5 DEEP Scenes that revealed the Genius of the Writers in the Clone Wars

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Star Wars the Clone Wars was an exceptionally well-written show primarily because the show's writers essentially had free rein this freedom in the simpler days before Disney's corporate makeover of the brand allowed the writers to take real risks in making the show risks that paid off incredibly well in this video we'll be taking a look at five great but forgotten scenes that show just how great the writers of the show were attention sergeant on deck the season 1 episode cloak of Darkness is incredibly underrated as it often gets overshadowed by brahmbhatt Jedi the episode that preceded it and the lair of grievous the one that followed it but though it often gets forgotten this was actually one of the best parts of the whole season not least because it completely changed how the show approached the character of asajj ventress in the Clone Wars movie and in ambush her first appearance in the show proper adventurous was treated more as a lackey of Dooku just another commander that happened to be a Dark Jedi she may as well have been a tactical droid in ambush and the movie mistreated her in the same way the rest of season 1 mistreated general grievous cloak of darkness however changed that it showed that Ventress wasn't just a separatist commander or a Dark Jedi she was Count Dooku's personal assassin and for good reason she wreaked havoc on the tranquility under the noses of true Jedi throughout the episode and orchestrated what amounted to a to Men plot to free the third in command of the entire Confederacy from Republic military custody successfully her stellar performance in the episode is capped off by one particular scene at the end I will be a legend for this I always had a good feeling about you captain you see assassin our plan went off without a hitch and I will of course make sure your contributions are noted in my report to Count Dooku I'll tell him myself [Music] greetings Viceroy I always had a good feeling about you assassin this little bit of brutality cemented asajj ventress his image as the Sith assassin and in a few seconds did a lot for her character it also showed how far the riders were willing to push the brutal nature of the show's antagonists which is to say very far this scene was less important in the general scheme of things but it was still a great scene it comes from the episode leaf who track down the finale of season 2 in which the Jedi hunt down Boba Fett and Aurra sing for their role in a plot to kill mace windu in a bid to draw Windu out they selected Commander ponds one of their hostages to be shot to show that the hunt is meant business but when given the chance while they're hesitated to kill pawns and ultimately fail to do it they would do it [Music] it was pawns only two to go Windu come and find us we'll be waiting that short sequence speaks volumes for his character and adds a new layer to Boba Fett that wasn't really present before it makes sense too after all bobble was out to kill window because window had killed his father but Hans was a clone of his father when he looked at him he saw his father's face and when Han spoke he heard his father's voice though he would never admit it to him shooting pawns was just like killing Jango just like what he was killing pawns in a bid to get revengeful and ultimately he couldn't do it politics have always been a huge part of Star Wars and we've done a video on how they influenced the original trilogy in the past but politics is a tricky subject and when George Lucas brought Senate politics front and center in the prequels many people disliked it saying that it was boring and it didn't make for good Star Wars but as we all know the writers of the Clone Wars did many episodes focusing on Senate politics in spite of this and they actually made them powerful and interesting this speech from Padme Amidala at the end of in pursuit of peace is one of the best examples of this isn't it remarkable that one can have all the power in the galaxy and yet the words of a single senator can sway the thoughts of millions what do you plan to do about this for now we must adhere to the principles of our democracy we must let the wheels of the Senate turn defeating a bill in the Senate is hardly a battle you'd expect to be featured in star wars the clone wars but not only was it in the show but it was great too the writers successfully made a debate over military spending into a gripping plot that gets capped off with a speech that isn't just emotionally touching but it also raises some damn good questions about government priorities ambush the first episode of season 1 was probably the best possible way the writers could have introduced style was the Clone Wars there are two big reasons why it did so well Yoda and the clones one sin in particular is a terrific example of how ambush set the stage for the rest of the show I wish to see there's no much to look at here sir we all share the same face deceive you I scare in the force very different each one of you are greased always focused on the enemy are you for inspiration look to yourself and those beside you jerk concerned about weapons you are weapons do not win battles your mind powerful it is hmm I'll think the droids you can dire refs not into fights long is the war only by surviving it will you prevail if this was the first time that any character in Star Wars addressed a group of clones as individual beings distinct in the force and it sets the tone for how the show treated the clones very well via Jack and Reese are all made into distinct characters even though they all look the same and sounded the same some things skeptics had doubted the clone wars would be able to do successfully the clones are one of the best aspects of the show after all and this is really where that started in a cave on rugosa with Yoda asking the three to remove their home bones the cherry on top is how the writers portrayed yodel he is a perfect fusion of the cryptic wise old sage version of Yoda from the original trilogy and the cunning leader from the prequels its Yoda in his element in his prime something that we never really got to see all that well in the movies the advice he gives to the clones the manner which he delivers it and his closing remarks on the force on a hole is so classically Yoda and it showed just how well the writers understood Star Wars one of the reasons the Clone Wars was such a great show was how utterly dark it got at times one scene above all is darker than anything that came before or after it and it really drives the impact home there's so much terrific writing to unpack in the scene the use of the fog of war the general dark fog that had been used throughout the arc is used brilliantly to obscure the true nature of the battle as it begins the clones by crows Bruce here completely firing willingly on their own brothers and even using mortars causing even more casualties many viewers probably had some idea what was really going on here but it still doesn't lessen the impact in the slightest when Rex pulls the helmet of that dead clone and recoils the shock and horror of that one brief moment is incredibly pervasive do not - just brilliant writing but but also great work on the part of Dee Bradley Baker and the animators the small details that the writers slipped into the rest of the scene make it even more powerful the desperation evident in Rex's attempts to stop the firing the horror of the clones when they realize what they're doing and most of all the fact that it's visible that it takes a good bit of time for the news to spread as some clones are taking off their helmets and coming face-to-face with their brothers on the other side there are still blaster bolts burning through the air the death of waxer at the end a character would grow into no one love is enough to make this the saddest scene of the show never before has friendly fire been so effective a plot element so those are five brilliant scenes that we think showcase the genius of the writers of the Clone Wars but as usual I don't know what you think are there any other scenes that we missed that you think should have been on this list feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section below and just before you go guys make sure you check out all those juicy links in the description below and without get C's gaming Network our roblox is back up and running again and we do need some developers so if you're interested make sure you send me a message from discord anyways guys as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 767,788
Rating: 4.9616981 out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, star wars, star wars clone wars, star wars clone wars scenes, clone wars scenes, boba fett, commander ponds, commander ponds death, umbara, 501st vs 212th umbara, pong krell umbara, clones vs clones, clones vs clones umbara, coruscant guard star wars, coruscant guard, clone troopers, yoda and clones, yoda and coruscant guard, star wars clone wars best scenes, clone wars best scenes, commander ponds clone wars, star wars the clone wars battle scenes
Id: XKwpbUYKrFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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