44 Cats | Olympio, the greatest athlete cat in the world!

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Lampo at the buff [Music] Olympics 3 four 5 3 four 5 3 four 5 hey Lampo what are you doing huh getting in shape lady I'm answering the buff Olympics what is the buff olymp cats the buff Olympics is the world's biggest cat sports event p and I'm working as hard as I can I want to give it my best shot Kitty breakfast is ready breakfast made by granny PE enjoy your meal kitties your Springtime is isn't bad meall why don't you enter the buff Olympics too do I get a kitty treats medal for winning come on meall you always think about food I have to think about training all right Lampo we'll help you train awesome idea my lady I can help too I'll eat your treats thanks my furry fellows let's go over the list of events first up is the yarn Javelin sounds hard how does it work easy for distance you have to spin three times before you throw Nice [Music] Shot the second event is the kitty litter long jump a jump want me to show you one for my cat food training run a big leap and then three flips like this T got it let me try we need something to Mark the starting line I run then leap no me you are good more or less the last event is the toughest one the scratching post obstacle course but without a course to try I have no way to train stop you're an athlete now you just need intense athletic grills come with me now I'll throw you donuts and you'll eat them in midair okay meatball are you sure this training will help me of course ready go oops maybe I better train with a good book maybe not you needed a scratching post to train on right now you have one thanks Mady I'll try it right [Music] now this is easier than I thought Buffy [Music] cats let's make this workout a challenge Lambo touch remember if something throws you off balance three spins before you [Music] throw that's not what I meant at [Music] all Oly olympio you're the greatest athlete cat in history what do you think about your competition competition what competition this is Lampo he's also competing in the buff Olympics um hello olympio may the best cat win that be me I always win the buff Olympics olymp o no how rude maybe he's right he's so much better than I am why should I even show up what happened to all that energy you said you wanted to give it your best shot that's the buff Olympic Spirit you're right P thanks now I've got training to do come on Lampo run run run [Music] huh yeah yeah go Lampo you did it yeah yeah [Music] yeah welcome everyone to buff Olympics of this year yeah applaud now K the Marshal [Music] [Applause] k a big welcome to laola B [Applause] cat you now for lpo guitar player and Buffy cat [Music] singer and finally oh olympio super buff Olympics Champion olympio I'm prepared to win as I always do first event is y [Music] Javelin okay three spins before you [Applause] throw great shot by Lampo even better shot by Olympia yeah Lola's ball of yarn qualifies with K inside K eliminated aslet ready for second event Kitty L long [Music] jump too bad mola eliminated [Music] great jump for Olympia like every time got to give it my best [Music] shot Bome Lampo does better jobs than [Music] Olympia wo and Olympia tied w wow am I pumped and you did a great job too nice so I underestimated you but that is a mistake I won't make again s than final event scratching post obstacle course I won't let you take my fans ready go I am the champion and I will [Music] win and you're a loser Lambo don't give up I've got to make it yeah I've got to give it my best [Music] shot Don't Clap for him I'm the Champion everyone clap for me [Music] gotcha but I'm not sure how long I can hold on help me Lampo leave it to me olympio three spins before you throw hey what are you [Music] doing Olympia flies to finish line I won I won I won you did it olympio thanks to Lampo olympio winner of buff Olympics this year again this is not fair gold metal goost too no Lampo proved himself the better cat in every event he's the real WI [Music] that's amazing really thank [Applause] youo way to go Olympia now that's what sportsmanship is all [Music] about what's going on [Music] now Buffy cats catch my new buddy olympio here was impressed by my athletic training and I told him it was all thanks to my furry fellows so I wanted to meet his excellent coaches coaches what coaches the three of you obviously come on come on help Olympia with your prome techniques techniques what techniques I'm ready where do we start I have an idea what about training our donut eating techniques [Laughter] huh CERN lamp the great [Music] golfer [Music] pass me B PE stop him oh my whiskers how are you going to get past me Lampo I'll pass the Bon to meatball my lady and then I'll score meatball give me an assist Take Aim but not with your eyes using your cat-like senses is [Music] wise Lampo that shot was catastic thanks meatball I knew I would score uh Lampo the ball of wool is over here but if the ball is over there how did Lampo score it's a golf ball where did it come from um it's mine give it back since when do you play golf boss uh since always golf is a refined sport for Superior cats unlike tail off but tail off is pum ho in one let's go see what's going on Winston is playing golf [Music] another one I'm a champion right my beloved [Music] boss [Music] make room for Winston the golf champion Applause [Music] police huh Winston a champion huh huh shut it Buffy losers Winston and I are top class golfers no you're a top class bragard H I've even set up a tournament to prove how good I am a golf tournament good Count Me In it's a tournament for Champions only and you are not a golf champion you're not inviting me because you're afraid to lose h no I'm not inviting you cuz you don't know how to play Take It Easy Lampo when you learn how to play golf boss will invite you but I already know how to play Mady and I'll prove [Music] it Neo come with me stay out of trouble Lampo boss didn't invite you ha that's why the one going to the tournament will be sir lamp the rooster cat golfer and meet Paul his loyal assistant me Paul I'm going to have a snack with [Music] Lampo boss the course is already ready for the golf tournament thanks for agreeing to be our referee Edison I always play fair I'm ready to play my ball will reach the Moon it looks like we're all here I don't see any players apart from snob and Cosmo just two Challengers showed their faces the others were all afraid of you boss all right let's begin wait a moment I'm here too and you uh who are you the name is Sir lamb and he is meat pole have we met before impossible it's my first time playing in this town so you clearly don't know boss the golf champion oh my treats make way a champion needs space boss is already throwing his weight around good thing we came Pou let's keep an eye on Lampo and make sure no one cheats or plays pranks during the tournament let's begin each of you must land your ball on that platform to complete the first challenge I'll go first my shot will be refined and [Music] elegant snob bein's ball did not reach the platform I'll hit the ball like a [Music] rocket oh Cosmo's ball also did not reach the platform yeah woohoo come on my turn my turn an unbeatable shot boss's ball has landed on the platform great boss it's going to be hard to do any better oh one of my treats could it be we met one time at the trout treat open a rooster cat only eats corn flavored treats like this [Music] one sir lamp's ball is landed on the platform tied with boss sir lamp and boss will proceed to the next challenge cosbo and snob Bean are eliminated my victory is merely postponed sir lamp let's keep playing boss this game isn't over yet and neither is my snack time Second Challenge reach the hole in the fewest Strokes wait till you see this Meb make way I'm going first this time blister SC you know what to do worry boss let's keep an eye on them hey where'd they [Music] go how is that possible H There's Something Fishy going on too easy suck the putt Pome shot in the cup in Two Strokes it's going to be impossible to beat that I'll manage a hole in [Music] one no I was sure that was going to be a hole in one oh that's too bad blister and scab are cheating Mady we have to tell everyone how unfortunate he's come up short sir lamp already took two strokes so he can't do better than boss now it's time to award our winner for the golf tournament boss no he cheated who said said that blister and scab used a rope to move the [Music] hole in that case boss is disqualified and I declare sir lamp the winner are we really sure the winner is Sir lamp what does sir lamp have to say I'm sorry I can't win huh because I wasn't invited oh and I'm just here for the snacks I was out of line but I still proved I was better than you boss oh really then I challenge you to one more match something extremely difficult just you and me no cheating no disguises and no treats unfortunately that's the last one this challenge has to be the most difficult of all we both have to shoot for a hole in one but the ball has to pass scratching post Tower perfect and we'll both hold our clubs with our [Music] Tails sh great let's see what you can do I've never held a club with my tail before Lampo remember your cat IC shot playing tail off Take Aim but not with your eyes using your cat-like senses is wise what is he doing teeing off with his eyes [Music] closed shut up I'm the golf cat champion but it was your advice that let me win meatball and I already know how to thank you ready meatball you were just lucky last time Lampo are you ready to lose whatever you [Music] say but we're playing treat golf this time Nice Shot Lampo treat golf is my favorite [Laughter] sport the great scooter race come on Lampo we got to hurry watching The Buffy cats gardening is so boring it's ridiculous almost done Mady are the carrots ready to be pulled hey a carrot is missing so good so yummy who's behind this bush meatball we'll need these carrots for the final leg of The Scooter Race wow he that was a Pome stunt of course Lio I think I'm ready for the race ooh finally something interesting a race is a great time to play a prank good luck P we'll be waiting here for the final leg of the race Welcome to our annual Scooter Race for kittens and say hello to our little Racers scribbly baby pie peo now that the kittens are all here the race can begin wait I'm coming do hello Terry but you're not a kitten yes I am Gabby I can meow like kittens meow I wash like [Music] kittens and I can make sweet eyes like [Music] kittens of course you can join the other kittens little Terry yay Terry the kitty together with all the kitty dear kitties your first challenge is to twirl elegantly from one ramp to another the first to go will be [Music] peo a truly refine stunt congratulations P scribbly your turn now I came to the race to meet new friends but I don't know if I can handle challenges like this don't worry scribbly if you need help I'll lend you a paw thanks Terry you're a good friend no a perfect stunt well done scribbly and now it's up to H where's Terry for a super jump you need a super running start Make [Music] Way great Terry that stunt of yours was truly dizzying oh wait baby M we're coming to lend you a paw H I'm sorry snapping my stunt didn't work so good you did great though baby pie here you deserve a nice ice cream thanks cream our Second Challenge was designed by gas the stinky cat I made an obstacle course along the sidewalks in town using trash you don't just have to avoid the obstacles you also got to pick up one of these flags before you get to the end Get Ready set go CB can you hear me they're on their way okay Gabby I'll handle this Safety [Music] First Look the light is green we can cross the street easy with a police cat helping us thanks [Music] C look we have to jump the GS I don't think I can do it don't worry scribbly just follow us give yourself a [Music] boost thanks for the tip P My Flag easy don't worry sbly I'm sure the next obstacles will be easy y I'm not so sure about that P those ts are too high to jump my flag is on that bench that means I got to go that [Music] way yeah chry Style scribbly style scribbly there's your flag zigzag around those bags and grab it let's see how the race is going don't cry [Music] hope giving your flag to Hope was very nice of you scribbly you made my little one so happy I'd rather make hope happy than win the race don't worry carry on the race without me congratulations you completed the challenge it's about time for my prank balance is is key to the martial art cat Fu but what sounds simply is not so easy to [Music] do a la around the house you must complete but drop your carrot and you'll only know defeat now boss isn't going to sit and watch like a good boy I'll make Ko's challenge fun with an Artful Ploy ready go [Music] yes wow this route is harder than I thought but I can do [Music] it Terry where are you going I'm getting my carrot Terry's off [Music] course hey PE Winston's Garden is full of cat traps I know Lampo but I got to help Terry Buffy cats let's go lend p a paw there's not much time to find Terry and P before the traps go off there stop it Terry we got to go back my carrot uh uh uh now the real fun begins I'll catch you carrot boss is playing his pranks again Watch Out Harry I see you boss but you're not going to catch us oh really let's see how you do against the [Music] trappes a dog dogs are our friends but I'm a cat no Terry if you're a cat the tropies will you you're right P I'll pretend I'm a dog pants are not our friends we must leave it to me Terry it'll take a little bit of cuteness there so sweet and [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] oh my whiskers there's too many I'll never be able to distract them all don't worry peu we're [Music] here there are too many trappes Buffy cats I've got a buffy brainstorm my lady I'll take the remote right out of boss's PA no the remote [Music] control trappes attack [Music] boss trappes get away Buffy cats this isn't over no boss not until you can get your remote back you are aome wow thanks P it was kittens play come on Terry let's finish the [Music] race to complete the race throw your carrot in the basket and pick up the [Music] pace you're both great huh Terry you made it first you win the trophy yes Gabby but I dropped my carrot once peu never dropped hers dabby I think the real winner of this Scooter Race is p great Terry that's very Sports catlike thank you Terry you're a true furry [Music] fellow [Music] mice on bikes hey Buffy cats want to play motorbike racing sure Lampo that's a Pome Buffy burn storm hi Buffy cats can we play too hey hello Tic Tac and toe of course come on over you can get on the bikes I'll ride the blue motorbike I'll ride the yellow one and I'll ride this one I'll hand out snacks to the drivers Ready set [Music] go go TI you're the best go for it here tick a snack for the road huh Tac and toe are catching up oh [Music] you won all three together I'm like Speedy cheese I was as fast as Speedy cheese and I was faster than Speedy cheese excuse us but who's Speedy cheese huh you don't know Speedy cheese he's the fastest biker Mouse in the world he never shows his face he's not afraid of anything he's never lost a race Tick Tac Toe it's Snack Time daddy hi tap tap you know what Dad they don't know the story of Speedy cheese who is Speedy cheese boss doesn't know about Speedy cheese he's the fastest biker mouse in the world wait wait wait mousy I'm the fastest biker in the world may I my cheese hey boss are you just here to act like a bully or what no Lampo I'm here to have some fun and to challenge me uh no Speedy cheese but I don't know he might be busy Speedy cheese would win he's faster than cats too and our daddy knows him personally right daddy well yes but good good then tell him the challenge is tonight at the scrap spe cheese will win speed cheese will win a what's with the sad face come on call up Speedy cheese and ask him to teach boss a lesson but Buffy cats I made up the story of Speedy cheese to give my kids the role model the champion but I'm not I don't want to disappoint them but I don't have the courage to tell them that their Champion doesn't exist don't worry tap tap we'll help you make him real seriously my lady but how it's going to be a piece of cake tap tap you'll see come on tap tap you can do it yeah you think this is too hard for a beginner but TP tap doesn't look like a [Music] beginner he overshot the mattress for his first time on a motorbike He's got potential what are you doing taptap I'm training to be Speedy cheese who's Speedy cheese cream you don't know about Speedy cheese M the legendary biker Mouse who will win tonight's big [Music] race no I'm not driving in any race but why tap tap you were doing great you think so P it seemed like I was terrible maybe he needs more time and I need more ice cream cream three triple cream cones [Music] please I've got a buffy brainstorm thanks Buffy cats you've done your best to help me but I'll never be Speedy cheese now I have to find the courage to tell my little mice that Speedy cheese won't be in the race wait tap tap what does Speedy Cheese look like well he's got a helmet with Mouse ears covering his face like this I'm going to play Speedy cheese and win the [Music] race welcome my furry fellows and tough cookies or better yet tough mice it's yours truly Charlie the cat talking hurry up the race is about to start dad what did you say to Speedy cheese did you give him one of your tips to win the race yeah sure sure but for now let's just enjoy the race we are live from the cadr to witness the race of races The Challenge between boss the champion with the busy [Music] whiskers I love it when they introduce me and the biker Mouse Speedy cheese yes that's really what he's called so you really exist Speedy cheese you look too big to be a mouse and you look too much like a bragger to be a cat huh I'm going to win anyway that's for sure Ready Set [Music] Go with one catlike first boss takes the lead May the best racer win boss and that won't be you uh you're wrong I am the best and more [Music] importantly oh no a flat tire H I'm the sneakiest what a Twist Speedy cheese needs a tire change tire change make it fast that'll give boss a big Advantage you can say that again that'll give boss a big [Music] Advantage blister scab now it's your turn [Music] this hook will hold [Music] him ready to go [Music] Lampo huh Lampo what a super twist Speedy cheese is not a rat he's a cat oh what do you have to say well I want to apologize to everyone especially you little mice you see Speedy cheese isn't real then if if Speedy cheese isn't real who's going to win the race me of course hey look at that a super super doer twist everyone look someone new is on the track but nobody knows who it is at least I don't know we know who it is tap tap our daddy I owe it to my little mice a great recovery for taptap he's small but super fast Lister scab stop him now [Music] Mouse straps I got to be brave like Speedy cheese OU OU watch out boss is flying off the track tap tap cross is the finished line first what a Bome race my furry fellows or better yet my mousy fellows yeah ho you're totally our champion you won the B bike race but Dad is it true that Speedy cheese isn't real that's right I was never very good at writing so I invented the Speedy cheese story to give you a role model for sport and life but thanks to the Buffy cats I Found the courage to tell you the truth and get on the track for you you're our champion dad mousy friends and furry fellows the winner is tap tap our daddy puppy cats what do you say we dedicate a song to this fabulous dad on the racing track my dad is going like a BL and all the cat sitting in the D let everybody knows dad's a champion when he's racing he doesn't win so we s go go go don't stop oh Go Daddy one more lap to go and the race will be D so ddy Daddy and [Music] itend the hula hoop [Music] contest hey hey puffy cats look what I found in the Attic what is it P I don't know but it looks like a wheel maybe we just have to put it like this and then jump on it to make it roll I think it's for a jumping game look you see it's not hard um Lampo maybe that's not what we're supposed to do with it there must be another way to play with it maybe like a ball now let me grab it and I'll show you how it's done oh my whiskers where are the brakes I want to get off meatball I feel like a half-digested cat treat I wonder how this thing works that's a hula hoop H playing with a hula hoop isn't hard and after some practice it's a lot of fun hi we haven't seen you around before we are The Buffy cat hi I'm Alana and I'm from Hawaii it's a group of islands in in the Pacific Ocean do you know how to use the hula hoop bana of course it's kind of my thing look you're Pome Alana ooh I wish I could use a hula hoop like you us too then why don't you enter the hula hoop contest I'm putting together yeah we're going to have so much fun I'm so proud of myself end my golf course you see boss it's all thanks to my new high-tech [Music] sprinkler this is a lawn worthy of me Winston the most awarded golfer of all time this is my please finish it before it gets dark a war my club stub Trophy and last but not least my go take up n inning award a tribute of respect from my opponents only one trophy missing from my collection and now boss witness the shot that will make history a truly magnificent shot now I must recover my ball boss wait for me here and keep an eye on my sprinkler [Music] I can't take this anymore I have to speed it [Music] up hey where are you going come back I got to stop that thing now I can't lose sight of it [Music] hi everybody I brought hula hoops for everyone Hi wow you did a catastic job it really feels like [Music] Hawaii this Hawaiian five is fantastic and even the Hawaiian volcano is finished [Music] [Applause] maybe I can turn it off like this no Winston sprinkler got stuck in that trophy you have to spin the hula hoop around your waist without dropping it the challenge is to keep it spinning until the Music Stops the last one with a hula hoop spinning around his or her waist will win the contest and the prize is that a trophy decorated with a Le a Hawaiian flower necklace oh no how can I get the sprinkler now let the contest begin hey everyone um excuse me boss what are you doing here well I I just wanted to tell you that the cat catchers are coming uh you have to go huh my fur turned pink I have the impression someone's told a lie are you here to play one of of your usual pranks as usual no I'm here because I want that you want first prize Well take this hula H and do your best I got to enter your contest all right everyone ready [Music] go m yeah if I could just turn the sprinkler back on maybe I can get it out of that trophy wow it really looks like a volcano from Hawaii maybe I can boost the power like this oh no I must avoid space rain Cosmo is out I'm too tired wrench is out this contest is way harder than I thought w great job p p is still in but meatball has dropped his hula [Music] hoop I'm suddenly hungry for spaghetti and meatballs that means danger oh I really need to switch it off [Music] oh no PE is out we got to do something fluffy cats I have the answer competing always makes me hungry that's why I brought some of Granny pina's noodles the secrets in the noodles ofy I'll play the super power a stretcher and relever you eat them hot we they'll help you grow up tall [Music] anding take away so be happy come no problem if you the power to brighten up your day power [Music] uhoh we better back off with all that water the volcano could explode I've got a buffy brainstorm let's close the washing machines right meatball that way the water will only have one way up the spring I mean the trophy I have to save [Music] it voila wow huh oh what a Pity Peppe is out that means that means that means boss is the winner of the hula hoop contest my furry fellows you are all [Applause] Pome thank you I guess I actually deserved it thanks all of you you I can't believe it for once boss won fair and square good thing I got the sprinkler back but I've got to get it out of this trophy before Winston sees it it's really it's stuck see boss I got my ball back boss did you keep an eye on my sprinkler boss what did you do boss you you you brought me a a Hawaiian award was the one thing missing from my golfing trophy collection h H thank you so much you really are my favorite [Music] Kitty Lampo and the crazy [Music] [Music] race I could barely hear the drums you can do more pilo do I have to limpo I'm tired make a little effort and then we can have a snack break okay snack break come on P okie dokie louder P I can't hear you come on more [Music] energy wa oh okay uh a little less would also be [Music] fine what happened I don't know my lady it wasn't [Music] me my whiskers are telling us the answer to the mystery is just outside we'd better follow them let's go Buffy cats let's find out who's making all this [Music] noise what an engine hear it sing now that's a Melody that's Harmony that's noisy and stinky please stop boss did someone say something I don't see anyone here can't see a thing with all this exhaust you're annoying the whole neighborhood do you have to drive up and down the street all day of course because I'm training for the meow meow Grand Prix uh I've got a race to win so please out of my way you don't own the street yes I do and it's me who will win the race so if you don't like it just try to stop me enter the race win it and I'll stop riding out here you know what it's a deal see you at the race I'm looking forward to teaching you a lesson why did you accept boss's challenge to bring quiet back to the neighborhood Mady it won't be hard Lampo you never chain what's the problem lady lady you can't ride a bike I can learn yes but there's something else like what you don't have a bike then we'll build one stop playing with that become a mechanic in 10 easy lessons sure it's a good idea trust me my lady what about this it's left over oh it's not important a little piece like that won't make much of a difference done look at that a real bike and all [Music] mine that's not funny it's a super powerful engine and it doesn't puff out black smoke like boss's bike so where does all the exhaust go now I don't know me I think I know Buffy cats help I want to get down w [Music] hey it's raining Speare Parts just what I need for my garage Look Out Below I've seen plenty of bites but that's my first flying one for sure a all that work to build it and how it's junk you built it yourself yeah I wanted to take part in the meow meow Grand Prix and beat that showoff boss but I'll have to give up are you joking I'm wrench the best mechanic cat in town and if that's your dream we'll make it come true there you go I made some adjustments and and now it's your real bike quick setting brakes catlike reflexes and above all an extraordinary Wonder engine a Wonder engine you don't need gas to make it go this bike needs snacks sandwiches sweets It's got my appetite hey that's for the [Music] bike I don't know how to thank you wrench when in that race I don't like regs like boss I'll do my best then you better hurry can you hear the noise of the engines the race is going to start quick Lampo to the track dear cat friends welcome to the meow meow Grand Prix all our competitors are at the starting line let's welcome the great boss the mighty eigor and the amazing boom boom supper who is going to win The Big Race we'll find out at the end of 10 laps anyway May that best cat win that's me there's still time to withdraw guys am I still in time to join the race it's Lambo C friend what a surprise we have four bikes in the race now but I'm the one who will cross the finish line blister scab get ready to help at your fcking call boss on your Mar 3 2 1 [Music] [Music] go [Music] how dare they pass me take them out of the next [Music] turn what a Twist an oil flick said the boom boom stepper off CH you're way too close I need my [Music] space are you okay eigor I am okay but watch out for boss he is cheating and double punctures knock out eigor that's just bad luck no boss's tricks are behind this him again is this some kind of joke now that he's distracted blister scab stop [Music] him where do these come from better move them before someone gets hurt he did it again let's see if he can deal with with this that's not fair you know way to go Lampo now it's just the two of us boss what's happening lamp's bike is having problems and B is alone in the lead is the Wonder engine running out of fuel yeah and it's hungry P meatball find something to eat quick I think I already know what we need sorry cat friends could you give me all of your sweets It's for a good cause [Music] please look what I found lots of s sweet well done P but it's not enough the bike is still [Music] hungry granny penina noodles will give lamp's bike superpower these noodles are so inviting so tasty so I can't look at them they're too tasty oh I must not smell [Music] it I'll get them there safe and [Music] sound take your time Lambo see with the finish line but don't make me wait too long we need something else something like a nice plate of noodles perfectly warm and prepared by granny Pina you resisted the temptation to eat them you're a hero Meo hungry hero Lambo is back and catching up what lap after another unbelievable last lap Lampo overtakes boss hey what are you doing and wins the meow meow Grand Pre that's not fair not right I had to win never take your eyes off the road next time the cup will be mine boss never gives up not even on a trike fight yeah but I think he'll steer clear of motorbikes for a [Music] while the tail off games a day at the river is just what we needed especially when it includes a picnic what yummy food did you bring us Mady Pizza an omelette some potato chips and best of all cream puffs I love them that bird loves them more than you do meall well me oh there's still one cream puff left all right P better save it I'll eat it when things have settled down all right Buffy cats it's time to play tail off tail off is a beautiful game I'm filled with feline Grace do you all remember the rules you must make contact with the ball and bounce it only using your tail [Music] when the ball goes in the basket you get two points if you touch the ball with your paws the other team gets a free throw the super meow shot using a special Golden Ball of wool the team that committed the foul is on defense a player is only allowed to stop the ball of wool with his mouth if the Golden Ball of wool isn't stopped and lands in the basket the other team gets Five Points got all that P yes lady let's [Music] play Nice Shot P Meo what are you doing they're on the other team really I thought we were all on the same [Music] team woohoo it's all tied up other two points Mady we're up by two and now check this Buffy pass meatball run it's boss always up to no [Music] good yes p and blister and scabber with him too hello my furry friend friends you're no friends of ours what do you want just watching the game we're big fed of tail off all right but don't play any of your usual pranks who us we'll be good I [Music] [Music] promise we've had enough of your pranks it's you versus us at the abandoned playing field if we win no more pranks for a month all right but if we win we'll stink up your beds see you tomorrow I'm sure we'll have lots of fun May the best cats win that's us are you sure this is a good idea Lampo we are not Champions we just play for fun the three of them are really good at playing tail off and if they [Music] win no Buffy cats we absolutely have have to win don't worry to beat them we just need to ask the best coach in town for help KO I am no tail off coach I teach KATU so you can't help us of course I can cat fu is good for mastering all sports it will make you Nimble and fast of course follow me and I'll turn you into flying champions [Music] [Laughter] he first exercise passing meatball take the ball of wool and pass it's your turn to go Mady take the ball and pass it to Lampo [Music] I'm sorry KO I'm out of shape do you know the true reason why you cannot pass no matter how you try um [Music] no for a pass you can depend on move your tail not your bon bon [Music] well done Buffy cats let's move on to lesson two the shot Lampo Take Aim and Show Me Your Best Shot watch [Music] [Applause] [Music] this I'll focus on my aim I promise Take Aim but not with your eyes using your catlike senses is [Music] Wise lesson number three catching the ball of wool with your mouth in tail off it is important important to score but catching the ball is even more I'm hungry can someone please just pass me a cream [Music] puff delicious if in yourself you do believe then the goal itself you will achieve yeah The Buffy cats team is going to win I'm your fan number one go puffy cats [Music] go all teams welcome to Good tail off Match are you ready to play and are you ready to lose eigor will be a referee H you all know rules to play tail off yes by heart very good then let us play with no unfairness [Music] two points for B [Music] CH four points for Buffy Kats yeah Buffy cats [Music] go [Music] [Music] it is half time 6 to six you rest now this is a really rough game but The Buffy cats are a team we can do it the Buffy cats are tough nuts to crack we've got to win no matter what I'm definitely not eating all these beans cuz I like them but for the pleasure of stinking up The Buffy cat's beds second half start uh Tims come back inside field [Music] now [Music] [Applause] Buffy Kats Six B himim it I don't know if we really can win and I'm getting more and more hungry we got to do our best till the end Nice Shot [Music] l yeah Buffy cats ahead with 10 points yeah we absolutely have to win against the Buffy cats time is almost up last's play of [Music] game oh mid ball touch ball of wool with pole eager whistle for fivepoint super mous shot if boss scores he'll win the game go mea do your best the problem is I'm really [Music] hungry think about the cream puff huh [Music] clim up Buffy gets win then to it yeah me you were Pome you made that save like a pro thank you P thank you my lady but there's a problem H I'm still hungry for cream puffs you can have all the cream puffs you want now that we know you're unbeatable yes unbeatable at eating cream puff Buffs we lost scab yeah but where's boss I don't know he needed to do something urgently I ate too many beans the winter buff Olympics aome news my furry fellows olympio has teamed up with glitter to host a sporting event on his Mountain the winter buff Olympics now we just need competitors self-confident and ready to face any challenge hello snow cat I'll call you MC carrot I'll call you MC carrot spying on The Buffy losers makes me sick hello Buffy cats I see you enjoy playing with snow sure olympio want to play with us actually I'm looking for cat athletes for the winter buff Olympics in the snow interested well the only thing we know how to do in the snow is make snowmen and I'm getting a little hungry count on me great boss you're our first competitor makes sense I'll be first when I cross the buff Olympics Finish Line too wait a sec I'm coming too okay Lampo you're our second competitor and you'll be second all the way we'll see about that may the best cat win no cheating yeah no [Music] cheating welcome to the winter buff Olympics let me introduce our two cat athletes who will wow the crowd with a Pome day of sports Lampo the Lightning Fast Cat I'll cross the finish line in a Flash boss the super ambitious cat boss the great will be first to cross the finish line all right go Bo yeah don't Tire yourself out Lampo we already know how this is going to end I'll win we'll see who has the last laugh boss just show me what you can do and now let's get the opening ceremonies started welcome the pinky paw the winter buff Olympics you'll see a great show let go two competitors will face each other in the snow who are they who are they oh do you know they are boss and Lampo we the pinky Paws we'll sing about it without any pause I'd rather have to listen to the trumpeting elephants than those three I just love the pinkie Paws I even got them a present three cans of their favorite food fly to the pinky paws little balloon fish Pate not too salty we love it thank you K You're simply beautiful PE I'm feeling a bit peckish help yourself me [Music] I'll be taking one of these it might come in handy my dear audience after that catastic show it's time to start the winter buff Olympics ready go Lampo and boss will push their snowballs to the top of the mountain go go go go come on boys hey what's going on my snowball is getting bigger of course it's a snowball and it's heavier [Music] too there is boss there is boss see him strong pushing his Snow Ball but we know but we know he to slow down after all scram you three are that luck no we're not we're trying to cheer for you it must be hard to compete with such short legs I don't have short legs I knew I was the fastest nothing can stop me L was there lamp was there very happy in the lead wow but it's going to be so hard now crossing the finish line it's a good thing having friends just like us you really want to help you can wait for me at the Finish Line are you sure you can get there you need to work harder don't you know the snowball will get heavier and heavier as you climb she's right did you know that Lampo listens to your songs all the time really let's do another one just for himall is so heavy he can't push up the hill so we pinky P cheer him on in the snow he's standing still and we know that if he's going to stop he will never reach the mountain top and he'll never cross the finish layers work just fine look but it's B can you really here yes but I'm kind of in the middle of a race right now uh uh uh too [Music] late why didn't anyone tell me that winter sports involved so many stairs boss completed the snowball event first but Lampo is catching up don't sing your Victory song yet boss I got to hurry for our next event our athletes will have to bungee jump and grab a buff Olympics torch forget it I'm going to win oh we'll see boss from the L and boss are bu jumping it's the second event and it's very exciting but what are you doing you jumped without a bungee cord we are perfectly safe are you sure you are I front and watch your tails what is she talking about boink boink and with the parachutes we'll make you hear the sound of competitors falling with their Bon bonss on the ground they're good they can't stop bouncing on keep your eyes front or you'll smack your bon bon awesome Lampo and boss managed to grab the Torches [Music] H and now they have to cross the finish line on their sleds driving now their little sleds they face the Steep descent to cross the finish line and win the third event go go and now we pinky paws are going to support our friends we'll sing and dance until this game ends without our musical accompaniment the competition would be really boring yeah but less stressful oh my whiskers what a race I'm so nervous for Lampo I've lost my appetite of course you did eat the two remaining cans of fish Pate huh no I ate one can so where is the last one it's time for the pinkie Paw's favorite food my trump card against [Music] Lampo hey look fish Pate not salty a delicious smell ising in the air boss has a can of p over there yummy yum yummy yum and let's hope that L want to share pink paw is the one we adore fish not to Salty that we're going to eat now more come on girls let me race but you've got something for us P Pate don't keep it all to yourself oh you want the [Music] camp thank you Lampo You're simply meow fall the Lead Sled is approaching the finish line and it's ta and the champion but where is [Music] Lampo you finally got here after me I tried my best you did great anyway Lampo I declare the winner of the winter buff Olympics is B it's passing lamp see him crossing the Finish Line first old now he has one every King this is his moment of say so pinky BS let's go Cate with his victory is very great will be the song we will sing in the win he is the king you three get out of here don't ruin my moment of Glory congratulations Boss I got it admit you won this time of course I won I'm the best so where's my gold medal what medal well the the trophy then trophy there's no trophy you don't win trophies at the buff Olympics but something much more meul good so what what did I win an all day long pinky paw concert in the comfort of your own home no please say it's not so I think boss is going to remember his only victory for the rest of his life the reward is very special not a trophy or a medal we sing for both long and dance for him to every song Oh do you hear our winner cry and we don't know why he no show many to everyone from the help please help me make them stop cats on Ice come on buppy cats this is a perfect day for ice [Music] skating I mean a perfect day to learn how to ice skate or to stay warm and enjoy a snack yum so many delicious donuts come on meatball after you get some exercise the donuts will taste much better Oh look The Buffy losers can't skate what do you want boss we were just having fun you don't know how to have fun on the ice probably can't even play a game of ice cat ice what ice cat a sport where you in with speed oh my basket grit and cleverness qualities we obviously have up to no good as always give us our basket sure Buffy losers after I tell you the rules of a game of ice cat don't worry Buffy cat I'll get our basket back rule number one use your tail to toss the ball rule number two don't let the other team catch the ball rule number three pass the ball to your teammates rule number four put the ball in the hole to score and win the game oh lovely snack oh beloved Donuts a cruel Fate has kept us apart oh what's wrong don't like flash frozen donuts frozen [Music] Donuts you've gone too far what are you going to do Lampo okay boss we challenge you to a game of ice cat oh really you don't stand a chance against blister and scab they have a great coach me and The Buffy cats have a great coach me fine we'll compete on the frozen lake May the best cats win I mean us Lampo you did it again you think you can solve any problem with a challenge we're not Champion Ice cats like boss blister and SK I've got a buffy brainstorm let's skip the challenge and go eat some tasty cat [Music] treats I'm sure we'll we'll we we'll figure something [Music] out wow look at Lola she can skate meow toly hey Lola you're Pome thanks Lampo actually it's easy for me skating is like dancing unfortunately we're not as good as you but if we got that that good we can win the ice cat competition against bossy boss can you teach us how to skate Lola sure my furry fellows I'll be your teacher skating takes Grace calm and a light touch toes together then toes apart slow smooth motions the mountain trail is the perfect place to practice what you learned Mady will you lead our dance huh it's not swimming [Music] Mady it's not riding a bike either P come on my furry fellows follow me like I said Skating is like dancing with Grace calm and a light touch I put my furry fellows in this situation I got to show them we can [Music] win oh no I'm out of control Mady remember Grace come and a light touch beautiful way to go Buffy cats you've proven yourselves to be experts skaters and I'm sure our coach has already planned our team strategy right Lampo well I of course oh oh yes Lola yes not sure I can do it but I have to look confident for my furry fellows otherwise we won't [Music] [Applause] win oh my meatballs let's hope we don't look silly in front of all these cats we'll work it out right Lampo um yes puffy cats we've been training a lot of course we can win this [Music] here are the Buffy losers see Buffy cats that's where you have to sink the ball to score points not that you'll get a chance don't meow for victory too soon boss what's our first move Lampo come on Lampo it's time to encourage the team I think we better start with pilo and meatball taking the field you heard the coach come on let's go for it you just have to get the ball and score yes score treasure what you've learned during your training and no one will be able to stop you g on midb and pillow against blister and scap 3 2 1 go you have no chance here blister [Music] I'm taking [Music] this oh my [Music] whiskers I can catch him I can do it I'm here come and get me don't waste your time go and score we've got to [Music] win first point for chimbos don't worry my furry fellows you did great yeah Lola's right now I need Mady with you Lola all right Lampo my lady let's show them what we've got stop your run ends here not at all how about twirling with me up to you Lola I can't let Lola and Mady score huh this water will make the ice more slippery than they could possibly [Music] imagine we can overcome anything by skating gracefully calmly and with a light touch because skating is like dancing migi and Lola score both sh side no no no you are both awesome now last round to decide winning Sim i' have to win no matter what H and I already know how Lampo what's our next move Lampo if you're a true cat's cat then challenge me one onone or are you afraid to face me I accept your challenge I'm ready boss I'm ready too come on prepare a nice little prank for Lampo so that Victory will be mine we trust you Lampo my furry fellows the truth is I'm terrible at both skating and coaching and I don't know if I'll be able to score the point to make you win Lampo we know you'll do your best best and that's all that [Music] matters great finale blo BS the two coaches are taking the field who will [Music] win you're never going to win maybe but I'm going to play this out to the very end [Music] oh no what do I do now Lampo remember skating is just like dancing great with grease calm and a light touch hey perfect timing push scab let's clobber lamp B with this [Music] snowball what's that oh [Music] no Li SC Victory point you did it I won thanks to the best furry fellows a cat could wish for I dedicate this Victory to [Music] [Music] you hey you there what are you looking at I'm not your Snowman [Music] [Applause] [Music] spee spe [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foree [Music] fore [Music] for for for fore spe foree [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] for fore [Music] spee speech [Music] fore [Music] fore foreign [Music] speee fore spee [Music] fore [Music] fore [Music] speeech [Music] Mi foreign foree [Laughter] [Music] [Music] for foreign fore foreign spe [Music] fore [Music] [Laughter] fore foreign [Music] [Music] spee [Music] spe [Music] fore [Music] foree [Music] spee for [Music] Fore for spe speech spee [Music] spee [Music] for [Music] spe [Music] [Music] for Fore [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] foree subscribe to the channel
Channel: Rainbow Junior - English
Views: 963,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 44 Cats english, 44 cats, 44 cats characters, 44 cats episodes, 44 cats theme song lyrics, Buffycats, Lampo, Meatball, Milady, Music Video, Olympio, Pilou, Rainbow, Rainbow Junior, cartoons, cat cartoon, rainbow, song, sport, the greatest athlete, tv series
Id: qRzcUmOQ9mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 16sec (6796 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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