5 Jazz Chords That Actually Sound GREAT

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two you ever go searching for some great sounding jazz piano cords only to get a bunch of numbers and symbols thrown at you the flat sus 13 sharp 11 flat n there's a triangle in there for some reason maybe you found some easy cords but they don't sound very good look out well today we've got you covered today we're working on five easy jazz piano chords that sound great here's how we're going to do it today I'm going to teach you each one of these chords that I'm playing here in this chord progression show you how to build them we're going to play along with Caleb here in this groove simple Charleston [Music] Rhythm now none of this matters if you can't remember what we're doing so stick around to the very end I'm going to show you how to practice these cords so that they stick this is the way that all of your favorite musicians practice [Music] music let's check out our first chord here it's a D minor chord check it out we're going to start with the left hand with a d we're going to add an F with our right hand skip a note at an a the right hand skip another note at a c skip another note add an e that's a D Minor 9 chord but you don't need to do any of that just got to know it sounds good let's take our left hand let's drop it an octave shall we let's try [Music] it sounds really [Music] good play with us here group [Music] out again our simple Charleston [Music] Rhythm now the second chord of our progression is a G7 chord and we're going to get there from a very similar place here we're just going to move the top second to top note in our right hand our C down a key to B that's it we're going to move our root D up four keys to G that's our G7 chord now technically this is a G7 with a 13 and a n but again no need to know any of that just it's our G7 let's go between the two ready D Minor G7 D Minor G7 D Minor D7 feels great two more [Music] times [Music] easy peasy now the third chord of our progression is our tonic it's our C major chord and we're going to build it the same way that we built the D minor chord start with C in our left hand then our right end we're going to skip a note play e that major third above skip another note add g c major Triad skip another note add that seventh B it's our B major 7 skip another note add the D that's a C major [Music] 9 it's beautiful it's major it's bright it's [Music] Airy just like with our D Minor let's drop that lowest note the root down an octave in our left hand let's try it [Music] three it's infectious see if you can really lock into the pocket here too find this Charleston Rhythm lock in with me and Caleb for our next chord our F major chord we're going to get there the same way we got from D Minor to G7 start with our right hand we're going to take the second note from the top our B and move it down a key to a that's the only change in the right hand just like our D to our G we're going to go from C up four keys to F here's our F major chord and again it's an F with a nine and a 13 it's just our big F major [Music] sound go between those two chords C and [Music] F [Music] now here's our last chord our last chord is a crunchy chord it's an ad dominant seventh chord it's got a flat nine and a flat 13 all those symbols again right we don't need to know any of that we just need to know that it sounds super tense you're thinking Adam why would we want to play a super tense chord well because it's going somewhere important which I'll get to in a minute before we get there let's talk about what this is we start with our right hand we start on G we add a B flat above that go a minor third up from that a C sharp and a major third up from that an f and our left hand we hit an a it's an a dominant 7th with a flat n and a flat 13 it's big and crunchy it's unst table it doesn't want to stay here it's probably tensing up right now as I'm playing this but what it does do is go somewhere where does it want to go back to our first cord how great is that D Minor to G [Music] again to r c RF back to to our C now here's that big a chord let's do that again back to the D [Music] Minor to the [Music] tonic here's our a COR check out the [Music] hit huh two more times [Music] here put some flare on [Music] it h back to our D Minor play with us [Music] here C major F major C major here's our hits on the A on the one now the cool thing about this is if we want to lock it in we just have to do one thing it's what I was talking about in the beginning of this video this is the technique that all the professional musicians you know use to help lock things in we're going to transpose this right away we're not going to think too hard about it either just going to try to hear this so we're going to take it up a perfect fourth to the key of f which means that we need to start on a G minor chord so we're going to build it just how we built our D Minor but just in the key of f 2 3 so we start with our G left hand add a B Flat add a d add an [Music] F add an [Music] a drop the left hand in octave move the second from the the top note down one and move the roote up a fourth right here's our F major E flat major our D7 that's really all you have to do get these cords in a couple of keys it will lock in promise you play with us here see if you can lock into the pocket Charleston rhythm [Music] [Music] if you want to go on a deeper dive we have a PDF of the five easy Jazz chords atude in all 12 keys go to 5y chords.com to learn [Music] more
Channel: Open Studio
Views: 56,950
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Id: WrLFCznbNMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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