Become an AI Art legend with your iPhone, iPad or Mac

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In this video, I want to condense as much  information as humanly possible on how to   perform AI art generation using just an iPhone, an  iPad, or your Mac, and I want to cover everything   from beginner to very advanced topics and make  it hopefully human understandable. We're going   to be doing this using an entirely free-to-use  application called Draw Things. The first step   is to open up the App Store and download Draw  Things. This application is 100% free and does   not have any in-app purchases. It is available  for the iPhone, iPad, and even the Mac. Using any   of these devices, you can follow this tutorial. AI art generation is pretty CPU and GPU intensive,   so for anyone using older devices, this may  or may not work. If you are one of the people   who actually watched my previous video on AI,  I'm going to cover a lot of the same stuff,   but there are some new things. I'll interrupt  myself and skip to the 13-minute mark. I will   be using an iPad Pro with the M2 processor.  Pretty much everything you'll see me do, you can   replicate on your iPhone, as this application is  fully functional on an iPhone. The user interface   on the iPhone will look a little different because  of the constraints of having a smaller screen. The   macOS version looks almost identical to the iPad  version. It, of course, has the advantages of a   proper file system, so you can import files  easier, and there's a lot more screen space.  This video makes use of chapters, so you can  re-reference parts or skip around. Running AI   programs is a good way to drain your battery. Oh  high, I hope I said their brand right, they sent   me over one of their Gan chargers. They're not  paying me for anything; they just gave me this   unit for free and asked if I liked it. Would I  please feature it in one of my videos? So here   we are. I haven't had a video where it made more  sense to mention this. I like it because it's   smaller than my other 140 W Gan charger. There's  a link in the description if you're curious,   and I don't get any money or commission either. When you first launch the application, you will   need to download what is known as a model. If you  click on the model, you'll see quite a few models   available, but what we want is to start with SDXL  Refiner. While this downloads, let's talk about   what we're downloading because this is really  important, and I don't want to bog down this video   with a bunch of boring explanations, but this is  really important stuff. Draw Things is a frontend,   or a graphical user interface, for Stable  Diffusion. A model in machine learning,   such as Stable Diffusion, is a trained neural  network that has learned to generate images   by analyzing extensive sets of images and  text. To translate this back into human,   each model uses different source images and  text. Some people create different models   based on art styles or content. Some of them are  really good at people, some are general-purpose,   some are really good at meme-making, different  styles of illustrations, and some are   photorealistic. They also vary quite a bit in  quality. SDXL Refiners is by Stability AI, the   people who created Stable Diffusion, and it's very  general-purpose and generally pretty high quality. Okay, we are now done with the boring lecture  part. I hope you have a vague idea of what   models are because we're going to be doing  some really cool stuff with them later. Also,   you do not need an active internet connection  once you've downloaded the models. Back to   Stable Diffusion, right now, the interface looks  kind of confusing, but we can see that there's   a default prompt. The text on the screen, the  prompt, is the thing we'd like to see. Right now,   the default prompt says, "A samurai walking  towards a mountain, 4K, highly detailed,   sharp focus, grayscale." Let's just click generate  and see what we get. This will take some time,   so I'm going to fast-forward to the end result.  That's actually a pretty amazing image, honestly.  We could continue to use this same prompt and  generate more images that would be similar in   nature. If we were to change the prompt,  it would change the content of the images   that it's rendering. To reiterate that, if you  type something in and hit generate, it'll spit   out an image. That's pretty simple, so let's do  something a lot more advanced. Since we are just   talking about models, let's download a different  one. This is done by tapping the model name to   bring up the menu. I'm going to scroll down and  download "Realistic Vision version 3." Realistic   Vision focuses on rendering images of humans.  Let's skip ahead, and it's downloaded. Now,   let's generate an image with the same prompt  again. We got another pretty good image.  Now, let's try adding a negative prompt.  Prompts are the results you want to see,   and negative prompts are the results you don't  want to see. Pretty easy. Let's try adding some   negative prompts to this. I've given it slightly  contradictory information here. I'm asking it to   make a person walk towards the mountain  but not face away from the camera. Also,   let's remove grayscale. Plus, I'll refine this  just a little bit more. Let's click generate,   and the end result is, well, it's not as  cool as the original. It's time to refine   this prompt a little more. I want this guy  to be closer up in the frame, so let's say   photorealistic and from the waist up. Also, I'd  like it to generate two images instead of one,   so let's change that in the right-hand corner.  Let's click generate and skip ahead in time. Inpainting lets us fill in missing pieces to an  image, however, you need an inpainting model,   so let's download one. I hope they change this  in future versions of Draw Things, but right now,   the grid layout is worthless. I can't read the  full file names, so let's switch to list view   and search for the inpainting. This is still not  perfect, but at least now we can see 1.5 versus   2.0. By the time you watch this, some of these  version numbers may have changed, so just keep   that in mind. Usually, the newest version is the  best, so I'm going to download the 2.0 version.  Draw Things has a few basic image editing  options, and one of them is the erase tool.   Click on it and let's erase this guy's face.  Now that I've completely erased his face,   it's time to adjust the strength. I could put  this at 100%, and it'd probably do a reasonable   job of filling in this guy's head. I am going  to adjust this to 90% because I want it to look   somewhat like our samurai. One last step, I'm  going to adjust the text guidance. The on-screen   description is a very good explanation. The higher  the text guidance value, the more it will try   and follow your prompt. If you want to know more  about it, there's a fantastic article on GetIMG.  It can't always do a perfect job. Some models  have inpainting versions, so you can download   the matching inpainting version and have much  better results. In this next section, we're going   to try to incorporate real-world photos that we've  already taken. I have a picture of my cat, Jeff,   in Pixelmator on my iPad, and I'm going to remove  some unwanted stuff from this image. Now that I've   saved it, let's import it into Draw Things. First, let's click the new page to create a   new canvas, then click the camera icon so we can  import Jeff's photo from our photo library. I'm   going to speed through switching the model,  typing up a description, resizing the image,   and then setting the strength to 70%. Now  it's time to finally talk about steps.  Get img.src: Time over time, Stable Diffusion  improves the image, but there is a law of   diminishing returns. This interactive graphic  explains this better than I can do with words.   Get IMG recommends roughly 25 steps. This number  of steps is generally a good balance between   quality and time. Each step is essentially  a refinement of the image. The more steps,   the more refined the image becomes. However,  after a certain point, the improvements become   less noticeable, and you reach a point where  additional steps may not significantly enhance   the image. It's important to experiment with  the number of steps to find the sweet spot   for your specific image and desired outcome. I'm going to lower mine to 28. Let's speed   through a few more last-second updates, and now  we're ready to generate. While it's not Jeff,   it definitely took some inspiration from  him. Now, I like this image, but I wish   it just wasn't square. Well, we can fix that.  If you notice when we zoom out, there's still   the carpet background from the previous image. I  could use the eraser tool, but it's just easier   if I save this image and start a new canvas. So, let's re-import the generated image. As   we previously explored with the samurai, the  inpainting will paint in the missing pieces of   the image. Let's resize the image and move back to  inpaint as our model. On second thought, I think   I'm going to change the image size just a bit.  I decided to off-center this image slightly so   it would render more to the left of the cat. The  final step is to change the strength back to 100%,   which might seem counterintuitive, but watch the  results. The results are actually pretty good,   except for there's a line in both the images.  I've zoomed in so you can really see it.  Since I'm rendering all my images to my iPad,  I can go into a program like Pixelmator and   open up the image and start touching it up. In  Pixelmator, I can use tools like the heal tool   to remove the line, use the sharpen tool to give  the face a little more detail, and then even go   through with the warp tool and give the cat a  bit of a tummy tuck, since this is kind of a   weird render. The end result is impressive,  although the cat only has three toes now.  Let's revisit models once again, but this  time we're going to download models that   aren't included in Draw Things off the internet.  If we click the models, we can then click manage.   Realistic Vision 3.0, I know for a fact, has a  later version. I'm going to delete the Realistic   Vision 3.0 by clicking the trash can. There are  a lot of options when importing models into Draw   Things, and that's unfortunately just a quirk of  Stable Diffusion. I'm not going to go into all of   these because it gets really complicated, but just  be aware, some models do require tweaking these   settings. The thing we're most interested  in is "Downloaded File." If we click it,   we can enter a URL to a model. Let's cancel out of this and go   to Safari. Probably the most popular host  of AI models is Hugging Face's Model Hub or   another similar platform. I'm not sure how  it's said. From this website, we will search   for Realistic Vision. This particular model is  right now version 6.0 beta 1, and if you notice,   it also has an inpainting version, but for this  video, we're just going to download version 6. We will do this by clicking the download icon  and then copying the link. For the Mac users,   you can just download this file. Now, let's  switch back to Draw Things. We will click   "Enter URL" and paste the URL, click continue, and  it'll start downloading. Depending on the model,   Draw Things might download supporting files.  Realistic Vision is pretty good at people,   so let's just do a quick one of a woman reading a  book in a coffee shop at night, and it's peaceful.   The results are pretty good until you look at  the cursed AI hands; it's just a thing with AI.  Speaking of cursed, let me draw a not-so-good  picture of my cat Jeff very quickly on my iPad.   To my defense, I purposely wanted a bad drawing  for this demo. If I go back to Draw Things,   I can import this image, then using one  of the models I already have downloaded,   I can then use this as a source image to  generate a new image. After refining my prompt   just a little bit and changing the strength  to 80%, I got a pretty good result. There   are some striking similarities here because it is  mimicking the pose in this on a flat background.  iOS, macOS, and iPadOS all have the ability to  lift objects out of photos. I've already imported   my cat Jeff, and we're using the inpainting model.  Apple's ability to lift objects out of photos is   impressive, but it's not perfect; it has some  weird edges. So, to correct for this, I'm going   to do something that might seem counterintuitive.  I'm going to erase the entire image, then I'm   going to scroll down and set the strength to about  25%. The Inpainting 2.0 model isn't that great,   but we could always download a different one  and see if we could find one that would produce   better results. Maybe we could put the cat  in a better sci-fi background, and probably   we'd tweak this strength to be even lower. Now for our final main topic, and that's LORA   or Low Order Rank Adaptation. Think of these  as like expansion packs for Stable Diffusion.   LORAs can contain quite a bit of different stuff  like characters, poses, or visual effects. Also,   generally speaking, they are a lot smaller than  models. I know of one that's really cool that   works with Realistic Vision, and we already  have version 6.0 downloaded. The process is   pretty much exactly the same as importing a model.  We are going to go back to the website civa AI,   search for Vector illustration, and go to that  LORA. I'm going to copy the URL and then go back   to Draw Things and import it by clicking manage  next to the LORA. Mac users again get off easy;   they just click download and then can import  the downloaded file. Once it has downloaded,   we will click import. Often LORAs need trigger  words. This one is Vector illustration,   but if for some reason we forgot it, we can go  back to the website. If I click the info button,   I can see the prompts used to generate this  really sweet monster truck. Note the use of   the word Vector illustration. I'd like to  see a vector illustration of a palm tree,   so we're going to use the prompts Vector  illustration and palm tree. Note that I have   the LORA weight set to 100%. When using LORAs,  you have to pay attention to the documentation.   Some will recommend settings of like 60% for the  best results. Some have multiple trigger words   to produce different types of images. Some were  designed to work really well with a certain model,   like this one was trained on Realistic  Vision. The results are pretty cool.  There is a lot of trial and error. I tried to  generate pictures of the Oregon coast in Vector   art style. Some still came out as photos, and some  did not. There are some topics I didn't touch on,   like Samplers, and there's an amazing article  all about the Samplers and how it affects the   image quality at stable diffusion art.  If you haven't put it together by now,   a lot of those scammy apps on the Mac App Store,  iOS store, and iPad store that let you generate   AI images are just using Stable Diffusion. I'm  debating making a full-fledged course on this,   but it wouldn't fit under this channel, but I  do have my Patreon, and I could also put it on   Udemy or something. That way, people could really  dive in with me because there are a lot of topics   I didn't cover, like Control Nets or even making  your own LORAs and training, because this program   goes deep. If that's of interest, just let me  know in the comments. And I think that's it.
Channel: Definitive Mac Upgrade Guide
Views: 3,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Mac, macOS, Mac Pro
Id: cyFEvGJ0Khg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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