Top 5 Easiest Languages To Learn For English Speakers

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so you want to know which foreign languages will be easiest for you to learn well if you are an english speaker then i've carefully selected five languages that i think are going to be a lot easier for you which also means faster to learn and because no one likes to follow the crowd these particular languages are also perfect if you want to learn a language that's less obvious more fun makes you stand out from the crowd starting with in fifth place afrikaans the language of charlestown and trevor noah well one of trevor's many languages anyway imagine making fun of politicians with trevor in afrikaans that would be that would be quite fun nadir like means gone by respectful via small it can't work for me obvious idiot call foot pluckies circa now afrikaans is one of the easiest languages for english speakers to learn and a must if you plan to visit south africa or any of these cool countries and by the way if you're new here my name is ollie richardson and this channel is all about helping you learn a new language quickly through the power of stories so that you can become fluent faster and live your best life now back to afrikaans you might have heard that afrikaans is related to dutch and it is but they are by no means identical twins afrikaans is its own language and it's a lot easier to pick up than dutch for one there is no grammatical gender so just like we say the in english to talk about both singular and plural things the cup the cups afrikaans only has one word d which is a lot easier than other germanic languages like german when you have to choose between two or three versions of the then in afrikaans verb conjugation is almost non-existent and there are only three tenses yes so there's no need to differentiate between different past tenses like i sang or i had sung or i was singing in afrikaans it's just one word same thing in the present tense as well i walk and i am walking they're all one phrase in afrikaans which is music to the ears of anyone who's struggled with verbs in french or spanish for example but enough of grammar let's check out the fun part the words did you know that afrikaans has some really cool vocabulary it's a really really descriptive language take the word for a hosepipe for example first on the list of everyone's vocabulary to learn in any language host pipe literally in afrikaans means garden snake and then there's this one meaning color-changing little man and they call a giraffe a camel horse i mean come on with words like this it would be unforgettable now you may be surprised to hear that afrikaans also has borrowed from malay portuguese and bantu languages but it shares many root words with english making the spelling rather intuitive so don't be surprised if you can read afrikaans way before you can actually speak it for example my name is ollie looks almost identical in afrikaans try saying this now with your own name and then some sentences actually are identical like my pen is in my hand so how does all of this help you as a language learner well let's see you've got logical sentence structure no inflection memorable words meaning it's possible to build up your own sentences even with little vocabulary putting it right up there with the easiest languages to learn although you will need to watch out for some tricky pronunciation like which sounds like they also roll their r's which is always a bit of a pet hate for english speakers but no big deal let's change tac for now no language list is complete without a romance language and since i'm deliberately leaving out spanish from this list because spanish is in every single list coming in at number four the easiest language to learn is italian you respond now if you think you don't know any italian words think again for one italian food words are used everywhere salami lasagna espresso broccoli gelato in my lovely english accent the list is huge and then there are everyday science terms like lava influenza volcano see even without knowing it you've been using italian words all your life but the question of the day is how easy is it to learn let's start with spelling and pronunciation well with only a few exceptions italian is phonetic meaning that you write it like you say it and you say it like you write it with only 21 letters in the alphabet all of which you already know italian is highly readable in fact most of its consonants and vowels are among the most common sounds found in world languages and this means you're unlikely to find many words that you can't wrap your mouth around fairly easily italians love to articulate their vowels very very clearly and so one very cool way to practice this could be by singing and taking your italian practice into the shower but seriously italian is a very gratifying language to speak as i found out myself the sentence structure is highly rhythmic with almost all the words ending in vowels and you have those lovely double consonants that draw the sound out longer like mama this gives a lovely melodic nature to the spoken language which makes it one of the easier languages to understand with italian you won't be straining to pick out individual words as much as you might have to in in french for example now i actually learned italian myself a few years ago and i documented the whole process live on youtube so check out this playlist if you want to see how i learned italian myself in three months next up here's a very unexpected language on a list of the easy ones but all you nomatic lovers of southeast asia will be thrilled it is indonesian now can you imagine exploring the many thousands of indo islands temples and villages all while being able to speak the language with the locals hello indonesian is not only an easy language to learn but it's also the most widely spoken austronesian language of all which means understanding indonesia will give you a head start on many cool languages spoken around the region of southeast asia and oceana so let's explore why i think it's a breeze to learn firstly there are no fancy letters indonesian is one of the few asian languages that uses the latin alphabet that's right 26 letters just like english and even though there's pretty much no grammatical crossover with english and indonesian it's still a relatively easy language to pick up what's also easy is hitting that like button if you've picked up any inspiration so far and subscribe to the channel too if you like getting inspired to learn languages so let's talk about that vocabulary in indonesia for one it's really small you could get by easily on just 1200 words and if you add to that really simple spelling you get one of the world's most phonetic writing systems there are no silent vowels no complicated accents no other confusing elements they don't even use articles like the and so that's a pretty good start right now some words spoken in indonesia are even in the english dictionary like bamboo sarong sago cockatoo papaya now they have a really interesting way of making plural words and this i just love the plural is formed by repeating a word twice buku meaning book and meaning books isn't that awesome it seems that indonesians really like making longer words because this language is also agglutinative which means you glue prefixes and suffixes onto a word to change the meaning and as long as you understand the base word it's very easy to follow think of how we change the word comfort into discomfort or uncomfortable or comfortably in in indonesia there are thousands of options like that it's pretty powerful once you get into it now for your favorite part the grammar you'll be happy to hear this indonesian has no verb conjugations and no gendered nouns and if you've heard that all asian languages are tonal indonesian is not even tonal but i'm not saying that it is an easy ride but it's it's definitely easier than any other language from the whole region but not as much as language number one on this list which i'm sure you won't be able to guess but that's coming up number two in my list of easiest languages to learn from english speakers is a lot more handy than you might think this language is spoken in the caribbean islands of aruba gracious among others i'm talking about dutch that's right dutch is not just a language spoken in the netherlands believe it or not dutch is linguistically the closest language to english if you haven't heard it spoken much well it sounds a bit like a combination of german and english or like an english person speaking afrikaans summer in the summer and in the winter is it well god is so let's figure out why for one dutch shares many pronunciation features with english and there's loads of shared vocabulary which is often spelled exactly the same as english for example english words like water plastic ambulance hand museum and of course walrus these all have the same spelling and meaning in dutch now the grammar is not quite as simple as our previous languages but it's a lot easier than german not least because there's no case system now there's the question of the three genders in dutch but this aspect isn't actually as important as it used to be especially in the north many speakers don't distinguish masculine and feminine anymore rather kind of merging them into one common gender so if you want to have a go at dutch maybe start watching some netflix shows from the netherlands and while you're picking up phrases you'll probably notice how innovative dutch people are with dropping english words into their conversations like this crucial phrase the biggest struggle you're likely to have with dutch is that most dutch people speak english but they also like it very much when you speak dutch because it's not a very common language for foreigners to learn so even more reason to give it a try and now for my final easiest language of this year 54321 it is norwegian now in this recent video i explained why norwegian is such a cool language to learn and it has something to do with the vikings but what makes norwegian one of the easiest languages to learn is well let's start by looking at the many words that look just like english person festival ski glass finger problem but you can really see the proximity to english words in words about nature so pause the video and see if you can guess what these words mean yeah i'm pretty sure you got those see you already know some norwegian but norwegian's vocabulary as a whole is actually really small and the reason is that norwegians are fans of compound words so you often see two words joined together to make a new one like basket and ball in english or sun and shine norwegian does that too except that there are a lot more of those than we have in english and then there is the straightforward simple grammar with consistent pronunciation and easy to learn rules with many languages the first thing we stress about is verb rules but norwegian verbs have one of the easiest conjugations in europe closer to english than german and basically one verb form per tense that means they're not conjugated for for who or what is doing the action so whereas english changes i am you are he is norwegian just stays the same in addition word order closely mimics english meaning a subject verb object sentence structure and this is an underrated advantage for language learners because you don't have to change the way that you think every time that you want to say something talk like you think basically but one very cool reason to learn norwegian is that it has so many dialects and accents that you can actually get away with your own weird one norwegian is cool in this way they have two written forms of the language but no standard spoken form which makes pronunciation not super strict if you look the part and you know a few sentences you can just say that you're from a different part of the country and will norwegians help you learn norwegian they will in fact most norwegian towns and cities you will find language cafes and if you're a traveler you can hang out in a language cafe just to practice speaking and listening to norwegian they're usually run by norwegians who love to help you learn so you'll probably make some friends language partners etc all in one go now you're not going to learn all five of these languages this year are you or are you well if you watch this video you might because in this video i reveal the eight rules for learning languages fast most people don't know these rules which means their language learning is slower than it has to be and if you apply these rules to learning the easy languages in this video you're going to be able to learn them crazy fast so click the video over here to learn what that is all about
Channel: Olly Richards
Views: 708,868
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Keywords: language learning, how to learn a language, foreign languages, learn a language, learn languages, polyglot, learn a new language, easiest laguages to learn, easiest languages to leran, easiest laguages to leran, easiest languages to learn for english speakers, easiest languages to learn in the world, Easiest laguages to learn in the world, polyglot speaking languages, difficult languages to learn, easy language, the easiest language, easy languages to learn, foreign language
Id: jXfj5BKdZCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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