Crooked Face Chords

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[Music] if you play piano at all you can probably play something like this now these chords are basic they're beautiful and they're incredibly boring I mean look at this man's face there's nothing behind the eyes completely devoid of emo watch what happens when we add a little spice to this chord [Music] progression now you can call these cords spicy cords you can call them dirty cords hell you can call them chords for all I care all that matters is that your audience's faces crook up as if a skunk covered in knockoff cologne just walked into the room my name's Adam Addison these are the Crooked face chords the chords that make life worth living make sure to check out our free beautiful crooked face chords ebook you can find that in the description so what are the chords that we're going to use to spice up this very beautiful chord progression well we're going to use three different chords the first is secondary dominance the second are trone substitutions the third is something we like to call the Open Studio M chords but Adam don't forget to show them my favorite uh are you talking about these yeah all right Peter I'll make you a deal if you can stay awake through this whole video I will show them your favorite chords at the end but first let's get to secondary dominance secondary dominance are our first Pathway to get to our basic beautiful chords you remember our basic beautiful chords C A minor f and g just your simple 1645 in the key of C now a secondary dominant is any dominant chord that leads us to one of those big Landmark chords so if we're going to our a minor chord instead of going right to the a minor we can throw in the dominant seventh chord from a fifth above or a fourth Below in this case it would be an e dominant 7 to an A Minor when we go to the F7 why not throw in a C7 that's a secondary dominant chord going to f when we go to our G7 we can throw in a d dominant 7 let's hear how that sounds Al [Music] together it's very churchy it's very classic it sounds beautiful and the great thing about secondary dominant chords is they're very malleable you can put the base basically any note of that dominant chord could be the root so let's say we're going to use all the thirds of the dominant chords to lead to our Landmark beautiful basic chords right third and the base of all these what if we use the fifth on the base of all of the dominant chords like this a little Baseline pattern starts to develop you could even do the seventh of all these going to the third of landmarks a bit confusing but it sounds like [Music] this it's pretty beautiful actually so these are our secondary dominant chords wait Peter I see you we will get to it but first we got to hit the trione subs so if we look at our E7 to a minor right our secondary dominant going to that a minor notice that we can change the root note a trone away or a diminished fifth away to B flat we don't really have to change the rest of the chord the root can just change and it sounds great this gives us a B flat 7 sharp 11 it sounds very technical it is very technical but it's beautiful and it's really easy to remember we're just swapping out that root of e 7 for B flat 7 same third 7 and then that e now becomes the sharp 11 listen to this we can do the same thing going to f right instead of C7 which would be this we can change the root from C to g flat give us this nice sound same thing going from uh D7 to G instead of the D and the root we can play a flat so that whole thing sounds like this so despite all of this technical jargon about changing the root up a trone the cool thing is all you have to remember is that we're approaching each one of our beautiful basic Landmark cords from a half Step Above It hey life is short if you're tired of running in circles with your playing you got to check out Adam's courses at Open studio the number one online jazz Community back to the video right so the dominant chord that's a half step above [Music] another great way to do this would be to do sus chords instead of sharp 11s on all of the trone subs sounds really [Music] great even a trone sub on the way back so those are our trone subs now now next we're going Peter Peter calm down man we're going to get to your favorite in a minute but first we have to hit the Open studio mord finally we have the Open studio moo chord this is a cheeky little name we gave to a chord that's very similar to a chord called the Mew chord so this is an E major Triad ad n that's the original stean mu chord but when you take the third of the chord the G sharp and you put it in the base like this this is the Open studio moo now there is a difference Donald Fagan said that a Mew chord can't have the nine and the third they can't be separated they all have to be together so when we put the third in the base technically according to Mr Donald Fagan that's not a Mew this is now what we're calling an Open studio move hey if they get to make stuff up so do we so this is now called The Open studio move chord this is such a great way to get from one beautiful chord to the other so check it out we go from our C to our a we're going to put the Open studio move there that major triend with the added nine come on now again happening long before Steely Dan Church musicians been doing this forever it's a beautiful chord though check that out again all different inversions it's so clean and [Music] crisp do not sleep on the this beautiful Open studio moo chord so those are our three chords and I think now we can finally get to Peter Martin's favorite are you ready Peter to check out Peter Peter you there you've been so no Peter are you this dude's asleep after all that this dude fell asleep after I explicitly asked him not to fall asleep in my video unbelievable well you know what's going to wake him up some cush cords Kush cords what' I tell you Kush cords indeed Peter Martin so this is a completely different Paradigm than what we've been doing because we're going to take this entire beautiful basic kind of boring chord progression and we're going to take everything up a minor third from the key of C major to the key of E flat major now you could also think about this as the key of C minor I don't like to think about it like that but maybe that's just me I like to think about going from C major to E flat the only thing that stays the same throughout is the tonic itself of C major so if we have our 1 645 in the key of C major we can play 1 645 the one stays in C major but the 645 go up a minor third to the key of E flat major so we have now C major C minor a flat major 7 and B flat 7 back to C major how beautiful is that you know what's cool too is we can even do things like secondary dominance Mo chords and trone Subs check this [Music] [Applause] [Music] out and that my friends is modal interchange also known as Kush cords thank you so much don't forget to like And subscribe and download the free beautiful crooked face chords ebook that's yours for free if you liked these chords that we were working on today you're going to love sugar cord yeah yeah play those play those Peter go back to bed man happy practicing hey life is short if you're tired of running around hey life is short if you're tired of running in circles with your Jaz okay hey life is short if you're tired of running around with your Jazz playing you got to check out Adam running in circles running in circles Jazz doesn't make sense I'm just running around with my jazz I'm tired of that I'm so [Music] tired
Channel: Open Studio
Views: 120,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q-Wb0CsXV6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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