5 Legendary EQ Tricks The Pro's Use

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hey guys today i'm going to show you five legendary eq tricks that all the pros use eqs are one of the most essential tools to know how to use and in this video i'm going to show you five tricks that add so much life to your music that's crazy but right before we jump into that keep in mind that i just launched one of the biggest guitar sample packs out right now with over 300 loops and melodies inspired by elenium said the sky griffin and so many more chill electronic and electronic pop artists you can check that out in the description below this video let's hop into the video trick number one is a cell phone filter this is a really awesome trick to use in the transitions of your song and in this piece of music here i'm gonna use it right before my drop it's my favorite place to use this type of filter so the piece of music we're working with today sounds like this [Music] so we have the build up in this area or here and then the drop down here after bar 13. so the cell phone filter works really well when you use it on your instruments that happen right before the drop so you could use it on the chords bass the leads in my case i'm going to use it on the leads or in other words the vocal so here's the vocal that happens right before the drop so what we do is we go to the vocal load up an eq any eq will work make sure you go ahead and default the preset or initialize the preset so it looks like this now what you're going to do you're going to grab a high cut and drop it down to around 3000 hertz and then a low cut and bring it up to around 500 hertz going to add a little notch here or an increase somewhere toward the top of this filter none of these filters have to be precise but the closer you are to what i have here the better it'll sound you get that nice intercom atmosphere and you could use that anywhere in a song it'll always sound cool the second trick is how to make atmospheric vocals for the backgrounds of your songs i guarantee this is the coolest sound you've ever heard in your life for this trick to work you will need a piece of music and my piece of music sounds like this [Music] these vocal cuts i actually took from splice.com before we put the filter on these vocals sound like this [Music] go ahead and load up an eq is take a high cut and just make these vocals sound like they're underwater that's got to be the soundtrack that plays when you go to heaven this trick is filtering away all of the other instruments away from the sub bass so that you can actually hear the sub bass this is your little introduction to mixing in this drop here [Music] honestly unmix it sounds pretty good but you can't actually hear the sub bass because it's muffled by all these other instruments so here's my sub bass but i've all these other instruments in the drop that are crashing into the sub base so we can't even hear it our sub base is really prominent down here and somebody says super delicate we can't have any other instruments with frequencies that are down here otherwise it's going to make the sub base muddy so if my sub base is prominent down here i need to apply a filter that looks like this to all my other instruments so let's go to the high base which sounds like this and i'm going to apply a low cut filter to move this base out of the way of the sub base so this is the sub basis area down here so we're going to go ahead and filter this high base away from that sub base region if i look at these chords look there's frequencies down here in the sub base area so let's go ahead and apply a low-cut filter so the sub-base can have its clean area to be a base so now if we press [Music] play this next trick is making really cool eq filters during the drop to add dynamics now a lot of you in the boot camp community your songs lack dynamics so this will totally totally help so step one is to go to your master fader and click show output track and it's going to show a track that's a stereo out like this then what you want to do is you want to grab a channel eq as always and initiate your high and low cut filters so in this drop the midway point to this drop is right here and this is the most fun place to do a filter like this so without any filter this drop sounds like this [Music] very boring very flat so let's make it come to life with some automation on this channel eq so what we're going to do is we're going to take this low cut filter here go to my automation list because it didn't already and choose low cut frequency and make an insertion point and so this is where you have to get pretty surgical you got to get nice and precise so that your filter sounds really cool so it's going to be off for when we get into the second drop and then it's going to be off for when we go into the filter and i want the filter to start right here because there is a kick that happens right there so i don't want to interrupt that kick i want that kick to be heard and then let's make a nice kind of like a bell curve that looks like this that's not a good looking bell but like you get you get my point and one last thing before you press play make sure your filter is at the highest number possible this will ensure that the filter is nice and tight and precise i'm also going to increase this just a little bit this is resonance i'm going to put this on one let's go ahead and give a listen to this [Music] and just like that you get that nice flowy filter you can even increase it or increase the intensity by increasing just how high you want the filter to go [Music] yeah this final trick is how to enhance your kicks your kicks are the most important instrument in the mix so this trick will help you make sure you're a little stronger so here's my kick i'm going to show you two little tweaks that you could do to a kick just to make it come out a little bit harder the first one is that i dip around in between 100 and 200 hertz and what this does is it leaves more room for the sub base to be audible [Music] if we play it with the filter versus without this is a really easy filter to overdo so make sure when you apply it just pull back just a little bit so you ensure that you don't overdo it the second one is that i take a low cut filter here and i follow the natural dynamics of the kick or the natural shape of the kick and i just increase the resonance just a little bit and this is if the kick needs it some kicks don't need it some kicks this was already done too before you downloaded them this kick has room for a little bit of sub bass improvement so i can pull off a filter like this and that is how you enhance your kicks there you go guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you would like to learn more about every element of music production whether it's melodies chord writing music theory sound design mixing and mastering you can come join me in my edm boot camp which is linked below this video my edm boot camp is not just a course that teaches you all those things about music production but it's also an entire back end slack room where you can ask me any music production question that you have or send me your songs for unlimited track feedback from me and the other members of the boot camp that sounds like something you're into go ahead and check that link out at the top of the description below i'll see you in there [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Alex Rome
Views: 34,697
Rating: 4.9500179 out of 5
Keywords: eq tricks, how to eq, eq tutorial fl studio, eq tutorial logic pro x, eq tutorial beginner, beginner eq, how to eq vocals, eq electronic, professional eq mixing, free eq, what is eq
Id: nMfQMjx5zNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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