5 cool skills to change direction | Learn football skills

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today we're going to teach you five cool skills that you can use to change direction yep today it's all about changing direction now if you're in a match and want to beat the defender it's very effective if you make a sharp aggressive change of direction out of the blue and today we're going to give you five ways to do exactly that so it's going to be awesome just make sure you subscribe hit that bell notification button and um let's go [Music] we start out with what we can call i guess the roll outside cut that stuck that's it for today anyways this is a move that's great if you're on the wing you have to defend it either in front or behind you what you basically do here is that you start rolling the ball across your body with the sole of your foot but instead of letting your foot just continue into thin air you actually kind of follow the ball around and you plant your foot powerfully in the ground what happens here is that you can see that the ball then bounces back off the outside of your foot to where you came from and if you have the defender in front of you or behind you basically this move is going to fixate them all the way going that direction ball goes that way leaving you with some space to actually get in across whatever you want to do but they're gone that's the important thing hey secondly we have what i guess many people would call the neymar chop this is really effective because once again if you have the defender here you're gonna fixate their weight going that direction with the roll and then change direction with the chop now again it's important that you do the change of direction with purpose here so when you make that roll it needs to be a powerful roll and then boom you also need to really plant that chopping foot in the ground get some distance on the chop to clear you off the defender and if you can do this in a match you my friend will now be a certified butcher what am i doing are you kidding me jay butcher that was the best thing you could do oh my god [Music] next up we have the l drag which is super nice if the which is super nice if the defender is coming closing you down running at a bit of speed especially coming from behind or bit from the side because here if we take a touch phil is coming in i can just drag the ball back with the sole of my foot and tap it out behind me with the instep of the same foot in this 90 degree angle so a little bit boom boom that's it now it's really nice because it feels running that way boom he has momentum going that direction but if i do the l drag now my momentum is going that way and phil is absolutely screwed finally also you can do the l drag pretty quickly if you just like boom snap a little move and also if phil is coming in this way trying to take the ball i have my body between him and the ball at all times meaning that if he wants it he has to go through me and i will get a free kick but the thing is he's not going to touch me because i'm gone phil i'm gone skill number four is what we can call the tap inside tab or basically the reverse croqueta now you guys all know la croqueta right you have to defend it you slide the ball across and around them and this is essentially the same motion just done in reverse now of course you're not going to do it around the defender but it's really effective if you're running towards the line you're being closed down and you can just like hack go around them like that so basically here you have to slide the ball quickly with one foot into the other that you angle backwards again making this 90 degree angle exit and i know it's difficult to do especially if you're running a bit of speed but if you can land this in a match you're gonna leave the defender completely hanging [Music] and finally we have the mares sew roll which is as effective as it's simple and phil it's very simple what you're looking at is basically a fake shot with a little directional roll to exit the move and this is effective because once you do the fake shot if you do it properly at least the defender will most likely flinch leaving you with a lot hopefully they won't do that then you can't do anything you're rolling on the ground laughing now anyways if they flinch it leaves you a lot of open space to just run into because when they're going like this they can't really react and follow you that quickly so you're gonna buy yourself those valuable couple of milliseconds so basically the move is a fake shot but instead of stopping your foot you're just going to continue the motion naturally on the top of the ball roll it across the body a little bit of an angle sole roll to exit the move this is more effective than just fake shot down on the ground and then roll again it's about buying yourself that momentum those little few extra seconds so you can clear the defender and then you're gonna score because you're awesome we've told you well that's how it is creating heroes day by day unisport life what also matters is that you actually get to do and enjoy these skills in a match so go and train train train so you know them in your sleep so you can actually land them in a match you know well guys which other skills would you like us to teach you let us know in the comment section right down below and who knows we might just be doing your ideas in the future of course also remember that if you like the new phantoms or the blueprint materials you can buy everything via the link to your sport right over there of course also consider checking out the playlist right down there if you want to learn how to improve as a footballer and i said in the beginning i'll say it again make sure to subscribe to the channel with the notifications on to join the best family on youtube those words i'll be signing off [Music]
Channel: Unisport
Views: 912,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, skills, unisport, boots, soccer, cleats, review, tutorial, change direction, direction, beat, defender, how to, learn, cool, effective, beginner, 5 star, funny, 2022, nike, phantom gt, pwg, jaymike, dribbling, chop, neymar, mbappe, nike phantom gt
Id: Gi_X98uM-1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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