3 Serial Killers Who Were Murdered

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Number three: Thor Christiansen Thor Christiansen was born in Denmark in December 1957. When he was five, his family moved to California and settled in Solvang. Christiansen was an intelligent young man, but in junior high he became more interested in drugs and alcohol than in school. He eventually dropped out of high school During his teen years, Christiansen developed some truly dark fantasies. On November 20th 1976, at the age of eighteen, Christiansen acted on those fantasies for the first time. He picked up 21 year old Jacqueline Rook, who was hitchhiking near the University of California, in Isla Vista. 16 days later, he picked up another hitchhiker, like Rook, 19 year old Mary Ann Sarris was hitchhiking near the University of California. He took a break for a month and then he picked up 21 year old Patricia Laney who was hitchhiking in Isla Vista. Christiansen shot each of them in the head with a .22 caliber pistol and then he had sex with their dead bodies. Laney's body was found the day after she went missing, down next to a remote back road. The day after that, Rook's body was found a short distance away. Nearly five months later, Sarris's body was found. About a month after the third body was found, the police talked to Christiansen. They weren't talking to him about the murders, instead, it was because he got caught with alcohol in his car and he was a minor. The police officer asked to look in his trunk and at first Christiansen refused, so the police officer took Christiansen's keys and opened the trunk himself. In a paper bag, he found a .22 caliber pistol, which was the murder weapon. The officer confiscated the gun but let Christiansen go. After the three murders and his brush with the law, Christiansen moved to Oregon. He didn't stay away for long, though. Two years later he moved back to California and started picking up women again. On April 18th 1979, he picked up 22 year old Linda Preston who was hitchhiking in Hollywood. After driving for some time, Christiansen pulled out a .22 caliber handgun a shot Preston in the head. Amazingly, the shot didn't kill her. Preston managed to get out of the car and she ran for help. She ultimately survived the shooting. On May 26th 1979, Laura Sue Benjamin, a sex worker, was picked up by Christiansen. He shot her once in the head and then had sex with her body. Her body was found a month later, dumped near a highway in the mountains north of Los Angeles. 2 months later, on July 11th 1979, Christiansen walked into a bar in Hollywood. In the bar was Linda Preston, the woman he shot who had survived. Preston recognized Christiansen and she called the police. He was arrested that night and when the police looked at his records they realized that they still had his .22 caliber pistol. It was tested against the bullets used to kill the three women in Isla Vista and it was a match. Christiansen pleaded guilty to the three Isla Vista murders and he was sentenced to life in prison in June 1980. He was sent to Folsom Prison to serve his term. Supposedly, a psychiatrist that worked on the case warned that Christiansen shouldn't be put in general population because he was young, blond(e), and because of the crimes he comitted. The advice was ignored and Christiansen was placed in general population. On March 30th 1981, Christiansen was outside in the yard. Someone walked up behind him and stabbed him once in the heart with a shiv. Christiansen died nearly immediately. He was 23 years old and he wasn't even a year into his sentence. Who stabbed him is the mystery that doesn't seem like it will be solved any time soon. Number two: Akku Yadav Akku Yadav was born in 1972 and he lived in the slums of Kasturba Nagar, India. Yadav was a horrifying combination of a gangster, a rapist, and a serial killer. Yadav, along with his gang ruled the slums by raping and sexually humiliating people. Some of his more horrific acts include raping a woman after her wedding. Another time, he made a man strip, then he burned him with cigarettes, and forced him to dance naked in front of his daughter. One victim, who was raped 10 days after she gave birth doused herself with kerosene and set herself on fire. Yadav liked to use rape and sexual humiliation to control the slums because he knew his victims wouldn't go to the police out of fear of shame Even if the victims did go to the police, the police didn't do anything about it because Yadav paid them bribes. He could also get away with murder, it just cost more in terms of bribes. One of his known murders was butchering a woman on the street in front of her daughter and some neighbors. One of the horrified neighbors went to the police and he was dismembered as well. He also killed three other people and he left their remains on a railroad track. Over the course of 15 years, families kept their daughters locked up in their homes out of fear that they might be raped and murdered by Yadav and his men. The reason he got away with it for so long was because the police rarely got involved in criminal matters in the slum. They only got involved if it meant collecting a bribe. Since Yadav was the one paying the bribes, he was free to rape, torture, and murder whomever he liked. How Yadav made his money was by extorting people by threatening to rape them or someone in their family. One family that Yadav and his gang stayed away from was the Narayane family. They had five children and all of them went to college. In an area with high illiteracy rates, it was a feat that seemed impossible, so the family was highly respected in the slums. In the summer of 2004, one of the Narayane children, 26 year old Usha, was on vacation and she was staying in her family's shack. Usha worked at a call center but there were big expectations that she would go on to hotel management, which is what she studied in college. One day while Usha was visiting, Yadav went to the Narayane's next door neighbor's home and threatened to kill the entire family unless they paid him some money. Afterwards, Usha told her neighbors to go to the police and when they didn't she did. The next day, Yadav and forty gang members surrounded Usha's shack. She barricaded the door while Yadav stood outside with a bottle of acid in his hand. He shouted through the door that he was going to rape, disfigure, and kill her. Usha shouted insults back at him, and she called the police. When the police didn't come, Usha decided that if she was going to die that day, she wasn't going to be the only one. She turned on the gas used for cooking and grabbed a match. She told Yadav that if anyone came inside, she was going to blow everyone up. Yadav and his men decide not to call her bluff and they backed off. This act of defiance inspired other people in the slum and they attacked Yadav's house. They smashed his windows and set his house on fire. The police decided to arrest Yadav for his own protection. A bail hearing for Yadav was set for August 13th 2004. Word spread around the slum that there was a good chance that Yadav would be released after the bail hearing. So a group of 200 people, mostly women, armed with rocks, vegetable knives, and chili powder made their way to the courthouse. When Yadav was brought into the courtroom, he spotted one of his victims. He called her a prostitute and then he threatened to rape her again. The woman took off her slipper and started hitting Yadav with it. She said something to the effect of "We can't both livw on this Earth together. It's you or me." Soon, the swarm of 200 people were on him. They hurled rocks at him, threw chili pepper in his face, and stabbed him. 15 minutes later, 32 year old Akku Yadav was dead in the middle of the courtroom. He had been stabbed 73 times. One of his victims castrated him. Arrests were immediate. Usha, who wasn't even at the courthouse, was arrested 2 weeks later. However, the case wouldn't go to trial for over a decade. Then in 2014, all 21 people who were charged in connection with the lynching, including Usha and 5 other women, were all acquitted due to lack of evidence. Many people thought that Usha would be raped and murdered in retaliation but she is still alive today. Sadly, she stopped working at the call center and she never went on to work in hotel management. As of 2014, she was still living in the slum. Number one: Dean Corll Dean Corll was born on Christmas Eve, 1939 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. When he was 16, he moved with his mother to the Heights, which is a neighborhood in Houston, Texas. His mother opened a candy factory and Corll worked on the assembly line. He would hand out candy to neighhborhood children and he often invited boys to play pool in the back room of the factory.. In the late 1960s, Corll's mother closed the factory on the advice of a psychic and she moved to Colorado. Corll didn't move with her, though. Instead, he got a job as an electrician and he rented an apartment near the Heights. In 1970, Corll was 31 years old and everyone thought that he was a nice and polite man. No one had anything bad to say about him and he didn't have a criminal record. Living on his own, Corll started to explore his homosexuality, often with teenage boys. One of them was 15 year old David Brooks. Brooks lived in the Heights and his own father wasn't around much. Corll let Brooks crash at his apartment whenever he wanted to. Besides having sex with young men, Corll started to indulge in his dark fantasies. In September 1970, it's believed that he picked up 18 year old Jeffrey Konen while he was hitchhiking and he somehow got him back to his apartment. In the apartment, Corll tortured and then killed Konen. He then buried him. Months later, in December, Brooks walked in Corll's apartment unannounced. He was surprised to see Corll naked with two boys tied naked to his bed. Shocked to see Brooks there, Corll yelled at him to get out of the apartment so Brooks left. At first, Corll told Brooks that the boys were part of a porn ring and he had been paid to send them to California. Corll later changed his story, and told Brooks he had killed the boys. The boys were most likely Danny Yates and James Glass who were both 14 years old. They were somehow lured or kidnapped from an anti-drug rally in the Heights. Shortly after the murders, Corll moved into another apartment. On January 30 1971, Corll was cruising for another victim. This time, Brooks was in the van with him. They came across a pair of brothers, 15 year old Donald Waldrop and 13 year old Jerry Waldrop. They got the boys back to the apartment and Corll strangled them while Brooks watched. Brooks then dropped out of school and hung out with Corll more often. For his 16th birthday, Corll gave Brooks a Corvette. On March 9th, Corll and Brooks happened upon 15 year old Randell Harvey, who was riding his bike to work. Brooks knew Randell so it was believed that he was the one who convinced him to come to Corll's apartment. Corll ended up shooting Randell in the head after torturing him. Then he and Brooks took his body to a storage unit that he had rented and buried him. The next to die was a 13 year old boy and a 16 year old boy that Corll knew from his days at the candy factory. In the winter of 1971, Brooks introduced Corll to his friend 15 year old Elmer Wayne Henley. Corl and Henley hit it off and became friends. Eventually, Corll told Henley that he was part of an organization that sold boys into a pornographic ring. Corll told Henley that if he brought him a boy for the ring, he'd pay him 200 dollars. One afternoon, Corll and Henley were out cruising and they pulled up beside 17 year old Willard Branch. He got in the van and went back to Corll's apartment. After Henley left, Corll killed the young man. He later paid Henley the 200 dollars that he promised. Shortly afterwards, Henley found out that Willard wasn't sold into a porn ring, Instead, Corll had killed the young man. Like Brooks, he didn't go to the police. Instead, he helped Corll kidnap more teenage boys and young men. The next victim was Frank Aguirre, who was a close friend of Henley's. The trio worked together to tie him up and then Corll and Henley strangled him. Over the next 2 years, Corll, Brooks, and Henley continued to kidnap and kill young boys and young men. This included killing a 16 year old boy and then killing his younger brother, 14 months later. All the murders were fairly similar. Brooks and Henley would strip the victims and then tie them to a plywood board. Corll would then rape, torture, and either shoot the young men or strangle them. Sometimes he would keep them alive for days. Henley would also help in the murders, at times. The trio would then bury the bodies. Sometimes they would get their victims to call their family or send them letters to tell them that they are safe. Most of the victims lived in the Heights, which was a poor neighborhood. The police were used to runaways from that area and they just assumed that was what was happening with all the missing boys. So no one looked for them. By 1973, the gang was starting to splinter. Brooks married his pregnant girlfriend and he stopped spending time at Corll's apartment. Henley said he felt like he had to go to Corll's apartment, to make sure Corll didn't go after one of his younger brothers. On August 8th 1973, Henley and two friends, Tim Kerley and his girlfriend, Rhonda Williams, went over to Corll's apartment. They decided to sniff some finishing varnish and then they passed out. Corll came home and he became angry that Henley would bring a female over to his place. So he tied each of them up and then he dragged Henley into the kitchen where he berated him for bringing Williams to the apartment. Henley promised to kill her, so Corll untied him. Corll grabbed a .22 caliber pistol and he handed Henley an 18 inch knife and then they went back into the living room. Corll grabbed Kerley and dragged him into the bedroom. The bedroom floor was covered with a plastic sheet and there was a plywood board with shackles on it attached to the back wall. After attaching Kerley to the plywood board, Corll came back into the living room and dragged Williams into the bedroom. Henley followed behind and once in the bedroom, Henley grabbed Corll's gun. He aimed it at Corll and said, "I can't go on any longer. I can't have you kill all my friends." He then fired six bullets into Corll. Dean Corll died at the scene. He was 33 years old. Henley and Brooks were both arrested and they admitted to the murders. The police managed to find 27 bodies of boys and young men and another body was linked to Corll through DNA, making Corll's official victim count 28. At the time Corll, who was dubbed The Candyman, was the worst serial killer in American history. Not all of Corll's victims have been identified and it's also possible that he may be responsible for even more murders. There were forty young men who went missing in the same area around the time that Corll was active. Another possible victim is the young man seen in this photo. The picture was found among Henley's belongings and the young man has never been identified. He doesn't match any of the known victims and he could be a victim whose body was never found. Both Henley and Brooks were convicted for their roles in the murders and they were both sentenced to life in prison. Thanks alot for watching the video. Hopefully you found it interesting, if you did, please subscribe we post a new video every Thursday and Sunday. You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter the links are in the description below the video. That's all for now. Thanks again for watching.
Channel: Criminally Listed
Views: 2,670,094
Rating: 4.5124803 out of 5
Keywords: True crime, dateline, 48 hours, faorensic files, real story, top 5, top 10, documentary, list, missing person, jane doe, john doe, disappearance, unsolved, mysterious, unsolved mystery, mystery, mysteries, unsolved mysteries, strange clues, discovery id, david brooks, elmer wayne henley, wayne henley, usha Narayane, candy man
Id: oOF1xKzbPMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
Reddit Comments

The narrator made this boring.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dorito_Butt 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2017 🗫︎ replies
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