Top 5 Woodworking Projects that ACTUALLY Sell | Make Money Woodworking

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in today's video I'm going to cover five woodworking projects not only can you sell but you can also scale a business around last week we made a video over five woodworking projects that don't sell and you should not waste your time on and I made that video because there are so many different YouTube videos telling you about the projects you should sell and I always felt like those projects are not really scalable and there's nothing that you can build a business around so that inspired me to make this video today which is the five woodworking projects that actually sell and then I believe you can actually go to business around and I personally would do any of these businesses if I had more hours in a week but I do not and so hopefully by giving this value to you you can start a business and start your woodworking Journey as well the first project we're going to talk about is giant letters you've all seen the giant letters that people stand behind and take pictures of at weddings or big events and stuff like that and I'm actually proposing that you make that exact same letter now this is one I've done in the past this is too short this is only a three foot one I'm saying go about four to five foot tall with these letters you can usually make them minimal tools I did this one with my cncs how this works and how it's scalable and why I'm very excited about a giant letter like this what you do is you make you know let's say a Mr and Mrs and the and symbol right or is it aspartame or aspar or whatever it's called you make all these letters put them in 10 by 10 storage unit go out to all the wedding decorators around your area and let them know that you're renting these for 50 to 100 a piece depending on your area depending on the size of your letter that decorator now has your contact and they know that you are renting Mr and Mrs or you have all the letters of the alphabet so instead of making 300 off of selling just one big letter you're renting it out every year multiple times a year and over a two or three year span a 300 letter turns into a two thousand dollar letter because you're renting it by doing that and having multiple different storage units at multiple different locations you start to build a business and then as that business grows you start introducing new items such as table toppers and candle holders and flower holders that you also make out of wood and start renting that out and then pretty soon you are a wood supplier for all these wedding decorators and venues because you built up a relationship with them over time by building these giant letters and the cool thing about these two they do not ship well so it's not like some other foreign country can make a whole bunch of these you know you're not in Texas getting it from New York it costs too much to ship by making these and targeting them in the localized areas you kind of will own that bubble so it's a really cool concept and idea I think if executed properly it can be a really big business as I move on to this next project I think it's really important and this is something that I've learned throughout the years that it's a lot better and you achieve success a lot quicker when you pick a Target and then design products around that Target versus doing what's natural designing a really cool product and making it and then trying to find people that buy it so for that reason this next one isn't just one particular product it's a group of three products that I would Target to a specific type of customer that I think is very scalable and you could actually build a business around and that is micro breweries so selling stuff to micro breweries could be huge why well the Market's big enough for it here in Texas there's over 700 different micro breweries you look on Google Maps right now and put a 30 mile radius of where you live there's probably one or two microbreweries there as well what products would I make for micro breweries and how would I Target them I would do a flight tray I would do a menu board or like a check presenter and I would do some tabletop games menu boards such as this one right here which is this your standard clipboard right and you'd put their logo on the back or maybe they want a long one or they want a check presenter a lot of times and you actually cut this in half and they put the receipt and that's where you take the credit card and stuff like that so that's one of the products I would do for it the next is these flights all these breweries you go there you pick out five beers you get to fly it you put their logo on it I did one for a Distillery for a big Japanese whiskey company right here I burned the top put their logo on it it looks super cool and the last thing would be tabletop games like the ring and hook game a little personalized tic-tac-toe the one where you move the golf tees just any little personalized tabletop games that you can make specifically for that Brewery I would make those three products and have no more than five variations for each three options on flight trays three options on menu boards you have your check presenter your long one and your full size menu board and then you have those games you know you can pick three or four games have it where the brewery can customize it to their needs but not like fully customize that product right so then you target these breweries you go to the brewery and say hey I'm a One-Stop shop for all things wood if you need me you need tap handles come to me you need menu boards come to me I'm the guy you're not that guy pal trust me you're not that guy I can do it you send me your logo you don't worry about anything else bro I got you so that's something I would tell my 22 year old self to do because not only is it profitable and very easy to Target your customer which is probably the most important you also get the drink beer and visit people and meet with them and they'll probably give you a free beer tokens and that's pretty cool too so let's move on to the next thing my next project idea is in one of my favorite categories of Target kids gifts and it's a Pickler triangle this thing is super easy to make even easier if you have a CNC so it's a little triangle like this that kids climb on you put some dowel rods in it you cut some boards and it folds up and it actually ships really well that would kind of be the flagship product that I would do to get into kids gifts and in particular this weird word called Montessori gifts I don't really know what Montessori means but if you look up the word it's a lot of natural kid products that don't have any stains and stuff like that because kids a lot of times chew on their products and so you can't have toxic paint and you can't have stain on there because they could technically get sick and so Montessori gifts are really good to get into because you use natural wood and you just use like a mineral oil or a beeswax finish and as a small woodworker what's super beneficial about that is that your finishing process isn't very expensive I've been around the wood World finishing is very very expensive if you talk to any professional woodworker that is probably one of the most time consuming things is finishing and Montessori gifts you just dip it in a natural finish use a wood like Walnut or Maple or cherry or just pick all three Woods you have 30 different color variants another little perk about that when foreign countries have to make stuff out of wood a lot of times they have to put a finish some type of finish on it before they can ship it over that kind of negates those the foreign companies from you know kind of taking over your business and they're super customizable because you can put little kids names and a lot of stuff one little tidbit that I would say is that make sure you have insurance because you are dealing with kids gifts have some liability insurance because you get sued one time your business is over it's not that expensive and it protects you from a lot of stuff once again kids gifts Montessori gifts get good insurance now on to the next project ah speaking of projects that sell this is a couple working on with Frio which has a removable rechargeable speaker on it super cool so if you want one of these or you want to support the channel in any way shape or form check out that would help a ton the next projects revolve around targeting service based jobs such as cops firefighters and paramedics why them it goes back to that initial point of it's a lot easier to make products when you know who the customer already is then make a cool product and then try to find that customer right so what I would do if I was getting into this business is I would start off by making custom signage for cops these signs typically have their badge number on it so whether you have a CNC whatever tools you have you can make some type of custom signage you know The Thin Blue Line flag those kind of things sell and you get into it by making just one for one of the officers on whatever Police Department is nearest to you and then you know how to Target the next one right so what I think will end up happening is you'll end up making all the different signs you'll get in with the wives of those guys then they have a kid and you can do police officer and try training little things for them and then they'll probably want concealment Furniture right because most police officers have guns you can make concealment Furniture the ones that go on the wall or the coffee tables that have the different guns in them thing that I've been asked a lot to do but I do not do right now is a stand that holds the vest at the end of the day so the cop comes home and he takes off his vest and needs to hang it put his pistol and his taser somewhere in his bed all in a nice neat location so by doing the sign and the vest holder and maybe throwing in concealment Furniture in there depending on your skill that would be a good start and you know who to Target right you're targeting cops or you're doing the same thing with firefighters but it's so easy because you know the person you're targeting hop on any kind of bandwagons you need to hop on you've got The Thin Blue Line flag they love it maker three or four products have your three or four different variations that could be a huge business opportunity so now let's go to the last project that I would recommend as I go into this last project I did leave out stuff like Cabinetry Millwork flooring stuff like that because that is more of a commercial woodworking thing and it's a totally different B least than most people when they have you know a miter saw in a planer and some basic tools so I did not talk about commercial woodworking for that reason I wanted to help y'all that are starting out and trying to make this a full-time job or those that have a full-time job already and want to scale your business this next project that sells it's it's so weird it hurts my head that it actually still sells but it sells really good and it's actually the very next product my company is coming out with and I think you can capitalize on it too and that product is stovetop covers and what I mean by stovetop covers is those ones that cover this type of a stove they're also called noodle boards I think they are huge and they have a huge Market what I would do if I was designing them I would try to figure out how to make them collapsible or come in a two-piece set that way you can ship them easier or figure out a really really quick way to customize them so how to scale this into a full-time business one you're gonna have to sell them online and you're gonna have to make sure that your shipping costs are quite low because shipping something this big May cost Thirty forty dollars right and so maybe by designing something that's collapsible you fit it in a smaller box and so your 40 shipping turns into 20 shipping or you make them very customizable where that client can put really anything on it and I seriously think you do not have to make anything else because there's no real substitute for this so you can make a couple complimentary products like a paddle board or maybe it's our community board or something like that but really this is a standalone product that can do six figures a year no problem and so I wouldn't try to do 10 different other things I'm still put back by it because everything else I talked about has either multiple products in it or has a big idea this is a standalone product that can really work for you so from my company to you good luck designing one I hope to see yours right next to mine and I hope we compete against each other it's going to be pretty cool thanks for watching everybody I hope you left this video with more knowledge than when you started if you have not already check out the video right here where we talk about five projects that I would not waste my time on and once again thank you so much for watching really appreciate it do not forget to like subscribe and remember if you ain't cutting it close you ain't cutting it right [Music] last week
Channel: Cutting It Close
Views: 446,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money woodworking, woodworking projects that sell, woodworking projects that make money, wood projects that sell, woodworking business, cnc business, how to make money woodworking, how to start a woodworking business, start a woodworking business, woodworking business ideas, earn money woodworking, how to make money, woodworking projects, how to sell woodworking projects, woodworking business tips, woodpreneur, handmade business growth, grow a woodworking business
Id: lsZ_J-9IE-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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