Why the Clone Wars Should Have Ended Disgustingly Fast

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the Mandalorians are widely considered to be the greatest soldiers in the history of the Star Wars universe unparalleled when it came to waging war they were widely feared by the rest of the galaxy for this and for good reason in conflict after conflict they dominated battlefields across the galaxy defeating Jedi and Sith alike and raising worlds that resisted their conquests in an earlier video we discussed how heavily the Mandalorians influenced the Grand Army of the Republic and in this video we'll be taking that a step further today we'll be discussing what would have happened if the Mandalorians actually led the GA are attention sergeant on deck before we get into things we should make clear what kind of Mandalorians we're dealing with there have been many types of Mandalorian armies over the millennia from the Mandalorian Crusaders and neo Crusaders to the Mandalorian super commandos and the Death Watch will be assuming that the ger is being led by the true Mandalorians the last band of genuine Mandalorian warriors before the events of the movies who were led by Jaster Maria and later Jango Fett's Mandalorian battlefield tactics were fairly simple but devastating the Mandalorians liked to be prepared and at the height of their power their armor was a lightsaber resistant their blasters were nearly starship grade levels of firepower and they wrote on war droids that were tanks in their own right they prefer their strategy simple devastating and overwhelmingly offensive using as much forces can be spared at any given time the true Mandalorians were quite a bit different from the near Crusaders whose tactics we've discussed in earlier videos and the way they approach their battles was included in this instead of on basilisk war droids they rely too mostly on their jet packs and their armor was crammed full of all sorts of useful weapons like flamethrowers rocket launchers and darts they kept as much firepower on their bodies as they could at all times while still leaving room for maneuverability this would have been the first influence that Mandalorian commanders would have had over the ger for starters they probably would have had most if not all their clones equipped with jetpacks and while it's doubtful that the Kaminoans would have agreed to specialize clone armor as much as the Mandalorian specialize there's it's a fair bet that some of their gone.that weaponry would have been made in it too this of course comes with its own tactical changes in turn to help you get a better idea of what you're talking about here's a clip of Pre Vizsla fighting Darth Maul [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in this clip previous slide uses absolutely everything in his arsenal switching rapidly between weapons and attack styles to disorient Maul and using his jetpack to constantly maintain distance this is how Mandalorians approached combat to them you either left no holds barred or you weren't really trying the Kaminoans taught their clones they were pieces of a whole person members of a unit that was stronger together the Mandalorians taught the opposite that each soldier was a unit in his or herself and they should all fight like they were the last man standing the Mandalorians likely would have passed this on to the clones under their command and it would have changed the republic ground tactics greatly there would be no more clones just running up and punching droids no more charging in waves every clone every soldier in the Grand Army would be opening up their enemies with everything they had whizzing around on jetpacks to avoid return fire while they plugged their enemies full of blaster bolts it should also be said that unless they had no other choice Mandalorians didn't believe in just holding the line either they were always on the offensive and their tactics of unrelenting pressure at all times were a big part of what made them so effective this might actually have been a good match for the droid army which liked to do more or less the same thing but less effectively under Mandalorians the Clone Army would have been a white wave sweeping away any opposition no matter what the cost in lives was that's the other thing about the Mandalorians they were brutal much more so than even the nasties of Jedi any casualties were acceptable if they brought about a victory this sort of mentality was something the Republic gradually began to adopt later in the war shortly before they started to win and with the Mandalorians it would have been adopted right away there would be no Jedi mercy in the Grand Army of the Republic everything was kill or be killed on Mandalore and so it would be across the galaxy so how would this have played out on a galactic scale essentially the Grand Army of the Republic would have been a lot more aggressive right off the bat in the main timeline that the Republic spent the first two months of the war mobile and carrying out surgical strikes and minor specialized campaigns the Mandalorians would never have tolerated that they would have gone all out in the offensive and they would have done so immediately the clones that were deployed by that point would have been split up among the major trade routes and sent barreling down toward the borders of separatist space this might sound a bit foolhardy but it actually wouldn't be as the essential guide to warfare in the essential guide to Atlas both point out if the Republic had done something like this the Confessor would have been crushed before they were able to recover from Geonosis like the republic they had to consolidate and mobilize during those first two months and if the Republic pounced that early they wouldn't have stood a chance key planets would have been taken before they were able to get back on their feet and the Mandalorians wouldn't stop there they'd keep throwing army after army the confederacy until it dropped dead that of course is probably why Darth Sidious didn't consider having Mandalorians command the GA are but that's just a theory of Star Wars theory and as beautiful guys I don't know your thoughts do you think the Mandalorians would have made better commanders than the Jedi I personally think they would have but I know it is kind of subjective hence why I want to know your guys opinions in the comments section below and you guys have heard this spiel or before but make sure you check out all those links in the description that are just waiting to be clicked by eager Star Wars fans such as yourself we have our gets these gaming Network where you can join us on roblox and gmod we have various discord servers where you can interact with Star Wars fans and for all you history buffs out there I also have a second history channel where I discuss all the niche and unknown topics of world war 2 for your viewing pleasure so make sure you check all those out guys and as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the next video [Music] 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Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 467,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, clone trooper, clone wars, mandalorian, clone mandalorian, mandalorian armor, death watch, jango fett, boba fett, mandalorian trainer, clone army, grand army of the republic, republic army, mandalorian army, mandalorian soldiers, pre visla, dark saber, pre visla vs maul, pre vizsla vs darth maul, star wars the clone wars, star wars the clone wars mandalorian, clone wars season 7, sabine wren, captain rex, commander cody
Id: YMaq_9vaONc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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