5 dying technologies of the web - don't learn them!

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hey everyone welcome back in this video i want to discuss about five technologies which you should know on the web which are dying and probably these are the minds which you have to navigate around and not really learn a lot of things about them let's go also if you are new to this channel make sure you like and subscribe to this video i regularly post content on full stack web development how you can become a better programmer and increase your efficiency as a developer so the first one is pretty common you would have heard it about as well a lot of times on maybe some older videos or some blogs and that is jquery now jquery was a very very popular library in fact it is still at the moment but it its use has been gradually decreasing consistently now this is important because jquery's a lot of features and a lot of ease which it bring or used to bring has already been patched directly into the library of javascript and not exactly on one to one mapping but just take an example of performing a simple network request if you used to perform a simple network request back in the days what you have to do is create an xml http object assign it certain callbacks and then there's a bunch of code which you have to do jquery made it very simple just write dollar dot get or dollar dot post and that's it that will perform the thing but now with modern javascript you have the fetch api you have promises you even have library solutions like axios so they make it extremely easy and convenient native methods are present now this has led to a lot of decline in jquery's usage and to be honest it's fine because we always wanted javascript to be more powerful in these fundamental features the dom manipulation the network request and so on it's best for the community but yeah make sure that you double check if you're trying to learn jquery in today's time then re-evaluate your reasons why you're trying to do that because it is one of the technologies which i would personally not recommend anyone to learn if they're starting off learning javascript from scratch the second one is angular or js now this is different from angular 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or whatever the version is at the moment they just pretty much ship a new version every six months but angular.js was the actual awesome framework or the library which kind of like created this spark which react and view and swelt and all these other cool kids follow right i think angular.js was one of the first libraries as well which i used personally on internet on javascript and i had created like so many tutorials and so many videos on angular.js as well but angular.js is officially dead declared by google as well i had created a video on this last year somewhere as well but angular.js is dead it's basically at a state where it will not receive any updates from the team from the maintainers and you are advised to shift to angular 2345 or whatever the version it is now the problem here is that angular.js and angular which are the modern versions are extremely extremely different there is pretty much nothing common between them i think google has actually made a bad decision by naming them both the same thing because it often causes a lot of confusion in people that if you know angular.js you can pretty much shift it easily to angular i mean yes you can but that is because your javascript understanding is good not because the frameworks are similar right so angular.js is something you should be very very very careful if you're learning in today's time and here goes all the work i did in the past for creating those videos but that's the truth it stayed and you should probably not be learning it in today's time the third technology which is dying and you should be careful about is old javascript syntax now this is for the good right to be honest in some ways and not good in other ways but for example let's take a look at the chrome 91 what they did in the in some card here i have created a video so what they did in chrome 91 is they tried to get rid of all the alert prompt and confirm these dialog boxes from a cross-origin iframe execution right it's basically older syntax right kind of i mean alert prompt confirm have been there for the longest time and let's say some chrome 100 version or chrome 110 version they try to get rid of all of that then it's basically you know just javascript has got a major change so although it's not as deprecating or you know it's not like declining anything in the old javascript syntax i mean most of the old stuff on the web still works but it's it's important to take a look at and you know keep an eye out for these things which chrome are doing or which firefox are doing because these are the browsers right whatever they do people use them and whatever people use we have to create or write code according to that so keeping an eye on using only the new features stable features but new like cons led you know better code it will not only just help you write better code and more robust code but also prevent you from using something which is which might be deprecated right or which might even be removed in coming times like i'm not probably sure if alert and confirm example was the right one because they are nowhere near deprecated or you know just bad in any other browser except for chrome but the move which google did in chrome 91 shows us that they are willing to break the web in order to upgrade the language spec you know or just improve the language engine so make sure you know about that all right the fourth technology which is dying real quick super quick is http and it's not what you think it's not the hypertext transfer protocol which is dying it's the protocol which is not secure now over 70 of the websites today use https by default this is an awesome news because https predicts your identity and your data transfer whatever you're sharing it with the website so that your isp or any other middleman cannot inspect what you're sending but yep this means that websites using http are dying and by dying i mean it's just a technology which is dying http without ssl without tls where you see that s and a green lock that is something which we probably will not be seeing even right now but even more so you would not be seeing any website just on http which is popular in the next four to five years so this is something you should be careful about https is free now it used to be paid that you need to pay certain amount to get an ssl certificate but companies like organizations like let's encrypt have just changed the scene over the last five to 10 years i mean i remember so many websites which i used to visit which are just http and they have all been turned into into https in the last five to six years so http is definitely dying long live https and the fifth and the final thing which i believe is a dying technology which might be a little bit controversial is client-side javascript apps like just using react in production or just using vue.js in production now hear me out what i'm saying here in the time of 2000 to 2010 or 11 what used to happen were these frameworks like php and all these frameworks which did server side rendering like ruby were super popular now what they did is that they allowed you to write code which would be dynamic and it will render on the server side and user would be presented directly that page then when frameworks like angular.js and react were invented and used at scale a lot of websites shifted to the paradigm of using javascript bundles heavy javascript bundles on the client side and deriving all the data and the api and all that stuff from the server now this was awesome because servers did not have to spend or you know process a lot of information on the server they can offload it to the client but this was really bad for clients because now they have to have more computing power more processing power which probably is not what clients should be doing right the client should be having more response time to the people they should be having ample of cpu and memory to respond to touches and stuff like this so from 2013 2012 2013 to 2017-18 there was this time where a lot of people just shipped huge javascript bundles and there was a huge cry out loud on the web community that web is kind of just bloated now then from 2017-18 we saw a shift where what we did is we took these technologies and took them to server so react became an xjs or any other variant where you render react on server side view could be linked as next node.js oversight rendering was always available like forever but you can understand about these technologies now what you're doing is you're trying to write the same react which you used to write on front end and ship say a three megabyte bundle but now you're doing it on back end with next chase and shipping uh 200 kilobytes of page right now this is important because this saves a lot of computation time of the client and makes the website even faster right now every website and any website which is slow in today's time even after having this best of both world scenario where you can have the best of both worlds having react like framework at your disposal but also be able to use the benefits of server-side rendering is the winning edge so if you're a company if you're a business if you're a startup who's trying to develop and optimize for things like performance and seo and stuff like this google in fact has a ranking factor speed is a ranking factor in the search results now so this is super important i mean if you're somebody who's still having a slow website in 2021 and you have a lot of traffic you know you're getting from search engines or people using your website it's a huge loss of opportunity if you're not optimizing it slow websites are gonna die web is becoming faster again and make sure you are the part of it so yeah that's pretty much it that is all i wanted to discuss if you like this video make sure you give it a like and subscribe to the channel thank you so much for watching and let me know in the comments below what you think is a dying technology for you and do you agree with all the technologies which i mentioned that is all for this one and i'm gonna see you in the next video really soon [Music] you
Channel: Mehul - Codedamn
Views: 151,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, web development, coding, codedamn, 5 Dying Technologies You MUST Stay Away From!, Top 10 Dying Programming Languages in 2021, Programming Languages to Avoid in 2021, jQuery, AngularJS, Old Javascript Syntax, HTTP, Client-Side JavaScript Apps, clever programmer, top programming languages, programming languages, top 5 programming languages, top 3 programming languages, best programming language, python
Id: SmaxK_Iw61M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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