5 Amazing things to add to acrylic paint | Life Hacks | Acrylic painting|#clive5art

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hello and welcome back to the studio yes thank you very much for taking up this invitation today and I hope you having a good day because I certainly am as you can see I've already run a test and I found five things yes five things that you can mix with acrylic paint that you may not know yes so some of these are aught weather most of them and all of them in fact yes they are they all been tried and tested and used throughout the use by all artists okay is some that you may not know and there's others that you may know so stay with me and let's have a look at number one first of all I want to introduce you to is vegetable glycerin there we are vegetable glycerin this product is a natural occurring product from vegetables that's why they call it a vegetable glycerin used in foodstuffs and cosmetics throughout the world including in some paint manufacturing yes it is not so widely used today because the side effects are that it takes a lot longer to dry and things can get a little bit sticky but if you know what you're doing with this stuff then you can save yourself money and be a little bit frugal and that's what it's all about in claves fiber art studio is saving money and helping you to paint better yes okay so let's have a look at that this one a little bit closer now as you can see the palette I've got two brushes why I will explain in a minute I got my palette set out I got two lots of blue too lots of red too lots of orange too lots of green - lots of Van Dyck Brown all pre-selected and I've got five containers with five different things in but the first one is vegetable glycerin I don't know if you can see how running in group and gloopy that is and actually it's quite because you can it's a food grade it's quite sweet and this is normally put into this stuff is not vegetable glycerin is normally put into royal icing to me it looks shiny that's one of the uses the other use is that you can actually thin this with water so this is neat but we can actually add a little bit of water to it so we can just just put a couple of drops like that put some water to it and we can thin it with some water so you can thin this down with water there you go so you can use it neat or you can thin it down with water and the less you put in obviously the less sticky it's going to get but then the less of the properties you're going to get from it and the properties are this so I'm just dipping my brush in to that and I'm going to mix that straight in to the first lot of blue paint because this is vegetable glycerin on just blue paint and the other blue paint that I've got there is going to be my control so this is blue paint with an additive of vegetable glycerin mixing it around you'll notice it actually does thicken the paint a little bit but using it neat then as all you going to need is just a touch of the brush and let's put that in place on the first section like that there you go so that's vegetable glycerin and blue a grill acrylic paint so what we need to do now is get our control again another clean brush just dump in add a little bit in water and I mean just going to go into our blue paint and I suggest you do this exercise maybe you will learn something new as I said varying amounts of the vegetable glycerin in water can give you different effects but using it neat you are going to get a very very glossy paint but on the sticky side which is maybe not what you want but we're going to let them both dry naturally there now and I will come back to them in one second just a washing of the brush so what have we got for number two okay number two is this it Sam it's a glue it's a sealer it's many different things it comes in different thicknesses this particular product dilutes a five-to-one it's a very very strong PVA or school glue adhesive polymer vinyl adhesive so yes you can use this as a glaze yes you can use it for glazing mediums you can use it to add into your paint to give your paint a sheen you can use it all in different ways I use this to add into my wallpaper piece when I'm hanging wallpaper on the walls I use it for sealing brickwork if I'm going to paint the walls you can use it as a damp proofing course there's hundreds and thousands of uses for this type of thing including wood working as well so what have we got there then what you can see you should all know what school glue looks like let me get my brush and it's a very white sticky glue there we go now you can thin this down as it says with water once again so let's just put a little bit of let's just put a little bit of glue in there and put a bit of water to it and you can see that's going to actually thin down but please remember this is a glue hmm don't let this dry in your brushes no you're going to have a nightmare of a job to try and get get it out to there but you can use this you can thin it down there we go thin it thin it down so get a bit of blue paint in my brush doesn't matter so you can thin it down and you can use that as a glaze if you want it to or as we've said we can use it neat so let's add a little bit of PVA glue schooling or whatever you want to call it to our red paint so I got a little bit of white PVA glue there I'm going to mix that in to our red there we go mix it really well and then we're going to apply that 12 canvas and is again you can see it's going to blaze in effect this is going to dry quite rapid because of the glue where is the vegetable glycerin remains a little bit stickier there you go so again this is used in all different all different areas even in some pink manufacturing is used there you go so we're going to let that dry and then get my control brush I'm just washing my brushes and I'm just going to go straight into some plain red there you go straight into some plain red and I'm going to put my control next to it now you can see that it doesn't run as smooth so a little bit of PVA glue is going to give you a lovely lovely effect on a glaze also so let's go back to this one yeah that's just about dry but look this one is still wet certainly is still wet but it's got a glaze to it I'm talking about glazes let's see if we can add a little bit of this to our paint now that's the thin down version of the PVA glue unless see if we can put a glaze over the blue and you going to see how that dries in one second so there's a glaze of color over blue which makes it look a bit purpley it was red and blue doesn't it purple there you go so what else can we actually mix the paint um well let's see what happens on number three and welcome back to number three what else can we add to our paint now this goes back centuries in fact hundreds and hundreds of years yes to the oil painters when they used to mix this particular medium with pigment to give us a tempera paint what am I talking about I'm talking about a cheeky egg yes every common garden chicky egg yeah it's not the yellow bit hmm but not al a bit the white bit the white is what we need you can use yellow for another thing I will show that and again and another lesson but we separate the yolk from the white and what does that give us well that gives us an egg white there you go egg white egg white there we are I'm not going to tip that up because it's clear careful with this because it will go off and well it can cause nasty nasty things so if you're going to use that use it discarded straight away don't leave it sit in the studio but if you're going to use it you can use it as a glaze yes let's get some egg white onto our brush like that and let's mix that into our orange there we go we'll see what we're going to end up with a tempura is exactly that it was just a it's a binder is egg white and all these are binders all these will hold things together and all the old binders basically and so on it's just an egg tempera but it's going to give you a nice nice soft Sheen effect in other words it's going to be like like I'm like an eggshell color you know when they say eggshell pink when you got that effect this is what this is going to give you there's no egg shells in it there's egg whites so it could be the same I don't know but it's going to give you a nice satin finish to your paint there you go and again don't overdo that never thinned it with water before don't know how that's going to work but I always I always use it and meat so let's get our control brush now and let's just go into a little bit of water and let's pick up our control paint this is our need to paint straight out of the two as we've done with the others are let's put our control paint next to that we're going to be visiting these when we finish the demonstration but as you could see we've got a little bit of a dull matte finish there which is the two board paint and then you've got a little bit of a glaze and look glossy finish on the PVA added again two board paint but it's got a glaze on it you can see the glaze Shane in and this is still wet then we are vegetable glycerin and sticky so that is an old way of actually mixing an additive with paint and vegetable glycerin has been around nearly as long as egg whites I think well not me not as long o obviously not as long so number four number four is quite a funny thing yes it makes people laugh it makes people sing and it makes people go oh no I don't want to pick that up and buy it why because it's lubricating jelly yes this just happens to be KY jelly but you can buy lubricating jelly in all different forms and all different prices this particular box cost me four pounds it's basically a very very thick water that's all it is it's a silica based water yes this was used in things like aliens the movie for special effects when you seen the alien and all our drool was coming down its mouth that was this stuff certainly was made by the garland it was so what are we looking at there well we've got some of that in a little pot and that is quite a sticky slimy viscous type of liquid and it's quite it's quite I don't know it's it's just doesn't smell of anything in particular but anyway our let's hard a bit of that you can add a little bit of water to this you can thin this down also yes so bear that in mind I'm not going to thin the down ground this is no point but I'm going to put a little bit on my brush area a little bit on my brush I'm going to mix that in to the green now as regards to that it's a 15 mil container and it is quite expensive because that was nearly four pounds but what does it do well it does exactly the same as the others it slows the drying time of the paint down why because and they all basically it all basically retarders these are all basically ecology because some natural products are some man-made products and in regards to this one it will dry a little bit quicker because it's water based and not glycerin based there we go or PVA based so it's going to dry a little bit quicker unlike those and you can see it allows you to move your paint around a lot freer so yeah you can say makes you paint flow a little bit easier again you can add data water if you wanted to it's not going to hurt anything and where's my control brush let's just get a little bit of water on there and let's just put a bit of control down there like that now that is going to dry it's going to dry matte it's not that it's not going to it's not going to be used as a glaze it's water-based there's there's no shine to it as such there may be a little tiny bit but not a lot unlike the vegetable glycerin on the PVA glue and the egg white no the egg white as we go back to the egg white it's still a bit wet but that is going to draw you to it like a satin Sheen and you can see the egg white on the vegetable glycerin which the natural products are remaining wet a lot longer they are mean and wet a lot longer than the other ones that's good thing to think about it is so what we can do now to number five number five is a cheap version of number four what is it that well this is exactly the same as number four which is the KY jelly or lubricating jelly just happens to have a few more ingredients into it like a little bit of food coloring mmm yes it is food coloring and a couple of other little bits and pieces that I'm not afraid with but I do know it's exactly the same thing and that is hair gel here gel this particular one this happens to be ultra strong hold on control as you can see but my if I buy it um cheaper this is 200 mils that is four times as much as the other one which is a KY jelly and this was a pound hmm the maths says use this one that's what i'ma says so what are we looking at with this where you can see we've got some hair gel there and we've all used or maybe we not have all used it but most of us have come across a jar we all know what air gel is I wouldn't put this in your mouth it is a man-made product it smells of perfume that's what you come to expect because this is same as the KY jelly there's nothing in the KY jelly at all this just happens of a bit of perfume in it and a little bit of food coloring or whatever coloring they put in it and so now I gotta leave the van by Van Dyke Brown and I'm going to add a little bit of that to that now can you thin this down with water yes you can add water upset yes you can add water to the hair gel of course you can and it's going to act in the same way as the KY jelly or the lubricating jelly but we're going to use that meat because it's going to be a fair test and there's more you playing over the back now with her toys so you wouldn't see or hear I should say it's are they not in are we going to put that on our board and you can see it's mid band a brown a little bit transparent but that's not an issue because we can build up our paints in layers so but as far as flowability is concerned is flowing really well is it going to affect the paint no but what I will say is this I'm not going to take responsibility for anything that I'm showing you today here if you use this method and your paint flicks and then I will advise you that you need to experiment and get the proportions and quantities right there is no set format or formula to this at all it depends where you live humidity and the heat so you need to play around with these things and you need to know if we cannot send the water and or not and you need to know what quantities you're going to use and if you paint flakes then unfortunately I can't take responsibility for that but I'm just showing you a way there would be a little bit frugal and save you money and paint better yes I am so where is our control we put our control but there as you can see it's not running as smooth but each one of these products have done exactly what I've said and the egg white is still wet the vegetable glycerin is still wet thus just starting the dry which is a KY jelly and we know that's wet so in conclusion yes you can add more things than just water flow improver or retarder which you buy in shops I'm talking about that please pop along to my website and check out the shop I have got retarders flow improvers blend in whites acrylic clears all the different types of mediums please please PLEASE pop along there and purchase some of them if you want to and you'll always get a free gift you certainly will so thank you very much for joining me in the studio today I hope these five tips have come in handy and I hope you use them and find something then you can paint with them with with on them as well so until next time thank you very much for joining me in the studio god bless I lost you on another lesson but I know welcome thanks for stopping by it's time to learn with our friend Clive so grab your brush have a great time and don't forget to click Subscribe
Channel: CLIVE5ART
Views: 518,477
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Keywords: life hacks, hacks, 13 life hacks, paintingtechniquesacrylic, taras kul, Acrylicpaintingforbeginners, acrylicpaintingtechniques, howtopaintwithacrylicsforbeginners, acrylicpaintingtutorial, acrylicpainting, paintingwithacryilic, werid life hacks, stupid life hacks, pencil sharpening, #clive5art, ghacks, painthacks, weirdhacks, crazyrussianhacker, hacksforlife, painting, shoenice rubbing alcohol, lifehacksyouneedtoknow, savemoney, school hacks, crazy life hacks, painting tips, easy painting
Id: 4HGyUbPdgKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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