How To Make Perfect Chocolate Mirror Glaze - Miroir & Tempering

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one of my favorite things is to learn today I have the privilege to be in the Bonnie Gordon College of confectionary Arts I went to cooking school many moons ago so it's always great to get a refresher today I'm going to get my hands dirty and get schooled on chocolate can't wait so today I'm going to show you tempering or for crystallizing chocolate so making chocolate decorations we'll get a little bit messy with that and also we'll get into miray so that really beautiful shiny glossy glazy seon cakes we'll do a nice really dark chocolate version of that will I be able to see myself in that Mir that's the idea in the end as long as it's all done properly for sure yeah all right so first thing is you have what kind of chocolate here this is a semisweet chocolate and I'll show you the seating technique so how to prepare it for for decorating this is looking really uh beautiful and obviously you have always that never touching the bowl underneath right ex yeah so anytime you're melting it you never want the water to actually tou touch the bowl cuz it gets very hot and be aware of steam too I mean water and chocolate are enemies you never want to get water in there all right so we got our chocolate melted now what uh we'll move on to the mirar glaze this way is actually very simple and straightforward which I always like so I'm going to take my water and my sugar basically we're just making a syrup essentially essal syrup um it's not quite equal parts it's a little bit more sugar heavy okay so I'm going to get the sugar up to a boil mhm and we'll also scrape in the glucose actually do mind scrap sure I'll do that so just if if you're ever measuring glucose I mean you can clearly see it's I always call it the stick a substance now for humans it's really messy to work with um my advice is use an ice cream scoop and scoop it out uh I find that the cleanest otherwise you can also use water and wet your hands but that gets a little messy yeah that's cool as a little aside because maybe if somebody at home is trying to make this you can't find glucose corn syrup white corn syrup white corn syrup is kind of the uh the homemade alternative so you can always use that in place of glucose okay all right so while this comes to a boil um what we can also do is start to soak our gelatin gelatin is really what will give the glaze that nice glossy finish and it's what kind of stabilizes it too M okay so how many leaves do we want so we have 12 leaves here quite a bit going into it so what we always have to do with gelatin first is Bloom it or otherwise soaking it first in cold water okay so are we doing it here yeah so we can grab the water there now the one thing too with using gelatin leaves is that we have to put them in one at a time y if you just take that whole bunch and stick it in the water it basically seals on the outside and then it never fully dissolves okay so one at a time yeah so unfortunately you have to go one at a time the leaves I love first of all you don't have to measure the water which is the issue with powder gelatin these ones are about 2 G per sheet okay I I love using these and if certainly you can find them and some GRS are now carrying it is becoming more widely available that has been the issue with them in the past they were more of a kind of a professional ingredient so to speak all right so now what we have to do is sift our cocoa powder you always have to sift it cuz it's very very lumpy yes is this a uh a Dutch process cocoa or you it smells yeah the arom is am so you can see there's all kinds of little drags here that you don't want in Fin and that's exactly what said Okay okay so our syrup's ready you want it to boil for maybe 20 30 seconds just briefly and then it's ready to go Coco all right yeah so right into the cocoa now we don't want to add all the syrup at once because what that will do is create lumps so I find working with cocoa powder you just do it gradually so you're making almost a thicker paste at the beginning yes and then adding more syrup to fin out and this way you just don't get big clumps of cocoa powder right that is crazy it's almost black all right a SC if you're a chocaholic you will not be able to resist this so intense right in my nostrils that is amazing okay so now we just have to add the gelatin so you just grab a handful of the gelatin squeeze out all the water and that's to be honest my favorite part of the and then it goes in there and the gelatin goes right in there heat of your hands eventually will melt it okay but just you know my hands are ice cold right now so there's no chance all right so all of those going in and gelatin melts very easily so just a really brief whisk and then it's all set to go and now this is essentially finished we just have to let it cool down now what I like to do afterwards and and you can do this now or you can do it a little bit later once it's cooled slightly is I like to strain it again through a very fine mesh s okay because you'll see on the surface now if we stop whisking it's it's bubbly and it's foamy and saving it I find helps to get rid of a majority of that cuz you want that clean smooth basically a mirror on on our T yeah so just gently strain it into a clean bowl and the finer the Sie the better cuz that just helps to get rid of all of those bubbles um so what we'll have to do while it rests is covered in contact with plastic wrap because of the gelatin it will create a skin on top of which we don't want right and you do that when it's hot still that's ideal so we're going to let that just cool down to Luke exactly you're really just going by the visual look of it you're going by the feel of it right you can feel the chocolate kind of thickening up as it goes um and that's how I temper my chocolate I don't worry too much about exact temperatures okay the way that I'm going to show us how to temper is the seeding technique and I think this is the most approachable for doing it at home seeding essentially means that we've melted our chocolate this is the same chocolate we've melted only this isn't it's unmelted state obviously we're going to add this back into it which might seem a little bit counterintuitive the whole idea with tempering is we're dropping the temperature as quickly as we can and while we do that we're applying movement that's really the only idea behind tempering you know you can make it as complicated as you want and you can also make it as simple as you want and for me I just really like Simplicity and I think this is the best way to approach it you're just dropping the temperature and you're stirring M and the key here is obviously just to when you're doing the seating is to just add a little bit of chopping you don't want to drop that whole melt in because it's not going to melt get EX yeah you can feel it thickening and that's really the key indication is that your chocolate is thicker than when you initially started right time is the Third Kind of factor we're trying to control so before you test it you want to leave it 1 minute undisturbed and then come back to it and then give it a test so always stir it again before testing it mhm the one thing that if there's anything that I've learned in my life with chocolate is patience patience is definitely key organization I would also add to that oh yes you're right because with chocolate once it is tempered you have to work quickly you have to know what you're going to do you have have the tools ready because it sets up really fast so if you're not prepared you'll come back to this and it's completely solidified and then you're like you have to do it all over again I got it but now I got to melt it all over so organization is really key okay ideally we want this to set up in about 5 minutes maximum at room temperature and a good aside in general if it's a beautiful July day and it's I don't know 100° in in your kitchen with about 80% humidity do not do not do anything with chocolate it's it's just not going to work just don't even bother don't even bother do something else exactly make it crisp just put some fruit on it yeah just exactly put some fruit on it you're right okay so we can see here that it's starting to just set it's set up very quickly within a few minutes so although it's not fully set now it actually takes uh at least 12 hours to fully crystallize and set right so ideally you do these things the night before if you're able to you can pop them in the fridge and front um but eventually that will get harder okay all right so to make our decorations we've got just some squares of parment paper um a pastry comb so just a plastic comb to draw lines through our chocolate uh using some office supplies we've got stapler and then just a bowl or anything to give our decoration some shape so a bit of a curve to it okay before you use your chocolate always make sure to give it a quick stir first going to basically drizzle I'm just using a pallet knife you could use like a spoon too so just drizzling a line of chocolate a little straight line yep that's good there okay so you're going to go more or less in the middle of your chocolate and kind of scrape it up and away on an angle okay and then you'll do the same from the other side I tend to rotate it but whatever's easier and I mean the the angle you go on is really up to you can be more kind of sharp or a little bit just wider MH and then and once you've got that yes you take your finger actually and you're going to draw the outline of a leaf so whatever style shape Leaf you want to do and then afterwards M you just fold it up staple it and place this way gives our Leaf a bit of shape a bit of a curve oh makes sense okay and then I like to just set it in the bowl just to kind of maintain that to be honest though sometimes I'll just leave it on the table as well put them in the fridge just literally 2 or 3 minutes you don't want to refrigerate chocol for very long that's kind of a no no but we can do it for a few minutes hey are these mine or did you swap them out to be honest I don't know anymore but that's okay so we're going to so yeah just gently peel it back and your Leaf should come a Michael you're a genius or I'm a genius we don't know we're both Geniuses just had a simple cake maybe it's covered in buttercream or something beautiful chocolate leaf on top it's so simple it's so beautiful too this can take a to all new heights just a few leaves on top of a simple cake beautiful look at that come on all right so we're going to glaze our cake so this is a chocolate mousse cake um and this has been frozen so it's built inside of a cake ring and this basically helps to mold it it gives it this beautiful perfect finish on the outside okay so we'll set this up here now to un mold this this is the fun part we get to use the blow torch little fire in the kitchen yeah and it's key obviously not to have this torch really high because then you're going to burn the cake right exactly it's fairly low basically as low as you can get it all right now I can it's coming loose there it is there we go perfect perfect excellent so I've just got a an offset spatula dipping it in some warm water you can just kind of smooth out the sides really briefly like that okay all right all right so now we can glaze so it's cooled down enough um you're basically looking for it to be kind of in between room temperature and body temperature um but also again go more by texture it should have this nice fluid texture to it almost a slight elastic quality is a kind of a way I describe it kind of give it a stir and Siege yeah I can feel that it's just got a little bit of sort of a viscous yeah texture you're all ready the thing too is you don't want to go too slowly basically just pour that glaze on let it just kind of flood and Cascade over and that gives you really the smoothest finish start in the middle work your way to the edges and just let Cascade over so if you want some color on it you can just right away drizzle it and it just kind of melds right into the glaze so we'll let this Now drain for a minute or two not too long cuz the cake is Frozen we don't want it to defrost and and melt off of it and while this is resting for a second just with your finger or a pallet knife removing all of those drips again simple but very clean very elegant and you can see the technique in that exactly yeah very just a very professional finish I find okay so let's see if I can pull off the so anyway professional finish here we go perfect technique all right so oh don't get ugly cuz there's a there's a fine line between lovely and ugly and a big yeah and a big go and then maybe some will just kind of slide down you never know what effect you're going to get it will create all these different shapes and you have to have a little bit of Faith too in what's going to happen you definitely have to have lots of faith in what's going to happen when it comes to glazing and now we leave the cake in the fridge to defrost and then we'll serve it and because of the the size of the cake it shouldn't take too long I would say about an hour or two in the fridge beautiful that was so much fun wow did I get the mirror you have the mirror see it oh that's so great Michael thank you so much it's been amazing thank you for taking me through a little bit of your chocolate world it's been great educational fun amazing and thank you for joining us on my favorite foods it's always great to go back to school it's a thing that I love doing and Michael was an amazing teacher today thank you very much see you thank you so much you're welcome
Channel: MyFavouriteFoods ChristineCushing
Views: 2,102,282
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Keywords: How To Make Perfect Chocolate Mirror Glaze - Miroir & Tempering, how to make chocolate glaze, best way to temper chocolate, how to temper chocolate, chocolate decorations, chocolate recipes, Christine Cushing, chocolate, Bonnie Gordon, Chocolate mirror, chocolate miroir, decorating cakes, how to glaze a cake, miroir glaze, my favourite foods, gelatin leaves, agar agar, chocolate mirror glaze, cocoa, cake decorating, food network
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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