446 Autodesk Fusion 360 for CNC router beginner’s level 1, digitally remastered

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hello and welcome to my channel today we're going to use fusion recent act me asking me where they can buy out cam from unfortunately app cam has been discontinued it was owned by Autodesk so instead Autodesk has provided fusion 360 now that is a CAD cam program and it is absolutely free of charge to hobbyists or educators like myself or new stats that's if you are going to or if you're starting up a business until you reach I think the figure is a hundred thousand dollars turnover per year the program and the ability to use that program is totally free of charge now it sounds like a good deal I'll leave a link below this video where straight to the download at autodesk for you to download it for yourself to give it a try so we'll just fire up fusion 360 and we don't speeding this video is for new stats so those of you who are you know used to using fusion 360 probably won't want to see this video so what it is you know new fresh stats for someone who's never used fusion 360 before you can use this program to make models 3d objects 2d objects for 3d printers CNC rotors CNC Mills and CNC lathe you can also draw up all your CAD work for lasers okay so this is the opening screen for fusion 360 and there's a couple of things that I just like to show you what I might my preference is and I find it easier to work with this program I don't particularly like the grid on all the time so initially I like to start with a blank canvas now you can turn this off and on just by going down here to this little grid and left-click and turn it off it will automatically reappear when you start drawing at the appropriate time and the second thing you might want to do is come up here to the viewcube this is called a view cube is just go here and all right click and choose perspective with Otto faces that's the two things that you probably need to do first now we'll just come over here to the now this this drop-down box here shows you all the available types of programs within fusion 360 were in model space this is where we spend most of that time the sheetmetal rendering animation simulation cam we'll be using that you know start here and we're gonna start with a sketch everything starts with a sketch so this is really you you know your pencil so I'll choose that and so then the grid will pop up and you can choose a plane in which to to actually drawn like this stage it doesn't really matter you can change that later on to make life easier for me I'm going to choose this one here there we go so it will know jump to a two-dimensional screen and grid now these are all in metric numbers a bit of a guide but I'll show when we start drawing I'll show you what we can do so we're gonna start with a poll that don't but this gives you all the different types of drawing tools that you can use and we are going to go for a rectangle just a simple two-point rectangle that once I when a statue in the middle now I've got snap turned on so the it will snap to any intersection of these little lines you'll see it snap in to it okay so I like to start in the middle here so left click draw it now we're going to go a hundred millimeter and it will snap to a hundred millimeters there but even if it was less than that and say for example we said oh you know we drew it there okay so this isn't actually the size I want our piece of work so what I'm going to do is highlight this particular one it's upright right click sketch dimension draw it out so it gives me a measurement of 90 but I want it to be a hundred so we can alter that to 100 press ENTER and it will jump to 100 so then we can select this one stretch that one draw edge and and press enter and that wall so now we have our square geometry so there we have our square our cube or the size of our work so now what we're going to do is we can turn this flat 2d image or drawing into a 3d object so we're going to now go to 3d space and to do that we just go here to the extrude label and left-click so we choose a face and now we want to extrude that edge let me see 19 millimeters [Music] so 19.0 not press Enter now we want to now work on this face here at first as all I'll show you that what we have here and we can go to the the viewcube and rotate it around no really whatever we want to would they just have a look [Music] okay so we want to now take a a pocket or machine a pocket into this space here which is the top represented by the Zed here see this edge this is facing up on the viewcube facing up here so that's the face you want so now what we want to do we want to want to draw on that so we will front there we go so now we're looking at the front of it and this is the front that we need to take some material out so we're going to extrude first of all we're going to sketch again this time we want a circle snap to the middle of the material so there again we want 50 millimeter so just make the circle there and then so we got this one to be fifty millimeter press Enter and it's 50 millimeter okay so then we want to now extrude that and we want to screw that down into the material now we want to extrude it down so down this way and we want to extrude we don't want to extrude it all the way through I just want to go part the way in so I think I just want to go - notice the - figure there so we do it removing the material out - 10 millimeters now you see that fusions 360 years now altered now you just press ENTER and it's done and there's our pocket it's as simple as that that's the 3d drawing is now over I mean it's just a test piece so now we're going to go to the camp okay so what we're going to do is go straight into cam then what we want to do is create a new setup let's just zoom in here a bit you'll notice here that there's a lighter gray shading [Music] that's all around the top and the sides of our material now what fuchsia fusion 360 is done is created excess stock material well we need to turn that off because in this situation we don't we don't need that if you're starting with the fusion 360 you really don't need this extra material so to remove that what you need to do is go to the stock tab and come here to relative size box and turn that off to fix size and then that will give you the actual size of the material that is there that we're actually working with it just makes it simpler to work with for the you know beginners so that's our that's our material our stock and these are pocket and it is in the right orientation as well with the Y here and the XE actually the Y needs to be run the other side ran the back but I'm not going to worry about that at the moment we just got the Zed in the right orientation X is in the right orientation and the Y is relatively in the right orientation you can also see here in this setup that the width or X is 100 millimeters which is what we we require what we sent it what we set it for the Y is 100 millimeters which is again correct and the material height is 20 millimeters that's that's okay the actual fact we can correct that and make this 19 millimeter which is actually what our material is okay so now we get right into the cab so it's a 2d it's a 2d pocket and we're going to choose a tool okay so we're going to select a tool and samples library so built into the program is is many many different sizes of cutters so when I'm searching for a quarter-inch ml which is there so we'll choose that one we're going flat there it is so we're gonna okay that so within fusion it's already picked the speeds and the recommended feeds I'm just checking through these to see whether I I think they're gonna be fine for the CNC router so what we're gonna do we're going to speed things up eleven twelve twelve thousand RPM turn or thirty so they you know they'll recommend this is actually for aluminium but we're going to be machining into just timber that's actually okay spend all speed that's okay and this is you know moving from at cam in diffusion you know you need to sort of change your thinking a bit because an outcome used to be millimeters per second well of course now it's to actually get that figure two millimeters per second you just divide by 60 I'll do that really quickly that's twenty five point four or one inch per second which is absolutely fine these figures are all okay so I'm gonna okay that okay so when you're happy with with your speed and feeds press okay now there's a good reason for pressing okay at this stage because it has created the tool path so now we can go in and edit the tool path so you just hover over over it and right click and press edit now I don't like this being machined in one cut which is what's just been created so we're going to go here two passes and we're going to go down to let's go step over we're going to reduce that so we're gonna say three mmm not 300 3.0 now let me just follow that okay so we can have a look at some of the settings in here tolerance is 0.1 millimeter this is fine we're cutting into into timber so so you can at this point you can alter climb milling or conventional milling I normally use climb milling yeah I just sort of that one just now but we want to go multiple passes maximum or FN we want to go we're going to do this in four - I think so we're going to alter that to five millimeter the rest of this is okay so we're gonna okay [Music] and it's recalculated that so you'll see now the step over is a lot finer and it should be two separate years it is two separate cats [Music] so now we can simulate okay so let's simulate this now so you go back to setup come to simulate and we'll press go [Music] [Music] almost left [Music] so there you go it's very very simple to to make a tool path in fusion 360 so now we will export that a file okay so the next thing to do is to post the code it's very simply done but you do have to set it up so that may see that's my account million now if you scroll down through now these are all the different post processes or machines that they cater for and in our case in our case we'll be using Mac 3 Mac 3 mill well what a comment in here so we can recognize exactly what it is so it's test2 and it's already set in millimeters in units and this has just really telling us what the prog program settings are everything looks ok there that's another thing to look at so this is relatively important because it is standard G code for mark 3 mill and it's such G cold tap this is the normal standard type of G cough so you must make sure that these are these are in here if you use a Mac 3 and really that's about it so now we just post the code [Music] and in our case see test two and I want it put on my desktop so I can get to it easily and safe so as we're actually doing this video Fusion is updating itself on my computer that's another good thing using Fusion it went in something new comes in in fusion 360 it's automatically updated so really that's that's that so you know it's been saved and we can now shut this down there we go and here is the code that we just wrote ready to be uploaded into the CNC machine okay so that's fusion 360 it's a very simple job and I hope I've made it simple for you to understand we will be getting into more complex models and geometry as the months go on and I'll show you how to make them in fusion 360 how to set up the G codes on the tool paths in the cam software and also I'll be showing you on the machines the different machines in this case CNC router 6040 I've also got a 60 12 which is a much larger machine I've also got a mini mill which I converted myself all the videos of the conversion on here it's a little Sig x2 converted to see I see also 3d printing and laser so over the next year we will be looking at or using fusion 360 with all these different CNC machines I should have showed you before but this is the tool we selected okay it's a little quarter-inch - flute and mill that's the one that's going to be doing the cut so if you've liked this video please subscribe press like and come and visit some of my other videos so bye for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Roger Webb
Views: 15,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AVID, Fusion 360, 3D printer, 3D printing, Ultimaker, thingiverse, Flashforge, Adventurer 3, Flashcloud, Cura, plastic, ABS, PLA, Carveco, Maker, Maker +, ArtCAM, CAD, CAM, DIY, scanning, CNC, Vectric Aspire, VCarve Pro, Benchtop, parts, PRO, machine, kits, Mach 3, Mach 4, America, USA, UK, Vbit, carving, Bob Ross, Art, Roger, Clyde, Webb, Router, Laser, Lathe, Autodesk, Patreon, 6012, 6090, 6040, 3040, 2000 year old, pen, turn, X2, Harbor Freight, Grizzly, Grand Tour, Top Gear, drivetribe, Fortnight, NYC, game of thrones
Id: YYKcx3dbCZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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