5 BEST Email Marketing Platforms in 2023

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so in today's video I'm going to share five of the best email marketing platforms for 2024 look we've used a lot of different email marketing platforms over the years some of them can be pretty difficult some of them can be uh somewhat expensive but I wanted to create a condensed list here for you today to help you out for understanding which one is going to be the best platform for you and I'm going to give you just the answer here it's it's not a one-size fits-all it really depends on the type of business that you're running the type of email subscribers that you're looking for so we'll go over all of that in today's video to help you find the best fit for you so let's go ahead and get into it email marketing has some of the best Roi in the game it really does and it's crazy how many people don't do this cuz they think that email is so like 2001 uh but the truth is that this really can be one of the most costeffective ways to reach your customers on a daily or on a weekly basis we have email lists over 100,000 people and they definitely make us some money so whether you're a small business like a local ice cream shop or you're running an e-commmerce business or you're an influencer whatever it might be you really do need to have an email list uh I think without saying anymore let's go ahead and get into these top five here today all right so the first one that has been around for pretty much I think one of the longest Ones Still In the game is Constant Contact so this is the one that we actually use ourselves I'll go over some of the pros and cons of using something like Constant Contact I'll also leave a link below in the description if you want to check it out and sign up for it with Constant Contact they've been around since 1995 they have so many different features not only with email marketing but Al also with things like SMS marketing so like text message uh marketing uh which is pretty effective as well we use Constant Contact because it really does have some of the best features overall out of any of the email marketing platforms so if you're really looking for the most features you already know what you're doing then I really do suggest using Constant Contact I know a lot of big like Fortune 500 companies use Constant Contact as well so let's just look over the pricing real quick with the pricing this is going to be a little bit more expensive than some of the other plans I'm going to share with you in this video but if we just look at say for example the standard plan comes at $35 a month but then it really does depend on how many emails you are sending on a monthly basis if you're sending 5,000 emails over the course of a month it can be about $110 per month for Constant Contact so the prices definitely are a bit expensive you know assuming that you're able to monetize your email newsletter your your list uh then that shouldn't be too much of an issue you get some really good features with this and a lot of the other ones don't really offer as many of the features that they have here so I would recommend using cons and contact but if you don't want to use Constant Contact then I want to share the next one here which is going to be a bit more affordable for a lot of people and that is going to be something called mend we've used mend in the past as well I would say that for the price it's almost as good as Constant Contact but you're getting a much better price so I'll leave a link to this down below as well they do have some features that something like Constant Contact doesn't have like they have things where you can send specific emails based on the weather in someone's area which is pretty awesome I don't know anyone else who who can do that and then you also do have other things as well you you know you have CRM tools you can create different landing pages subscription forms everything that you would expect to be able to do with any type of email marketing software you can do with mend they also have pretty high deliverability rates so this is something that like not to get into the weeds but with email marketing you want to make sure that people are actually getting your emails and sometimes like the lower quality software platforms for email marketing can kind of you know like Miss or they don't really deliver all the emails that you would like to and that can get kind of problematic but Moose end the times that we've used them it's worked out pretty well but let me just show you the pricing cuz this is probably the best feature about mend is their pricing it's $9 per month if you go on an annual basis $7 per month and you can see based on the amount of subscribers that you have it's actually pretty affordable so if you have $1,000 people on your email list it's only going to cost you $13 per month and you still do get some pretty great features with this you're not getting everything that you might get with like you know like a mail champ or a constant contact yeah like I said for the price it's pretty great so even if you have 10,000 subscribers on your email list it's only costing you $70 per month I'll leave a link to mend down below as well it's pretty intuitive pretty easy to get started with it so I would recommend it for it is probably the best one for beginners if you have a small list I recommend using them let's talk about the third option for emails and this is one of my favorites because this is a new company I wish I invested into them way back in the day but I didn't they're building new products like every day this is the best platform for if you are creating not an email list but a newsletter think of like morning Brew or think of some of these like daily newsletters that you know you might subscribe to if you want to build something like that then beehive is going to be your best option for that they have a really interface and it's super easy to like use trust me I've gone through all these email marketing platforms and some of them can be pretty confusing on the inside but bi is definitely I would say the easiest one to use to understand as a user you can jump right into it and build a newsletter today uh in like you know an hour or two uh and launch it and get it started and also they do have this free option as well where you can have up to 200 subscribers on your email newsletter for no cost at all and so we have the scale plan for our newsletter we have we have a couple different newsletters uh this is really great especially for like like influencers or you know maybe say like you're like a Twitter influencer and you have your newsletter this is a really great option for a lot of people they have really other cool things as well like you can monetize this they have built-in ads that you can run on your newsletter so tons of features and like I said they're launching stuff like literally every week they're launching new features because this is a startup uh they started I think about a year and a half ago two years ago and so I'm I'm a big Fanboy here obviously I'll leave a link to them down below as well let's talk about the third option here for email marketing and this is one that's going to be probably better off for people who are kind of in the Enterprise phase maybe you're a bit larger of a company or you maybe already use this one which is HubSpot okay so HubSpot is one of the biggest marketing software companies in the world I think if not it probably is the biggest maybe only behind like into it perhaps because they own MailChimp but HubSpot is something that a lot of really large companies use I know we've used it in the past as well HubSpot though with their email marketing tools you're going to get a lot of different features that are going to be hard to find on like the consumer type of software and also like it plugs in with everything else so like if you're already using crms or if you're managing campaigns for other companies then it kind of all ties in together for example a lot of companies like using HubSpot because they're already using HubSpot for their sales Hub or their service Hub or their Commerce Hub or operations a lot of people run their operations like when they hire people when they you know they have tasks to do they run a lot of that through HubSpot this is kind of like an all-in-one business software and they also have email marketing and that's why I wanted to include it here if you don't want to have like tons of different software and you just want to have everything encompassed in in one piece of software or at least one ecosystem one company then hubspot's probably going to be the option for you I would say that this is not as intuitive as the other ones on this list so it's a bit more of a learning curve like I said that that's going to be the best option for people who are looking for like an all-in-one solution here so just looking at the pricing it's pretty insane but this is because you really do get a lot of features so this is for people who are a lot more serious $800 a month they do have individual options though like if you go over here for individuals uh you can go with their CRM sweet starter for 20 bucks a month and you still do get some options there that's HubSpot I just wanted to include it there cuz I know some people who take things like super seriously and they want to build something massive HubSpot could be a pretty good option for you okay and then the fifth option here is something called brevo this used to be called send in blue I believe they're based in France but we've used them the past with kind of mixed thoughts on this um overall pretty positive experience I would put this in the same category as something like moose end where it's going to be more affordable but you might not have as many features as something like MailChimp or some contact so it's really up to you on that let's just hop over to the pricing to show you that it can be cheaper you know they do have that free option but if you want to take it seriously then you're probably going to end up paying $25 to $65 a month but what I think is cool about brevo is that they have other things as well like uh chat Bots you can have set up for your subscribers so you can have conversations with the people who are signing up for your email list or even through like SMS for example where they can respond on you know WhatsApp Instagram Facebook so it's pretty cool to be able to do that I know a lot of people want that set up for their companies where you know the customer can feel like they're talking to you and so brevo is going to be a great option for that not all the other platforms offer something like that um they have a sales platform and then you can also do transactional emails as well um but just looking over some of the features that they have they do have SMS marketing they have live chat they have you know Automation and like you can create rip campaigns for emails just like with any of the other platforms I would say that this one's not anything particularly special outside the other ones but it is still somewhat affordable so if I had to choose what is the best option for an email marketing software I would say the best option for absolute beginners is probably going to be moose end uh and the best one for people who want to take this seriously and have a little bit of budget is most definitely going to be the first one that I mentioned which is Constant Contact which is the one that we use so I'll leave uh resources and links Down Below in the description if you want to get started with any of them as well as any potential discount codes if we have any we'll include those in the description as well so thanks for watching the video I hope you found some value in this let me know if you have any questions down below email marketing can be a little bit confus using I want to make some longer tutorials on this topic to help everyone out to get the best Roi possible so thanks for watching the video and I'll see everybody in a future video
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 27,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media, email marketing
Id: GvyNW2njcGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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