5 Gallon Bucket Rat Trap || DIY Homemade Rat Trap

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well a good saturday morning to yeah it's dan i want to welcome everyone to my home in the styx and i hope everybody's having a good saturday but over here in east central mississippi touching 80 degrees again today showing up nice to be outside before we get started on today's video i'm always going to say that if you were new to the channel i want to welcome you and if you return and just see what odan's got going on over here i show enough thank you for coming back what i want to share with you and y'all today is well i come up with a do-it-yourself project for a common pest over here at the homestead give me a second and i'll finish you damn what you done did now well i'm here to tell you over here at the homestead we store a lot of feed for all of our animals over here and when you store uh quantities of feed like that the most common pest at least for me over here is rats and we have a ton of rats over here we also have a lot of field mice that come on to the property haven't really seen uh any mice in the shop knock on wood but we have seen a lot of rats and field mice in this feed shack behind me so over the years i've actually tried several different kinds of rat traps i tried the glue traps i tried these traps right here big tomcat traps i've tried the the granular rat poison things of that nature tried it all but the one thing that i have to be weary of is all the other animals that are on the property like him right there so i had to stray away from using the granular rat poisoning and sticky traps because cash is sure enough try to get in and eat it and something bad will happen to him so for the last uh week or so i've been watching a bunch of videos on folks and i never realized how many folks actually enjoy making do-it-yourself rat traps i was amazed at all of the videos that are out on youtube what i built is a culmination of uh four or five videos that i watched and i tailored this to fit my needs and guess what it worked so let's get up into this feed shed um tell you right now i set this trap last night have one that is uh was is kia now so if uh you squeamish about that close your eyes on that but let me show you this so here is what i come up with and it's uh basically it's a five gallon a rat trap with fall away if you will uh caught a rat a big one in there last night areas down there the reason why i built this is i just have a ton of rats to get in here they climb and they run all up on this thing all up on the rafters cash chases them around we try to clean out all of the feed bags once we dump feed this is just a bunch of junk gardening stuff that i need to get out of here because the rats will actually get this stuff start making nests and just taking over the feed i had to get away from using these plastic garbage cans because the rats were actually chewing through them to get to the feed so you can see we gotta i have a bunch of metal garbage cans and now now can't even mess with the feed or get to the feed and you can see there's a lot of wrap droppings all over the place they have some on the floor so if you don't take command of this or control of it they will take over everything and just mess up a bunch of stuff you notice that the feed buckets are turned upside down we do that for a reason so the rats can't get into feed buckets later droppings and the drop rat droppings get mixed in with the horse feed of the goat feed probably make them sick so you notice we got all these buckets turned upside down now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna dispose of that rat uh we don't rats are just a irritable pest uh here on the homestead i don't do catch and release with uh rats they just they got to go uh chunk them out into the woods somebody in the woods can eat them and maybe that'll help them and i'm going to show you exactly how i made this uh do-it-yourself rat trap all right let me show you how i built this pretty simple pretty easy more than likely a bunch of all of the things that it took to make this you probably have at the homestead so the first thing you're going to need is a 5 gallon bucket and this was an old icing bucket that i got from a local bakery you're going to need some cardboard but what the thing about the cardboard is you want to find something that's rather thick see how thick that is so it's real rigid you need a piece of metal this is a coat hanger that i actually had and i snipped it off to make make it about this size right here i did find out that the diameter of the metal uh really counts so you have to go smaller i don't know if you can see that but that is a coat hanger you need some type of a piece of wood a rock something that nature because this involves a counter balance a glue gun and a drill of some sort to drill some holes and maybe a utility knife or a dremel tool to notch out the bucket so what it did was i actually took my cardboard and i traced out a circle cut it out made a little landing strip if you will once i cut out my circle i figured out where i wanted to put it where i wanted to put this on the bucket sat it down on top of the bucket i made some marks with a sharpie to cut this out this cut has to be the same length as this and you want the same thickness well you can see that where it pretty much fits flush so i took my coat hanger actually sat this down on there and found a good pivot point i figured that would be a really good pivot point took my hanger shoved it on through the cardboard i drilled some holes out that correspond to here and here put it on in there it looks something like that the trickiest part of making this is finding you a counterweight that will actually allow this platform to tilt back up so what i did i just played around with a bunch of pieces of wood and i found a piece is one just like it i found a piece and i actually did some cutting on it that's how much i actually cut off of it and this was a piece of old pressure treated four by four that i had laying around and i hot glued that joker to the bottom of this landing right here now how i set this up in the feed shed is i actually get a little bit of this this nine grain chicken scratch and i'll set a little bit right towards the edge you have to be careful where you set it at because if you put this this uh bait too far it'll tip down and then you lose your bait and catch and you won't catch anything so you have to be cognizant of where you put your your bait and what happens is i've got mine you could build you a little uh walkway a pathway leading up to this i know that the rats and mice like to jump around and stuff jump around on stuff in the speed shed so i actually put it right next to where i keep my scratch from my chickens oh mouse will get up here rattle get up on here you'll see that he'll jump down which is fine once he goes to walking bam he falls in since i don't catch and release the rats over here i fill this guy up with about uh i don't know halfway with water and that's how i take care of the the rats over here and i just dispose of the rat elsewhere well there you have it a really simple easy efficient do-it-yourself rat trap if you have uh mice or a rat problem on a homestead getting into your feed eating other things making nests all over the place this is a real easy rat trap to make that works i was kind of skeptical at first as to whether or not it was going to work i said it last night lo and behold i caught a five pound dog rat in the feed shed so i know it works so again i hope everybody is having a good saturday and i hope everybody stays safe this weekend amid this crisis that we still have going on if y'all like this video go and give it a thumbs up to help if you haven't subscribed to the home and sticks channel lord mercy y'all need to come on over here give old damn look cause i'm always doing stuff and trying to catch rats with that being said you know it's coming down reference showing off always gonna say it don't let nobody do yo shine and i mean nobody you sure enough get your shine on it's important and dan will see you and y'all in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Home In The Sticks
Views: 480,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homeinthesticks, mississippi homestead, mississippi rural homestead, life in rural mississippi, rural farming, rural mississippi, homestead, homesteading, bucket mouse trap, mouse trap with a bucket, how to make a rat trap with a 5 gallon bucket, how to build a rat trap out of a 5 gallon bucket, 5 gallon rat trap bucket, best mouse trap, best rat trap, mouse trap bucket, bucket rat trap, bucket trap, diy mouse trap, homemade rat trap, diy rat trap, easy mouse trap at home
Id: WOko8X6OH0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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