5 essential MODS for LETHAL COMPANY

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okay so I am going to cover five mods that I think just add a little bit more quality of life to the game uh they're not going to be particularly gamechanging mods they're not going to change too much it kind of breaks the game or breaks the immersion and stuff uh I have seen mods like a field of view slider uh you can change your field of view I personally don't want to use things like that just because I think part of this game part of what makes this game what it is is like how it's set up like the field of view is fine doesn't need changing in my opinion uh that's something that can just stay the same kind of I feel like if you could see too much around you it would kind of break the immersion a bit so yeah it won't be mods like that but um the five mods that I've got lined up are just kind of uh useful quality of life additions so the first mod uh that I just want to go through with you guys is the reserved flashlight slot and this kind of ties in with my second mod as well which is uh I I'll go into I'll do I'll kind of do both at the same time then so I'll do Reserve flashlight and the reserve walkie-talkie so they're kind of they're kind of the same thing the reserved uh item slots they need the reserved item slot core mod for those to work so once you've install that there's then the additional mods and I will go through that with you uh and just tell you what you need but they they basically give you these slots on the right hand side so if I pick up a flashlight it's over on the on the right hand side of the screen now I can hold alt uh and that allows me to then scroll whil holding all I can scroll and cycle through uh the Torie walkie and the flashlight pretty handy it means it frees up the rest of your slot so now if I let go of alt and I can just scroll through here okay so if I just go to a planet I can pick stuff up so we got our Reserve slot and then I can actually pick up items and they'll stay at the bar at the bottom and we're not taking up any extra space so that's kind of like mods one and two all right so these are the mods that I was talking about in the video so I'll just I'll just go over the the reserved item slot core cuz this is what you need if you want to use uh the flashlight and the walkietalkie separately to your inventory slots I found at the moment I couldn't use my terminal in game if I used the latest one 1.2.5 so this one that has way more downloads anyway version 1.2.4 I've used that uh that seems to be better going from what I've tested uh it seems like you get around 10 seconds from Sprint so this is fully recovered if I start sprinting basically it's about 10 seconds of Sprint before we run out uh and I'm sure you can see where this is going so there we go we run out and if I stop it's about 10 seconds again to recover uh but what you can do is you can use the better stamina mod again all the links will be in the description you can use the better stamina mod to just increase your stamina duration how fast it recovers and stuff but I'll go through the config with you and we'll put all that stuff in but that's the third mod U I think it just adds a little a little bit more sometimes getting from the ship to the planet and back again can be a little bit painful sometimes with the stamina that's on there so this just allows you to run a little bit faster a little bit further well I don't know about faster but you can run further and technically you can run faster because you can cover cover more ground so I guess you kind of can so when you have your bonex folder you'll have your plugins here uh but if you go back a folder you've got config uh inside there obviously you can uh configurate your or configure I should say your Weapon X plug in itself but then you also get some extra configurations here two pretty self-explanatory they've put comments in for you but this is the multiplier for how much stamina drains whilst sprinting the default values 0.75 now I think that's the default value that the plugin has set not the default value inside the game a multiplyer for how fast your stamina regenerates so okay so that's a nice easy one so again make that like you know three and it's going to re regen twice as fast uh a multiply of how much stamina jumping consumes so you could very well just go zero and your stamina will not drain for jumping that actually could be a really nice little quality of life Improvement uh the multiply for how much your speed and stamina consumption are affected by weight I haven't really noticed this much by default anyway in the game and I wouldn't want to change that too much cuz again that's kind of like dipping your toes in the area of changing the actual game mechanics and making it slightly too easy which makes it less fun uh the number four mod today is the faster item drop ships so if I was to go onto my terminal which once again isn't going to work I'm going to have to look at that okay so I've solved the terminal issue um so yeah anyway going on to the the fourth plugin which is the faster item drop ship so if I go to a store uh and obviously if I buy like a walkietalkie confirm lovely right so I think it's from the moment you land not when you SEL plan it so like we have landed okay so that's already here so I think that's already set up to coming quicker I'm not too sure but there is a config and we will go through that so we'll look at that but basically as you can imagine faster item drop sh it gets here quicker so you don't have to waste as much time waiting for this to arrive uh and you can just get on the mission so we open that got walk talk we have the fast item drop ship configuration I'm going to assume then going on how quick it arrived in our video that either this has already changed or it just starts from the minute you settle down then the timer starts counting boom uh but yeah if you just set this to a low a low value it should just be there when you arrive the max duration in seconds at the item drop ship will stay uh so 40 seconds is the default the max land duration it's currently set to 40 as well so again maybe increase that number so it's there for longer so you don't miss it okay so yeah so the next one so basically it just adds a new counter uh and it just it talles up every single thing on your ship and tells you how much it's worth uh so rather than having to like before if I wasn't looking at the hair dry I was looking over here it wouldn't tally it but now you can see I've got a ship counter it says 97 well we have something somewhere that's adding some value to our counter but basically the point is I don't have to look at my loot I can look anywhere I can scan and it will just tell me how much my loots worth on the ship all of it at once so yep that's that um so that's the sort of the five mods that I've got installed just to uh add some quality of life uh but if you subscribe I'll do another video and I'll I'll cover more mods and we will go through some slightly crazier ones as well as the useful ones but yeah I'll also uh put a video out using the bigger lobbies mods so we'll try and get some more players in but yeah thanks for watching guys if you haven't already liked and subscribed please do just helps me out I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: MagicRecon
Views: 75,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, gaming, scary, ghost, hunt, prop hunt, funny, magicrecon, top 5 mods, lethal company mods, lethal company, essential mods, top 5, review, mod review
Id: kiMaS12zob4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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