5 Easy First Touch Tips | Improve Your First Touch With These 5 Simple Tips

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hi guys and welcome back to another video so today i've got five tips to improve your first touch before we get into today's tips i want to say a huge thank you to one football for sponsoring this video one football is a free football app that you can download onto your smart device and it keeps you fully up to date in the world of football through news transfer rumors match highlights live scores so it's never been easier to follow your favorite leagues teams and players so download the one football app today link's going to be in the description the first tip is being light on your feet when you're on the balls of your feet on your toes you're more agile and you can adjust to the flight of the ball there might be a deflection a bubble as the ball is on its way to you and you need to adjust if i'm flat-footed and the ball isn't completely accurate i've kind of got a stretch and the touch is going to get away from me but if i'm light on my toes and the ball is played in even if it's not completely accurate i can adjust to the flight of the ball and take a clean first touch the second tip is having a low center of gravity so you want to have a slight bend in your knees while being on your toes this is not only going to help you be more agile but it's also going to help you with your balance so even if the first touch isn't clean you're in a position that you can chase after it and you can make something out of it but if i'm flat-footed and my knees aren't bent and the ball is played in and that touch gets away from me it's going to be hard to get back on it quickly and the defender is going to come in and intercept it but if i'm on my toes and have a slight bend in the knees i'm going to be able to cushion that ball and even if the touch did get away from me i'm in a position that i can chase onto it the third tip is connecting right through the center of the ball i recommend starting out by using the inside of your foot it's the widest surface area and it's going to be the easiest to control with then you can move on into different areas of your foot once you gain confidence with it but you want to connect right through the center that's going to provide the cleanest touch if you connect too high on the ball as it comes in it's going to get caught underneath your feet then you're going to have to take a second touch to get it out before you can play a pass and that's going to waste valuable time also if you connect too low on the ball your foot's going to create a bit of a ramp and the ball is going to pop up in the air again you're going to have to get it under control with the second or third touch and you're going to waste time so what you want to do is take the previous steps be light on your feet connect right through the center of that ball and it's going to stop dead and then you can play the ball with your next touch and the fourth tip is being slightly relaxed with your body when you're receiving the ball think of the difference between kicking the ball against the brick wall and kicking it into a net when you pass the ball into a brick wall it rebounds off at the same pace that you passed it in with but when you kick it into a net it slows the ball down and cushions it so you want to create that with your body if i'm rigid especially if there's pressure on me during a match and i'm tight with my body as the ball comes in it's just going to rebound off of my foot and get away from me but if i'm more relaxed like a net and relax with my body as i make contact with the ball and i'm relaxed the ball is going to cushion i'm going to be able to keep it closer to my feet and the fifth tip is to draw your foot backwards as you're making contact with the ball so as you're about to make contact you just pull your foot back slightly and that's going to take all the momentum out of the ball if i just keep my foot here as the ball is played in again the ball's just going to rebound off that hard surface and get away from you so what you want to do is at the very last second draw your foot backwards and that's going to create the cushion effect like that so the ball will stay close to my body and i'm under control so now that you've got some tips to improve your first touch technique the best way to get out there and practice is to grab a football and find a wall or any kind of surface that you can rebound the ball off practice hitting the ball at different speeds and learning how it reacts off of your foot start off using the inside of your foot then go on to other areas of the foot after you gain confidence with it and don't forget to practice both feet equally it's so important to be able to control and pass the ball with both feet so there we go guys five tips to improve your first touch and the final tip is just to get out there and practice as often as possible receiving the ball in different ways and if you want more exercises to work on your first touch check out controllo my very own 7 day first touch training program it contains over 50 exercises to challenge your first touch in different ways so you're more confident on the pitch link's going to be in the description but if you enjoyed today's video make sure you smash the like button hit the subscribe button for weekly training videos and i will see you guys in my next video [Music] you
Channel: 7mlc
Views: 354,381
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Keywords: ow to improve ball control, tight space dribbling skills, how to improve soccer dribbling, how to improve dribbling, soccer dribbling tutorial professional soccer training, professional football training session, how to improve first touch, how to improve passing accuracy, how to improve passing, soccer first touch tutorial, Messi first touch tutorial, Zidane first touch, soccer training session
Id: wtNsLLhba5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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