5 Moist Cake Tips that work Every Time - Never Dry Again!

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Hi YouTubers welcome to another top five. We've all heard someone say how nice a cake looked at a party but that maybe it was too dry. In this tutorial I'm going to show you my top five tips on how to make and keep your cake moist and delicious. (music playing) Actually it's probably the best option. Okay, tip number one. Let's dispel the first myth and biggest mistake a lot of us bakers tend to do. When they tell you to bake it until the toothpick comes out clean (glass break), it's already too late. You're halfway there to having a dry cake. Now, we all grew up with this hard and fast rule, so don't blame yourselves. The trick is to take out the cake as soon as the middle is slightly springy. The cake continues to bake for at least another 10 minutes or so after you take it out of the oven so that'll give it that last little bit of heat that you need for the center of the cake to come out spongy. It will take you a few times to get to know your cake batter, how it bakes, where the sweet spot is in the baking time to master it, but trust me. It will help your finished product. And by the way no fans Not those kind of fans. This kind of fan. Now I prefer a conventional oven which means that from the top and the bottom you've got continual radiating heat that heats very evenly inside of the oven. Even heating, even layers. When you've got a fan. What it does is it circulates really hot air very quickly everything bakes a lot quicker and cakes tend to dome so when they dome like that, that means that maybe it's a little bit too high in temperature. If you don't have a choice in the matter take your oven temperature down 10 to 15 degrees in heat and the chances of that happening...not so much. Alright tip number two. After your cake is out of the oven, you'll need to give it enough time to cool down to set up and be firm enough to unpan. We usually unpan and wrap all of our cakes in plastic wrap at the Cakery just before they reach room temperature. The reason we do this is so that little bit of heat that radiates while it's wrapped up and circulating will keep all of the moisture inside of your cake and not drying up and evaporating away. So tip number three this might be a bit controversial but if you're baking the cake to serve the next day or even a few days later don't refrigerate it. Freeze it. Why you ask, because the cool air from the fridge will gradually dry out a cake but when you freeze it, teeny tiny ice particles form inside of the crumb of the cake and when you take it out of the freezer and defrost it all of those lovely ice droplets will be the moisture you've longed for in a piece of delicious tender cake. Don't take my word for it try it. Okay so tip number four. This is my most treasured tip that I can't wait to share with you guys about how to keep a cake moist most of the cakes that we sell at the cake shop are three layers with two layers of icing in between and lashings of icing all over but before the icing goes on each layer, something else goes on before it. Ladies will know what I mean when I say you have to put moisturizer on your face before you apply foundation right. Well it's the same for cake. If you brush your layers with simple syrup. Simple syrup also known as sugar syrup. Equal parts sugar to water, heat it up until it's boiled and then cooled. It's almost like prepping your cake for its foundation, the icing. Now this is a very handy trick to know when you already have a cake that maybe you've over baked or you're scared it's too dry to put some sneaky moisture back in and your guests will never know it could have been a very different eating experience. Okay guys tip number five. The last one. Now this is about keeping your cake moist after you've already decorated and cut into it. It's really hard to keep a tasting delicious and moist when it's been in the fridge for a few days of eating on it, but if you apply this one trick you can get a few extra days eating from it. Take a strip of plastic wrap and use it to seal off the exposed cake layers. Then wrap the entire cake in plastic wrap too. This does two things. One, it keeps the cool dry air from drying out the cake. And two, other aromatic smells from your fridge such as cheeses and onions and things like that won't infuse into the flavor of your cake. So there you have it my friends, my five top tips to a moist cake. Please take the time to thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe to my channel to see the next instalment of my top five tips. If you have a great tip you'd like to share please comment below. I'll be compiling a list of my top 5 listeners tips to be filmed soon. See you later. Bye!
Channel: Jillian Butler
Views: 1,981,733
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Keywords: moist cake tips and tricks, tips for a moist cake, moist cake tips, tips for moist cake, how to make dry cake moist, how to moisten a dry cake, how to moist cake, how to make moist cake, why is my cake dry, moist cake making, Jillian Butler moist cake, cake again, dry cake, cake secrets, moist, jillians cakery, moist cake, dry cake recipe, chocolate moist cake, simple syrup recipe, moist cake recipe, How to moist cake mix, baking tips and tricks, baking tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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