Overwhelmed With Web Development Technology

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[Music] this video is sponsored by the ultimate freelancing bundle by study web development comm which gives you everything you need to start your own freelancing business including 130 page in-depth guide invoicing and client proposal templates website templates an SEO checklist and much more visit the link in the description and use the code brad 25 to get 25% off hey what's going on guys so kind of a laid back video today I'm actually updating my marin stack course so I didn't have time to create a project however a lot of you guys seem to like these types of videos but in this one I just want to talk a little bit about getting stressed out and overwhelmed over the amount of technologies that are used in web development because often times it seems like something new is coming out every day things are getting updated and you need to learn everything in this it seems like this for a lot of experienced developers so I could just imagine newcomers people that are just getting into web development how they feel so I want to kind of address that for for those of you that are new to this stuff but the bottom line is you don't need to learn everything you're gonna see a lot of technologies thrown at you even from my own channel but you don't need to learn everything you want to first of all pick a path that you want to take you know do you want to be a front-end developer and deal mostly with the user interface which will be a lot of HTML CSS probably a front-end JavaScript framework like react or view do you want to deal with the back end in the database and building api's microservices things like that do you want to do DevOps do you want to do mobile development or do you want to do full stack development which is probably what most of you want to do it seems to be the most popular that's the highest paid you know that's that's what I like to specialize in so you know you want to pick your path and then decide what what technologies you're gonna learn so as far as as picking your technologies you want to stick to a certain stack okay a stack that works well together so an example would be like the mearns where you have no js' Express on the back end maybe another back-end javascript framework and then you have MongoDB for a database goes really well with node because it's very JavaScript like it's it's very scalable as well yeah but it really depends on the project you could also use a relational database and then you know a front-end framework like react so that's a good stack to work with you might go with something else it's not JavaScript like let's say Python you have the Django or flask framework probably go with a relational database like postgrads let's say maybe PHP laravel with view J s in the front-end and MySQL is a database so these are just some examples of some stacks that you might want to look at and a lot of you probably know that I have a video that I put out every year called practical guide to web development and I give you all the examples of the different backend frameworks of different languages front-end frameworks all that stuff so you might want to check that out if you haven't but it is overwhelming because there's just so much I think there's like 60 technologies or something in those videos so it can get really overwhelming but like I said you want to stick to a certain range of technologies and it does seem like when you go on you know even my own channel or other channels or other educational outlets that all this stuff is being thrown at you and you're supposed to learn it now my channel is not meant to be a guide for one certain type of developer and it's the same with everybody else's what with most channels and course course outlets and stuff like that it's just to give you different people different options right so it's not like every video I come out with you're supposed to learn that thing and in some people I can tell that they think that because they get frustrated they start to leave comments like you know why do I have to learn this now and this you don't it's just it's there for people that want to learn it it's it's not a guide for a single developer so just keep that in mind another thing to realize is that a lot of the new stuff like let's say webassembly for example which is pretty new you'll see a lot of content on this new stuff as far as YouTube and courses however it's not it's not really being used yet in the real world because it's so new existing businesses aren't gonna they're not gonna take the risk to use these brand new technologies just yet so don't think that everyone is using this stuff just because you see it online the reason that it's all over the place online is because it's brand new and there's not a lot of educational content on it yet so as content creators we want to explore these these new technologies and teach them now it's it that's not to say you can't learn them I like to learn new things just just to learn them but it's not stuff you need to know so try to keep that in mind the amount of technologies you see online is not the amount of technologies that are really popular and being used in the industry so that's something to keep in mind another thing is you don't have to remember everything so in terms of code you know I think a lot of people that are new think that they're supposed to remember like all the syntax - every language and every framework and so on and that's so far from the truth when you watch tutorials and courses it seems like it's nice and smooth but when we create those projects even the small ones I do a lot of research whether it's googling or looking on Stack Overflow or in the documentation watching other tutorials I'm constantly doing research and that's just part of being a web developer I think that's actually a skill in itself is searching for problems or solutions or whatever um so you know you don't have to remember everything and when it comes to supplemental technologies like let's say git or SSH or FTP whatever it may be just these these kind of side technologies that you need to know but they're not it's it doesn't take as much time to learn as like a language you don't have to learn you don't have to master them so let's use git as an exam you don't have to master it you just want to learn the the basic commands that are pretty much 95% of what you're gonna do with git which is you know pull from a remote repository add to your local repository push to a remote repository things like that you know create branches I actually have a 30 minute get crash course that and what you watch in that crash course is what you'll be doing 95% of the time now later on down the line you're gonna run into some issues with conflicts and you'll have to have to kind of learn a little more then but to begin with you don't need to master you just need to know the most common tasks and commands and stuff like that but you know that's that's that's pretty much it guys when it comes to picking a technology like let's use a JavaScript framework for example we have the big three which are angular view and react don't stress too much about which one you pick right because you see a lot of videos that are like react versus angular view versus react and I used to create these videos but I stopped because they're not they're not helpful they really aren't it is important to do a little research but to watch like 10 20 videos about one framework versus another it's wasting your time what you want to do is just do a little research and then pick one and dive in you know and then start to learn watch tutorials and courses build projects rather than watching these stupid comparison videos because I'm telling you once you really learn like let's say react and redux if you learn that really well and you understand state management you understand component encapsulation and stuff like that you'll be able to learn view or angular in no time and even if you're a react developer and in react goes down the tubes which I don't I don't think it will but I'm just saying if it did and then let's say you got offered a view job you could learn view Jas in no time because you already understand those those fundamental fundamental principles of reacting Redux and the same goes for a language you know people ask me all the time how do you know all these frameworks and languages and the answer is there they're very very similar they just have a different syntax they have DIF some different structures and stuff like that but a lot of the control structures the data structures a lot of them are the same they're just it's different syntax and it's certain things are named differently so like in Python you have dictionaries which are almost identical to object literals in JavaScript or hashes in Ruby so they're just called different things once you learn one language it's easier to learn a second and then a third fourth and whatever I'm seeing with frameworks same with different libraries that that that are similar so I think that's pretty much it guys I don't want to I don't want to make this video too long but the the bottom line is just to relax don't don't go nuts over which framework or which language as long as it's fairly relevant you're gonna be fine and you'll be able to pick up other stuff along the way but that's it guys thanks for watching if you like this video please leave a like and I'll see you next time hey guys one of the best if not the best resource I can refer you to for starting a freelance business is at study web development comm slash freelancing the creator Kyle shared it with me and I can personally vouch that this bundle is well worth it you get 130 page guide to freelancing and it comes with things like invoice templates client proposals HTML and CSS templates a portfolio website access to a private Facebook community and much more so use the code Brad 25 to get 25% off today
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 89,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web development, web developer, web technologies
Id: fLFayoeAzQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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