I GOT RID OF RATS - How I Got VICTORY Over The Infestation

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earlier this year i waged war on the nasty vile ghastly little beasts that infested my farm stick with me and i'm going to share with you guys the arsenal i had at my disposal to finally get victory over them [Music] so [Music] hello welcome back to pine meadows hobby farm i'm your host jerry hans and i'm inviting you guys into the barn because this was this was because it seemed like this was rodent central i'd open the door come in here to go feed the livestock and i would have rats flooding off of loft on top of me running down on me and then ask scurrying together get out of the way and get out the door it was ugly folks it was ugly so that's when i started going to the university of youtube and seeing what other farmers were doing to control vermin like this on their homestead so one of the first things i did was deploy the spinning can and the bucket trick yeah this is a oh it's a bigger than a five gallon i think it's an eight gallon bucket or seven gallon bucket filled it with water put that can on there baited the can with uh peanut butter and seeds yeah seeds from my grains notice these are metal keeps the rodents out and this is what i feed my animals and this is what they're after so i put that with a peanut butter hoping it attract them gauging by this video didn't interest them at all it was a fail at least on my homestead so the rodent population got bigger and each time that came out here it seemed like there was more rats running around bad bad so i went and got some uh traps and i was successful to begin with so one of the first traps i deployed was this trap it's really easy to set put that down and then the rat will take the bait and somebody suggested even putting the bait underneath of it so they'd have to get under there and try to get that bait out and that would get them but i've seen where rats would even take a stick and trip this and take the bait they're smart little suckers and then there's the victor little mouse traps i deployed because i did have mice as well bad problem i even tried the decon mouse house killer with a bait inside no sign of anything nibbling on that nothing nothing zilch so that particular product turned out to be a fail that was the mouse trap that just set off now don't get me wrong i was successful at getting a few click creatures with some of these but then they stopped working after a while they still function but the creatures started getting more privy to this there's the rat trap so in my arsenal i added to my arsenal i went down to the hardware store and i purchased one of these live traps because i was having a problem with squirrels and rats so i wanted to get rid of those pesky little beasts and this worked uh i caught about six squirrels in this so this works great for squirrels i don't think they're that as smart as a rat and i've only caught four rats in here those were i guess dumb rats or they were really hungry because i would bake this with something that was really yummy and i trapped them and this was very useful here in the barn on where i actually was able to trap the rats and then in the garden i trapped the squirrels and then i did an estate cleanup if you guys are wondering what these estate cleanups and keep talking about i'll leave a link to the list the playlist of all the estate cleanups that i partaken in i get a lot of stuff for free i'm able to gift a lot of things away but anyway one of the things i picked up was one of these it's a mouse trap it's an interesting little mousetrap you trigger it right here you set it and then a mouse goes in here and it triggers it and it flips it over into another depart a compartment and i've been using this and i've only had one success with it once here's the inside you see the corpse of a rat in there yeah it caught a rat i guess they like small spaces so this was successful i never seen anything like these before but i have this added to my arsenal as well but folks i'm still having problems uh i want to reduce these especially when they started getting under the house we'll get to that in a minute but i went down oh actually i received from an estate cleanup another trap this is a larger trap it's got two entrances where the creature forces their way in here to get the bait inside i baited it with eggs chicken eggs one night and i thought i was gonna get the rat that was eating my chicken eggs lo and behold it was a skunk well i did catch rats in here i caught squirrels in here this is a squirrel elator uh there's the label on that and then you can dispatch the beast just by setting them into the pail that it comes with that this fits down and you just fill it with water and you can dispatch those beasts but the skunk got in there and to my advantage um it was during the heat of the summer and he succumbed to the heat so there was no stink by the time i saw him he was already had dispatched himself and there was no odor so is able to uh i got lucky put it that way i got lucky but this was another big piece of the puzzle in my arsenal to try to get a handle on some of these rodents that were inundating my homestead so let's talk about the house i started getting uh chewing and gnawing and clawing and scampering and little droppings being left around not good not in my home especially at night when i'm trying to sleep and i have to go to work in the next morning i was furious so i got rat x and i tried that didn't work uh the radix is still under the house untouched they uh coated it with peanut butter they sucked the peanut butter off the radix and um discarded the leftovers so rat x for these rats in this colony does not work it may work for other rats in other environments around the country in the world but listen folks on my homestead i'm doing a litmus test here does not work on my homestead so i was having rats mice i climbed into the house i was filming a video an episode under the house setting traps and lo and behold in the background there's a squirrel that whisks by okay now how are these beasts getting in aha so i figured i better at least first go and secure the perimeter of the house so i checked all the access points including my vents and two of my vents had been chewed through where the rodents were getting in and out and the one vent the hole was so big that the squirrels and rats were able to get in and out so i was able to secure those breeches with this expanding foam insulation so far it's worked well except for the one by the line set where my cooling pump is that sucker chewed right through that expanding foam insulation and got in so i got some wire mesh screen folded it up and stuffed it in the hole i haven't had a problem since but now i'm getting desperate i'm trying ammonia i'm trying peppermint i'm trying all the concoctions and potions uh that i'm getting from youtube nothing is working i need to get rid of these beasts they're destroying my house and it's very expensive damage to my house not only they're carrying disease and of course down in the house we have these plug-in ultrasonic uh devices that are supposed to scare or keep rats and mice away and bugs they don't work i've got two of them they don't work at all but i got victory i'll show you what i finally got victory over with and it's so simple and it's so cheap and it's really nothing you need to do except for put it together spend a couple of bucks yeah let me show you i got one of these containers in my little access hole here under the house i put it in there and in the access container i'll show you yep it's just potato flakes cocoa powder and baking soda and since i put that under there a couple months ago untouched that means there's no rodents under the house anymore yay so the active ingredient that i was very successful with was baking soda simple baking soda i purchased this in bulk i believe i got it at a grocery outlet store that supplies to restaurants they serve in bulk or i got it at costco it's one of those two places i bought two bags of it i'm almost out i'm going down for more because if i'm going to have some rodents next year this is the go-to i also uh like i said i put potato flakes in there with baking soda and sugar and cocoa powder and those are attractants and the what i understand what the potato flakes do is the the rodent ingests it it swells up when it's uh it comes in contact with the fluids and it uh stuffs them up and they burst inside well that's the that's what baking soda does now mind you rats and mice don't have flatulence they don't fart and they don't burp the gas just builds up in them and they go poop but this is safe for your other pets like chickens ducks geese turkeys dogs cats if they should get into it they fart have you ever heard a dog fart have you ever smelt a dog fart oh man so there's other solutions you can put with the baking soda you can do baking soda and flour baking soda and corn flour uh baking soda and cocoa powder with sugar anything is an attractant that is a feed to get in there but you just need to get them to ingest the baking soda this is the number one ingredient that i've had real success with it's just finding a good ex a good attractant now since the apparently i don't have any more roads under the house so they haven't touched this but we're going to keep using this but i'm going to add some more stuff to this and also this because this was left here here in the barn and i found no evidence of rodents in the barn in the last month so that is a strong indication that i got victory over these little beasts another thing is somebody suggested is just add chicken bullion to your mix yeah it's a good attractant so go ahead and add some smooshed up chicken bouillon to get them to eat that something i'm gonna try today i went down to dollar tree and i got a pack of texas style honey sweet cornbread mix okay so you got corn flour you got flour you got sugar you got everything for a dollar and then you've got the baking soda mix it together in equal proportions put it in your traps and see what happens i'm going to mix this up today with the stuff i already have just the bait and keep those little suckers under control plus i'm also adding some bullion to boot okay for this concoction i'm adding a tablespoon of baking soda and i'm going to go ahead and add a tablespoon of this corn flour corn starch might work but the corn flour has more of a substance to it so you just want to get that in there mix it in really good yep and then go ahead and add your bouillon oh this is never yeah this is chicken bouillon chicken bouillon yes crush that up or grind it up however i'm going to do it and just just use it as an attractant to get these critters to come in and choose to eat this stuff that way you don't have to worry about cleaning up a rat carcass they'll just go back to their nest and they'll die uh and if they're of course if you they they're in your house already and they die you're gonna have an odor in the walls we experienced odor for about a week and a half and then it dissipates it just goes away so yeah look at that that is uh that is a feast for the last meal and i'll set it right down here by the feed can actually know i'm gonna set it over here by my bucket we'll just set it right there we'll set the rat trap down here we'll set a couple of mouse traps and this stupid little bait trap we'll set this trap over here for good measure and we'll put this trap in here now i did put some of the seed grain that i feed the goats in there and let's try set the squirrel trap just for good measure and we'll bake it with some grain too just to attract the ghastly little and i'm going to put up my trail cam to point towards everything try to get everything in a view to see how much activity we have and if there's any success that should do it okay i think my job is done here we'll be down to the house and we'll set this back under the house i added those other two ingredients to this we'll put this back under here oh yes and since this place is a notorious entry point for the uh rodents and they can't get in anymore if they show up again i got the rat trap set i push some peanut butter down in there i'm gonna set it down right here i'm gonna put my cat cam wireless wi-fi camera on this and we're gonna watch it so i've had the stuff set up for 24 hours let's go in and see what the trail cam has picked up on the images and see if any traps were set just as i had suspected nothing because i think i got rid of all the rodents or at least diminish their population enough where the uh the local population that's left doesn't know that there's food in here and i'm keeping it cleaned up so i'm trying to keep the food away from them haven't had any problems with them coming off the rafters anymore the halo so let's check the image i love these trail cameras these are great okay go to review go to replay and nope they're just images from when i left my camera out before so there was nothing in the barn at all last night uh but uh soon after i set the camera up down at the house and then as soon as that rat trap that we set up we put the camera on and it wasn't too much longer and my wife observed a rat meeting its demise in that rat trap so uh the rotten population is diminishing by another one in the last 24 hours it's just good i'll keep my cameras going i'll keep my bait out i'll keep the traps baited and and set and we'll just keep these things controlled around the homestead but i am still sticking to the um baking soda yeah that stuff really works i'll go ahead and leave a link for the tascam wireless wi-fi camera on a review i did and this is uh my monitor where i can set this on my desk plug it in and sit there and watch to see what's going on and here's the image i'm seeing right now yep that's the rat trap and it also has night vision infrared so it alarms if there's any movement it'll alarm and alert me that there's something out here so i can catch it and it'll record because the camera has an onboard little sd card and plus i can push record on the phone and it will record on the phone as well so turn it into a wildlife camera so we got a camera in the barn with a camera down here and then that is it in a nutshell it's a huge nutshell folks but i finally got victory over these ghastly beasts rodents no evidence of them for at least for a while but it's something you just can't ignore you have to continue using different methods to try to keep these things at base so try all those things uh change it up do whatever you can to safely get rid of your uh those nasty little beasts and the the baking powder or yeah baking soda and the other attractants are the safest to use around livestock and pets because it won't affect them well i'm jerry hanson your host here at pine meadows hobby farm in my victory over rodents yes stay tuned to more videos you can do that by subscribing then clicking that bell icon that will lead you to new videos as i upload them give us a thumbs up click that share button sharing my videos on your social media platforms really helps out the channel hey leave a comment compliment tip tricks i'm always looking for new tips on how to keep these things at bay yes i got victory over them please be safe always be kind we'll see you guys in the next adventure bye now [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: PINE MEADOWS HOBBY FARM A Frugal Homestead
Views: 672,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hobby Farm, Prepping, Homestead, Off the grid, chickens, goats, rabbits, ducks, geese, turkeys, honey bees., American Guinea Hogs, American Buff Goose, Naragansette Turkey, Nubian Goat, Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Pekin Duck, Buff Orpington Chicken, Beekeeping, New Zealand Rabbits, Gardening, Greenhouse, Solar panels, battery bank, wind turbine, charge controller, Wild Edibles, Native Edibles, winter farrowing, Kindling, candeling, DIY, home improvement, Homestead Rescue
Id: EBhfqErHjGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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