5 ESSENTIAL Waves Plugins for Mixing and Mastering

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hey what's going on out there I'm Sean Divine  hope you all are doing well in this tutorial   we are going to be breaking down the five waves  mixing and mastering plugins that you should buy   first if you're in the market for third-party  plug-ins let's say you've been using the stock   plugins in your DAW getting comfortable with you  know just the general sort of concepts of mixing   and mastering now you want to take it to the  next level these are going to be superior in   a lot of ways Waves plugins were the first  mixing and mastering plugins that I bought   I still use those to this day as well as all the  plugins that we're going to look at here in this   video I'm going to show you some tutorials  that are on my channel just going to give   you some different context for how I'm using  each of these plugins and how I am sure that   you're going to use them in your own sessions  as well first up you gotta have a good Dynamic   EQ you're going to use this in mixing as well as  mastering and most DAWs don't have a stock option kicks got a lot of info at 40  hz so I'm going to slide that   one to 40 and then we're going to  put this one more towards about 80.   so what we're going to be doing is creating  a reduction when the kit comes through on the   Baseline for just the low frequency and then we're  going to be retaining all those High mids mids another plugin   you absolutely will need is pitch correction some  of you are going to use it less often than others   but if you're doing modern mixing you're going  to be using some kind of pitch correction at   some point it's very very important to find  one that is reliable and it's not going to   give you a lot of issues in your Daw the  only one that I have stuck with the one   that has proven itself over time is waves tune  real time and obviously you can use it with no   latency so if you're tracking with artists it's  going to be an indispensable tool there as well   is Off the Wall yeah yeah I think that's it  so now let's just uh I cannot talk into these   things trying to talk into pitch correction is  is crazy but let's just do a little freestyle   now that we've set that scale up my flow  is off the wall let's see what we gonna do flow y'all trip off some triplets I  get this we on YouTube and this is   not written I swear I'm just going off the  top but I come from my heart and we do it   from the start every day I'm in here working  hard trying to bring some value to your home   teach you something that you might not have known  I'm sitting here drinking Dunkin Donuts coffee man all right so real quick let's just try now  to harmonize with the hook vocal that I've   already got again this makes it very  easy to start figuring out something   in our user scale that's going to work  with the hook so let me just go up here you hear me when I call yeah don't doubt what I said that I ball yeah my foot in the door and I feel that Harmony yeah yeah maybe one of the very first third-party plugins  that you're likely going to want to purchase is   a maximizer or a limiter if you're like me  and you use logic pro the Adaptive limiter   is not going to cut it for commercial Masters  and Loud mixes that compete it starts to fall   apart really really quickly it's very much a  utility sort of limiter not something that I   would recommend using on the master bus it can do  the job but these are gonna do a lot better job   with the multi-band limiter we can set different  bands here and then we can set priorities across   these bands so that the maximizer knows okay  work hard on this don't you know try to kind of   rein in on this as much so I'll show you how this  works let's just set our crossover points up here   let's do something like maybe 120 for the low  you know going down into our subwoofer then we'll   maybe do something like 750 and then let's do two  thousand and four thousand I think that'll give us   some different bands to work with but I'm  going to go down to the low end I'm going   to set the value higher which means it's  going to be lower priority in terms of   where this threshold is going to hit so let's  play that back and I'll show you what that does   don't get it twisted I'm not  conflicted I'm just out living my truth you know I ain't perfect some days feel  worthless prayers stay up high for the   youth when I pull that threshold up  you could see that the maximizer of   the limiter it's not even attenuating  right there because I set that higher   and it's going to work on attenuating some  of these other bands so let's adjust those   accordingly as well let me get it twisted I'm  not conflicted I'm just out living my truth and I could never judge you grudge with you while  you're on your own walk so now that we've set that   up you can see that we're going to get the most  attenuation here in this low mid band you know   removing some of the mud and then also you know  this 2K to 4K band we're gonna get some removal   of some of that harshness now not only can we  push the rest of our our maximization harder   across our mix but we can also Now bring up the  gain in say this band here you know this 1K 2K   area that we've been focused on so let's go down  there and we'll boost that gain up maybe a DB and   then let's say that we're gonna boost the gain  up on this low mid just because we are going   to get some more attenuation so we'll do that  and then the high end maybe like a half DB here   and we'll pull the threshold  down a little bit lower next up you are going to want an analog modeled EQ  so if you've been using the stock EQ in your Daw   you've noticed that when you boost things it gets  really harsh very quickly it just doesn't sound as   good as a hardware EQ or some of the third-party  plugins that you've probably heard and the reason   is because these analog model eqs include other  aspects of the analog Hardware like saturation   there's also some very unique curves that are  created in terms of how you're boosting how you're   cutting and they have a much more musical result  one of my favorite eqs one I use often in studio   rack is the Manny Marroquin EQ just has a certain  musicality and tone to it that you can't get   anywhere else especially in the top end but let's  go ahead and first we're going to get rid of some   of the chunk out of this vocal it's a little bit  fat a little bit thick and we need to get rid of   some of the excess thickness anyway how many ways  to live how many ways to give will you abort when   you come up short will you hold on tight driving  down this road swerving through disappointments   but the highs come with it Peace of Mind gotta go  go get it where you find it quietly reminded it's   not where your mind is looking up above when we  need them I'm Gonna Leave the high pass at about   105. I see a lot of folks out there starting to EQ  things much higher than this like 170 180 200 250   sometimes and you know stylistically that might be  the right thing but just realize that you're not   always going to do that there is no such thing as  always or never in mixing like we've said before   but you know sometimes you don't want to put it up  so high you want a little bit thicker character in   your vocal now I do want to add a little bit at  800 I just find that this Notch here on the Manny   Marroquin EQ is is really nice for vocals to get  things to sit uh correctly here so I'm just going   to add a little bit of 800 maybe a DB something  like that how many ways to live how many ways to   give will you abort when you come up short will  you hold on tight driving down this road swerving   through disappointments but the highs come with it  Peace of Mind gotta go go get it where you find it   quietly reminded it's not where your mind is next  up I'm gonna take out a little bit of this 1.6 K   Notch now a lot of you see you know 1K 2K is that  frequency that has a lot of the presence a lot of   the impact of your vocal in a mix however it can  start to build up this mic has a very forward   midsection and so I can just find that it can  be a little bit much can also sound a little bit   nasally depending on the performer so I'm going  to take some of that out up above when we need the   love it's a subtle wink or the tap a touch on the  shoulder climbing over boulders pass it all around   as the world grows colder and know that I got you  if you need something I find you Stars connecting   the sky realign you gave up my old ways High Hopes  no fear no days a little smoother sound there and   and finally the magic high-end boost here on this  EQ we're going to go to 12 and a half K I like   this Notch for my vocals in particular and we're  going to add you know maybe two three four DB   for fill in adventurous let's see how many ways to  live how many ways to give will you abort when you   come up short will you hold on tight driving down  this road swerving through disappointments but the   highs come with it Peace of Mind gotta go go get  it where you find it quietly reminded it's not   where your mind is looking up above when we need  the love it's a subtle wink or the tap a touch on   the shoulder climbing last but certainly not least  you are absolutely going to need a great de-esser   now a lot of Daws have de-essers included they  will get the job done but they're certainly not   as capable as the ones that we're about to listen  to if you're using a modern mic especially in rap   vocals today you know something like this the  103 these mics are boosted in the top end quite   heavily so you are absolutely essentially going to  need a de-esser to prevent harshness and to tame   that sibilance next up let's go to the dpr402  which this one I had not really been familiar   with waves had a sale a couple weeks ago and so  I just picked this up thought it was interesting   because it combines a compressor a peak limiter  and a de-esser it's kind of a different combo   of effects there but it works surprisingly well  for you know taming a vocal and keeping the s's   in checks got a great de-esser section I did  everything not to get you close cause when it   goes sour I'll be feeling it the most I got a list  of things to do before I leave now I got a lot of   hands to hold before I bleed out so tell me this  one thing can we live for one thing other than   ourselves all the hate could go to hell so just a  few DB Let's uh maybe that I got a lot of hands to   hold before I bleed out so tell me this one thing  can we live for one thing other than ourselves and   with I got a lot of hands to hold before I bleed  out so tell me this one thing can we live for one   thing other than ourselves nice nice nice smooth  sibilant control there it also has a peak limiter   so sometimes with vocals if you're pushing it  especially with a two track it's nice to just   dial that in all right y'all so those are the  five waves mixing and mastering plugins that   I would recommend buying first if you're in the  market for third-party plug-ins you know I've been   curious and I've ventured out and I've bought  a lot of different plugins a lot of different   brands these are the the ones that I always just  seem to come back to I'm confident knowing I'm   going to get the best results with these waves  plugins they're stable and they just have proven   to be timeless for me so maybe you have some  plugins that you started off with that have   been that way we'd love to hear about those in the  comments if you learn anything in the video please   like subscribe and consider sharing hit that  notification Bell for more we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Sean Divine
Views: 22,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixing, mastering, waves, plugins, waves audio, sean divine, pitch correction, waves tune, real time, real-time, tutorial, waves plugins, mixing rap vocals, how to mix rap vocals, waves studiorack, waves f6, l3 multimaximizer, waves sibilance, manny eq, audio mixing, best mastering plugins, best mixing plugins, best waves plugins, top, best, plugin, vocal mixing, mixing vocals, mixing tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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