$450 VR Full-Body Trackers?

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one thing I hear a lot of people say in VR chat is I wish I had full body tracking but it's too expensive for a lot of people they might not have base stations they might not have a PC capable enough to play VR chat and they might only have a quest the equipment necessary to achieve full body tracking can get very expensive so what's the solution oh just uh get a job you have a job why wouldn't I I'm not some lazy inconsiderate jerk who lays in bed all day one alternative to getting full body tracking is buying IMU based trackers they may not be as accurate as things like the tundra trackers or Vive trackers but they're a hell of a lot cheaper saving you hundreds of dollars that you can spend on food computer peripherals or dozens of Bucky Beaver bobble heads it's really cool I recommend you buy one the problem with the current IMU trackers on the market though is availability well here it goes [Music] isn't it great one of my friends ordered slime trackers in October of 2021 and as of recording this video it has been almost two years and he still doesn't have them and the Harold Sora X is completely sold out there's just nothing to buy it I just take my money man but now we have a new competitor in the IMU space made from the same creators of the PlayStation sit back and relax as we talk about Sony's new mokopi trackers [Music] I'm gonna keep it real with you guys I was ecstatic when Sony reached out to me to discuss their new full body trackers I've always had my eyes on these devices when they first launched in Japan and now they have finally made their way over to the US and I'm super lucky to get the opportunity to review it for you guys it's not often I get the chance to try out new full body trackers I've only ever had my Vive 3.0 and tested stocks trackers in a previous video I'm a huge fan of full body tracking so I'm always happy to see new competitors enter the market because it gives us consumers more options to choose from especially from a company like Sony because they're not exactly small in terms of size here's what you get in the Box open it up and you'll be presented with a quick start guide on how to get these things working lift this up and you'll get the makopee trackers and under that are the provided straps which are pretty neat because it uses magnets to attach The Trackers let's take a look at the star of the show The makopee Trackers they come inside of this magnetic case that also serves as the charging Hub just make sure that the tractors are seated properly plug in the USBC cable and they will all start charging after charging for about an hour and a half they will last you up to 10 hours all of The Trackers are small and light with each of them only weighing 8 grams comparing them to my Vive trackers it's really nice not to have my hip tracker bounce up and down they all look really colorful and they're labeled to show you where to attach them the gray Circle in the middle is also your power button it's not a lot of stuff if you want you could throw these things in a bag and bring it over to a friend's house because that's all you need the overall quality of The Trackers are great at least from an outside perspective with its premium feel and robust construction this is not too surprising giving Sony's long history of manufacturing products on a large scale I'm right here for the PlayStation 2. but the main question is do they even track bro the setup process was very simple because you already have everything you need to get started as long as you have a phone The Trackers use your phone's Bluetooth to connect you'll pair each of them one by one they will most likely go through a firmware update and afterwards you'll attach them to your body and do some calibration and finally you're all set up in the makopee app from here you can record videos change your avatar and background recalibrate and all types of stuff you can even add in your own avatar but I wasn't able to do it I'm just not really good with unity foreign so first impressions looking at the tracking it looks great it's able to handle things like standing around walking around doing cartwheels and more with ease cart wheels it does pretty good cartwheels too oh oh however the one thing that I found that these trackers struggle with is any actions performed on the floor the tracking quality can vary sometimes but laying down push-ups and handstands are a couple of things that sometimes don't look perfect but as long as you're standing up and not doing anything crazy the tracking quality looks great so along with recording little videos you could use the motion capture data the makopee app gathers and send it to your PC for various use inside of different programs like if you wanted to do some quick and easy motion capture instead of Unreal Engine or Unity but the main reason I feel most people would want these trackers is for use inside of VR chat using osc so yes if you're playing VR chat using Quest Standalone you can use these trackers so how do these things perform for full body tracking to put it shortly there's a lot of room for improvement The Trackers do track my movements but it does have a bit of drift and the movement can look choppy sometimes so let me stop right there now when I first originally made this video I was actually quite a bit harsh on mokopi in fact a lot of the things I said regarding the tracking were negative but right as I was about to finish making this video I got to try out a new beta version of the app one that would turn to risk trackers into thigh trackers which was one of my main complaints in my original review I mean do you need the head tracker when you have your entire VR headset no you really don't these trackers are basically useless what is that vrchat is only picking up six points of tracking well I completely retract those statements as this new beta update from Sony has completely changed my view on Okapi so because I was going to be moving the wrist trackers to my thighs I had to get a little creative because the straps that you get with it are not going to fit on your thighs at all so I drove to my local Walmart and bought some velcro straps I did a little bit of DIY and now I have proper thigh straps the setup for the beta version of the app is just as easy as a previous version it's just that your avatar was going to be in a t-post because you don't have hands anymore it looks kind of funny I connected the app to my IP address and started up VR chat to try it out it was really just as easy as enabling osc and calibrating my avatar here's some footage comparing the two different versions of the makopee app it's crazy how much moving the wrist trackers to your thighs improves the tracking quality previously the movement used to look super choppy but now it looks so much more smooth and accurate standing and walking around looks pretty natural sitting in my chair looks good and laying down doesn't look too bad either albeit things that are done on the floor are Thelma Kobe's biggest weak point and finally I did a cartwheel the ultimates has to see if makopee can handle such a complex maneuver and it ended up looking pretty good again with the beta version it's a lot more smooth one slight issue with the tracking is that there's a noticeable delay so it could be a little weird when I see my hands being tracked basically perfectly but my trackers are a second or so behind now keep in mind that this is the beta version of the app it's not currently available for the public to use I think they're going to be releasing it some time of quarter four of this year as they take the time to polish it just a little more I think that if you were able to use a head tracker for chest tracking the quality of The Trackers could be even better so I initially thought that these trackers were slightly overpriced for what you got costing you 450 dollars or dozens of Bucky Beaver bobblehead but with this new update I've changed my mind The makopee Trackers may be some of the best IMU trackers currently available although they are more pricey than the other Alternatives in the IMU space you get lightweight and extremely portable trackers on this cool little box along with the easiest setup process you'll ever go through for full body I did want to note that if you're someone who already has a decent computer along with base stations these trackers are probably not the best option for you because at that point getting Vive 3.0 or Tundra trackers would actually be cheaper but for those of you who don't have any of those consider checking out makopee I would love to hear what you guys think about the makopee trackers so please leave a comment down below about your opinions I sincerely thank Sony for sponsoring this video and sending me these trackers to review and special thanks to my patreons for supporting me in the content I make last month I was able to afford groceries because of them anyways guys that'll be it for this video be sure to check out my Discord server because that's where you can find me a lot we are almost 40 000 subscribers away from 100 so make sure you guys subscribe my socials are in the description as always thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Twice
Views: 50,945
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Keywords: #vrchat, #vr, #vrchatcommunity, #vrchatmoments #vrchatphotos #vrc, #virtualreality #vrchatavatar #vrchatselfies, #vrchatfriends #vrchatphotography, #vrchatgame #vrchatworld #oculus #memes, #vrchatmemories #vrchatmemes, #gaming #vrchatavatars, #anime #vrchatfunny, #life #oculusquest, #gamer #vrchatanime, #dankmemes #twitch #htcvive, #vrgaming
Id: WlKc0fb3KOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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