What’s Has Been Discovered Under Europe?

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what if our civilization isn't the first on earth what if our planet which has been studied in great detail has a secret story that it literally burned just like me hiya bull caca burned the first version of the master and margarita it turns out that the earth has a bad habit of erasing its own history the faded remnants of such a story may be hiding under southern Europe more recently scientists from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands published a grand study covering the entire Mediterranean region from Spain to Iran they assure you that walking along the mountain ranges scattered around the Adriatic Sea you could possibly be climbing the crumbled remains of a long lost continent greater Audria arose about 240 million years ago after its separated from the supercontinent gondwana one of the predecessors of all the continents of the earth between about 100 to 120 million years ago greater Audria collided with Europe and began to sink and under it but some loose surface stones were too light and therefore did not sink into the mantle instead they were scraped off similar to how the sleeve of a shirt becomes wrinkled when leaning our hand against the edge of a table we begin to move it under the table top from this tectonic collision for example the Alps were formed the only surviving part of this continent is the strip that runs from Turin through the adriatic to the heel of Italy's boot the rest of the continental plate mass whose thickness was about 62 miles or 100 kilometers plunged beneath southern Europe into the Earth's mantle where it can still be traced by studying the speed of seismic waves at a depth of up to nine hundred and thirty miles or 1500 kilometers the lost continent of Greater Adria appears before us looking very much like a dissected cake as if someone had removed all the icing with a huge knife and sent the lower half before recycling into the bowels of the earth team of researchers led by one doubt van Ginsberg in a paleo geographer at Utrecht University has recreated the tectonic history of the Mediterranean with unprecedented accuracy the main tool of research was the study of the geomagnetic field or rather its fingerprints preserved in ancient rocks this discovery has caused scientists much confusion the Mediterranean region is a complete geological mess Vann Ginsburg in claims everything here is twisted broken and piled up by comparison the Himalayas for example are a fairly simple system there you can trace several large fault lines for a distance of more than 1,000 243 miles or 2,000 kilometers in the Mediterranean this is not the case geological history had to be collected in pieces and assembled like a puzzle as if someone's giant hand took this part of the earth like a piece of clay crushed it and threw it into a pile perhaps it's because of this geological microclimate that there's such a large concentration of States today the authors of the study note that the work on the study of the remains of Greater Andrea took 10 years and the challenges included not only the vastness of the area of study but also in territorial features coordination and work in 30 different modern countries requires special efforts by the way it was greater Audria that provided the ancient Greeks and Romans with excellent marble in the depths of the earth under enormous heat and pressure for tens of millions of years the limestone rocks of Greater Adria turned into marble eventually the friction between Austria and Europe pushed the sunken stones back to the surface where people found them and mined them that's where the marble came from which the Romans and Greeks used for their temples says Vann Ginsburg and here lies the economic potential of the study scientists hope that it will lead to the exploration of new deposits it's worth noting that Greater Adria is not the only lost mainland of antiquity scientists call the hidden 8th continent of the earth zealand a team led by geologist nick mortimer of gns science a geological research company and rupert sutherland of victoria university of wellington both from new zealand examined the geological history of the region and came to the conclusion that it was not just a bump in the ocean ocean floor maps showed a vast elevated area surrounding the islands of New Zealand an entity known as Zealand scientists believe that it is a single continent today it's 94% underwater and the islands of New Zealand and New Caledonia are its only major outposts on land geological data suggests that the landmass should not be classified as a set of islands and fragments but as a real continent Mortimer believes that a new continent may appear on maps and in atlases in the next five or ten years but these are not all of the secrets of the underground world under the island of Mauritius popular among tourists a lava covered piece of the ancient continent was also found professor Lewis s hauless team made the discovery by analyzing the zircon mineral found in volcanic rocks it was too old to belong to the island of Mauritius on which there are no rocks older than 9 million years meanwhile the discovered zircon is about three billion years old so why have the continents of the past disappeared what do they take with them to the molten abyss the earth consists of tectonic plates huge parts of the crust and mantle scattered about and crushing each other causing processes like volcanism earthquakes and continental drift from time to time one plate creeps on to another and part of the earth plunges down into the mantle taking with it all traces of the seismic tomography was a breakthrough in geology that allowed scientists from the University of Utrecht to create an atlas of the underworld a kind of cemetery of the ancient continents and their parts which are hidden deep inside Earth's mantle the map shows for the first time the location of nearly 100 massive remains of what used to be tectonic plates you probably thought that slabs that dive deep into the mantle just instantly melt but in fact they hang out down there for a long time and can sink as far as eighteen hundred and sixty miles or about 3,000 kilometers down explains van Ginsburg in Dalvin Ginsberg and and his attract colleagues hope that their comprehensive atlas of plates will help to recreate a more complete picture of ancient geography as if to rewind history but even with the latest methods one can only extract about 250 million years back from the memory of tectonic plates but what happened before then as previously mentioned Earth has a bad habit of erasing its own history on the borders of tectonic plates all over the world some blocks of the Earth's crust sink under others and under the influence of gravity drown down into the mantle this process is called subduction modern science claims that the cycle of complete dissolution of ancient continents in the mantle doesn't take longer than 250 million years that is traces of ancient continental platforms any older than this simply do not exist they completely melted down in the depths of the earth it can be assumed that during the existence of our planet of between four and five billion years at least 20 continental cycles alternating on the almost complete replacement of the Earth's crust have recycled its surface but what if along with the continents the remains of past terrestrial civilizations similar to ours melted in the depths of the Earth's mantle as well according to the theory of evolution it took several tens of millions of years an insignificant period of time in geological history for the origination and formation of life were there others civilizations on our planet whose traces have been destroyed by continental cycles today there are no scientific arguments that could completely exclude the possibility of such a scenario of course geological processes are extremely slow and at such a pace they pose little immediate threat to biological life-forms the evolution of which is obviously much more dynamic but imagine a situation where from outer space a fatal blow for all living things destroys all or almost all of the biosphere of our planet except for its most primitive forms consequently the earth could again for millions of years become almost completely uninhabited such an event would permit a geological timescale sufficient for the cyclical renewal of continental plates which could gradually disappear into the depths of the Earth's mantle along with everything that was then on them what do you think is it possible that the earth like Ouroboros alternates between creation and destruction constant death and rebirth let's discuss this in the comments [Music]
Channel: Ridddle
Views: 1,771,323
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Keywords: what's under, under Europe, has been discovered, discovered, Europe, continent, new continent, scince, Earth, Space, Geography, Education, science videos, ridddle, Ridddle, Riddle
Id: cz7hzOApA1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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