveries and expanding human knowledge about different phenomena on the other hand other space agencies have also picked up the pace and begun sending spacecrafts of their own to the moon and to planets within the solar system scientific research in fields other than space has also led to some startling discoveries in 2019 all in all 2019 can be considered as a highly successful year for the scientific community around the world so today here at unexplained mysteries we'll be taking a look at five amazing science discoveries made in 2019 the new horizons space probe flies by Kuiper belt object 2014 mu 69 launched in 2006 the new horizons space probe completed its primary mission of performing a flyby study of Pluto in 2015 then it moved to its secondary mission that was to perform a flyby and to study the objects in the Kuiper belt on the 1st of January 2019 at 5:33 a.m. the new horizons space probe successfully performed a flyby close to the Kuiper belt object 4 8 6 9 5 8 204 mu 6 9 this distant object is also known as the ultima fuel it is floating amongst the different asteroids comets and icy rocks in the Kuiper belt if you are not familiar the Kuiper belt is the region of the solar system that exists beyond the eight major planets the Ultima fuel was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in June 2014 in 2018 the new horizons space probe took some distant photographs of the object and finally on the 1st of January 2019 it managed to perform a flyby with this flyby the Ultima fuel has become the farthest object in the universe that has been explored by a space probe during the flyby the space probe flew past the Ultima fuel at a distance of only 2,000 miles earlier when the new horizons space probe performed a flyby over Pluto it was at a distance of five thousand eight hundred miles from the planet after the successful flyby the first photographs of the Ultima fuel were released by NASA the photos revealed the object has a snowman like shape the Ultima fuel is composed of two lobes that have roughly spherical shapes the lobes are tightly joined at the neck and at this part the material shines much more brightly and the other parts of the object the ultimate fuel is around 21 miles in length the official name of the distant Kuiper belt object is 4 8 6 9 5 8 2 0 1 4 mu 6 9 however after the exploration the NASA team named one lobe of the object Ultima and the other lobe fuel the object has a red color which according to scientists is due to the discoloration from the deep space radiation researchers believe that the two lobes of the Ultima fuel were most probably separate objects and they slowly came together to form a single object researchers believed that the images and the data obtained as a result of the new Horizons flyby across the Kuiper belt will revolutionize our understanding of the Kuiper belt the Ultima fuel and other objects that lie in the Kuiper belt the new horizons space probe has enough fuel to continue exploring the Kuiper belt for another few years according to researchers the probe could be in the Kuiper belt until 2028 so researchers are looking forward to receiving a lot of data about the Kuiper belt and the objects that lie within it a study finds that tons of methane is released into the atmosphere by melting ice sheets in Greenland recently a study has revealed that the thick ice sheets in Greenland are releasing tons of methane gas into the atmosphere the study was conducted by an international team of researchers who camped near the ice sheets in Greenland for a period of more than three months they collected samples of the melted water from the ice sheets the researchers used novel sensors in order to measure the methane gas in the melted water in real-time and the results were quite amazing it was found that methane gas was continuously being exported from under the ice sheets it was calculated that about 6 tons of methane was released into the water just at the site where they were collecting the samples from this is roughly the same amount of methane as released by 100 cows methane or ch4 is amongst the most important greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere only carbon dioxide and water vapor are more important than methane most of the methane in the Earth's atmosphere is produced by different microorganisms and some part of it comes from the fossil fuels such as natural gas after the discovery of methane gas under the ice sheets of Greenland the researchers are now turning their heads towards the ice sheets of Antarctica to find if they hold and are likely to release similar quantities of methane gas china achieves the first landing on the far side of the Moon on January the 3rd 1026 a.m. according to Beijing local time China made history as Changi for spacecraft made a soft landing on the dark side of the moon this area is also referred to as the dark side or the far side of the Moon it was the first attempt by any spacecraft in history to land on this unexplored part of the Moon we cannot see this part of the moon from Earth the details of this mission were kept secret by the Chinese Space Agency to the last moment once the spacecraft successfully landed pictures of the moon captured by the spacecraft were shared on Chinese state television earlier in 2013 another unmanned spacecraft named Chang III was launched by China that made a successful landing on the surface of the Moon however that landing was not on the dark side of the moon still with that landing China became the third country after the US and the former Soviet Union to make a landing on the moon Changi for spacecraft was launched on the 7th of December 2018 from Earth after five days it had reached the orbit of the moon then it started lowering itself towards the moon very slowly the Chinese lunar spacecraft explored the area of Van Carmen crater in the South Pole Aitken basin of the moon astronomers announced the discovery of a second repeating fast radio bursts over the years astronomers have been baffled by a unique phenomenon that sends a transient radio pulse of length ranging from a fraction of a millisecond to a few milliseconds it is known as a fast radio bursts or FRB astronomers believe that it is caused by some extremely high-energy Astrophysical process happening deep somewhere in the universe the strength of an FRB has been described as 1,000 times less than the strength of a mobile phone signal that would be received from the moon astronomers are not sure as to what causes an FRB in 2016 scientists made a breakthrough when they discovered the first repeating FRB they realized that a series of bursts was coming from one single source now in 2019 scientists have stumbled upon a second repeating fast radio bursts the first signal from this new source was received on August the 14th 2019 then within the next couple of months the researchers received four more signals from the same FRB source according to researchers this new FRB source that has been named FRB one eight zero eight one four is located at a distance of about 1.6 billion light-years away a detailed analysis of the first repeating fast radio bursts had revealed that it was probably coming from an extremely magnetic environment so there is a possibility that it could be coming from a neutron star or a black hole however when the scientists measured the polarization of a signal received from this newly discovered repeating FRB they found it to be very low this has led researchers to believe that not all F R bees are coming from extreme environments with the discovery of the new repeating FRB source researchers are now confident that they will soon be able to discover more sources of repeating fast radio bursts astronomers at the University of Warwick present the first direct evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals another amazing space-related discovery was made in 2019 when the astronomers working at the University of Warwick found evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals white dwarfs are stars like our Sun that have died long ago the recent study has shown that these stars have a core of solid carbon and oxygen because of a phase transition in their life cycle this phenomenon is quite similar to the phenomenon of water turning into ice however with stars it happens at much higher temperatures these new insights have led the scientists to believe that the white dwarves could be much older than they were previously thought in fact they could potentially be billions of years older than previously thought white dwarfs are amongst the oldest objects in our universe scientists have been using these stars as cosmic clocks in order to estimate the age of the neighboring stars during the recent study scientists observed 15,000 white dwarves located within a distance of 300 light-years from Earth according to researchers it is the first direct evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals now researchers believe that all white dwarf stars crystallized at some point in their life scientists have estimated that our Sun will also become a crystallized white dwarf after approximately 10 billion years but what do you think of these five amazing scientific discoveries made in 2019 be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comment section below and help us grow growing this community are working to solve these unexplained mysteries thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more amazing videos [Music] [Music]
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
Views: 459,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most, amazing, science, discoveries, made, in, 2019, science discoveries, science discoveries 2019, recent science discoveries, amazing science discoveries, amazing science discoveries 2019, science discoveries documentary, science discoveries around the world, science discoveries and inventions, 5 recent science discoveries, most recent science discoveries, incredible discoveries, recent discoveries, amazing discoveries, recent discoveries 2019
Id: JpV3g01AvEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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