5 Chess Puzzles Guaranteed To Fool You 🤔

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here's puzzle number one it's white to play and win as a reminder Black's pawns are going down this way White's pawns are going forward what move should white play to win the game well if you had a chance to look at that if you said G4 check you would be wrong and this looks like the most obvious move in the world forking the king in The Rook why wouldn't you play that right here's why black has an amazing trick after King G6 we capture the rook and black plays the move King H7 attacking our Bishop if you'd like to pause what is Black's idea behind running the king to H7 well if you had a chance to look at that and you said a stalemate trap you are correct first of all we have to save our Bishop if we allow black to capture the bishop then they're going to get a queen and win the game so we have to move our Bishop somewhere it doesn't really matter where we move it to let's just choose D4 now black is going to get the queen obviously we have to take it or we're gonna lose but once we take it black has no moves all of these squares are taken by our pieces and that is a very clever way to get a draw so because of that going all the way back to the beginning G4 is the wrong move all right and so the correct move in this position is actually King to F7 and what we are doing is creating a mating net around Black's king and the idea is that black has no good moves so for example if you try to move your Rook over to maybe get into the game like this we simply play E4 Checkmate the pawns are doing a nice job of keeping the king trapped in along with the bishop if the Rook tries to come down here and Escape like this to help support the pawn E4 check King has to run Bishop to F6 and then G4 is another checkmate with the pawn so that's pretty nice and black doesn't really have anything else that they can do if you try to run with your king this also leads to Checkmate like this and that's basically it so the trick was not falling for the obvious fork and seeing that King F7 actually set up the mating net puzzle number two it's white to play and get a draw despite the fact that white is down a bunch of material look at all the pieces the black has and yet somehow white is supposed to get a draw from this position if you'd like to pause and think through that and then I will show you the really fascinating solution all right if you had a chance to look at that the first thing you know when you see this puzzle initially it's like completely hopeless I mean there's so many pieces for black uh our pawns are like what are they even doing they're not even close to becoming Queens our King is just randomly here how could we possibly get a draw and here's the idea Knight a to C5 check forces the king to move here Knight to D6 check is actually trapping The King The King has nowhere to go except to take our Knight so the king takes and now we play B4 check forking these guys but more importantly there's another idea Happening Here Rook takes B4 D4 check and notice how the king is trapped so black has to sacrifice again B4 check King is still trapped so The Rook has to take D4 check King is still trapped so The Rook has to take C takes D4 check and at this point you're like okay well now the king just escapes and what what is going on oh wait a minute we don't have any moves because look at this look at this look at this you see what's happening here we just stalemate it ourself by giving away all of our pieces except the Knight which is pinned and our King can't move how amazing is that next puzzle it's white to play and not lose which actually looks pretty impossible in this position Black's Pawn is going down this way White's pawns are going forward if you'd like to pause white to play and draw go ahead all right well if you had a chance to do that obviously the major problem that we have is our King is completely stuck we literally cannot move our King and on top of that black is about to play Bishop D5 Checkmate in one move it's that simple right and none of our pieces look like they're in a position to prevent this however we do have a trick up our sleeve and it starts by surprise surprise giving away some more pieces so B3 C4 G8 Queen with check followed by Knight to F7 this is the whole point because now if black takes it it's a stalemate right we're good we gotta draw however it's not over yet because black can play Bishop to H7 coming here and so now we can play Knight to G5 stopping the Checkmate yet again of course black can keep trying so they let's just say they played Bishop to D3 and now the final move of the puzzle Knight to F3 and the point is we're gonna take this with our Knight if black doesn't stop us of course if they take our Knight well then we can take the pawn this is a draw black can't win with only a bishop and so the only thing black could try to do is pin our Knight which looks pretty good at first glance Until you realize this is still a stalemate we can't move our King because it's trapped and now we can't move our Knight because black just pinned it for us and so we get this really interesting draw by stalemate so there you go that's how you survive in a very weird way all right next puzzle it's white to play and win what move do you play as white as a reminder this Pawn is going this way and this Pawn is going this way white to play and win all right well if you said push the pawn um amazingly you would be wrong which is pretty fascinating right because one two three four moves black is gonna need one two three four five moves kind of looks like this is an easy win right and so for example if you just go for the pawn race what's going to happen is that after you get the queen black goes here they're threatening to get a queen so you have to stop this somehow so let's say you bring your queen over check and you're trying to stop it like this the king's gonna move here this is actually a well note while I say well known it's it's a known drawn end game because of one trick that black has that if we go Queen B3 check Black's gonna move in front of the pawn and even though they can't push their Pawn we can't bring our King closer because it would be a stalemate if we move here it's just a draw right so we have to constantly let the king out of the way but then black is always threatening to get the queen drawing the game and we we just can't do anything the only thing we can do is just keep checking keep trying things but eventually we get this position black is always going to move into the corner and so because of that going back to the very beginning just going for the pawn race does not help you win okay so the only winning move is the amazing King to E2 which you know it looks like we we're just ignoring this and we're gonna let black push that's exactly what we're gonna do A5 King to D3 so we just leave our Pawn sit there a four King to C3 and now we actually catch the pawn if black keeps trying to push it but you might be thinking wait a minute can't black just play King to B2 here stopping our King from coming in and getting ready to support the pawn didn't we just waste two moves and the answer is yes we did however it changes things so check this out now we go back to the pawn race here we go here we go we get our Queen black against a queen and you might say okay so we lost some move now black actually has a queen but what we've done is bring our King closer to where it needs to be so those two moves which kind of seem like they were being wasted actually were setting us up for this position where we have a really nice finish so if you'd like to pause again white to play and win from this position what's the move foreign if you had a chance to look at that we can play Queen to B4 check and black has a problem in that there's not a lot of options for their King they only have two legal moves here and here and both of them lose if you go to A2 we simply play King to C2 and there's actually a Checkmate thread over here there's a Checkmate thread here and black doesn't have any good moves the only checks on our king would simply lose their Queen right like if they move here we could just take it they move here we just take it if they move here here we just take it and so any move that they make leads to it some some type of Checkmate like this right the other king move would be to C1 in which case we would play Queen to D2 check followed by Queen to C2 Checkmate and so going back just to kind of summarize what happened there if we push the pawn right away which is the most logical approach we end up with that known drawn end game but by bringing the king over with these two moves we reposition our kings that once we do get the queen we have that follow-up Checkmate right which is what you ultimately saw so a really nice position there this one actually fooled me when I first saw it I thought you got to push the pawn and looked like a draw I didn't I didn't even see that idea so congratulations if you uh somehow happen to Define that okay last but certainly not least it's white to play and draw yet again Black's Pawn is going this way what move should white play to draw go ahead and pause if you would like foreign well if you had a chance to look at that let me actually explain what's going on here so the big problem for white is that this Pawn is about to become a queen and you would like to stop it with your Bishop except the only two places that you could go to you would simply get captured by the Knight right and that's a big problem the other problem is that our Knights are too far away like if you imagine if we try to bring a knight closer we're just one move too late and black gets the queen right so what are we going to do the move is Bishop to C1 and yes there's a knight that can just take our Bishop um but now we can follow that up with Knight to E3 and there's an idea here that will blow your mind uh when you see it so what we're going to do is play Knight to E3 of course Black's gonna push and try to get a Queen We Can't Stop it our Knight is not in a position just I already talked about that right but what we can do instead is play Knight to C4 and you're probably thinking that doesn't really help us black gets the queen and I mean we have a queen in two knights against two Knight like how are we not losing this right there's an amazing move here with an amazing idea behind it if you would like to pause what can we play here as white well if you had a chance to look at that the move is Knight to D6 and there is an incredible idea here which at first glance It's probably hard to see it but here's what's going on black probably is going to try to move their Queen somewhere to get closer to the dark king or attack our Knights or something let's just say they move here attacking our Knight maybe they're gonna come over here it looks like a good move right we are going to play Knight to E7 check and Black's King either has to go to f8 or to h8 and wherever they go we're going to go back to G6 check again and notice they have to go back and we're gonna go check and we're gonna go check and we're gonna go check and we're gonna keep going check until we get a draw by Perpetual check and Black's Queen cannot prevent that if we go back to the original position here here notice how the queen can't control that square the only places the queen could go to would be here and here to control that right but the problem is our Knight would just take the queen we're preventing that from happening and of course you can sacrifice your queen for the night but then you just have two nights against tonight which is a draw and there's nowhere else the queen can go that stops us from Simply going back and forth that's the amazing part about like anywhere you move the queen to pick a square doesn't matter we're always going to be able to do this so it's a Perpetual check trap with just our two knights and our King even though black has a queen and two knights on the board I mean fascinating stuff I hope you guys enjoyed these puzzles big thank you to Amar for showing me some of these and I'll see you guys next time stay sharp play smart and take care [Music] thank you
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 474,519
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Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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