5 AI Tools you Won't Believe Are FREE

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from animation to Creation I'm going to show you how I use these five AI websites in order to create anything that I can think of this is a website where you can create an animated drawing just from a simple still image upload a photo usually you want to pick a photo that is a standalone picture of a person or a drawing with only one image on it and using AI it's going to move it so after I have my image downloaded so now what I can do is I can shorten this image so that it only covers my beautiful stick figure so now it's going to identify what's going on with it if you don't want it to highlight a certain part of the stick figure you can always erase parts of it that you don't want it to get into its animation and this is just saying if there's parts that are stuck together like if there's an inside you can segment it out because on the next step you're going to make sure that these are exactly where you want them to be CU these are your motion capture points what's going to happen is once I click next it's going to start moving the still image in different ways you want to make sure that that's perfectly aligned and there you have it it's a fully animated image and it's got all these different poses that you can click on the next tool that I want to show you is this tool by replicate this website's been around for a while but I just discovered some other things that I can do with it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to explore they have all these different things that you can use so you can create 3D models you can do audio generation I what I like to do with this is I've used image to text before but there's a lot of websites for that as well when I have not seen before as this over here which is the image restoration and shout out to futurepedia for turning me on to most of these websites i' learned a lot about these different AI tools that I would not have known without him and he's been a big inspiration for this video what I can do is I can go to image restoration which will take a not so clear image and upscale it so that it looks a lot better I can pick any of these for right now I'm just going to stick with this this one so what I can do is I can drag and drop a photo into here and I'm going to pick one that I know is not the clearest what I can do with this tool is it'll allowed me to take a blurry image and make it much clearer I'm going to come down here if you notice is actually profile picture for my channel so what I can do is I can come over here so I'm going to run it it only takes a couple seconds and when I scroll up here the image just pops up and you can see night and day the difference it is so much clearer so all I have to do is download it I download the image and now I have it right on my desktop idiogram any prpt you want literally says describe what you see any image you can choose the style you can choose there are a lot of different parameters that you can change you just have to be specific so the more specific you are with the prompt the more clear and better your image is going to be it's all up to you and now I can choose I want it to be a 3D runer I can choose a cinematic I can choose a painting I've always liked the Cinematic look so I'm going to choose that but again you can see them all and choose exactly what you want and you can choose lucky Styles so it'll it'll make it a random one hey and then it'll generate it a lot of these tools only take a couple seconds to create your own image a potato flying through the air attached to a parachute looking pretty cinematic the next website that I'm going to show you is called playground it's similar to ideogram but instead of just being able to generate an image you're going to be able to generate an image and then edit it on the spot so let's try it I'm going to come over here and type up a prompt so let's type up a sponge in the air doing a doing a and then I'm going to click generate so what I came up with was a human with a sponge for a head instead so with this it's going to be very specific so what I can do is come over here and modify it but instead of doing it over here I can come to the canvas what a canvas does is I can actually type in I click generate this one takes a little bit longer but it's still not too bad it's giving me all these helpful hints which I love because what happens is there's a lot on this website and a lot with this tool that if you want let me know down below and I'll make a whole separate video about all the different tools that this has but it's giving me hints every time I go about because there's just so much to do so what I can do is I can download it from here I can remove the background I can erase certain parts of it so let's say I don't like whatever this is I can come over here and erase it and it got rid of it hey I can come over here I don't know what this is doing so let's get rid of this erase so now what I can do is I can come over here and click image to image and it's going to bring the image over here so now I can choose and Sample this I can choose any one of these prompts this one was pretty cool I just chose a cinematic view but you know what let's go to dream shaper that sounds kind of cool I could expand the prompt right so if I wanted other specific traits I can do that and I'm going to click generate and it's going to generate a wholly New Image that's based on this one but with other parameters around it so the more specific you are with this the better it's going to be this was just a sample but I can come over here and if I wanted to just exclude I wanted to just excludes real realism from this right and I didn't want to expand it and instead I wanted to do pixel art this is going to decide how closely related to the image this this new image is so it says here if I go to 100 it's going to be the exact same image so let's go to 75% instead and now let's see what happens now not very close to this image but you can still see it still has sand still on the water still has things around it but it was blurry it's taking this image right here and trying to do it so now that we have a strength of 75 now it's going to be a little bit closer and so now we went from this image to this image and then back to this image right I didn't change anything it just made it into pixel art so now that I have this image I can change different aspects of it even more right so I can add a negative prompt if I wanted to from over here I can change pacity I can change the brightness I can change the contrast I can also come over here and again just draw on it if I wanted to but instead of drawing it right maybe I wanted to generate another image on top of this and do it that way so there are a million different things that you can do with this it's really just up to your imagin [Music] ination the last tool that I wanted to show you is actually a Discord tool it's calledo so when you download it you come over here but the tool that I wanted to show you is it's Music Creation so this is an amazing AI tool that will let you choose a prompt and you can come over here and type in chirp it's the first thing that pops up literally tells you right makes a song from lyrics you click enter and when you do that it's going to bring this prompt up and what this prompt tells you is to describe the music so what I'm going to do is I want it to show let's choose Jazz a he was with his name and I can come over and I can click submit I'm going to have to wait but eventually it will come up with a new video so it does come up with my lyrics first which is kind of cool and then it takes about a minute and a half for the video to pop up okay so it's finally finished so now let's take a listen to this [Music] one what a beauty now that's a little bit uh a little bit interesting so let's see this second [Music] one Catt jabob RO with you in the deep sea a starish dreams of the Dearing it seems to andent hey but I can keep regenerating this so all I'm doing is I'm clicking on regenerate right and I can change it over and over again these are my top five AI tools that will turn inspiration into creation
Channel: I AM Lagana
Views: 1,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools, ai, artificial intelligence, Meta, create, creators, suno, chirp, replicate, ideogram, playground, animate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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