5 Foods You Have to Eat in Chicago

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PFL travelers marked here with Walters room today we're here in Chicago and see we have for you are the five things you need to eat when you come here to Chicago and the first thing you need to have because it's gonna take you the lungs to ordered it's Chicago deep-dish pizza look I know you've had deep-dish pizza like pan pizza from Pizza Hut er pan pizza from dominos oh no no no no this is a totally different level of deep-dish pizza here in Chicago I made it is super thick like my Italian friends go is that a cake oh no dude that Chicago deep-dish pizza and the thing is it is super deep crusted with tons and tons of cheese get some sausage in there some onion mushroom oh my god and then the sauce is on top really chunky tomato sauce oh my god it's so good but I want to tell you it takes a long time to cook so don't be surprised if you go to one of these places they say Oh put your order in now then go walk around for half an hour and then come back and then we'll be ready to sit you down because it does take a while to cook them but also just note you're also not gonna put away with a whole pizza you'll be lucky if you get one or two slices down before you're like oh my god I'm so full I mean that happens to me and I don't mess around with food so just have a heads up for it and the thing is there's a lot of places that have it there's a lot of people that debate who's the best and stuff like that Pizzeria Uno is fantastic you go to their other one Pete's gonna doula do it if you want you can go to Jordana so you can go to Lou Malnati's you can go to Gino's East there's tons and tons of place that have it but man just know you were going to be more than full when you come out of there okay so I have a heads up for that now if you need something that doesn't take quite as long to get like my quick pick-me-up while you're walking around Chicago and taking to the cool sites it's a Chicago hot dog if you want to a Chicago hot dog is it's a beef dog remember if the sign says Vienna beef you'll be ok alright now it's the Vienna beef dog right and so on there you'll have tomatoes you'll have pickle or maybe cucumber you'll have mustard on there you have slices took tomatoes and then like little peppers on top oh my god it is so good I know it's true they don't put ketchup on there I mean you can ask for it but just don't because honestly the combination of all those flavors together I'll be honest for years I was not venturesome enough to try Chicago dog but once I did I'm like oh man that mustard with the peppers with all the stuff together really brings it all together and it is really really awesome a third maybe not so healthy thing that we kind of are going on in our order here it's having an Italian beef sandwich now Italian beef you can go to Portillo's which is a fast food place here which is kind of popular and it's really good I like going to fertility live so I mean i-i've out report a lows and what it is it's shaved beef not in a hoagie roll and they put peppers on top all mine is so good but what you want to do is you want to have them dip it so it gets dipped into the O's you or the juice or whatever and comes out and believe me this is not a sandwich you eat with your hands you're gonna need a fork a knife to eat this when you get the wet version of it because it is a complete mess but it's a completely delicious mess and speaking of something delicious the fourth thing you have to eat when you come to Chicago is Garrett's popcorn specifically you want Garrett's mix now Garrett's uh you know it's a traditional popcorn place here in Chicago and it's a fancy popcorn place and it's a very good popcorn place and the Garrett's mix is caramel popcorn with cheddar cheese popcorn mixed together I know it sounds a bit weird the first time you hear it but that when the first time you taste you're like oh this is so good and you just Chow it down and what's cool about it if you're flying out of O'Hare and you're looking for a gift to take home there's a bunch of Garrett's in the airport at O'Hare so you can grab some there to take with you because let's be honest everybody loves popcorn but everybody really loves really good popcorn and Garrett's is definitely that okay now the fifth thing to eat when you do come to Chicago it's more of kind of an idea I want to get across to you and that is Chicago has a lot of different ethnicities here in the city and they've brought their food from all over the world and you can have some really amazing food here and what's cool is a lot of they'll be in certain parts of town where you can go and visit and eat and make merry and have a good time for example you can go to Greek town every time I come here with Jocelyn we have to go to great time to have Greek food if you don't want Greek you can have great Italian food in Little Italy you miss Poland yes you have some amazing Polish sausages here you can have great German food hick maybe I lifted waiting and food Ethiopian food there's so many great ethnic restaurants throughout the city Mexican food oh my god there's so many great Mexican places here in Chicago too that you really will have a great like experience eating not those first four things I talked about thing is though if you're gonna go to those restaurants most like you're gonna have to leave the loop the downtown area to go explore and find them but believe me it's worth the time for your taste buds and Tommy's to experience that okay and of course I would be remiss if I didn't mention a special sixth thing something you should drink when you're here in Chicago and Chicago is known for its home brewed beer here in Chicago and yes there's Goose Island let's pry the most famous one you'll find around the US but there's other really good ones too half acres really good two brothers breweries really good revolution brewery I mean there's a lot of really great breweries here in town and sometimes you can take tours but the thing is you can get the beer all over town at the bars and stuff like that whether you're going to Rush Street or be having a good time at Wrigleyville you can have some that great local beer where you are here and that is something you really will enjoy so what are some other things you think people should have when they come to Chicago to eat because there's a lot more than five or six things I just want to give you kind of the traditional things to have because honestly there's so many great restaurants here in Chicago you're gonna eat fantastic you're gonna have Gibson's steakhouse and go have some insane amazing steaks or other places going to the walnut room the old Marshall Field's building Macy's there and having a your your nice little meal there with the pop pie kind of stuff there's so much great food and great times to have here in Chicago that please if you know some good places put in the comments section below to help other people enjoy this fantastic city one bite at a time anyway I wish you all the best if you wanna learn more about this in Chicago but don't service in Chicago things that shocked people to come to Chicago other things like that around the US and around the world do subscribe our YouTube channel click that subscribe button and don't forget to click that bell to get the notification so you actually get the videos that you subscribe for they'll show up then we're also on Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Pinterest all those places at Walters world and we really appreciate your life subscriptions and your thumbs up all those things and again if you like travel videos like this do subscribe cuz we put out a new video every Wednesday and Saturday so doing I'll say bye from here in Chicago I wish you all the best and have a nice meal when you're here because you will bye
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 331,171
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: TRCSkRwzLaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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