5 Awesome Amazon Tools Under $50 | Woodworking

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hey guys with the holiday season upon us a lot of us are thinking about stocking stuffers for our favorite woodworker and today we're talking about five tools you can get on Amazon for under fifty bucks that are pretty unique pretty useful and pretty cool [Music] well in front of me you see six tools that we're going to talk about today and a bonus tool we'll get to those in a minute first of all I want to start I want to start off with the only electric tool we'll be talking about today and this is called a BAM file belt sander so it has a belt on it that is about a half-inch wide this particular version runs right around $40 on Amazon now one of the unique things about this is they can just get into places that you normally can't get to with any other kind of electric sander on this particular version the Platinum on this or platinum on this is right towards the end of it within the last little bit and then there's nothing back here so if you're doing round overs or you're trying to you know deburr something this comes in really handy and then if you need a hard rigid back behind it it let's say you're doing the inside of a box joint or you're doing the inside of a circle that you want to enlarge a little bit this comes in really handy now this tools been used in my shop quite a bit it's one of those tools that you really wouldn't think you'd want you to need in a woodworking shop but I find that when I'm doing projects this comes out almost every day there's always some unique thing I can use it for and and I probably will do a build in the future mounting this thing to a surface for more precise sanding but it is adjustable it has a little knob on top here that you just loosen up and you can adjust it to different angles for different comforts different grips and accessing different positions with your sanding in a weird position I don't know why that would happen but it probably does at some point so this one right here comes in at $40 on Amazon and if I would say out of any of these things that you decide to get this is probably the most handy tool to have around a woodshop originally this was designed for welding and lots of welders have air-powered ones like this but it's you again it's just unique how often there's a situation in woodworking where you can pull that out and fix a mess up clean up an edge all kinds of little places that you can use it so next up we're going to be looking at this unique tool this is a scribe many of you have seen scribes before it has a cutting edge on one side with a flat surface so you can set a depth obviously if you cut box joints or hand-cut dovetails you know what this is and many of you that haven't cut dovetails Deutz know what this is so on this side it has a flat surface a bar that you can set to whatever depth you need and a cutting edge well on this one which makes it a little bit more unique it has two followers and you can mount a pencil in it now that being said you can also put the cutting edge on this side as well and what this does this allows you to mark out around contours so if you need to set a depth from a piece that's contoured you can set whatever depth you need and this having the two pins there will allow you to follow that contour really well very accurately and because it has the two pins like that you can do inside contours and outside contours very accurately instead of trying to struggle through that so this is one of those unique tools that I've had in my shop on and off for a while I just ordered a new one because it's been a while since I've had one I couldn't find the other one again this is one of those things that gets used quite often in the shop so this one I believe comes in and right around $30 on Amazon and I would really encourage you to check this out if you do any precision woodworking because there's a lot of times when you're marking out contours that this really comes in handy this one is really well made has a nice weight to it it has a neuro breast locking pin on it so you can lock that really easily and again it has an adjustable hole here for different sized pencils so you can put different sized pencils or even small sharpies or markers in it again great stocking stuffer and one of those tools that I think deserves a little bit of attention right there next up we're going to talk about the mk2 now this little tool right here has cost me more emails than you could imagine I guess every time I use this in a video I get emails where did you get that and I always put a link in the description box so any time we do a unique build or I use a unique tool and a build I'm look in the description box they'll usually be a link there because I it you know I don't want all the events not to sound like a jerk but this is called an MK 2 and this is a divider gauge that divides spaces evenly so you get even marks between this as it opens up now this one is available on Amazon and I believe claim support also carries a version of this and they're not they're not super expensive but when it comes to doing quick division but divisible layout for whether you want your screw holes to be all lined up whether you need to mark out for a coat rack you sew all your pins are lined up really well this is a super handy tool to have and I know you guys have seen me use this quite often in a number of videos because I I like to use screws I also like the screw holes to be lined up really well so I popped this bad boy out and I can lay that out really relatively quickly without having to do any math or pull out my tape measure and you know potentially get one of the measurements wrong so this isn't again called an MK 2 links for all these tools to be down in the description box but this is a good one obviously a nice tool to have in your arsenal your when we do in woodworking we're often dividing things evenly and this just makes it really easy next up is this little fella now this is made by mag switch and it doesn't look like much but it comes in handy for lots of different items and a mag switch magnet to simply means you can turn the knob which turns the magnetic force on here you can turn it which turns it off so Tim you go up against a metal object like this if it's off obviously doesn't pick anything up when it's on it's a pretty powerful magnet now this can be used this is one of those things we could talk about for hours can be used for holding down feather boards could be used for holding down fixtures and jigs on the drill press could be used for stopping points is what I use this particular one I use on the table saw all the time I use it as a just a depth gauge or a stopping point instead of trying to use my table saw fence which could potentially lead to material binding in the fence and getting chucked back at me and I use it over on the drill press quite a bit as just a way to mark the distances or hold down particular fixture x' again they come in all kinds of different sizes and shapes and powers so this particular one is about twenty-six dollars on Amazon I have a couple of them here in the shop and if you want something with a little bit more holding power you can find those there as well next up on this is this stake and I know this looks a little bit odd to most of you but this is probably the one square that if I wore a pouch would never leave my pouch that along with Tony rule those small hands square this just by looking at it most of you can tell what this is it's a center finding gauge but it has lots of other unique uses as well so this one is great for making sure things are square it's also nice for using as a regular square you can hold it up against the board and we use mark it out mark out an a line or a touch there on the end of a board you can use it for marking out different angles as well and it's got a nice weight to it so it makes a handy paper holder too so it's one of those things that's just really unique I use it a lot and it comes in handy more often than you could think this one is pretty heavy so it has an ice scraper edge I use it for cleaning glue sometimes just all kinds of little applications that you can use for this and it's just small enough and light in you know handy enough to keep in a small pouch on your apron or in your pocket or in your tool pouch now this one is probably one of the cheaper things on our list today this comes in a whopping 13 dollars so there's really not an excuse to have it it comes in super handy all the time again that'll be linked down below so last but not least or in our six tools is this fella now so many you are going to know what this is right off the bat just by looking at it without ever having seen this before this is a roto tape so for marking out radiuses you've seen all kinds of jigs I'm sure on YouTube or my homemade compasses or how to mark radiuses but this just makes it really really simple this works just like a tape measure by pulling this lever down and you pull it out to the distance that you want there is a pin on the bottom of it you can set in a circle or pin in the circle and then there's lead that goes in this end and you can just mark out whatever radius you need all the way up to I believe this one goes up to like six feet it's pretty crazy there are way out there so not a whole lot to say about this particular tool other than that it comes in handy especially when marking large radius is for those of you who do cabinet work or countertop work definitely really handy and you know it's one of those things that it seems like such a simple thing then you wouldn't probably use it that often but again it just depends on the kind of woodworking you're doing if you're doing a lot of radiuses this saves you a lot of time making jigs or you know measuring sticks or and it's small enough that will fit in a pouch so it's super handy highly recommend you check this one out this is one of those easy to grab really quick tools to make your life a little bit easier and this one is also fairly inexpensive I believe don't quote me on this but I'll check after and put the price up here on the fun thing I think it's around 24 bucks so definitely worth it so last but not least this one isn't really part of the tool cools and I have a lot of friends that carry this particular little pocket knife or utility knife you can take a penny you know or whatever and unscrew the blade pop it out and pop it in and it is an interesting EDC carry now I don't like this particular one because it's way too small for my giant hands but I've had so many people tell me that this is their favorite EDC utility knife and I can understand why it's very thin it's very light it's super well-made and you can just but you could probably take this to the airport and if you you know take the blade out and just when you get to where you're going stop and buy another blade at a hardware store and you've got your EDC with you everywhere you go so I wanted to share this with you I know a lot of cats that love this I know Tim Tim McClellan uses I jest abuses it half a dozen other people off the top of my head they swear up and down by this thing again for me it's just not comfortable in my monstrous hands so if you're a big guy big hands or a gal with big hands you might not find this thing too handy it's a little bit hard to maneuver and if you need to put some real pressure on it it kind of bears into the skin but I felt it like it's gotten enough positive feedback from people that I respect and trust that I would share that with you again you can get this on Amazon and it's dirt cheap so it's one of those things that makes a great stocking stocking stuffer for your woodworker a friend or even for yourself if you do like carrying a knife around with you and the nice thing about it being an exacto blade or utility blade is you never really have to sharpen it you can of course but it's easy to cheap to replace the blade hey guys thank you very much for watching today's video I really hope you enjoyed it if you there was a tool in this lineup that you haven't seen before I'd love to hear about it comment down in the section below and let me know which tool you didn't even know existed and if you enjoy this kind of content let me know it's easier for me to make this kind of content right now obviously I'm not gonna stop with the build projects but these are quick and fun videos to make thanks for everything down in the description box below if you enjoyed the video thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe all that stuff we'll be talking to you soon
Channel: izzy swan
Views: 446,858
Rating: 4.932569 out of 5
Keywords: How to, diy, tablesaw, table saw, tools, projects, woodworking, shop projects, jigs, band saw, Izzy swan
Id: uuPxARPnub0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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