5 BEST Farms for a New World! [Minecraft]
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: BBlocks
Views: 7,971,594
Rating: 4.9071474 out of 5
Keywords: BBlocks Minecraft, bblocks Minecraft youtube, minecraft, bblocks, redstone, Minecraft redstone, starter farm, farm, Hardcore, MumboJumbo, Iskall85, Minecraft: 30+ Laboratory Build Hacks!, minecraft farm, minecraft red stone, Minecraft: 10 Simple Redstone Builds!, minecraft tricks, tutorial, ideas, survial, Bedrock, Bedrock Edition, Java, No commands, No mods, Minecraft Best of, iron, exp, bamboo, gold, experience
Id: wvmHHghpYD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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