5 days of meal prep (£25 edition)

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hi guys this week right what's happening is I'm gonna be doing five days of meal prep I'm gonna try and keep it as low cost as possible I'm aiming around the twenty pound mark but I'm not gonna be like if I want to get an extra spice or herb and it takes me over the 20 pound budget I'm just gonna get it you know I mean I basically did this video a few weeks ago where I bought a meal prep service so I kind of wanted to do my own to see how it compared hoping to beat the traffic it opens a quarter at AOA and it's menthol at now you get too thin and everything no one knows it's happening all the meals I'm trying to keep a bit of variety and so what I'm doing is I'm getting things that you can use in different ways the key for me it's gonna be versatility because I get bored very easily with food and I want to make sure that I don't get bored because I love cooking I love all of that my next me is watching a YouTube video it's up to crackle subscribe let's go and hopefully they've got all the food I need fingers crossed well I'm home and that was a journey anyway we're gonna go in and start preparing our meals the shop was a total of 25 pounds now I know I could have definitely cut corners and I could have made it I could have easi probably made at 15 pounds but as I said I still think I want a little bit versatility and also I want this video to kind of be inspiration to you for different meals and possibilities that you can have so this is everything I got put some quinoa potatoes limes garlic baking powder all purpose seasoning because you can use it for like everything obviously we've got some peanut butter Oh actually on the point of seasoning obviously once you have seasoning you have it for a while I kind of do more by seasoning so that we've got loads in the cupboard but for this video I thought I should and the only three things that I'm using from home is oil salt and pepper because I feel like everyone just has those in their cupboard coconut milk avocados onions cause spring onions mushrooms bottle beans carrots rosin berries apples peppers grapes tomatoes bananas your Tomatoes didn't have any chopped tomatoes kidney beans honey soya milk soya yogurt pasta Epis art art wraps mixed nuts and oats so all of that came 25 pounds which is [Applause] now the first thing we're going to prepare is I'm going to cut some peppers onions and courgettes and roast those with a bit of the all-purpose seasoning and then we're also going to cut some potatoes into some cubes and roses with some basil seasoning and some some pepper and oil and things like that and then we're just gonna like kind of take you through I'm doing I was like okay so in here we have got our onion courgette pepper a little bit of oil and the season of seasoning and so I'm just gonna roast those for about 20 minutes we're gonna have one like a kind of deconstructed burrito bowl for lunches and then I'm also going to make burrito fries up breakfast burritos which I've seen everywhere online so I thought they could be yummy as well and that's what I'm saying you need to think of ways that you can like use these veggies in this way and worst case scenario if I have too much you can make a soup you could blitz with a veg to get it like there's gonna make sure you're thinking creatively with what you're cooking for these potatoes I've actually just going for salt pepper and olive oil I'm just going to stick those in the oven with their a veg for about 20 minutes toss it up and you see how much number it means basically now what we're gonna do is we're gonna prep our mushroom pasta I feel like you've all seen me make this mushroom pasta loads now and it takes the one of you guys because I would have never found this recipe otherwise it is a one-pot mushroom and creamy pasta and it is so good and I think you can freeze it well I hope you are I will link to the recipe down below is the recipe actually requires soy sauce which I don't have which I didn't buy it's annoying cuz I have a massive thing of soy sauce over here but I feel like that would be cheating I'm actually also gonna add one of these courgettes to kind of bulk out a little bit so the recipe uses sun-dried tomato but I never actually use sun-dried tomato I just use tomato passata it is mushroom pasta I'm mincing I've minced some garlic and onion in here and I'm gonna add before I like to start making the pasta I cut out half of these problem tomatoes and make that into like a saucy thing and we're going to do is I'm going to add some the kidney beans take half of the tomatoes to us out and add kidney beans to it so they can go breakfast burrito is like a kind of minty thing and add the season all seasoning to it so it's like a chilly kind of flavor and then that can be our saucy bit of the burrito even if that makes sense anyone else this is why I can't read post light recipe videos because I'm very much I just see things and add it so hopefully I'm making sense and I'll try and break the recipes down down below this is what the posture looks like at the start and it looks grim if I'm honest it never looks like it's gonna work but trust the process it does turn in to beautiful pasta here we have our tomato sauce sea beans update on time we've taken half an hour to do all of that and now for the quinoa we're gonna do we've got salt pepper tomato spring onion limes we're gonna do like the burrito bowl so we're going to use some of the kidney beans and salsa on the side we've got some avocados which I'm actually not gonna prepare the kids they still need to wrap it up and it all it literally takes is me to chopper on top of the burrito bowl and we grow our own coriander bottle of mint and I feel like because it's homegrown I can put it in some grass some coriander to this like the Rito Bowl situation because we grow I show you that's fine right because I didn't pay for it with all our top aware that I'm trying to sort out now because I know my mom hates it when I think up loads of space in the fridge and I prayed it kind of looking a little full right now so don't really know how I'm going to make it work building my breakfast burritos which you put in the freezer this is so good because it should when you wake up might crave it pop it in the oven I know good scope and it's filling because there's a lot in there taps are so versatile you can she do so much with wraps and I'm okay so we're gonna assemble our first one potatoes we're gonna have some black breakfast potatoes some roasted veg and the beans which I know some people feel a bit weird about having all of that in a breakfast wrap but I feel like I don't mind what I have for breakfast I'm happy these four the pricing I'm just gonna roll it out come on guys okay baby that was fun I love it okay I'm just gonna keep them going and the good thing about these are you don't just have to have with a breakfast so if you haven't got a lunch option you can also have them for lunch because second breakfast burritos I have made all of my breakfast burritos I made five out of that we have the beans roasted veg and potatoes left and our quinoa is cooked okay so this is our burrito bowl we're going to add that to a tub and I'm going to add the kidney bean solution next to it so on top of this we're gonna have our avocado and I'm not gonna lie it smells so so yummy we have our two rainbow quinoa situations and this but I'm gonna add a lime wedge to these this apparently feeds five so I presume I get five portions out of it okay now I have cleaned up a little bit I'm gonna make bird shot now this bird shot I will link down below I've kind of adapted things where I don't have them and what I do you can freeze it which is even better she don't even have to keep in the fridge which takes up room and then I can have it for longer as well this calls for raisins and maple syrup but this honey was 95 P so I've gone for honey or whoever it was three pound something and I've got my mixed nuts where it says flaked almonds and raisins I'm just gonna like double up on the mixed nuts okay here we have our butter Berkshire which is four portions in there and obviously tomorrow I can top it with some apple grapes banana the nuts the frozen berries literally another great breakfast instead of flour I'm gonna blitz up some of the porridge oats for the waffles I'm also actually going to decant this yogurt into into these two pots and I'm going to cut up a bit of banana and some nuts and some honey so I can have like a little snack yogurt pot and we have our little pre-made snack we have two of them if you don't kewal for number one darn funny because I was actually also going to make some peanut butter so breakfast biscuits but looks like I don't need to because I have so much more food than I anticipated and I have so much food left over so I kind of didn't need to buy the peanut butter actually it's still good to have like apples and banana as a little snack I've also got some butter beans okay here we have the basis of the week I was mainly going to do it I was originally going to do this for the first three days miss apply and then cook for the next two because obviously food only really lasts for three days um but I feel like with the freezer burritos and the waffles and things like that I feel like I won't need to cook again but here's there is a lots here so many potatoes wraps I'm gonna make some tortilla chips with this and the all-purpose seasoning of what tomatoes as a snack with the onion spring onion pasta peppers mushrooms carrots for a snack avocados for the burrito bowl then we've got five apples one for each day some grapes to snack on bananas peanut butter to have with the apples and some butter beans and we'll see all those oats off flip we have a lot left some mixed nuts some seasoning some garlic honey and then the baking powder so all in all I probably have over bought big-time okay so a full breakdown of the food I made for freezer waffles five burritos the mushroom pasta which there's five Bircher muesli which serves for two quinoa bowls and two quinoa and roasted vegetables one last thing we're doing I've chopped the tortilla wraps up I'm gonna pop some oil and the seasoning on and then we are done for cooking it is 11:30 now so I think that's about two hours which I like for that much feed isn't in that bag tortilla chips are done must just do a little taste test okay so for brekkie I had one of the breakfast burritos whilst I was making all of that food because your girl was hungry and I've eaten a lot of the tortilla chips because I'm a snack guy and I'm coming to the fridge to pick my lunch which I think I'm gonna go for the one that isn't needing an avocado because Mikado's I'm nowhere near ripe so I'm just gonna heat this up wow that didn't look very much in the tub and this is a big dinner plate it's not even like a lunchtime plate there's a lot here try I've never actually tried just like pure old Keane while that I've made I think I've seasoned it well you know I've done a good job she very thoroughly impressed with myself that tasted delicious do I keep quinoa gets such a bad rap it's actually really good and it was filling and so and good because now I can just get on with the rest of my day Oh kids it's time for our first dinner on the meal prep is really weird since I'm supposed time I've got gift tonight viously I don't have to prepare dinner it's five o'clock and no memo rustling around trying to get dinner before I go this it's quite early I just get to eat up some pasta and I'm actually really in ruthless because I've been waiting for this all day so today I made it this morning so I'm doing a little bowl put some basil on it because we've got basil from the basil plant first dinner and it's very good an efficient honestly I let this recipe down below my knees trying because this is such a good recipe everyone good morning it's day two the great meal prep and and we are gonna try the birch muesli which I've never tried before I'm actually excited because if I like this this is gonna be a game-changer for me if I like that she'll like that's a real good easy brekkie to have to just have in the back in the fridge all week this is one looks like what is that right there Oh so will not remember I made Bircher muesli have you ever had that yeah here we go we've got the bird shot with some peanut butter and a banana on it so let's try I will say that is better than porridge I do I like it there is still a texture of oats I just don't get onward growing food hasn't no but peanut butter this is but you see Dad back up muesli what Bircher I don't know why means actually by George Ison Bertram news name I should probably stop offering to my family cuz this is my meal prep but just like people try and things I make hello I just got home from court team but it's time for lunch sorry the washing machine is doing an absolute bad one she's overstuffed the hand of shame here we have it because well as the line that were carro the oh yeah Banksy what do you think oh my hey initial taste I'm not higher this looks incredible initial taste test race mmm your manitto legend you've really come through an avenue nice great I was a bit of an after-dinner snack after lunch at her house Millie's puppies and to say that Bowl was so good absolutely loving this and my breakfast really filled me up I think because there's so much healthy fats look at me feel like a elfs curry but like I've felt hungry in the other meal prep I don't know why I have stayed very full and feels I'm going on or at for moment so I'm very happy because I've been pottering around and it's now half 6:00 and if I was making dinner after wait like another half an hour turn out right today and I'm not bored of mushroom pasta I mean it has only been one day it is a bit um congealed so I think add a little bit of splash of water to it up next pasta I'm actually really really enjoying this cuz I like the meals honestly that mushroom fat stuff it's differently I'm gonna be having yogurt pot I'm sentenced to have a little of course but I need to eat the yogurt part because otherwise what very funny cuz got fresh fruit in it okay it's a bit like watering got to be honest there was some leftover chips and sweet corn from the parents dinner so not going to turn that down am i followed by some graphs and they're having some good money it is day three of the great meal prep and today's the first day where I don't want any my meal prep now I just respond if I'm honest with you there's one thing with meal prep I'm a very impulsive impulsive person with my cravings like if I'm craving a hookers but I'm gonna have it it's gonna be nothing that's gonna hold me back I want kind of took lot I'm a habit if I want toasted pyramid I'm gonna have it um whereas meal prep you have to have what you have because you've got budget for I was the food's gonna go to waste I'm really I could have my peanut butter waffles but the battery's gonna go off in the next two days from here she is actually melted the peanut butter this time so it's more evenly distributed and I think it looks good that is so good with the burner and peanut butter I don't know how I feel about it I've had other things on it but that I was just hmm I never thought I would like that because I don't like porridge but I'd be interested to know what it tastes like heated up so it's Sunday in our house which means we have our main meal at lunch everyone else has got theirs Sothis but I'm not having that obviously I've got my meal prep ready to rock and roll oh yeah another day another dollar then after dinner I finished off the tortilla chips they were really really good and they kept me going throughout the week I then had an apple in some peanut butter then we spring forward to dyndns and I had another quinoa bowl with half of the avocado leftover from yesterday which was really really yummy I went in are now gonna have I've got a waffle for pudding and I'm happy they fall of the great meal prep and last night I won't lie I did have a bit of a crisp scandal in the evening and I did have some crisps which wasn't in the budget add it to it if you want um but I just mum came in with some crisps and I thought I need those in my life take it oh she will and for brekkie this morning I am going to be having a waffle and we I actually oh I also finished up the mushroom pasta because I was a bit hungry yesterday and on a Sunday I just think I'm in my mind is like I'm programmed to be in a snacky mood I am really enjoying this meal prep the only sick I'm not even bored of the food yet because I feel like I did plan this variation and there's so much stuff leftover still so if I'm really really was struggling to eat like the same foods every day I could just whip up something else but I really don't like and I'm loving it and I think for lunch today we're actually gonna have one other no no no breakfast burritos but who said I can't have them for lunch and dinner I made them I make the rules okay she looked like an egg I hate it when girls say that because half the time they never do they're just saying it to be you don't know like an egg you don't but me I know like an egg anyway we're gonna have for lunch one of the breakfast burritos I and apart I've read up on how to like heat them up effectively and there's a variety of ways I will link them down below and I'm gonna do mine in the oven I'm not gonna lie this smells in credible my gosh I am so ready for this the first try I don't think we'll be able to eat it in my hands because it's so hot mmm no I've outdone myself there this is so yummy genuinely probably my favorite meal at 100% I'm gonna make some peace in the future so it's dinner time and I had this frozen and forgot to thaw it so I'm just trying to heat it up and I think it is okay and I could actually do the breakfast burrito I have to learn genetics that was beautiful here we go noted apples for the quinoa so I made some bagels and it would just be very not to taste them good morning I think we all know who wants to break you today I'm gonna have hello ha sprinkler Eno is lunch time and so I already for every so today after yesterday's roaring success I'm gonna pop it on I love these burritos genuinely and my new favorite things and I'm just remembered I need to get to defrost for my Dindin I'ma be honest this my I'm actually filming a video with some Easter eggs so but that obviously wasn't part of the budget but I have to film a video so just being honest I've not just eaten the waffle I'm about to also have some Easter eggs Rito actually really liked how it was crispy in the oven I know why okay so a week I've kind of been snacking on the eye for the peanut butter every now and then I just have like a spoonful of peanut butter and it's actually still watch some of the nuts left it's surprisingly a little stashed right there fun fact I'm running a Brazil nut lover here we go all the Brazil nuts go to my mom's and we just put them back in the back now I just say that was definitely not a fun fact that was a very very very boring fact I'm really really hungry today the mushroom half that last one this was stored in the freezer don't you worry I've been defrosting it all afternoon pasta is done and it still looks good as ever and a silly last piece so the last full meal is this fat loss we still have so much left over we do breakfast burrito sloth was all the oats butter beans loads of veg and so I definitely could have cut that down and planned a little better all in all I've had a great time I'll fully debrief in a minute because I do have some thoughts but it's been great I've loved it it's me popping him for the debrief I have two pieces advice I'm gonna keep this very very short but to be survice number one was I needed to plan better because obviously it was meal preps I should have definitely planned out what I was making I kind of had a rough idea but I think I should have made like a timetable with what I was making him where the only thing was I knew when I was going to the supermarket that they may not have certain things so I didn't want to think that and then go and then they didn't have it so that would have taken my budget right down and it would have meant that we didn't have any food left over those fines I've my family and we've all eaten all of the food down deca man is picking things that are versatile as I said when I was cooking everything with the roasted veg you can have that roasted veg in many different ways so you don't get bored I didn't get bored this whole week because there was so much variation there and also your freezer is your best friend I've really enjoyed this this is actually really helped with me and I think going on in the future there are definitely recipes I'm gonna be using I put full breakdown in the downbar of how I actually found it because I feel like does anyone actually watch these they breathe bits but I hope you enjoyed give me some advice down below about your meal prep anyway I hope you enjoyed peace out love you oats
Channel: Grackle
Views: 344,388
Rating: 4.9661016 out of 5
Keywords: easy meal prep, easy cheap meal prep, meal prep, budget meal prep, 5 days of meal prep, i meal prepped for a week, eating meal prep, 5 days challenge, vegan meal prep, best meal prep, food, recipes, meal prep recipes, frozen breakfast burritos, vegan waffles, easy vegan waffles, waffle recipe, foodie, food vlogger, burrito bowl, quinoa bowl, healthy meal prep, easy
Id: o9sjHUMfiPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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