*45* ColecoVision Homebrews & Conversions!!

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okay so I'm going outside my Atari comfort zone to play some ColecoVision Homebrew games now I understand that the ColecoVision has similar Hardware to the MSX and the Sega sg-1000 so I'm pretty sure that many of these games are conversions but I'm not really sure which ones are also I think some of these are PAL games so I slowed some of them down that I thought were too fast that being said let's dive in to some kalika Vision homebrews let's start with this game called Ariel and it's your basic flying shooter kind of like scramble or Super Cobra and you just shoot the airplanes that are coming in and you shoot the turrets that are on the ground and it's a pretty nice little game it seems like it just goes on and on forever the music is a little annoying but you know not too bad I like how when you move up and down your plane will fire either at the ground or in the sky depending on which direction that you're pointing I thought that was kind of a neat little feature but overall a pretty good effort for a Homebrew game next let's take a look at our node Dash which is a boulder dash clone now I've had my dealings with boulder dash in the past and for some reason I enjoyed this game more than some other boulder dash versions I'm not really sure why the graphics are a little bit monochrome they're mostly green and gray but at least they're detailed there's no music and that's fine I'm I'm happy not having music annoying me while I'm trying to play my game and if you haven't seen boulder dash basically all you have to do is collect the diamonds and avoid the boulders crashing down on you and then find the exit it's a pretty simple game and I feel like this version is pretty good all right let's take a look at a game called Astro storm which is pretty clearly an asteroids clone the asteroids themselves move and look properly which is good although your ship is a little bit weird in the way that it moves it doesn't seem all that smooth when moving forwards but the turning left and right is pretty smooth also you shoot dashes instead of dots which is you know it's okay I guess I thought maybe I was shooting missiles instead of photon Torpedoes also like that there's color in the asteroids that's nice but overall I say this is a pretty good effort foreign here's one called Bat lot I have no idea what bat lot means battle a lot of battles maybe but it's pretty simple you just make your way to the enemy base and destroy it of course the enemy soldiers aren't going to let you just March right in and destroy their base they're going to defend their base and try to destroy your base too I had a little bit of trouble moving around and I'm going to blame that on the fact that I'm using the Xbox 360 controller for this it might actually be worse if you were playing with a real silico Vision controller but the timing trying to move down these hallways was a little bit challenging I'd always overshoot it just a little bit and I'd have to go back and try again the graphics are a little bit plain but you know that's fine I'm more interested in the gameplay anyways and this one was pretty fun I actually enjoyed going up there and trashing their base I could see where this would be a really fun two-player game all right here's one you've no doubt heard of Bejeweled which is a puzzle matching game you just swap two gems and if you get three in a row they disappear and it's pretty cool when you can do chain reactions the graphics look pretty good I mean they're not super detailed or anything like that on the actual Jewels but I like having so much color on the screen that's awesome there's not much in the way of sounds and there's no music but that's fine but my biggest problem with the game is that the controls I don't know they just don't make sense it seems like you have to select a piece and then quickly switch to the other one that you want to swap with I would just like to click it slowly move to the piece that I want to swap it with and hit the button again and have it do it but it doesn't seem like it works that way and at first I thought maybe I had had the rapid fire enabled on the controller but I didn't it was just normal so I guess that's just how this game is but aside from that it seems like a pretty competent version of Bejeweled foreign next we have bomb Jack and this is a pretty well known I think arcade game it appeared on the NES and basically all you have to do here is collect all the bombs and avoid the enemies and if you can collect the bomb that is currently about to explode then you get extra points and to me the appeal of this game is really the backgrounds I enjoy seeing the different uh places that we can go a bunch of interesting historical landmarks I guess that makes sense though you're trying to avoid these uh wonderful places being destroyed by bombs the music in this game is a little bit irritating but you know if you want you can just turn the volume down would be nice to have an option where there is no music though but the control is good and the graphics are good the sounds are good this is a really competent version of bomb Jack all right here's a game called booming boy and it's kind of a Bomberman Style game but instead of bombs it looks like you're placing musical bombs I guess I'm not really sure you musical sound things or what are generators or something like that and your goal is to destroy these green looks like a green centipede kinda but it kind of has an underwater theme which is kind of cool I like that the graphics are nice unfortunately the music is not too annoying I'm not the world's biggest Bomberman fan but I do appreciate having a game that puts a different spin on Bomberman so I've really enjoyed this game [Music] okay here's a game called boot skill it's kind of an odd name but essentially this is a Pango Style game where you push the blocks around and try to destroy the enemies the graphics are a little bit plain and the music is a little bit annoying but the gameplay is good enough to make me want to keep playing it for quite a while I don't know if this has a two player option but I could see where it'd be a lot of fun to play two players try to smash your friends against the blocks that would be pretty cool but yeah boot scale was a pretty fun little game our next game is boxel which I thought only appeared on the Game Boy as boxel everywhere else I think it's called sokoban if I'm not mistaken this is kind of a well-known box pushing game with puzzle elements to it you just have to get the boxes on those little dots there and as you know I'm not too bright so trying to get past level two I couldn't figure it out but hey this seems like a very competent version of voxel if you enjoy that game our next game is called Cavett I'm sorry but I couldn't help but think of Dick Cavett because I remember the Dick Cavett Show from back in the day I I'm old but this is basically a spin on Dig Dug or Mr do and all you have to do is dig in the ground and collect the treasure boxes of course there's going to be enemies between you and the treasure boxes so you have to take them out somehow and I think the only way to do that is to use the boulders and crush them the graphics are kind of plain much like the previous game boot scale that we played obviously done by the same developer I mean it even has the same music but I rather enjoy this game it's pretty cool all right our next game is called Champion pro wrestling and I went into this game having really high hopes but it looks way better than it plays so yeah the graphics are good and the sounds are pretty decent I guess but the problem with this game is the way that you play it instead of moving the joystick in a certain way and pressing a button to do a move you press the button to select your move down in the bottom there and then the press the other button to actually perform that move maybe they did this because they had a lot of moves and they could figure out how to do multiple button presses I don't know but it's really a shame because the way this game looks it could have been fun but the fact that you have to literally select your move it really just ruins it here's an amazing one called Children of the Night and of course I immediately thought that this was going to be a Castlevania clone but it is not at all in fact it feels much more like a Zelda game where you play as Dracula making his way through this Maze and shooting enemies along the way as you can see the graphics are just amazing and the music and the sound effects are fantastic too so basically the goal is to again travel through the mazes and you have to find these gems so that you can open up the doors so that you can move to the next part of the game and ultimately I think what you're trying to do as Dracula is to escape from The Maze because the townspeople are coming after you I guess well it looks like there's demons and stuff in here too but honestly I really don't care about what the story is I just find this to be a really fantastic and fun game to play all right next we have circus Charlie and this is a conversion of an arcade game with the same name and basically you are a clown riding a lion jumping over fire through hoops of fire trying to get to the end of the stage and once you finish the hoop stage then you got to jump over these monkeys and that was about as far as I could get because I suck at this game and the graphics are appropriate they look just like the arcade game as far as I can tell and the sounds and the music are good they don't annoy me too much which is nice so I would say this is a good conversion of circus Charlie all right here's a weird one called Cold Blood and um it's kind of a Pac-Man game mixed with like metal gear I think I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do I saw these Pals here and I thought well maybe I'm supposed to eat the pals and then eat the ghosts just like in Pac-Man but no that's not at all what you do those Pals just give you special powers to allow you to continue the game and really what you need to do is just Escape out those side tunnels to go to a different part of the game and there appears to be a lot of different mazes here to Traverse but this was an interesting game it's got some nice graphics and some good sounds and some interesting animations and uh weird storyline but hey I appreciate different takes on Pac-Man all right our next game is a take on Commando called Commando returns and I get the feeling that this is more of a proof of concept than a complete game I think the best part about the game is the music it sounds pretty much like the arcade [Music] and the graphics are pretty decent and up until you get to the end part here where there's no Graphics at all also I realized that I couldn't be killed so further proof that this is not a completed game but hey it looks pretty good it feels like it uh could make for a really good game in the future [Music] all right here is a Pac-Man clone called Dak man instead of Pac-Man I guess if you turn a d upside down and flip it it's a p pack man I don't know this one I kind of had high hopes for the graphics look pretty darn arcade accurate and the sounds are really good too but as you can see the the way that the ghosts move and Pac-Man moves they move in steps kind of along the dots and I can understand how they would do something like this and why and I guess it's just easier to make the game like this versus having you know Sprites you're just using like background tile characters I guess but honestly I really didn't care for this style of game our next game is called danger Tower and it's extremely simple just move around and don't get hit unfortunately you can't shoot or attack or anything like that on these enemies that are moving around the only thing you can do is just avoid them it does get a little bit more challenging in the later levels though but the graphics are pretty cool I like the kind of 3desque look to them and the shading on the blocks there that's kind of neat and the sounds can get a little annoying but not too bad and I like that the main character is multi-colored with big blue hair it looks pretty funny anyway danger Tower is a pretty good little game [Music] all right next we have what I consider to be kind of a famous arcade game because of how basic it is it's flicky to me flicky is well known because it is the smallest Sega Genesis game at only 128 kilobytes but basically in this game your goal is to collect all the little chicks and bring them back to the top area where it says the word flicky and that's kind of like their escape hatch all the while you're being chased by these cats who want to eat your little chicks and for a flicky game I guess the graphics are okay what I liked about it is how smooth the scrolling was and the control isn't bad except for one slight problem it seems like the platforms are just slightly too close together because I kept bumping into them all the time so it made it much more challenging to get up there to my exit than it should have been I think but hey if you like flicky it's on the kalika vision here's a game called flipper and this is a pinball game very obviously which I found to be pretty enjoyable the graphics are not you know spectacular I mean they're there and they work there's really not much in the way of music and the ball is a little janky when it moves around it's not smooth but despite all that I still kind of had fun with this game I really like how you have multiple flippers up in that top section there it's almost like having two games in one all right next we have front line which is an arcade game kind of the precursor to Commando and I Corey Warriors but this game is pretty good I mean I really like the graphics and the sounds on it but one thing it seems like it's missing and it's probably just me I probably can't figure out the controls right but I thought you could fire diagonally left and right but it seems like I can only fire straight up and a little bit later in the game you get to climb into a tank and start attacking other tanks which kind of reminded me of ikori Warriors and this was the part of a game that I enjoyed the most but front line for the ColecoVision not bad not bad at all if I could just figure out the diagonal shooting part that would make it better now here's Gauntlet and this is the game that made me realize that I think I was playing Pal games in ntsc mode because you can see it's running way too fast so I found the option to play him in pal mode and it seemed to run a little bit better but Gauntlet is a pretty well-known arcade game and yes it does seem like I say that a lot but I guess to me all arcade games are pretty well known but in this case it's true Gauntlet is a very popular arcade game and as you can see the graphics and sounds are really arcade accurate I mean sure there's a few concessions in the colors My Wizard here is only one color but you know at least he's detailed and the enemies are very detailed and the scrolling is really smooth that's nice I really wish this game had come out back in the day I think they might have sold a few more consoles if it had come out back then this is a really good conversion of gauntlet all right here's a pretty simple game called get booty I don't know I guess the title just made me laugh and all you do here is try to shoot the ships out in the ocean basically you have that little indicator there on the left and that will determine how far your Cannonball is going to fly and it also flies at an angle kind of from left to right slightly so you can't be directly in front of your target the graphics are kind of plain but that's fine it does the job and the sounds are good I guess appropriate Cannonball sounds you get a little bit of music but not too much overall this is a pretty fun little game I played it for quite a while actually foreign here's a game called ghost Blaster not Ghostbusters and I don't know why you're thinking this is a Ghostbusters game but it's not as you can clearly see it has nothing to do at all with Ghostbusters it's more of a puzzle game where you have to go around and collect gems out of a out of a house and then escape the house and you have some kind of a laser beam thing that's not a proton pack where you can shoot the ghosts I guess if you can get them close enough to you but again it's not really part of the game going after the ghosts is irrelevant really the graphics are okay I guess I like the uh kind of Parallax scrolling in the background you can kind of see the moon back there and music is kind of catchy I mean it seems a little familiar I really can't place it though because this is obviously not a Ghostbusters game the problem that I do have with the game though is that the jumping is just not right it's very difficult to get up to those higher levels but hey if you're looking for a Ghostbusters I mean ghost Blaster game you could do a lot worse than this one okay next is goon these based on the movie of the same name and in this game you travel through a cavern and you try to save your friends I guess from the fratellis and you have to find the key to open the doors all the while avoiding enemies and deadly dripping water this must be a European game because they always have dripping water that hurts you the graphics and sounds are really good in the game and the controls are good and accurate the music is good enough [Music] now I'm not sure but I think there's a famicom version of this game which is why we got Goonies 2 on the NES but if that's the case then I'm pretty sad that they didn't come out with an NES version of Goonies because this is a fun game [Music] all right next we have a racing game called GP world and wow I love this game this is great the graphics are really good and fast and smooth and the sounds are good it sounds just like a Formula One car I mean as best as a colleague of vision could do the control is really nice and tight and we've even got scrolling clouds in the background and of course you can crash into the other cars or the signs and when you do you get a nice uh you know nice big explosion just like you'd expect from like pole position if I had any complaints about it it's that I wish that the gameplay screen was a little bit bigger I mean it's taken up by the huge map on the right and the car status on the bottom there but this is a really good fast and fun racing game on the ColecoVision [Music] all right here's a side scrolling shooter called Gull cave kind of reminds me of gradius or life force a little bit I really like The Parallax Graphics there at the bottom but besides that the graphics are a little bit plain especially in the enemies you know they're basically single color even though your ship is multi-colored I'm not too crazy about the music here it's a little uh irritating and the sounds are okay I guess although the firing sound does also get a little bit annoying also I wish they had more power-ups I was able to get one a little bit later in my gameplay session here but I wish they came up more frequently but overall gold cave is a pretty good shooter for the clicker vision our next game is so simple so basic and so it's almost like a a an April Fool's joke on the player it's called insane pick and sticks eight I guess they make eight of these versions of this game I don't know but basically all you do is move her on screen and pick up sticks and there's a score across the top that tells you how many you picked up but what makes the game funny is the little uh comment there at the top I kept wanting to play just so that I could see what the next comment was going to be when you get to 280 sticks it says no life and then then it says seriously no life this is stop playing now and then Arc you are insane why torturing yourself I dare you to collect a thousand well yeah of course I'm gonna have to collect a thousand just to see what happens when I get that far and it just says impressive thanks for playing it's like okay you can stop playing now next message at 9001 and I was really tempted to play to 9 000 but I do have a little bit of a life despite what the game says but anyway uh it say pick it up sticks I know it's it's kind of just like a joke on the player but it's it's hilarious I loved it all right our next game is called jet pack and it's a side-scrolling shooter with some really good graphics and sounds and the music is good too and basically all you do is just move through this cave and shoot enemies and try not to touch the either the ceiling or the floor and it's a little bit more difficult than it sounds because you're constantly being pulled downwards and you have to you know use your jet pack to uh you know fly through this cave it kind of reminds me a little bit of Flappy Bird but with guns and shooting and I don't know I like this game better than Flappy Bird but not too much because honestly I wish that my character would just float there and not require me to constantly be you know moving up to to keep him uh flying if they change that one thing about the game I would like it a lot better [Music] next we have kevtrus which is a Tetris clone obviously and I like this game because it has a lot of options it doesn't have much in the way of music but it has some sound effects and you know they're appropriate to the game of course kevtrus is a clone of Tetris which is probably the most popular puzzle game in the world so it's a good thing that there's a version on the clickovision however I do have to question how difficult it is to play this game with the original kalikovision controller but overall I would say this is a good version of kevtrus I mean Tetris I mean yeah that game [Music] next is a game called night lore and this one really surprised me because it has these pseudo 3D Graphics much like a game of solstice for the NES or air ball for the Atari 8-bit computer and in this game you play as some character who is turning into a werewolf I guess your goal is to find the bottle of wine and drink it and hopefully you'll never turn into a werewolf again well I mean that's the storyline I came up with because I really don't know what the true storyline is but hey this one looks pretty awesome I love the pseudo 3D Graphics even though they're in monochrome but there's not a lot to speak of when it comes to sound effects foreign next we have the classic arcade game kung fu which most of you might know from the NES version the character Graphics are pretty good here but the background Graphics are a little lacking I mean all you're seeing is the ceiling and the floor there's no uh actual walls or anything but the sound effects are pretty good and the controls are pretty good but just like any Kung Fu game you want to make sure that the enemies do not touch you because if they do they will not let go and I found the best way to get out of that is to just hit all the buttons wildly and then I was able to break free so yeah this is not a bad version of kung fu for the colliga vision all right our next game is called lift and it's a pretty basic game all you have to do is collect the flags and that can be a little more challenging than it sounds Graphics are pretty basic and the sound is the same music we've heard from the other games that this developer has created also it kind of looks a little bit like Mappy it's a basic little game but it's still pretty fun our next game is the incredible amazing awesome Mario Brothers this version of the game is absolutely amazing Mario looks and moves just like you would expect the background Graphics are like dead on perfect to the arcade and the sounds are amazing as well the only knock I have on this game is that the enemies are single color but other than that I mean the graphics the sound the music the gameplay the controls I feel like this is the best version of Mario Brothers that I have ever played it was definitely the most fun I ever had playing a version of Mario Brothers so the quality of this game really got me wondering would this work on a stock felica Vision or do you have to have like a super game module or something like that and if you do need some kind of an add-on I think it's worth it this game is great [Music] our next game is called Mecca 9 and it's your basic shooting game but in this case you are playing as a giant robot so I don't know if they were trying to go with a Musha Vibe here or what but it's got some good graphics I like the little animated cut scene that they have at the beginning it has some decent sound effects and it controls well but let me say it does get a little bit boring because the background Graphics are pretty much the same thing over and over again I mean I don't know how many times we can see that same dinosaur-shaped Rock I don't know if it gets any more interesting later down the road but overall it's a pretty interesting game our next game is sega's ninja princess which I believe only appeared in Japan under this title anyway and in this game you are a ninja girl uh trying to protect her Village I guess it kind of feels a little bit like commando but instead of bullets you're throwing swords and later shurkins the graphics are a little bit plain and the sound effects are good and the control is really good but the one thing I don't care for is the one hit deaths and I guess that's something that happens in Commando and iCarly Warriors too but for some reason it made it more frustrating in this game I really wanted to get further into the game but overall it's a good and fun conversion of the arcade game all right next we have the classic shooting game Operation wolf and dare I say this is my favorite gun game of all time I remember playing this in the arcades and also on the NES back in the day of course the ColecoVision does not have a light gun so you're forced to use the controller which I can only imagine how difficult it would be to play with a genuine ColecoVision controller for this game in operation wolf your goal is to rescue as many hostages as you can by not shooting them but shooting all the enemies of course which include soldiers and helicopters and tanks and boats and all kinds of stuff like that so basically just shoot everything that moves the graphics in this game are really incredible especially for the ColecoVision and I would say that the sound effects are really good too but honestly I didn't get to hear them very much because that warning siren just kept beeping and beeping was really really irritating I wish they would just turn that off but overall I'd say this is a great version of operation wolf next we have Pitfall 2 arcade and honestly I don't know why they made this game I just can't imagine that the arcade version of this game made any money I've never really been a fan of this particular game but as far as I can tell this kalikovision version looks and play is just like the arcade game not like the Atari 2600 game the graphics are detailed but they just look weird for some reason I mean I just don't see Pitfall Harry wearing a hat but the music is good anyway now the controls on the other hand are a little bit iffy especially when you're swinging on the vine but I think this is a pretty good conversion of the arcade game and it's definitely better than the NES version of super Pitfall but I will say it can't even touch the 2600 game our next game is Quest of the golden chalice which is a huge graphical update to the Atari 2600 version of Adventure in the game your goal is to retrieve the enchanted chalice and bring it back to the gold castle and there's dragons and bats that will try to stop you not to mention the fact that it's easy to get lost in the Maze unless you know where you're going now the graphics in this game are nothing short of incredible and finally the dragons don't look like ducks also like how you can swing your sword when you're fighting the dragons that makes it a little bit more interesting also the music and the sound effects are really good too so yeah if you've been wanting to play Adventure on your ColecoVision well this is definitely the game for you quest for the golden chalice it's pretty awesome our next game is called ruptus and I really had no idea what to expect when I started this game and it looks to be inspired by the arcade game Bostonian and I was pleasantly surprised because Bostonian is one of my favorite games unfortunately though this game is a little bit stripped down compared to Bostonian there aren't as many enemies trying to protect the bases but I do like the added strategy element of having to shoot the shields before you can attack the base the graphics in the game are a little bit plain but you know passable same thing with the music it could be a little bit better but it controls well and it plays well and it's a pretty decent game foreign next we have space Hunter adventures in the forbidden zone starring Peter Strauss and Molly Ringwald well I mean that's what I was expecting anyway instead we got a kind of a basic shooting game and you know you just avoid the alien spaceships and shoot things as you go up I mean it's okay I guess the graphics are a little bit plain but the sound of music is pretty decent hey at least it controls well next we have space Invasion which is definitely not a Space Invaders clone as you can see it it's nothing like Space Invaders In the game your goal is to protect the Earth from the Invaders by shooting them as they March back and forth and then drop down and then continue to March the only thing that would make this game better is a bottle of Shasta and an all Rush mixtape all kidding aside this is a good clone of Space Invaders definitely looks the part I don't know if it sounds the part as I was playing the game I was thinking you know it sure would be nice if they expanded on the Space Invaders concept just a little bit and to my surprise when I got to level two something changed I would hit certain Invaders and they would turn into double Invaders so I feel like this game has a little bit more going on than just being your basic Space Invaders clone and I really appreciate adding some bonus elements to the game to you know freshen it up a bit next is the classic game spelunker and I've never really played this game too much but I think the goal is to collect all the money and then escape and this looks like a pretty good good version of that original game I mean the graphics and the sounds look pretty good and it controls decent enough but I do have one major gripe about it and it's that you seem to die with such ease even getting off the elevator will kill you if you don't do it right and I don't know if that's accurate to the original game or not but even if it was I feel like they should have made a slight improvement with this version so that you know that doesn't happen because I mean who wants to play a game where you die every second even even just getting off an elevator but hey at least the sound effects are good and the music is somewhat tolerable so if you like the original spelunker this game might be worth checking out all right next is the classic arcade game Star castle and let me just say I think this might be the most fun I've ever had playing Star castle and I think it's because I had the rapid fire turned on so I was able to shoot with Incredible speed in this vector game your goal is to shoot the Shields and destroy the another spaceship inside there I guess the spaceship and the shields are considered the castle but this is a fun and accurate looking version of the original arcade game it plays just like the arcade it looks like the arcade and I think it sounds like the arcade too foreign next game is called zupinazo or two supernazo or something like that I think the t is silent but this appears to be a cartoon version of the running of the bulls the goal here is just to not get run over by the Bulls but the problem is there's always somebody getting in your way trying to push you into the bowls which is not cool I mean come on people I'm trying to not get run over and you're just slowing me down get out of my way but this game's got some really good cartoony Graphics but it's really the music and the sound effects that really make this game fun they're just perfectly appropriate so yeah Zoo pinazo tupanazo supernazo whatever however you pronounce it it was a fun game I enjoyed this one and here we have Wonder Boy which in some circles is better known as Adventure Island and this looks to be a really good conversion of Wonder Boy the graphics are nice and the sound effects are nice and the music is nice the scrolling is a little bit chunky but that's okay also I wish the graphics on the Mallet was multi-colored instead of single colored that doesn't hurt the Gameplay at all which is the most important thing of course and this game plays pretty well [Music] all right well there you have it there's some awesome ColecoVision Homebrew games which one did you like the best let me know down in the comments and with that I thank you for watching take care and we'll see you next time bye bye everybody
Channel: Greg's Game Room
Views: 10,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gregs Game Room, classic video games, retro gaming, Colecovision, Colecovision homebrews, colecovision conversions, Sega SG-1000 games, MSX Games, Where to Colecovision Games, Good Colecovision games, Wonderboy, Star Castle, Operation Wolf, Bejeweled, Bomb jack, Gauntlet, Goonies, Kevtris, Kung Fu, Mario Bros., Pitfall 2, video games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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