Religious OCD and Perfectionism

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody mark dejesus here welcome to this broadcast going to get into the subject of religious ocd and perfectionism if you've been tuning into any of the resources and materials i've been putting out on ocd and recently been diving into religious ocd or otherwise known as scrupulosity i've been i've been talking through how to work through it how to begin to get to the root system of what's going on and begin to process through i have experience as a pastor on staff of a larger church i myself pastored a small church for a season in my life and throughout that journey i had massive massive battles with ocd didn't know that it was that at the time i would have put ocd in a category that was like that's not what i deal with but since that time there's been much recognition and understanding of how ocd works its connection to anxiety its connection to guilt disturbance intrusive thoughts and all that and so god's done a tremendous work in my life and it's given me a great passion to help people to experience healing freedom and transformation from the inside out i have a great deal of compassion for people out there that are battling and struggling so i like to take these subjects and bring about some conversation to speak into your life and to coach you through teach you provide some insight provide some encouragement just meet you where you're at because i know a lot of these struggles are really difficult and quite often in the church we have kind of like the church world and then we have like mental health and they're like they seem like they're worlds apart and so it's like they are are they in conflict are they are they opposite or like why is that why have we kind of got that all these subjects way over here because here's the thing when i talk about ocd i find a lot of people benefit from what i'm saying even if they don't have intense ocd issues and what i'm going to get into today is the subject of perfectionism and the tie-in to religious ocd and i want to take a video just to spend on this because it's major it's a major thing to understand this tie-in of religious ocd and perfectionism because it's a top level distortion that fuels it i want to help you to understand it and i talk about seven distortions you go okay i recognize i've got ocd maybe you have intrusive thoughts unwanted thoughts crazy thoughts you've got these random thoughts you've got these thoughts that don't make sense and if you're a christian they often tie into your faith and so they get wound up in scriptures you read the bible you spin out even though we're not supposed to read the bible and spin out that's not god's design that we read the bible and then be tormented even though some of our religious upbringing kind of makes us feel like that's what we should do right because we were kind of taught this like self-punishing thing oh that sermon really punched me in the face and that was good and then we get kind of used to that and we think well maybe that's god so these distortions all they work together and you can see me talk about them in other videos but i think the perfectionism and religious ocd need some special attention and focus i have a ocd and perfectionism video you can check that out where i spend some time really unwinding it but i want to bring it down specifically religious ocd scrupulosity and how perfectionism is a big part of it and it's so important to me i think that we address this because um it fuels and not only the ocd but it fuels your relationship with god it creates a lot of this tension and pressure but i think it's helpful if you recognize you have it and we're gonna get into that a little bit in just a moment okay so let's define it what are we talking about here when we're talking about perfectionism we're talking about feelings of unsettledness or incompleteness so when it comes to like you're standing with god how you feel about your walk with god how you feel about your purity or issues like that you just feel unsettled maybe religious religiously in your faith walk your decisions you feel just unsettled incomplete right you want to make a decision and you're like um you have this incompleteness unsettledness and you pay a lot of attention to that because there's a driving force of things don't feel just right and this is what perfectionism is because when we're gonna unwind if you're saying man i got some religious ocd you're going to have to tackle perfectionism in your life and it's going to take some some specific mindsets to begin to overcome because perfectionism is nasty but i find that many times people live in a sense of denial people who have perfectionists perfectionism are often in denial at first and i would have been one of them and it wasn't until one day i was just incessantly searching because i was i was obsessed with trying to fix myself out of these problems these thoughts these crazy thoughts where is this coming from and then i'd research about it maybe this means something on this thought pattern and i'm researching looking at this issue right and there was a good heart in that i wanted to learn and grow and understand what it means to to live more free but it got obsessive and i wasn't i was under such pressure and i was researching personalities i think at the time and i was looking up the type a personality and i i was learning that the type a personality is it's often like valued like they're go-getters they're achievers right and i began to read the description and they had actually discovered a type a personality because they were trying to figure out personality traits that were more prone to heart attacks i was like whoa what's this about and they were trying to like you know cardiovascular issues and and they were seeing personality traits that were more prone to that and they came up with this type a personality they have a lot of anger they have perfectionistic tendencies they put a lot of pressure on themselves it can then put a lot of pressure on other relationships but they often live in denial of it because what they do is they have high standards and they say well i just have high standards and everyone else doesn't so i'm sitting there in my office and i'm i'm i'm pastoring a church at the time and i go this is me this is me i didn't like a veil just just opened up now i didn't feel like i was as type a as they described but i'm like i got a lot of that a in there you know and i and i when i talk to people with ocd issues you have to realize you have perfectionism and most of the time the initial say i don't have perfectionism no it's not because it's relabeled right that's like when i teach people about you know they have anxiety and i go okay so we need to talk about fear no no no i don't have fear i have anxiety because we separate them out we take fear we rename it worry anxiety stress concern those are all relabeled specific ways of how fear operates you have fear so oftentimes in doing coaching work i will bring up perfectionism says it sounds to me like you got a lot of perfectionistic tendencies no no it's just you know i just i have like standards no if you have any ocd you have perfectionism you have perfectionism it's there it's there you have got it in you it's working you just need some time to recognize it right why am i going into the i don't know and so it takes time to realize it now what perfectionism often do in religious ocd is we rename it you know because we have emphasis of like strong standards character i want to do what's right before god i want to live in excellence god is holy so there's there's these standards that we begin to use to kind of cover up our denial of perfectionism because there's christian words and christian cliches that can mask the perfectionistic tendencies for god's standards right there's a bunch of them let's kind of look at them these words like salvation this is one of the biggest ones that hit ocd people are you saved are you not saved are you really saved are you really safe so you're constantly checking checking because perfectionism tells you it's not just right there's this like i don't know are you really are you really and then you fall into the all seven other the the perfectionistic pressure is what sets the stage for all the other stuff trusting god so it's like you know do you trust in god trusting god no i'm really trusting god i'm gonna re really try to you know there's this joke of the stand-up comedian kevin james used to say years ago where he would um he would go to the movies with his wife and he'd be sitting there in the movie theater watching a movie with his wife that um she loved and there'd be a certain part that maybe she'd seen the movie already and she was excited about this part coming up and he would have this joke that he did so well where his wife would would nudge him elbow him and go watch this watch this watch this and he's like i'm already looking i'm already looking she's like watch he's like what does that mean like okay no and he'd take his eyes and he'd bug him out okay now i'm looking okay no i'm looking and she's like watch watch he's like i am i am watching can't you see i'm looking at the screen i'm watching and she's like watch right and that's what happens with all these subjects of like trusting god's like i really trust god i'm really saved why because there's an expectation in your emotions of this standard you need to feel that then always disqualifies you are you hearing me there's a standard you always need to feel and if you don't always feel it something's wrong and if you don't have that feeling enough something's wrong that is an impossible standard so right at the start you've already been taken out in your thoughts because the standard is set to this ridiculous level and then you have to have it all the time and when you don't have it you need to pay attention to it and do something about it so all my people with oh struggles with ocd recognize this initial this is the first line of attack that comes against you incompleteness unsettledness not just right super high standard that's that's that's extraordinarily out of context and you gotta have it all the time okay and so it then plays into these words and this is where it hides this is where perfectionism and ocd hides in the church because we're talking about eternity salvation is at stake like who's going to argue with that right who's gonna argue where will you spend eternity right it's like you got perfectionistic standards and it's holding you to the law and it's negating grace it's negating love it's gone out of relationship this isn't what the gospel is the gospel is good news the gospel did you know that the gospel is not rescuing you from hell that that's not the focus of it that's part of that's part of the beauty but many people express being saved because of being afraid to go to hell so your foundation began on fear so fear follows you right and so a relationship is not built strong out of fear so it's not like oh you're not saved now you really need to get saved it's really rebuilding the foundation and this is what a lot of times the apostles had to do bring the people back to the foundation it wasn't like we got to get you re-saved all over again you didn't do it good enough that feeds the perfectionism it's like no you've got to rebuild the foundation it's like this in marriage because i always i always i always relay things back to marriage when you get married you don't really know what love is wait i i think for a lot of people that might just be an illumination like they might i might have just said something that people didn't understand when you got married you didn't know what love is i just kind of let that sit for a second you got married out of the out of love that you best knew how you thought you knew love but you're really selfish love was based on infatuation right so that's how your marriage started so then you go into a journey you got to really learn what love is so do you look back and go oh i was never in love with you then and there was our marriage was never meant to be together some people do that right and we do that with our faith well maybe i'm just never saved and we go black and white that's the perfectionism talking and it doesn't take into context no you knew the best you knew when i got married i loved my wife the best i knew how and then when i got married and covenant happened it made me realize i had a lot of doggone selfishness in me a lot had a lot of pride a lot of stubbornness a lot of just wrong metrics but i grew in it because i was open to that perfectionism doesn't allow you to to grow because it's just so pressurized right i mean just look at all these words these words create terror in the hearts of a lot of christians a lot of ocd suffers holiness just that word could clear a room out right scriptures where it says be ye perfect as god is perfect like whoa look out purity there there goes half the room right there because they're like i just had a bad thought right now i just had a bad thought i just had a bad thought a sexual thought oh no here we go right standing with god righteousness doing what is right i talk about that in other episodes right that goes off the rails repentance repentance now early on in my transformational journey i started to discover deeper aspects of deliverance so i looked at some of my ocd battles and i was like okay this stuff's demonic i need to do spiritual warfare and yes some of it is but obsessiveness doesn't help you in deliverance because then what happens is you find yourself repenting repenting repenting repenting repenting renouncing removing repenting renouncing removing repenting renouncing removing and you're taking your deliverance cards and you're reading your prayers and stuff like this and you you is another repackage of the law that's not how repentance works repentance is not every day repenting of something that that's not relational true repentance is we connect to the goodness of god and in the goodness of god we recognize the counterfeits that seek to come against that goodness and we go i gotta let that go and turn from that right tasting of goodness helps you to see the counterfeit how do you know a counterfeit bill well you become very acquainted with what a real piece of currency looks like you become very acquainted with it so when you see a counterfeit you go oh right and so you begin to start going okay god loves me and he receives me he's like you bump up against that self-hate and you really see it and you're like man i'm repenting of this i'm turning from that i see it most ocd people are incessantly repenting of things they they that they're they're perfectionistically trying to fix things and it's exhausting them and on top of that ocd people spend a lot of time repenting for things they don't even need to repent for kind of leave that out there a bit because repentance is brought about in the goodness and love of god as you draw near to who he is you taste of it it makes you not want any of the counterfeit so these subjects like deliverance can get people i'm not against deliverance i just think it gets off the rails a lot and it becomes many times people become obsessed with that it's like once you get into a deliverance mindset then you talk about that in everything everything's a demon and everything's everything and and i was there i i was there so i get that because i've kind of gone through many different streams and layers of avenues of how to work through these things and anything that begins to feed law-based thinking can begin to take you off the rails even subjects like sanctification there was holiness movements where the church became obsessed with the holiness of god and were disconnected from the love and grace of god that is a bad recipe because then you're focused on how people dress do they have their bibles in their hands do they have the right bibles in their hands and that becomes your metric so you're scanning your culture to make sure there's compliance with outward standards it doesn't matter what the inside is like because we need the outside to be just correct and jesus would say man that's a bunch of garbage you have this appearance and that was the phariseeism the religious leaven that he confronted of his day he's like you switched the whole thing you start you're teaching transformation from the outside in conformity out here with all these added burdens on people rather than letting the heart experience the love and grace of god and the holy spirit in layers he'll bring the thanks to the attention that our need to be brought to attention but ocd it's like we get focused on those nitty-gritty little things and and what happens is it's like you almost become you get the best way i can say it's like you get ahead of god and i don't mean that in a good way i don't mean like you're truly ahead of god like you're advanced in front of him and and you know more than he does but it's like you get ahead and you're off on all these tangents and he's like i'm over here right how do i identify that well i gotta i gotta take the pressure off get into his love for me get into his grace for me right which one of these words throws you off the rails because they all threw me off the rails so so if you're like man that one word really yeah i get you um calling make your calling an election sure i could add to that election right election messes people up make it make it sure am i sure i don't know i'm i don't think i'm sure right or law that word law right there that infects everything of perfectionism because the basis is on making sure you keep it together and james said this he said you you take a little bit you can't obey just a little bit of it you gotta obey all of it so once you once you start letting the law influence you it's gonna eat your lunch it's going to steal your lunch take your lunch from you and gobble it obedience sacrifice and surrender so i had this thing of like if i wanted it i i felt like god didn't tried to surrender it anything enjoyable anything pleasurable anything that brought me excitement i got to give it up it was awful it was awful guilt is a big one responding to guilt i felt that guilt was always god speaking to me took me it took me some years of discipleship to unplug from that because i would always listen to it guilt fear guilt fear guilt fear so then there's others you know subjects like grieving the holy spirit blaspheming the holy spirit committing the unpardonable sin um the subject of correction conviction judgment of god or a loving god you know kind of go back for what is it what should we what should we listen to right so what one is a a trigger for you but for me i was obsessed with fixing myself and many of you are obsessed with fixing yourself and not focused in on being loved and loving yourself and in fact i struggled so much with that concept because i was like at first i was like well loving yourself means you're selfish i had to work through that what does it really mean to love your neighbor as yourself what does it mean for a husband who loves his wife loves himself like paul says and then there was another layer where i'm like well if i lovingly receive love and i and i and i let go of this fixing i'm compromising i was another layer i have to go through means i'm compromising and that again was that perfectionistic religious we'd call it religious spirit you could certainly call that that what are we talking about we're talking about a collective mindset of of a bunch of different ways of thinking combined into one sometimes when we talk about like religious spirit or jezebel spirit or these kind of things it's often a a way to name and label just like psychology would say the word narcissism what's it saying there's a collective set of mindsets that create this mixture okay it's not just one thing it's it's a collection of things together with one word we can help identify it and so that's what all religious spirit is it's a collective ways and patterns and in fact i have some articles and even some videos you can search my name and search religious spirit and you'll see some of those things it just kind of helps shows how we are towards ourselves how we are how we are towards other people and i had to move i had to switch from fixing myself to learning to be loved because i thought if i fix myself then i'll have peace and love and i just switch it around i have to learn to be loved right where i am right now right where i'm at okay so if not these certain subjects of faith many of them like the ones i just went through they will all lose context with perfectionism so everything on that list if you struggle with it you have perfectionistic tendencies and a perfectionistic view so it doesn't let you even hear it even receive it in context it's like you lose context it's like you it's like you tuned into a conversation you heard one sentence and didn't hear the whole conversation and and that's you know that's where this this pressure so you you you you hear that god is holy and what happens is love gets out of the picture if you if you think about god's holiness and love is removed oh just run run and hide run and hide because that fire will burn you right you become so afraid of him and you avoid god so then i'll give you another one the fear of the lord right this totally wipes people out because it the fear of the lord translates to an ocd person of being afraid of god right so the the fear of the lord is something that needs to be understood in the context of relationship even the bible says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom it's the beginning it's not the end so how does a strong healthy relationship start off well in in a true sense of respect for the other person right because if you love me and i go ah thanks for loving me and i whatever i won't gain wisdom right so if a teacher has a student and the student goes oh they're so nice and they take advantage don't do their homework don't respect the authority they won't gain wisdom so the fear of the lord sets in motion the ability to start learning wisdom because i respect and have awe for that which god has it's the beginning it's not the end i need to learn his love solomon was so great in his wisdom and if you look in proverbs where does his wisdom flow from do some homework and find out where did solomon get his wisdom from read the beginning of proverbs and it will show you the work of his father and the work of his mother his father and mother relationship were the conduits by which he is known as the wisest person in all of history so this is why i work so much on the father-mother grid in your life because your perfectionistic tendencies come out of you trying to earn their attention validation respect approval it's a survival mechanism we live by to make sure you do things just right okay i don't have that my my mother and my father they were great okay all right you got make you got make believe world when you get out of make believe world and you get into a whole new world right it's not blaming your parents it's not shaming your parents it's recognizing as each generation passes god is working to renew the generations so that we rise up in his love in his grace so that we get out of slavery which most christians live in spiritual slavery that's the perfectionism performance not sonship when you're in sonship you're not worried about god leaving being out of your life abandoning you being unloved being unworthy like no he's here i'm connected with him whether i feel it or not he's here and whether my feelings say it or not it's okay because i've i've learned to live enough and walk that i am a son i'm a daughter i don't have to be in that bondage of slavery anymore right are you with me so far yes mark with you or perfectionism where do you identify it you can identify it most where pressure is in your life so i'm going to look at your faith walk i'm going to look at your emotions look at the grid of your day where's the pressure and religious ocd has a pressure in a certain topic and that topic has been hijacked by perfectionism so therefore you get lost in it and never gets solved because a counterfeit is surrounding it okay so we want to look at your pressure point and i am passionate about the work of releasing people from pressure in fact god is working the opposite and if you if you feel those pressure points you you can need to read scriptures like when jesus talked about come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden i will give you rest the hebrew writer where he talks about be diligent like or i need to pay attention to this be diligent to do what get into rest get into rest there is a rest for the people of god get into it because the the world system run by the matrix the cosmos of this world the the the system that orchestrates mindsets and mind-molding works in the world wants to take you out of rest steal your peace take you out of rest right and what will it do there's two ditches we fall into we get out of rest one is we strive strive is the pressure's all on you it's all on you make it happen you got to fix this you got to fix this and perfectionists fall into that there's another ditch though and you can fall into this too and that's the ditch of passivity which goes why bother and perfectionism will send you there too it will cause you to procrastinate where you don't take a step until you feel it just right and you don't do things until it's all there and that steals your faith because a lot of times we take a step and there is a there is uncertainty and we're doing the best that we know and and so the perfectionism keeps you from taking steps of faith so it weakens those faith muscles so you're always afraid to take steps of faith you're always afraid to step away from those obsessive tendencies because you're like what if i'm in the wrong area because those fears and that guilt was so familiar you stay with it you stay with it and then when it's time to take a step out it's like oh i'm doing the wrong thing and perfectionism pulls you back right so you tend to toggle between those two and the hebrew writer gave words for that you know he told this driver cease from your works you got to chill out with the pressure all being on you right but he also told us a passive person be diligent to get into that shake off that passivity and be awake and take that step of faith today face your fears face your fears and begin to see that fear is just smoke and mirrors right so what perfectionism does keeps the pressure on you find your pressure point you'll find where perfectionism is you'll find where the healing needs to take place and it's not fixing the argument so if your perfectionism is around you being saved enough it has nothing to do with you being saved enough i don't know how many more times i can say that right the issue is not the issue but perfectionism will make it because it's pressure pressurized and you pay attention to the pressure and so when you cry out to god you're giving him the pressure and he's not under pressure and he's like release of the pressure but you're like but this pressure it's like when my son was was learning to swim and we were we were in the shallow end of the water and he was flailing throwing his arms and he was going dad help me and i and i'm telling him max stand up you can't hear me because he's screaming and the water's splashing i go stand up and when he finally heard me going stand up he goes oh and this is what god is telling you ocd people and perfectionists he's telling us stand up and you're going no i'm not saved i need to work let's see we're flailing the house and not saying i'm not saying he's just going to stand up and we're too afraid to quiet down and go stand up because we're afraid of that it's unfamiliar but then you realize the water is only a foot deep fear was telling me i was gonna die it's gonna tell me my life was over i was gonna go to hell all these things and look at me i'm standing i'm all right so you have to realize the problem with perfectionism as i've listed so far leads us all also into you're going to end up always following this feeling not just right that's your gauge now i'm going to give you i'm going to give you the strong truth i'll speak to you as your brother because i love you i'm your brother from another mother right but i want to speak some i want to speak some honesty into your situation your religious ocd presents itself as though i really i want to know the holiness of god i want to know that i'm truly saved i want to know that i'm truly trusting in his grace it sounds great but let's just be honest you just follow your feelings of things not being right that's your really your gauge it's not really that subject it's just that subject has taken that area the truth is you've not been nurtured in how to deal with your emotions and this is why the lack of a father's love and the lack of nurture from your mother those things will destroy your emotional future i have things going on in my kid's life right now that if i don't now this isn't pressure this is sobriety that if i don't allow myself to be aware of them slow down and walk with them through it they will struggle in those areas because it's my job my wife's job to notice their emotional state meet them in it and help them identify what they're feeling not tell them what they're feeling i'd help them identify it help them learn how to interpret it and then know what to do with it now what did i just described the distortions of ocd you know interpreting meaning is hijacked you know distortion of thoughts uncertainty all these things right the equipping of that is so important and so you have to realize you are you are ocd people you're driven by your emotions you're driven by your deceived distorted emotional interpretations you think this is what your emotion is you interpret it this way so it creates a lot of anxiety so you end up on a trail you don't need to be on so basically i've tried to say it a hundred thousand different ways i'll try a hundred thousand in one is you follow lying emotions and it's okay it's okay we're gonna lead you into freedom you're gonna you're gonna have to give yourself time because what you do is you follow the not just right you check on them and even when they're not there you check on them and if you check on something even when it's not there it will appear so if you go am i not really saved you look for it you're gonna find it am i trusting enough right you're gonna find it you will always find it if you check for it so the typical process that happens is you try to step up and take a step and then you check and what helped me was when i read the scripture where jesus says he who puts his hand to the plow and turns his head back is not fit for the kingdom okay now religious ocd people take that verse and go ah it means if you took your hand and you turn your head you're going to hell no no and i and i looked up that word fit because sometimes i marinate on words what does this really mean because i want to make sure i'm taking this the right way i want in a way that's empowering my journey because scripture adds life it adds empowerment and and and i got this sense of like fit the best way i can i can this isn't perfect interpretation but i got this picture of like fitness a spiritual fitness and jesus is telling us the kingdom journey that you're headed on is one foot in front of the other and you're turning back turning back checking is actually bringing that to life and that becomes your focus and it derails you from the plow it you start taking your hands off the plow because you're checking that right so that would be very very difficult if a farmer was pushing the plow forward and then he kept stopping and checking back it would quadruple the time it took to work the fields and jesus is like i've got to work some fitness in your life to help you be single-minded single-minded single-minded step in front of the other step in front of the other so perfectionists have to have to learn how to starve the addiction of checking on that metric of just enough you have to starve it and that's where you're wreath you you feel the um withdrawal symptoms begin to rise up and so you assume because you don't feel close to god that it means that that's true don't give me all your scriptures and things like that you feel that you're not close to god so you assume it's true and i had to come to an awakening that a lie whether i feel it or not and i feel all day i'm not close to god and i live as though that's a lie while i feel in conflict with that and that's what caused breakthrough is i learned to feel in what i know to be true now per you ocd people say oh everything's stuck in my head i don't have it in my heart okay well let's use your head for good you know the grace of god so step forward as a loved child of god even though every emotion in you is screaming at you that you don't trust him enough so you start stepping forward start stepping forward as though you are in agreement with him you're not faking it you're practicing right what's happened is many times we think this is the holy spirit and perfectionist will have to relearn what the holy spirit even is because they just listen to the loudest voice now scripture and faith walk is relational but perfectionism is going to keep you black and white thinking all or nothing unrealistic standards so listen to your thoughts and how you interpret them you'll have these in it and so perfectionism is going to just keep you based a standard based on the law and all perfectionists and religious ocd sufferers are going to have to get detox of a religious spirit the ways of the pharisee where you interpret basically religious spirit interprets everything from the bible out of relationship and so you get focused on the rules you get focused on all these things you become judgmental there's anger there's rigidity these religious measurements based on the outward it's like the best way i can explain this is i remember my pastoring there'd be some single people in the congregation and sometimes they'd come over to me and they would they would tell me some of the single guys or single people they tell me about you know somebody else's marriage about what they what they think you know because there's some things they need to do with their kids and i would just chuckle of what their sense of standard that parents should be living in you know about keeping their kids quiet or you know they need to spend more time and they need to keep the order and you know they just you know i went over their house and you know the the the father was you know he he he was he was falling asleep on the couch or the mother was and they need to do and i was like wow you have a really beautiful cookie cutter picture of what parenting and marriage should be yes he hasn't parented because when you parent you come into a house and you see mom you know so exhausted or whatever you go ship been there been there you understand right this is what religious a religious spirit does you're outside of relationship meaning you're outside the actual experience of relational connection because when you're in relationship stuff gets put into context right this is why i'm not a big fan of like social media interactions because it's out of relationship you can write something and just slam somebody with it you're not actually sitting in front of them having a relational conversation because if you're in front of them what you're saying would change context would happen they're in front of you right the enemy's always wanting to disconnect you from relationship so you're accessing the ways of god with rules and all these things without just sitting and being loved so we're busy so we do a lot of stuff we go to church and we get all our check boxes off there's no relational connection and then the perfectionism accuses you so you feel that emptiness and it's like yep because you don't trust god enough lies lies lies so we constantly lacking that joy and the fruit of the spirit joy is a key one that's when you lack joy it's a key it's a it's a signal religious heaviness legalism law perfectionism is a is a yoke on you it's a yoke and it's heavy it's a heavy one you know many of our church services they just have that yoke of heaviness oh god oh come before you you know oh everything's heavy and god put in the fruit of the spirit number two joy paul even rule the kingdom is righteousness peace and joy where's the joy where's the joy and many of you are accused because you don't have joy oh because you don't trust enough puts it all back on you so perfectionism comes in creates unrealistic standards you need to have it enough then you fall into it then there's no joy then it accuses you on the back end that's because you're not good enough christian and here's the thing i'm going to be super honest this works in a lot of church cultures because it feeds that do more give more serve more i know because i don't do enough right instead of hey i'm a free you that equip you to be able to read the word for yourself be empowered that you can rise up yourself and be able to lead your family and empower you that's you know that frustrates the perfectionistic pressure it's relational right and that inner critic just keeps rising up always accusing always accusing always accusing always beating you up and so it um you have that voice within you what does it do what does it do always puts pressure always leaves you guilty and fearful now if you and i were friends and every time we got together i made you feel guilty and fearful would you call me up to hang out if every time you around me i just made you just i just guilted you in anxiety so why do we think that we're gonna build a relationship with god thinking we're gonna do it based on guilt and fear how are we gonna have you you never have a marriage when jesus says we're the bride of christ how are you gonna have a marriage any kind of marriage built on guilt and fear right but we do it with god and then we're frustrated why we don't have any joy it's not something wrong with god and it has nothing wrong with you it's the conditioned pathway of living that needs renewal and it's how you relate it's not just snapping my fingers and we'll fix this it's how you relate right and the thing i'm going to bring to take home is perfectionism is not going to grant you grace and compassion over your flaws and mistakes or weaknesses there's an intolerance for it intolerance so you this is why you can't look at yourself in the mirror and access compassion because you're intolerant of all your flaws all your mistakes all your weaknesses is this making sense because i'm looking at some of your comments you can see it right hope this is speaking to you because i'm speaking to the heart of the issue yeah see you you did you did a detailed study i see in the comment here on atonement forgiveness sanctification now studying certain words is great if it relationally brings out not just a bunch of bullet points you write down or a bunch of things you get in your head it's like what does this mean in my life what does this mean like when i read certain scriptures like what does this mean and how i relate to my wife what does this mean how i relate to my kids what does this mean to the world around me what does this mean to people that irritate me what does this mean and how i even approach god am i approaching god i want to learn i want it to enhance my view let me take a moment look at some more comments here what does it mean to live by the spirit or be led by the spirit well i would recommend you begin in romans 8 because he talks about those that are led by the spirit of god they're the sons of god so if i want to learn how to live in that i got to learn sonship so the person who put that comment you got to learn what it means to be i think you're a female you now learn what it means to be a daughter you got to learn first what it means to be a daughter was it mean to be a daughter loved by your father in heaven once you get in the frequency of sonship then you start to learn how to be led by the spirit because the spirit bears witness to the words of christ who led us to know the father so ultimately the holy spirit is bearing witness of the heart of the father spoken through the living word christ jesus who be became flesh dwelt among us so that we didn't just hear the word we saw him standing right in front of us and then he left because he's like i can't stay around here because the holy spirit's now going to work in you the same spirit that raised christ from the dead now the holy spirit leads you doesn't pressurize you you can go out today and you can literally do whatever you want god will not stop you that's that's you think about that like wow that's dangerous that's the freedom he's given to be led by the spirit has to be embedded in sonship and it has to we have to recognize he leads us okay the psalmist said it well he leads us beside the still waters to restore us so what is the leading it's relational it's a flow okay so for example um the best way i can illustrate this you ever ever in a conversation with somebody and man you guys are just like connecting right like one says one thing you say one thing back and then you go oh my three hours just pass i gotta go oh my okay that's being led by the spirit you're in a flow now there are some days where you're with your friend and it's not there ah you didn't sleep well last night or your friend didn't say you're kind of like struggling does it mean you don't have a friendship no you just go it is what it is maturity tells us that's what it is we're learning to grow in that it's good stuff here good stuff all those terms frighten me i wondered if there was something wrong with me and that's why i experienced that another is causing someone to stumble yep i i there's a lot i left off the list that could have been there too certain scriptures depart from me i never knew you like oh my goodness right and um cool yes to that list over time i would struggle with the word obedience to the point the word scared me always wondering and doubting if i would always obey will i obey will i obey right that's the checking that's the checking of ocd our salvation is secure in crisis cannot be earned or improved now we are responsible to renew our soul and result is a change life in due season it's a love relationship i see you yeah it's good it's good i'm seeing that i'm seeing that i'm in that boat of relearning the holy spirit's voice excellent give yourself permission great analogy with feeling like you're going to drown in one foot of water yes you got it right so then it's difficult when you're asking other people for help and they can see you're in one foot of water and you're like no i'm drowning all of heaven is at stake here and then notice it always puts the burden back on you the weight of it and i realize i lost my joy and church people told me to cast it all on the lord yeah there's a lot of christianity where we use cliches just cast it on the lord just give it to jesus translation i don't have time for you you're you're getting on my nerves that's what they really mean by that right true we need to cast on jesus but what does that mean what does it mean to cast it on jesus okay a lot of times what we mean is stop bothering me i don't know what else to say to you anymore battled the never enough a lot so were tattoos piercings and even rock music bad for a christian to get involved in that's an example of looking at the exterior so i can't i can't answer that question for you because there's a lot of these subjects that god's walking with us right and so i'd say take those things let god pay attention what are the things that he's working in your heart and in your life right now because we get distracted with a lot of subjects and issues that question most likely is fed by perfectionism i need to get those subjects just right then i'll feel more at peace with god and so yeah i could talk about tattoos i could talk about piercings i could talk about you know music and stuff like that but not in the context of religious pressure perfectionism those things because then we're going to create a list of rules then we're all going to argue together and then one side is going to say this thing other side is going to say this thing we'll argue we'll get nowhere and no one grows in the faith right so funny how when you get rid of the lies of legalism the huge lie performance-based christianity and the biggest lie of inner pharisees you are not able to have a love relationship with god right it's true a relationship cannot be based on guilt that was a big one what is righteousness means what does righteousness mean i'm assuming you're saying i could talk about that more it's right standing with god and it's um it's what jesus did and belief in that ocd tells you you don't believe enough so it's like because you the feeling says you don't believe enough so you have to go back to like my kevin james joke of come on watch the movie and he goes and he literally takes his eyeballs and he goes okay i'm really watching that's what ocd makes you do okay i'm really trusting now and i i'd go and get in my bedroom and go now i'm i'm gonna pray the sinner's prayer because now i really believe right and so it's just it's following some lying lying interpretations of my emotions the straining to believe you acted out for us was my salvation experience as a kid the same over and over again right for people's healing scriptures can sound condemning even though it's supposed to convict and legalism isn't uncommon in our internet research spree either right totally and it's easy to just hammer people with two sentences you know it with with comments and things like that um i've struggled with thinking odd feelings feeling revulsion and feeling like well that's what god wants you to do then i've been in churches where that's taught you dislike equals god's will obedience theology is tormenting especially when you're told others blood will be on your hands because you didn't do x y z whoo that is a like that through they like threw a ton of concrete on your head others blood will be on your hands that's good manipulation right that's good if i can and i didn't even think of that one you preach that you get the whole room manipulated blood will be on your hands i better do this now manipulation you can do that and you could do that an offering you know you can get that offering really high and get some good money in by throwing some guilt on people obedience rooting grace is correct view obedience rooted in trying to prove guilt fear not of god the thing we must be obedient might be of god but the way of going is is okay to pray to archangels for help it's not in the bible you pray to the father in the name of jesus as a work of the holy spirit that's it now do angels work yeah on behalf of of him and so you never know you might be going about your day and the bible says you might be entertaining angels unaware you might be an angel coming to help you you never know and if you're if you're ocd you'll never notice angelic work because you're ruminating and then somebody helps you like yeah yeah thank you and you just had an angel you know come in and help you out and something that he didn't even know because you were you're you were spinning it's tricky with arbitrary sins where you feel god wants you to do something but aren't sure and then worry you're in disobedience but my feelings have been way off in the past so it's confusing right so your feelings lie to you it's joy was manifest in time for me i was a joyless christian for the first 20 years hello hello i hear you it took time and consistent spiritual relational growth i get scared that if i don't get these that if i do get these piercings and listen to the music i like i might mess up and i'm scared to face that guilt that i did things against god okay well like you're the a piercing is permanent so let's talk about so let's just delay that decision okay that's too much you put too much pressure on yourself okay so listening to the music that i like um tell me what music you like put it in the comments if you can put in the comments tell me what music you like give me your i'm gonna take a risk here give me your give me the band and song you love okay maybe i can help maybe i'll make it worse i don't know blood will be on your hands you don't tell the people about their sins man blood on your hands use the passage of ezekiel of being a watchman to biblically beat us up yeah and that's so sad the the ezekiel like the being a watchman that's empowering that's like i like i'm a watchman in my house was that me it means i look out now look out how's my wife doing how are my kids doing what's the spiritual temperature god what should i pray about what's happening in the hearts of my family like that's watchmen you know and and and you know the enemy wants to make us all asleep so we just were numbed out we're just like you know thumbing through the you know tv just trying to numb ourselves out of our emotions right and then we beat ourselves up for doing that if you're numbing out just sitting there scanning through watching tv it's not because you're not saved enough your heart's broken and when we begin to minister to your broken heart we're going to see desire conceive which is a tree of life we're going to bring an awakening right so i'm sorry if that you guys have been hammered in these i know because i have two it messed me up it's nothing against those preachers they only knew what they knew right so i don't want to like i don't want to like bash them because we all minister out of brokenness there were times and seasons in my life where i did a lot of yelling and screaming and it was kind of condemning and you know but it felt good and got a reaction you know i had to learn the more we mature the more we understand grace and love the absence of peace and joy makes me believe the holy spirit no longer dwells in me that's the interpretation and distorted meaning that's in the seven distortions that's to talk about the distorted interpretation the absence of peace and joy is because there are areas of your heart that were not equipped in the enjoyment of relating to god sap the joy right out of you so like somebody said earlier in the thing i lived 20 years as a joyless christian okay did it mean he's not a christian just means that there were aspects that got a stranglehold that took the joy out and usually it's religiousness it just doesn't allow the enjoyment also using perfect peace as a metric yep that it's perfect peace turns into perfectionism right not doing enough not really realizing it enough realizing i've had heavy perfectionism realizing the lie of no matter how much you do it's never enough always got to be doing something can't ever just listening to rock music um so okay so do this you're listening to the rock music say god i just i just want to learn to relate to you and i just invite you into this i love this song now maybe you may want to find songs that bring out glory to god because the lyrical content i think i think is important of what is the lyrics because the hook brings you in and then the lyrics remain with you right and yes is that the devil used music of course yes right and and but here's the thing there are wonderful songs out there that are just for enjoyment you know that song that that was for years um that people loved because i'm happy [Music] you know that song because i'm happy right and i i back when that came out i was a i was pastoring and i was like church we need to sing this song because we're we're we're not happy you know we're telling people you know god's not god's number one concern is is not that you be happy i'm like well you're not happy so what's we're telling people don't follow happiness while we're not manifesting it something wrong here right so sometimes there are you know songs that we see in culture that actually speak to things that the church actually needs to understand right so um i think there's a lot of legalism surrounding music i i was a part of a school that was very very um heavy heavy-handed on that in christian school that anything that had a beat or rhythm and they had these different teachings and things like that and some of it got really weird on how they were dissecting why the beat was was bad and so forth and um the pathway of it led to uh you see this just religiousness and and it took the expression out of people right and so there was a there was a movement in the worship scene where they moved out of choruses i mean sorry out of hymns into choruses so then we we started to sing songs like i exalt thee they were simple songs that you could look up at a screen see it and they used to have these um these things where you put the lyrics on a overhead projector if you don't know what that is you don't know and then they have somebody standing there and they would change it right they changed the overhead slides right they'd put on their it'll be the song that you sing and then we got into fancier computer projections and all that stuff right and so there's value to both there's the hymns the hymns teach you music because we would harmonize and sing parts the lyrics were rich in depth you could almost study okay the chorus is simplified things so you can kind of just sit back and just let a simple sentence rest over your heart i exalt thee i exalt thee oh lord for thou o lord are high above all the earth thou art exalted far above all gods and so it became a simple expression of stemming from inspiration of the psalms to just just worship him right whereas with the hymnal you may have it memorized but you're kind of focused right so the hymns can bring depth words musical depth because you know there's a lot of depth in in the harmonies and things like that the chorus has brought a simplification so there's great things in both but then we got into like camps of arguments and beats and this beat and that and it was like i don't know like the way we're trying to do the metrics of what beat is this or what beat is that and it just bound us in in in in legalism now there's some people they come out of like certain culture where maybe they went clubbing a lot and they they had a drug background and they partying a lot and so for them they hear a certain rock song and they go man that's not the stuff i can listen to and they give it all up and for their conscience and their journey it's out of respect of of what that means to them because it triggers old like maybe just deviant behavior they go i just my reference so it kind of becomes like the recovering alcoholic that goes yeah just for me now where legalism comes in is someone goes for me those songs i can't listen to that i can't listen to that because it triggers certain things and then they tell everyone else they need to do that too this is where legalism gains its power because we have these very specific metrics that then we just we apply to everyone in that way and it in and then that now becomes the focus right so that's my best way to explain it i haven't even gotten to my application yet i'm still still going through these questions i try to go you know what i'm going to keep this one shorter and then you guys ask great questions and we talk about stuff and we have a little pow-wow i'm lost when i go to the forest i don't see a forest i see a tree thank you for your help just that statement alone i feel like trying to discern the holy spirit's voice is the same as trying to stop intrusive thoughts too it's like the more you try to focus the more you get fooled by your own guts there we go somebody wrote regarding tattoos and piercings write down what you want to get wait a year or so and see if you still want that there you go great advice i'm so glad i didn't get tattoos when i was younger i i hear you because the you age right and the skin stretches [Laughter] it won't be as pretty the spreading of the gospel that jesus commissioning us is about pointing to a savior to sin pointing to a savior to sin i don't i don't know what that means but we can't point out sin and that is it is about telling jesus and what he does for sin okay i get that part yeah the holy spirit brings an awareness to it and then feeling righteousness is all what i do not through what he did god is showing me that although my upbringing was about being righteous enough right it mostly goes back to your spiritual introduction either how you grew up or your introduction into the faith walk that what you were what taught what was reinforced jesus preaching from distorted ways to him so when we talk must always point to jesus i've had ocd so bad i've been tempting to take my own life yikes i encourage you to to to get you know whenever you get into a language like that i'm always encouraging make sure you get some some some help if you got to start with you know counselor therapist do that do that reach out get help don't don't do this alone can perfectionism stem from mother issues perfectionism hugely huge hugely stems from other issues some of you had narcissistic mothers you had over narcissistic mothers cover narcissistic mothers you can go research those topics that will cause massive because unhealthy mothers can often make you feel something's wrong with you whenever you're struggling no because you didn't clean your room enough oh because you didn't why are you thinking that way put it back on you shame shame shame shame on you and shame drives perfectionism because it's how you want to feel belonging i'll get to that in just a second i've even gotten to my take home points jesus preached absolutely religious upbringing must be challenged it's a george joyce dealer right any christian artist you would recommend i don't know i like some of there is a lot of christian music that's really cheesy is that okay that's okay for me to say there's a lot of it that can be really cheesy but you may like it you know there's i there's just sometimes certain hooks that um you know i remember um i remember this when the song i can only imagine came out now that's back in my worship leading days and i would i'd actually sing that song and i would there was a couple really profound moments in in pastoring during that time where um i sang it at a few funerals and there were some there's some really sad losses and some people that passed away and um i remember i was singing it so much the song brought me to my knees you know and i remember being just under a lot of torment and i just remember just weeping before god and just crying out to him and just hitting my knees balling on the floor and many times i was listening to that song and that was back in when that song come out like in the 90s and i remember it just um so like i remember mercy me's their music's had a special place in my heart my wife and i we were dating we went to a mercyme concert you know what i mean so um their their music has had you know there's some special songs i even recorded an album way back did word of god speak because i love that song word of god speak would you pour out like rain washing my eyes to see your majesty to be still and know you're in this place right so worship and just um connecting from my heart not worshiping because i was in a church service leading a church service but just sitting in that right and some of you ocd suffers you'd be like i've had people say to me you know i was listening to country music and i felt guilty i go well do you like the country music oh yeah just it's kind of relaxing i'm like oh we'll enjoy it and and invite god into that place it's not like god left because you're listening to a country song i've i've driven in my car and the radio happened to be on a station and i was like i didn't want to fiddle with it so i was just there and all of a sudden the song started speaking to me and it was a song about like being in love with someone but i some for some reason it just brought about a connection of god's affection towards me it's amazing it's amazing so um now people are putting you know people are putting people are putting their uh their favorite artists out there i'll let y'all i'll let you all talk about that and enjoy [Music] guess what arrived in my front step i will not fear by mark dejesus that's awesome that's awesome write to me and tell me mark mark write to me and tell me if you have any questions or what you think y'all go watch the show the chosen trust me that's good that's good yeah i agree the chosen really did a work in my my heart and my wife's heart too we really enjoyed that series because it um it brought out just relational aspects we often don't like think about we think about christ is it are you saying it is okay to put obedience on the shelf for a bit in order to become rooted in sonship yes any subject that brings you torment just put it aside because it's not okay so for example as a parent because i always put things in marriage and parenting and relationship and and put that would it be healthy there so maybe it wouldn't be healthy and how are they because god is relational okay would you would a father or a mother teach their kid about sex when they're five years old no you wait till the right timing and you process things in time there's certain subjects right and and like your kids they ask about politics or they ask about certain things and you kind of give an answer that's best for now but then you you wait as time goes along and you wait for the right time now some never bothered to have those conversations and so that creates a problem right god knows in the walk with you what you need right now so people say well how do i know what god's working on right now the subject that's empowering you that when you tap into it it adds life it adds energy maybe it just gives you just enough to get out of bed and start your day maybe it's just enough to get you through a moment maybe it's just enough where you go okay i feel like i can breathe for a moment right pay attention to those areas because um that's where god has you right now so yeah obedience has to be obedient outside of love relationship is punishing slavery obedience in love relationship makes sense it's joyful okay okay you guys are putting some cool artists and stuff like that so let me just give you some some um some take-homes on this all right so what you're gonna need to break these perfectionistic patterns in your religious ocd is the father's love the love of the father and and and i'll specifically mean learning to be loved right where you are perfectionists don't know how to be loved unless they have something to offer perfectionists don't know how to be loved unless they have something to offer an achievement a sense of completeness accomplishment doing service serving a title something on your resume or portfolio a degree something and then when that happens you got to do more it's never never satisfied anyways the father will lead you into learning to be loved right where you are this is the power of sonship i'm loved right where i'm at i don't have to do anything today to be loved so instead of living for love which a lot of us do hope i do enough that god will love me i learn to live from love by the way a lot of my resources my my content go back and listen through them again because certain statements i'll say will will crack open something you need to discover and then when you listen back through again you're gonna hear something else so i really encourage that marinating marinating marinating because you're gonna have to learn to break and i've i had to learn to break perfectionism i can't i can't work my way out of it i've got to learn to love myself right where i'm at i'm no longer going to be an enemy to myself i'm no longer going to beat myself up and serve that now i may struggle with it but i'm not going to serve it i'm moving my compass in a new direction i want to look in the mirror and say mark me and you are going to have a much better relationship because god loves me now i would encourage you to understand some of the shame things that i teach on because shame is what drives you in perfectionistic ways shame shame says you're not good enough you're flawed you're messed up you need to get things just right to be accepted it so it negates it negates what jesus did and just keeps you bound and this this is what the early church struggled with paul had to spend the whole book of galatians yanking them out of it and then more in ephesians more in his other writings of pulling people out of that bondage of the law of recognizing that hey this stuff is is is is going to kill the life of your heart and your spiritual walk and so where you know where what what does the shame say when you remove that pressure what's the shame say you're not enough good enough christian you're not saved enough really what it's saying is you're unlovable you're not good enough and and accuses you with it so that you agree with all that identity stuff and steals your identity shames an identity disorder cuts right down to your identity right is it making sense now where i find this very practical is i got to give myself permission to embrace weaknesses vulnerability humanity flaws and mistakes very very practical look at all the areas of your life oh i've been divorced oh i have these thoughts oh i have these areas one of the most challenging places in scripture in a good way in a good way for me is where paul talked about his journey of having these areas of affliction an attack from satan and the words of christ come to him my strength is going to be made perfect in your weaknesses perfectionists have no tolerance for that scripture it doesn't even compute paul is like i've embraced my weaknesses in these infirmity areas so much so that i'm bragging about it paul's walking around bragging about his weaknesses and because he recognized that god uses the full package of us and so we are man i feel that torment to pull you to fix and i and that fixer would work so much sometimes in the simplest of things of things i say i shouldn't have said that she said like i should have said that thing i shouldn't all that editing we're doing was it perfectionism coming out of shame like i've got to be just right i'll never belong and be accepted and so what i want to encourage you i don't have a i don't think i have it on a slide but is we've got to take this pressure off by leaning into god's grace and what's grace it's it's god's relational power working in your life you can't understand grace with rules you can't understand grace by just a bunch of formulas you understand grace when you experience it relationally it's him working through you perfection has you lost in all these chores and pressures the pressure to fix yourself the pressure to get it right the pressure to be right the pressure to make sure all your thoughts are right to pressure to fix these spiritual arguments the pressure to go get this theological question answered and you search it and you will find thousands of people flocking to this thing and then you get there and what do you find arguing you're deceived and you're false and i'm right and you're wrong and what do we get a bunch of people going nowhere but they're all right all right and what did we miss grace grace it's him working through us it's relational and so why is grace so important it's his power working through me how do i let his power work through me i pay attention to what is flowing and i starve the arguments of pressure that are not flowing so like the person who said can i put obedience on the shelf right now yes because obedience is a pressure it's not that you letting go of the subject of obedience you're letting go of your current interpretation which is disempowered you're putting it on the shelf so that god can work the foundation and so we got a problem on the third floor and we're like i need the third floor fix yes but it goes down to the foundation needs fixing so we got to go back down to the foundation no the third floor has a right right but there's a there's a thing in the foundation that makes it settle no the third floor the grace is pointing to the foundation grace always brings us back to the simplicity of the gospel you're loved good news from a good father who loves you good news from a good father who loves you good news from a good father who loves you simple you're loved yeah but you know if i if i want to study the understanding of salvation and the atonement of the things okay if that enhances simplicity do it but if it makes you more spinny more heady just get back to simplicity god uses the simple things and he'll even use the foolishness to confound the wise grace shows you it's on him and so here's an encouragement stop asking god because you've already asked him a thousand times instead step forward as though he's with you because he is but your feelings haven't come into alignment with it yet and you will have to learn to step forward into new territory while you're feeling say something else it's going to have to be a practice yep that's what i feel i see it but i'm still moving forward i'm moving forward i'm loved today and god's not accusing me yes two years he's got all these sister i hear you i'm not feeding you anymore you're there but i'm not feeding you i'm feeding the next step and i'm gonna live as though i'm freed and my emotions will come into alignment with it over time i'm not demonizing all your emotional world and saying don't ever listen to emotions what i'm saying is right now your emotions have been distorted and hijacked and so we need to lead with what's true let your emotions be trained to come into alignment and they will they have to they're just going to pitch a fit because they're used to a certain pattern because you've spun in that enough times it's created enough of a ditch we're gonna bring you into a ditch and the the pathway is his rest it's not striving it's not passivity it's his rest the active yielding of god's grace he's working today i don't know what god's do what what's what's friend is well that sonship thing kind of makes sen maybe that's where it is it's the area in the subject where you you're empowered when you when you dive into that so i pray this is a blessing to your life into your journey i'm glad that hit home stop asking god because you've already asked him a thousand times right right and he's actually responding it's just the perfectionism's like no that's not it [Laughter] uh keep it simple saint yeah love you guys hey listen i gotta run i gotta go and i hope you like this format i tend to take my time i try to be relational i try to talk through things and i'm doing the best i can in my own journey just to be a brother to you support you love you through it so you you're always reminded you're not crazy you're not off your rocker you've just got some things that your heart needs to learn and work through and we are moving in a new generation where god is showing us the love of the father and that his sons and daughters know they're loved so if the father image is an important subject starting there experiencing god's love as your father if that you realize those wounds and you go deeper into exposing the rejection mindset and because it's going to have to delve deeper into knowing how to relate to the love of the father know who you are and empower your relationships get that identity more solidified i'm a son i'm a daughter i'm not a slave i don't have to live in that slavery anymore and then this whole world of kindness seeing yourself with the love that god has for you god loves me to love myself i'm glad many of you got in the book i will not fear and and yes i always recommend resources because i want to resource your life resource your journey anxiety stuff and all that worry we gotta we gotta illuminate it for what it is the bully that needs to be shown for all the lies that it is and then of course the heart healing journey is a a great place to know all right how do i connect to my heart in a fruitful way and the issues that are important to address in the life of my heart and a non-condemning non-judgmental non-shaming way but an empowering way where god's inviting me to new levels so i pray you guys are blessed and encouraged i look forward to seeing you next time
Channel: Mark DeJesus
Views: 3,535
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: OCD, Religious OCD, Healing OCD, Scrupulosity, Perfectionism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 35sec (5135 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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