44 Magnum 629 4-inch (Chapter 2)

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yeah baby 44 Magnum Smith & Wesson 629 for inter this is a big boy right here I'm throwing brass everywhere and I don't really care this is a big one 44 629 stainless pin barrel recessed cylinders okay put them down there he's again already smoked up a little bit I makes him look better doesn't it yeah we've been doing on a polymer stuff lately and some of them even comment on that I've had the exact same feeling now I love all these different guns that I've been shooting and testing so much fun because it's so relevant to a lot of people are looking at and shopping for but believe me my first love are these old guns these old wooden steal guns wood and steel guns I just love them and the 44 is one of my favorites you know in the one of the fa Q's and answering everybody about my favorite pistol handgun I mentioned it's the Glock 23 if I had to choose yeah have the pistols I guess it probably is if I had to choose though among my revolvers it'd be another tough choice 4 inch 29 or 629 he's right up there at the top along with a Colt Single Action Army and 357 Magnum isn't that bad either is it you revolver fans and you don't have to be revolver fan to like this gun or to like a revolver I'll tell you what I've had a lot of people message me and asked about revolvers who have never been into them and don't have one that just very very curious because they they like the looks of them and they think they'd be fun to shoot and they are very correct let me show you the other side of this baby so we're back to steel and wood today in kind of a chapter to with this gun we did a tribute to Elmer Keith with it it's been gosh I guess about a year I don't know and did a little long-range shooting with it and some moderate close-range shooting I just want to get back out I even had it out to shoot for a while and I'm a 44 guy I have shot so many 44 magnum rounds 44 special rounds and you know I have several 44 and they are all magnums actually which is irrelevant because you can shoot the 44 special in them so really each one of them is a 44 magnum handgun and a 44 special handgun you get the best of both worlds you want more power put it in there you know if you want something more moderate comparable to a 45 ACP but the 44 specials in and their ballistically very very similar the 44 special and the 45 acp so this one is 6 29 against the old pin barrel a model this is about 30 years old sometime around 1980 81 they quit pinning the barrel I forget the exact year but it was right around 81 I think the stainless ones hadn't been made very long before they quit you know pinning the barrels so there's only about a I don't know two year window maybe something like that where they made actual stainless you know forty fours with the pin barrels and then I guess maybe some of the other models too perhaps some of the 357 the other frame sizes this is a an end frame and these are original grips this gun is all original now this is not when I actually bought back in 1980 you know have the long barrel 44 I got in 1974 this one how long have I had this one about eight years maybe nine I don't know I can look at my records but I bought it it was essentially new in the box even though you know it's now 30 years old so nice size and one of these guns I know a lot of you if you're going to shoot a big old 44 you'd like a longer barrel to help some of that recoil but you know I like this four inch gun and the three inch guns even now I don't shoot hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of magnum rounds in in its you know full-blown rounds because that's no fun shooting supposed to be fun what I do I'll put the nightmares in these are magnums right here I thought I just bring out some of the stuff is in my reloading room you may have seen it in some of the videos we did in there I guess last winter but this is typical we're going to have a little bit of a 44 extravaganza here today so I thought I just you know show you and I dip in this is what I dip into photos to shoot it and I have 44 specials here in this one I shoot a lot of 44 specials they're more fun you know you can shoot more of them not hurt your hand as much and easier on the gun too just a lot of fun again shooting should be fun same bullet essentially 240 grain you'll notice these are kind of around those bullet they're around those flatpoint popular and cowboy shooting I purchased a lot of started purchasing those I don't know 10 15 years ago thinking I would get a Marlin and that would be not have a bunch of them loaded anyway shoot them in this gun and in the Marlin lever gun and thinking they would cycle a little bit more smoothly because they're the round kind of rounded but yet they're still flat and I may have told you that story when I in one of my 44 Magnum Marlin videos which we need do another one of actually but I found that these weren't very accurate and that gun I needed a larger diameter bullet which by the way 44 is really not 44 I don't want to confuse you new shooters but a 44 bullet is actually a 429 420 430 431 thousands so it's really a 43 caliber you get right down to it just like a 357 or a 38 special is actually a you know 357 you know 36 caliber so it gets crazy doesn't it but these are 44 magnum rounds right here they're moderate Magnum I could load them a little bit hotter and then I have some factory stuff that's even a little hotter than this the shoot if I want to now I've got the Garrett cartridges right here thought it'd bring out the chest ulcer today just Kix the guide chest holster from the diamond D kind of play with this kind of fun these are big babies these re I forgot now 300 of 310 grain bullets these are four designed for big game and these are special loads if you familiar with garrett cartridges but he loads these specially for big game he pushes the limit on the power maybe I'll shoot one of those before before we quit they're really powerful but how much punishment I want to inflict on myself so 44 mag let's just shoot a little bit again on the figure out again where to hold here all right all right that's a nice trigger nice trigger that uh first one got off a little bit before I meant for it to this these old Smiths have really nice triggers on them when you knock and fire this gun double action I tend not to do that when I have magnums in it it's not as easy to shoot well and it hurts you more something about your grip when you're firing double action it's just he just hurts if you got a very powerful round I'll shoot a couple double action here and not too bad but that's all you guys are worth I may not do that again all right one word about that you notice I started out shooting magnums the again for you new shooters and I'll do some more things on this but the the Magnum case and the gravel special case the magnum case is a little bit longer you see the Magnum on the right there oops I've got to not even at the base area it's a little bit longer otherwise it's the same diameter same bullet just essentially everything that was more of a semi wot cutter and that special okay for no particular reason just I load either the semi Awad cutter Keith saw bullet or the round nose flat point there same white bullet but the 44 spatula is a little bit shorter case okay now you could load it up to the same power essentially but but you don't really want to do that Elmer Keith used to do it and a homeland security okay they told me I'd be coming over today but the the reason you don't want to do is the same reason you want to be really careful about loading up a 45 cold too hot because it could get in an old gun it can't handle the pressure you know so you want to be careful about that that's why my 45 colt rounds I use nickel cases of unloading them hot for the Marlin and plus I keep them in a box and labeled you know minor detail there too and with the specials all I have are 44 magnums in terms of firearms you know I could load these up again why you know why do that so I just take the of the approach that I keep magnums primarily and find one adjust to love it I can even do it within the Magnum case if I want to but keep those separate I did how I did have a couple of for specials that's really the main reason I even have all that 44 special brass I had a what was that Thunder ranch in frame if you familiar that is kind of like this in size then I had an old bulldog Charter Arms back in the day so I've had some 44 especially even had a Colt single-action and 44 special at one point let's take a couple shots across the hill here just for kicks haha no pun intended alright well let's see where we hold on the gong I think I have to hold up a little bit we'll see all right looks like that hit it near the top I'll better be careful I'll shoot over or just miss it there's a nice sound sound like the church bell felt like I held about too low on that one almost I think I'm empty we'll see yep okay feels pretty good I try a couple more of those so you notice I have a speed loader I haven't used it much but I just come out and range to shoot and show y'all the same thing I just load them up and sheep I'm not any big hurry you know if you're in a huge hurry to put out as many rounds as you can with a six-shot revolver you know there's kind of something wrong with that picture maybe they're for fun they're for power on big for a lot of purposes just play some more dong hunting here all right I didn't want to miss it too many times just in honor of Elmer Keith than anybody else 44 is a lot of history a lot of rich history let's take a couple more shots out let's use the speed loader let's get in a hurry use the speed loader alright alright we saved a lot of time there actually the way I fumbled around we didn't do it there we go I'll see if I can hit an animal over there just rile mr. Ram he's worthy of a 44 Magnum Oh hoo I'm drew up pop Tim okay I see him rocking I think John must have wired him down on me all right I got another one on him while he was rocking I guess whoo that's fun did that big boy let's try some specials now what I was going to say I kinda got sidetracked at one point there in just explaining and showing the difference between the sizes of the cases it's fine to shoot specials in these things it's a little better if you shoot the magnums first if you're on the range because you know you do form a ring of dirt grit they're right at the edge of the case within the chamber wall think about that and so these are a little shorter so if I were to fire a lot of the specials and then put a longer Magnum case in there it's going to extend into that kind of that gritty circle ISM all right let's shoot a couple more times here before it gets dark on us it's trying to do you notice the difference there these are 44 specials they filled out like shooting a 22 after after shooting those magnums is there interesting the difference there but partly because the gun is fairly fairly heavy even though it's a 4-inch revolver it has some weight to it big old in frame so it's like shooting 45 ACP in it all right let's reach out get really cloudy here let's be good test for the camera maybe you can tell the difference I'll go ahead and sling a couple it to gone and you'll notice it takes longer for it to get there hopefully I get it see where to hold yeah if you go back to check out those magnum rounds you'll see a difference in the velocity let's see if I hit a pig hold I guess right there those are really sweet to shoot you can shoot those all day long in fact there are they're very comfortable to shoot double action to saw unload six right here close just to show you so you know those are not a problem a lot of fun something to remember if you're you know get some new shooter along with you somebody just hasn't shot much at all you don't want to put a 44 Magnum in their hands generally speaking you can turn somebody against shooting that way let's go back out there pick on that other turkey or Pig rather I was actually sure to get the pig I misspoke you need the turkey that time yeah you're sweet huh is that the same Turkey wouldn't follow the other day I believe it is yeah that's the same that's the same villain as I told somebody in a comment I'm going to have to just keep a 4570 out here on the table whatever that happens take care of business we all really are going to worry too much about today because we're shooting revolvers and just playing let's shoot some here close again get it all ready and dirty with my dirty powder and in cast bullets sometimes the double action is not going to be as smooth after you fired it several times to spray it down a little bit which sometimes I do those locking lugs you'll be able to see a difference here let's load him up though ah you little gun top so it's like shooting black powder isn't it sweet sleep some of the bowling pin competition if you familiar with that people will some there's a class for revolvers of course and one of the things I think they like to do is get a heavy revolver and you know get a nice double action on it and roll those things over because you need some power definitely need some power so a large caliber revolver actually works pretty well for that let's go back over there on that low rack down there pick on something might fall if it's hit minor detail spoke to singing did another got him but he didn't want to fall there okay seahorse works special and or gets you too dark here let's let's shoot this guy here let's put some magnets in now violate what I just talked about and we're going from special to Magnum case length looks like it's okay though there we go no problem so dirty powder love it love it look at that filthy gun they clean up like I knew when the not a big deal you want to see that's from use not a problem at all washes up cleans up and as good as new we've got a cinder block down there too I was going to take a shot at it let me see if I can get it down there oh we got a guy right here needs to get uh let's back up a little bit and try this cinderblock out here and we'll get you close to it I'll catch him on this side all right you know what I was going to try a Garrett cartridge let me empty okay just for punishment let me try one of these big boys all right 300 310 grain I think now you notice when you put that in the cylinder how close it takes to the end that is quite a chunk of lid with some power RK Smith turns counterclockwise so he's in position and only problem here is I my elevation might be a little bit off Shirley just kissing so I'll be able to pop him any trouble you all catch me if I fall backwards now if I end up on my rear end I expect you all to catch me hmm I felt that one I went right through him okay yes Garrett cartridge those are hot but that's what you'd want if well you won't need more than that if mr. Grizz surprised you in you but I would certainly beat a 38 special or a big stick so let's just put a couple more specials in I don't know if I pull it out the bullets over here before it gets dark the that's just the idea I talked about that the difference between a semi wadcutter you know that's saying a semi watch counter 240 grain bullet on the knees are around those flat poling 240 grain bullets cast bullets I go through a lot of those hate to think how many those I've fired in the last 3040 years so one we want to shoot ask you shoot something randomly here but alright nice feels good feels good I just thought you guys would like to see some steel you know and but you know what else I forgot to have my knife over one of my knives you know since we're kind of doing a non polymer thing today I was going to get that out and get it all dirty you know and just have a an all steel today except for the I guess micarta there but these things get filthy and not a problem and one of the things I'm going to do to in the future is give you more cleaning videos I'll tell you what I do I guess I'm you don't want to I go shoot six more just six months I'm not finished I am not finished let's get some magnets six four magnums that's we're shooting 40 for us today let's wrap up throw in some big 44 's across the hill all right I can't even see my front sight it's all smoked up I see it after a rocking I definitely do oh I felt good I love it nothing like a dirty 44 that means you've been shooting the thing I tell you what you guys are always asking for cleaning videos which I never can't seem to get to here's what I do I don't worry about it I just spray them down I've done some some a couple of cleaning videos basically speaking whatever the gun is just wherever the metal is dirty especially with the balance doesn't matter to put on the wood in fact I intentionally get it on the wood there's like nothing in this gun that the lube is going to hurt what I generally do is just spray the thing down and let it soak awhile just everywhere it doesn't matter if it gets down the action I don't care it's been doing this for years over ten years with eleven years I guess saying we buy just so come down and it does the job breaks everything loose and I'll come back in and work on a little bit I won't spray the camera might not be good for it but it's got like black powder almost if you hand load use powder I don't worry about my powder if it's a little dirty powder by argues about powder and what's the cleanest powder but if you hand load your using cast bullets with a Lube and everything you're going to get dirty smoke and at it so what it's part of it and it's part of the fun so I'm not going to put that on the leather but later we're on the on the wood in then I'll just take it in there and and clean it up and I'll be like like new and ready to go again it's hard to beat wash my hands they'll be like new and I apologize for not doing more cleaning videos but I just run patches through those chambers and through the barrel the board until I get clean patches out and I'll leave a coat coat of bowel stall on it when I put it away and I just never have any problems with any guns I don't have rust on on any of them haven't developed any in 40 years I know of so it works but good old 44 that's part of the fun it's it's almost like a muzzle loader get all dirty enjoy it and then clean her up put it away for another day forty-four is hard to beat very nice caliber fun to shoot you can load it up to something that's really powerful like that Garrett cartridge I've fired pretty expensive but I don't load anything quite that hot myself my 300 grain bullets I load for the Marlin or close but you can shoot everything from that all the way down to 44 special you can even load the 44 specials down further if you wanted to depending on the powder you use so just a lot of fun very versatile extremely versatile and it's one reason it's such a popular Calvert and has been for a long time so anyway a little little respite from the polymer wonders we've been firing and I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope you've you've enjoyed it too and it's getting a little dark so we're going to sign off life's good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 986,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 44, Magnum, .44, Mag, Special, S&W, 629, 4-inch, barrel, pinned, recessed, chambers, cylinder, classic, Model, 29, revolver, double-action, DA, double, action, Elmer, Keith, Dirty, Harry, 240, grain, semi-wadcutter
Id: HUj0cWqQuyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2011
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