CREATE SMOOTH MUSIC VIDEO TRANSITIONS | Kodak Black - Purple Stamp | Adobe Premiere & Ae Tutorial

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[Music] what's going on guys got an awesome tutorial for you today before we talk about that i quickly want to mention a bunch of new presets plug-ins and transitions just dropped on my website so if you want to save time get a bunch of these fast-paced energy effects for premiere and if you missed the week in sale you can use this code on the screen here to still get that 15 off at checkout now to the tutorial alright guys today we are going to be talking about some fast-paced smooth editing effects some of these are featured in the new kodak black purple stamp music video that just dropped pretty cool one if you guys haven't already seen this i will quickly just browse through while i talk a little bit so i'll give you five different things that you can take away from this i'll try and show you in after effects as well as some things in premiere so we can get a nice little mix what i love about this style whenever you have these speed these motion effects it's not too flashy you can have just nice smooth footage use a lot of these transitions that you're seeing here and have your edits flow especially when you have high energy music and you can edit to that music let's hop right into our software let me show you how we can pull some of these off as always consider subscribing to join the community if you guys enjoy and want to help me out please slap a like on the video for the youtube algorithm and of course comment down below anything you'd like to see next so we're going to start off in after effects showing you this effect right here sort of like this cutaway fade mask and then you have a nice smooth transition into that nice way to cycle into the next scene alright so i'm going to drag in some stock footage from link will be down below if you want to follow along with some royalty-free footage so we'll create a new composition here in after effects let's make that 1920 by 1080 and we'll drag in some footage let's right click that transform and fit the comp and we'll drag in our second shot which is what we're going to transition into what we're going to do is find the spot that we like to start the transition where our subject here gets wiped away so i'll select that spot here i'm going to click ctrl shift d it's going to split the layer at that point and then i'll just delete this excess here so what we should have is just a little rough cut from our first shot here into our second what we're going to do now is create a mask and this doesn't have to be fancy you don't have to do a bunch of crazy tracking so you want to find the spot where you want your mask fade to start so maybe right about here so again click that and ctrl shift d and we'll right click and name this fade start shot one shot two so on your fade start layer we're gonna go and just grab our pen tool so you can click g or in the top go ahead and select that and let's just draw an easy little mask around the outline of our subject here and go ahead and connect your mask once you're done so what we should have here is a mask that's not fully tracked and the mask is kind of popping that over on top of our footage so what we want to do here is click on our mask you want to click m on your keyboard to show the mask so right here and you want to change that mask right here where it says mode from add to subtract so that way it cuts away what's in the mask instead of cutting away what's outside of the mask you see how it's sort of a sudden cutaway what we can do is with those mask options still open and expand them a bit more there what you can do is grab this underneath clip here so shot one and just drag give yourself a bit more space and you can actually just use the opacity of this clip to control the fading end so you see if i click t with that layer selected to bring up opacity and i kind of just changed that slider that's how we can have that sort of fade in effect so what we can do is create a little keyframe so we'll set this at zero off rip or sorry we'll set this at 100 off rip keyframe the opacity scroll a tiny bit set it to zero so that's how you can get your little fade in of the next scene so all you need at this point to complete the transition is a bit of transforming so we want this top frame to sort of fly towards the camera to zoom into the next scene that we have popping up here and to do that it's super easy first off you want to click toggle switches and modes down here until you can see your 3d layer switch make sure all of this is checked on here this little 3d cube once you've done that you can now transform each of these layers in 3d space so you see if i toggle that on and off you're getting a lot more options here specifically a third axis so this is your x-axis your y-axis this third one that pops up is your z-axis so you see if i grab that z-axis and just pull it to the right you can have that screen move towards you in z space and see you can also grab the axis like that so what we're going to do is just keyframe it so we'll start here and we'll keyframe the position we'll just drag a tiny bit and you want it to be quick and we'll just crank this to the left so that it's kind of flying towards the camera so we've created a little keyframe where it sort of just shoots away towards the screen like that you see how mine has this nice motion blur you want to enable your motion blur switch as well if you don't have motion blur enabled that's what it's going to look like it's a lot more it's a lot less natural so again clicking toggle switches and modes slap on the motion blur you can have that enabled in the composition to see that and if you want to change the motion blur you can go up to composition comp settings and it's under the advanced tab here you can change that shutter angle so that's how we can have our scene just kind of fly away now if you want to have a more zoom in effect on top of this what you can also do is right click in this gray space where your layers are and go to new and you can create a camera and with this camera now that everything's a 3d layer you can use this little camera layer here just to control and add any other sort of movement so for example if you want to sort of zoom through you can open up the camera transform controls like you would with any other layer again make sure these are all 3d layers so that this works and we can just set our keyframes here drag a bit and to actually do the camera controls you want to click c so if i click c you can see i rotate the layer click c again pan click see it again and you can zoom we'll just create a little zoom through keyframe now you're going to see here we've got a bit of an issue so we have our zoom but our screen sort of goes away that's because whenever we open up this fade in you see we created just this tiny little keyframe for our positioning where kind of just shoots forward we also need to copy and paste these position keyframes onto the bottom layer here so select wherever it says position to copy that click control c and then just open up position of your bottom shot here this is the one where we're controlling the opacity select position and click control v so that'll paste the keyframes you want to make sure that these keyframes here are lined up your two position keyframes and then just play around with the timing of everything here until you get the transition looking the way you want so if your zoom is happening a little bit too quick we can give it some time so that you can see the fade maybe something like that you can change the timing of the fade in so maybe we'll make that faster or more slow so you have full control over all of the timing so there you guys go at full speed there's what that looks like get your fade in and then you get your transform of course change around the keyframes to make that look however you want and if you even want some more different effects for example they kind of had it uh with the zoom a bit more shaky you can use that camera click c and maybe just make like tiny movements you get more of like a shaky zoom in so there you go effect number one alright guys next up next little quick snappy effect here this one's pretty cool so this one is this sort of uh swivel offset transition but the difference here is they're bringing in this sort of isolated freeze frame from the next shots and they're sort of matching the motion of the transition with that freeze frame to create this cool sort of swiveling look where everything falls into place at the end so pretty simple to do that let's go ahead and create a new comp so click here click ok i'll name this slide whip or something so you want to bring in your first shots and we'll transform that fit that to comp of course and this is even better here because in this example you can see how the movement in the scene is sort of moving to the right and that's going to sell our effect even better so anytime you have something that's naturally matching the movement of your transition it's always going to look a lot more smooth so he moves to the right like that we'll go ahead and ctrl shift d and just cut it there so we'll name this again shot one and let's go ahead and bring in our next shot all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take shot 2 here i'm going to select that and click control d to duplicate it and i'm going to right click on that duplication and i'm going to name that freeze frame so let's find a spot where we'd like to freeze frame where our next scene is going to begin so maybe something like right here we'll select we're going to right click on freeze frame go to time and we're going to click freeze frame and if you guys want to you can mark out the spot because we want to align this frame here with shot 2 whenever we create the transition and you'll see what i mean in a second so if you want to set a little marker just to just to line it all up easier on your numpad you can click the little asterisks or the star key so it should be above your 9 on your numpad you see it sets this little after effects marker so we have that marked out we're going to right click on the freeze frame layer go to time and we're going to click freeze frame so now if i scroll you see how this freeze frame layer is frozen as this frame exactly what we want and again this is going to line up to be at this spot and for some reason the marker is selected on the clip let me just click put it on the composition instead of the clip and we can move this and that's still there so again make sure you're not selecting the clip so shot one we're going to scroll a tiny bit about halfway from when he starts his um movement towards the direction we want we're going to go ahead and add in a little offset effect so slap on offset and with the opposite effect you can crank that value and see how it sort of just shifts the entire scene continuously to the right as long as you crank that value so it'll be pretty easy create a little keyframe animation just to have everything slide to the right so we'll go ahead and click keyframe where we want the transition to start and i'll open up this clip and the effects you can see that drag to where we want to stop and we'll just grab this value and just move it to the right or the left again it depends on what direction you want in the original kodak black video they swiveled everything to the left this time i'm doing it to the right again try and play it to the direction your footage is naturally moving and you'll get a better result so you can see our keyframes there click play that's what we got so we have our slide whip transition but it's not that smooth you can see that line going through here it's very sharp and choppy so what you can do to fix that before we use the motion blur switch but for some reason motion blur doesn't work with effects because it's not like a natural changing of positioning it's an effect that's changing this so we can turn that off what you can do is just go to your effects and presets search for a little directional blur so we'll drop that on there then on shot one in your effect controls you want to set your direction to this to whatever direction you're transforming so again we're shifting to the right so we'll set that to 90. if you were shifting and whipping to the left you could set it to negative 90 and we'll just create a little keyframe so for blur length we'll start it at zero we'll move a couple frames so i'll click page down a couple times and we'll just grab blur length and move it up until you can't see that rough edge then you can move a bit maybe in the middle you can like make it super high up move to the end and i'll open that up and click to set a keyform keyframe before we kind of slow everything down and then we'll go to the end and set that back to zero so here's what this looks like we added some natural blur um in the direction that we're rotating so we have that natural smooth whip and again you guys can mess around with these values for whatever blur you want now what i'm going to do here is grab shot two the shot that we want to transition into and again this is the area where our freeze frame starts right there so we'll keep that in mind what we want to do is create a little transition or even shorten this up a bit adding the exact same swivel in the exact same direction that we set up here onto shot two so i can even click on shot one and just copy and paste this so in our effect controls hold down control to select these click control c to copy select here and ctrl v to paste and sometimes because we created all these keyframes if we open up for shot to our effects and let's just make sure everything is timed correctly so it looks good that's fine so again we have a swivel and then we have a swivel so let's go into here and about halfway let's kind of move shot two instead of starting at zero for a directional blur let's just have it already blurred up like that so you can seamlessly sort of stitch these two shots together you see if i go slow this is where it changes but it's pretty hard to tell because we're adding in that motion now another little side note whenever you add that directional blur sometimes by toggle transparency it'll sort of blur out these edges so if you want to fix that you can just select your clips click s to scale until you don't see that same with this one you see those edges how they're kind of cloudy select click s scale that a tiny bit up so that fixes that again seamless little change you can't even tell and to cover it up even more what we can do is add in that freeze frame that's why we did this at the beginning so we'll drag in our freeze frame and if we click play you see we want to isolate the subject here so we'll select our freeze frame we'll click g to bring up our pen tool and we'll just kind of make a little mask over top of this so we can see our subject kind of poking through all right so connect your mask so you can see what that looks like you need to you guys can click m add any feather if you really want just don't overdo it so it looks all cloudy maybe like two pixel feather that looks fine so here's what that looks like you click play it should swivel freeze frame should pop in and it should go like that so whenever the shot to transition ends so right here we're going to end our freeze frame and you'd see freeze frame and it pops into position perfectly onto our second shot like that see how it lines up and that's why we picked that spot out that's we that's why we marked it up made our keyframes all end in the right area so you can have those nice little seamless transitions and then what you can do to end this all out so you don't have this sort of freeze frame image just floating here the entire time you can add some motion onto the freeze frame to make it match or even hide the switch in scenes and then we can even have the freeze frame swivel in so it's not just kind of floating here the entire time everything's swiveling to do that instead of doing the offset we'll just give it a bit of transform so again at the end you wanted to line up right there so we'll go to the end here and we'll go open up our transform for freeze frame and we'll just make sure we set a keyframe here because we want the ending position to be exactly how it is where it all ends in that position then at the beginning we can go and just kind of move this over to wherever we want so maybe we wanted to slide in from the left we'll just drag it all the way into the left so you get something like that if you want it to be faster you can again change the timing of the keyframe so you want it to not be such a slow slide in move it faster to those keyframes and you'll just have a little snap like that and then you want to add some motion blur so it's not so much of a stiff kind of transformation so again toggle switches and modes and motion blur enable that and you can see immediately how that thing changes and of course you guys can transform this any which way you want maybe you don't want it starting from there maybe you want it starting like right here and it'll slide in from the right or any other thing you could put the position down here there you go so you guys have a lot of room to sort of take this methodology that i'm showing you with seaming things together adding motion blur transforming things and really make it your own you can even rotate put the position down you can get a bunch of really cool different variations alright guys so from here i'm going to actually switch over into adobe premiere just because i want to show you guys that all of these effects that i'm showing you you can do in either premiere or after effects i do prefer after effects for working with motion blur because you do have that camera effect and you do have that motion blur switch which are unique to after effects i also think masking is a lot easier with after effects being able to zoom in so i do prefer after effects but you can actually create the exact same stuff in premiere so let's show you how to do something like this where we have our scene kind of stretch opens up like this and then zooms forward so in terms of splitting this shot into two you want to find the spot where you would like to start the transition click and we want to click ctrl k just to split the layer at that spot now on this second part here that we just split we're going to hold down the alt key on our keyboard we're going to click and drag up so we're creating a duplication of that exact clip in a video layer above now on the top part here we're going to select that go up to our effect controls and in this opacity section you see how you have these different masking tools free draw bezier and four point polygon mask we'll click that one and we're just gonna position this mask so that it's sort of going halfway through our screen so like that so what we did was just create a little mask you can't see any change but if i was to hide the visibility of our layer one that's what we've done let's go ahead and click on that mask click control c to copy it we're going to click on the bottom layer and click into our effect controls and then ctrl v to paste it it's actually select opacity control v to paste it there we go so on here we're going to go ahead and click inverted and then let's swap the visibility so we'll hide video layer two we'll show video layer one so there you go we've just isolated each half of the scene so i can turn on both visibilities everything looks perfectly normal or i can do one at a time you see we've got something like this going on so super easy in terms of isolating so i picked this one to show you in premiere because the masking wasn't as precise of course you could do all the freeze frame stuff everything i've showed you previously the big key here is adding our motion blurred transformation and zooming so to do that instead of adding a camera or motion blur switch you want to search for the transform effects so under distort there it is drop it right there and then in your effect controls you can see we can create a simple little keyframe where the two halves of the screen just sort of slide off the screen so we'll select the top for position we'll set a keyframe we'll move a couple of frames so maybe one two three four five six and we'll just move this over now you see how it's kind of messing up because of the mask to avoid that to actually move just directly the half let's click ctrl z to undo that we want to nest both of these halves again so right click on the top and nest that'll lock everything that we've done here into here so if we click you'll see there's no mask in the effect controls this is just purely half a screen nested in and we'll do the same at the bottom right click see in our effect controls there's our mask but if we nest it now it's locked in so so that's how you can sort of alter a clip and then lock it in without having conflicting things happening but either way again just drop transform onto our new nested clip again at the start keyframe position let's go one two three four five six slide it off the screen there you go so we create a little animation just like that then again key to making this realistic motion you want to add motion blur so in the transform effect if we click here go effect controls you see all the way under here the shutter angle the shutter angle value we can just crank that up and you can see we can add some realistic motion blur so super easy that's how you can transform things around in premiere with that realistic motion blur either way let's click on that clip click on transform in our effect controls click ctrl c to copy that effect bottom effect controls control v to paste let's just drag to where that keyframe is so again one two three four five six instead of it transforming to 35 you see if i grab that value we want it to go to the right so just pull it to the right until it's off screen got an easy little split so what we can do now grab all these layers drag them all up so you've got a little video layer spot here and in this in this empty area we've created we can drag in our next scene so let's drag in our next scene place it underneath that way it'll sort of pull reveal and you can see our next scene underneath so super easy now to fully make this a zoom what we can do is click c so we have this kind of triple stack that's all lined up and we're going to select all these right click and nest them again so we have one clip here on this nested clip we can go to transform drop that there and we can just create a simple little keyframe with transform to zoom forward and to do that you just need to keyframe your scale move a tiny bit and we'll just make it like a quick abrupt um scale in so something like this there you go you want it to look better crank up your shutter angle so just like that very simple and of course you guys can mess around through keyframes change around the timings whatever and of course make sure you guys save your projects you might have been able to hear my computer kind of screaming and pain from processing so make sure you guys stuff doesn't crash when you're doing this so use those concepts if you want to do this in premiere before we switch back in after effects to show you some after effects exclusive things i do want to mention here again that speed demon pack this works really well if you just want to do the setup and then add some easy quick transitions or looks that work into this and again i won't take up too much of your time talking about this but for example i can grab any of my handheld transitions from my speed demon 2-pack and just drop in something like a quick zoom easily just by dragging that in you've got some natural movement here so that it's not so stale zooms in and it even swivels back out and there's a bunch of other variations of that too so enough talking about that let's hop back into after effects and i'm going to show you guys here in the original music video the only difference is you see how the screen sort of stretches before it cuts open you see here's the cut open the only way you can really distort and stretch the screen and premiere is by either one adding a lens distortion or by two going to your effect controls checking off uniform scale and sort of like doing that but it doesn't look so good in after effects there's this cool effect called cc scale wipe you can drop that here that pretty much allows you to set a direction that you want so maybe 90 and just stretch it you can see how it sort of does an easy little stretch so if you really wanted to you can set a keyframe here drag a bit stretch a bit that's probably how they did that of course you could duplicate scale wipe do it in the negative direction to stretch both edges but i thought i would mention so that's an after effects that's an after effects exclusive effect and and the only real difference all right so next up i'm going to show you guys this effect and i really love this one using a lot of the same fundamentals um but using a random object in the scene instead of a person transforming it adding the motion blur even adding a bit of like cloning going on here which is cool and then transitioning into the next scene i've actually downloaded the music video here just so i have like the exact shot with that setup so it makes more sense it's the exact same context and let's just cut away the spots where all the effects start happening so you want to find a spot where you can clearly see the object that you would like to transform so let's do the other wrist this time so right here you want to click ctrl shift d to split at that spot then you want to freeze frame this so right click time and freeze frame this bottom we could drag out so it's not only the freeze frame and on our freeze frame let's right click and name that freeze watch and bottom we'll just name this shot one so on freeze watch again we want to isolate now so we'll grab our pen tool and we will go ahead and just create a little mask around the object that we want now you guys don't see anything and that's because we added the footage underneath if i was to hide the visibility here's what that looks like so you guys can mess with your mask here click m and you can add feather if you want i'll add like three pixels of feather throw that back now from here we can transform this any way we want you can drag it out it'll last forever we'll go to toggle switches and modes here again and might as well make this a 3d layer just to give us some more transform options and of course we want our motion blur on pretty simple just go to transform at the beginning set your keyframe drag a bit and let's scale rotate maybe you don't need this to be a 3d layer so check that off scale rotate and essentially just have it in the center maybe something like that you can see how i have it sort of rotating off his wrist so once you have your transformation down it's pretty easy to apply the transition so we can just double click on this watch here it's going to open it up in a layer so pretty easy it's just not flying around and what we can do is just click g again and just create a little mask inside of the object here that we'd like to transition through so we're going to cut away the circle parts and that's going to sort of reveal the next scene and then again with this mask showing make sure you click m to see that on mask 2 set that to subtract so it should be a cut out add a tiny bit of feather there maybe and for now we want the cutout to not be shown so we'll set the opacity to zero and then we can click back into the composition so from layer here to composition now if you go to your mask controls again clicking m you can use this mask opacity and set a keyframe so you can keyframe here drag to the end put that up to 100 so it'll sort of fade and that part that we want will open up so what we can do from here is we can place our scene 2 right there right where it starts to fade away so let's go to just drag in some more footage you guys will be able to see here you want to make sure that your transform here is scaling so that it sort of flies off the screen so let me just scale it up drag a tiny bit and maybe just scale like this and there you go created a simple little pop out and then scale up if you guys want to see the next scene in your object or your watch or whatever let's name this shot too drag this in a layer above and we're going to click here again toggle switches and modes wherever it says track matte you want to set the track matte to be alpha inverted sorry alpha matte you'll be able to see that inside of the watch just make sure whenever you do that for some reason it turns out the visibility off of the watch just want to click so that shows back up you can see how whenever it scrolls in you can start to see the second scene sort of creeping through then we can have the next scene just sort of fade in here so at this point right here we'll click control shift d and we won't have an alpha matte on this second part we'll just place it right there again track matt put that to none if you really want you can even keyframe some opacity so we'll click t put that to zero keyframe scroll just like that you can have a nice little transition where we're transitioning through a specific object we have a specific transformation on that object everything looks smooth and you can even just scale this up all the way until that is gone off your screen with our keyframed opacity and with our alpha matte just so that we can start to see that a little bit and if you want to add a little cloning here with this frozen watch pretty simple just click ctrl d to duplicate it drag this duplication underneath all this stuff because then again you need that alpha matte here so make sure it's not above here make sure it's below so that the alpha matte can be activated no a little confusing but just make sure it's below whatever is alpha matted open your transform for that freeze watch and just drag out the keyframe so whenever we have our scale and our rotation we don't even need these ones but we can just drag these out so that the timing is a little bit before that of the first one you can see how we have that clone sort of popping up there all right guys now our last little effect here uh probably the easiest one but it still looks really cool and it's right there if you didn't see that it's where you select an object or a subject like a person and you do a bit of transforming just to have it kind of shoot at the screen if you guys were able to do everything we've shown you before this should be extremely easy so let's go ahead and create another new composition let's drag in some footage and it's really easy all you want to do here i'll do it with a specific person this time so maybe like right here whenever he turns us back click ctrl shift d to split your layer right there and let's go ahead and just mask this area so we're going to select this top part and we're going to just freeze frame it so go to time freeze frame rename that to freeze frame rename this to footage on our freeze frame layer we're going to grab our pen tool and we'll just mask the area that we want to shoot at the camera so connect your mask at the end you see everything goes away so just grab your bottom footage and drag it out so that it can come back now we just need to add some transformation so you see this will sort of freeze there because we added the freeze frame but what we can do is easily click toggle switches and modes make that freeze frame clip a 3d layer and then add a quick little transform so let's open up transform again set your keyframes and we can use page down to just go forward a couple of frames so maybe like one two three four five and then take your z axis here again this one the third one is your z you can see that if it's a 3d layer and just keep pulling that to the left until it is completely off the screen that's why it's easier to do this as a 3d layer you can directly sort of pull it off where the camera is again add some motion blur to look cool and bam of course change the timing of the keyframe so you can have it faster more slow so hope you guys did enjoy if you did slap a like on the video means a huge amount to me again comment below anything you'd like to see next and as always guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting and i'll see you [Music] oh
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 46,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, after effects, transitions, smooth, seamless, tutorial, music video, max novak, how to, kodak black, purple stamp, motion, ben marriot, after, effects, masking, nle choppa, fredo bang, best, how to edit like, preset, pack, plugin, free, clone, amv, premiere, lil durk, how to edit, like, ae, transition, zoom, asap, rocky, scrapbook, morph, stereoscopic, instagram, editing, easy, beginner, daniel schiffer, effect, vfx, freeze frame, jitter, durk, trippy, dance, glow, animation, ferg, asap rocky, final cut
Id: trb4q7D2kmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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