4/15/21: First Day of Corn Planting in West TN!!!! Part 1

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good morning everybody well today is the day that i think most of y'all been waiting for i believe we're going to go put some seed in the ground today [Music] [Music] so first before we go get the planter loaded up we're going to do a final check on on soil temperature we've got right now we've got great planting conditions the ground is relatively dry or at least dry for mid-april there's definitely two things you don't want to do whenever you are starting the planting you don't want to plant into cold soils and you don't want to plant into wet soils and you most definitely don't want to plant into cold wet soils so right now the soil is not wet so so i'm going to check the soil temperature and see what kind of temperature it is we're looking for at least a minimum temperature of 50 degrees i'd much prefer to be about 55 or above for corn for corn to germinate properly and make sure it doesn't have many issues coming up out of the ground and as you can see today i'm in long sleeves it's definitely not warm uh out here it's about right now about 52 53 degrees but we did have a warm spell for the last week or so relatively warm and uh the soil temperature does not fluctuate near as great great as the air temperature does once it gets warmed up it takes quite a bit to actually cool cool the soil back down but we got a whole lot of green cover crop out here and while the cover crop is great for building up soil it's not all that great for warming up the soil because it blocks a lot of the sunlight a bunch of the solar energy that would hit the soil and warm it up faster like in no-till or conventional till but once the soil gets warm it does act as a better buffer from the wind and other stuff once it gets warm the soil doesn't cool down as fast when you got this much cover crop out here so let's check the soil temperature and see what it's at all right we'll give it a few seconds to stabilize there all right looks like it's pretty much stabilized 59 degrees that's some pretty good uh that's a pretty good soil temperature let's walk over here into the bottom side of the terrace where he gets a little bit more shade cover crops a little bit thicker probably got a little bit more moisture in the soil too check it there 57 degrees all right so we got dry soil and we definitely got warm enough soil so let's go get the planter loaded up and get to the field see how much seed we can get put in [Music] today [Music] [Music] all right we're going to load up a seed right here at the shop our first farm is literally just right down the road we got we got all our seeds stored here in the gin all right let me show you thirty thousand dollars without actually showing you thirty thousand dollars here's all the corn seed i think it's a 126 bags and total cost on it comes out around comes out to around 30 000 we got five total varieties here uh one of the varieties is in two different traits one is the straight roundup ready and the other one has uh has the insect protection we're going to use it for our we're going to use a roundup ready for our refuge anyway what we're looking for is a pioneer 1077 yhr that's this pallet right here uh should be 26 bags here uh the prescription showing right around 26 bags for that farm so we're going to load up with 24 bags and then we'll carry two bags with us we got 12 hoppers here on the rear that we're planting with so we're going to start out we're going to put two bags in each all right we've got 12 bags of seed loaded in one in each hopper before we load the other 12 bags in we need to add our inoculant what we got here is a micro seed inoculant it's a biological amendment it's got a bunch of different bacteria and fungus in there that really improves the soil health and the plant's ability to grow take up water and nutrients the main ingredient of this is is a zodobacter which is a species of bacteria that doesn't require a host but it takes it can convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen in the soil to be used for a corn crop anyway we apply this at a rate of one pound every five acres and we've done four years worth of trials on this product and it's shown anywhere from a three to 17 bushel per acre increase all for about four to five dollars an acre so it's never lost a trial in the four years that we tested so i'm a big believer in it and it's about as close to a guaranteed yield increase as you can get so we'll take that in we'll mix it in with the with the first bag of seed then dump more seed on top of it and mix in and mix in a little bit more to make sure every seed's good [Music] all right we are all loaded up and ready to hit the field this should be enough seed right here for about 80 acres now that we've got the planter all filled up and and ready to go uh got to get a kelly filled up with uh herbicide and zac's uh working on getting uh getting the fertilizer bug hooked up he's going to be applying our first shot of nitrogen right in front right in front of the planter and then kelly's going to be spraying burned down on our cover crops right in front of the planter because the cover crops are not tall enough to use our roller crimper to actually kill him so we've got to use herbicide right now and that's going to be her job all right hold on a second here's your proper pte as required by law i can't force you to wear it but as the owner i've now informed you i've done my duty the other part owner has to wear this this is awesome sexy baby that's in the bedroom yeah let me see what we working with here make sure before you use this chemical you read and follow all label directions including the implementation of proper ppe this is sexy i kind of like this can i wear this at home yeah i think you look good cooking what am i doing this right yeah i think i need to get you some bailing twine um you don't have proper ppp gloves i have i have proper ones in the toolbox down there so give me my i want to look like what's his name it's smooshing my nose i'm gonna look like that dude off at the the minions dr navarro nice well anyway i've now required i've now fulfilled my requirement by law of informing you of what you're supposed to do yes sir my nose is smushed look at my nose here at greek's farms we always follow every law and label the instructions uh yeah all right boys and girls all the funny games over it's time to go real this time first day of flight 21 is here let's get after all right let's get this show on the road all righty it's finally time for me to drive this thing finally it's like driving a cadillac from the last thing that i had what's gonna be interesting is all these amazing buttons all right start i got a crash course in it now i'm gonna attempt to go figure out how to run it the only thing that i don't know how to run is the new monitor other than that it's just like upgrading from a really crappy car to a very nice one i'm going i can't wait for nobody else bye felicia she's sitting around waiting he's playing with a drone and i have to be in front of him i ain't got time for it let's go [Music] hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so i'm supposed to go there over the only culvert and someone has parked in front of it i've honked the horn i've even gotten on the radio is he that death i'm not doing this i'm just making sure the breaks are dry yo man got some like we got about there this is what you call cluster farming what is going on do you need some help this is why i don't want to spray and get too far ahead of it because you know on first day we all have problems well just uh got to the field and um full planter and nothing will come on the planter and found this oh i don't know exactly how that happened but that's why you always start close to the shop i guess you gotta run back in like we do now i swear sometimes it doesn't matter how prepared you are how much work you all you put in to make sure everything's gonna go smoothly there's always gonna be something go wrong you always expected on the first day you don't ever blow and go the first day heck you spend the majority of the day getting things set up and all the little details taken care of and the problems that pop up maybe tomorrow we'll get going hard [Music] all right back good as new ready to go again all right everything is back in the green let's go put some seed in the ground first day he didn't even get two feet he had a broken wire so no one wants to tell me what's going on no one told me anything other than he folded up and left so i guess i just have to sit out here and wait thank god for hulu on your phone seriously no one told me anything they just took off and left this is the story of my life this is what happens all the time i just have to sit here so but it's lunch time so i might as well eat all right we're back in the field we got uh everything unfolded like i got everything set up on my monitor everything's in the green everything's turned on we'll go ahead and kick on the hydraulic downforce alternator and vacuum all right all that's pulled up all right showing 16 uh inches of vacuum we will run that around 20 adjust my hydraulic flow one more all right we'll go ahead and load my meters all right let's put this thing in the ground and see what she'll do all right so we got a couple of errors here there's a load pin on road nine is not responding all right reserves they wrote them all out all right everything is in the green uh it looks like everything's stabilized so let's go ahead and stop and get out here and dig and see what the seed looked like all right first thing we're going to look for is make sure the seed furrow is getting closed you don't want an open slide otherwise it lets slugs and other pests get down there and they can eat the seed or just as it's sprouting can eat the shooting and everything before it gets established so we will make sure the seed furrow is getting closed good first all right there's the there's where he put it in the that's where it opened up the trench looks like it's all closing up pretty good all right next thing we're going to look for is to see how deep we're placing the seed we want to put it uh we want to put the corn seed at least two inches deep that gets the base of the plant low low enough that uh it roots good and it can also put out brace roots as it as it grows older shallower than that uh you just don't get real good real good rooting we could put it deeper but in these cool conditions that means it's going to take longer to come up which can also be detrimental because it takes more energy from the seed to come on up and you might not get as good of a stand all right you can see that down there found our first seed see how deep it is uh looks like it's only about an inch deep so we definitely need to set our planter deeper and get that seed on in the ground a little bit more all right we won't go another inch deeper uh each of these notches is supposed to be a quarter of an inch mass we should go down two notches but i think that's gonna be too much so we'll just go down a notch on each side and then check it again all right we got all that adjusted let's plant another strip and we'll get back out and check it again all right we're playing another couple hundred feet scratch around the dirt and see where the seeds at again you can see the furrow is still closing real good just what we want to see got really great planting conditions as far as moisture goes it's a little bit more tricky looking for seed in this cover crop not quite as easy as is no-till all right haven't found any seed but our trench our seed trench is definitely a lot deeper uh so many roots to cut through this cover crop out here nope there we go there's this now you can see our first seed down there looks like it's about one and three quarters inches so probably need to go another half a notch all right we got down here in this flat ground's a little bit heavier god definitely had to dig deeper to find the bottom of that trench now come on where are you at good thing about these pioneer corn seeds they're bright pink so they're easy to spot all right here we go all right there we are two inches on the money all right now we're going to check one of the rows that we got those uh electronic seed firmers on no i put the seed firmers on to gather data but they do serve a purpose of pushing the seed down into the bottom of the trench so we're going to check and make sure that the rows that i got those seed firmers on remember remember i got them on three rows make sure that those seed farmers aren't pushing the seed down into the trench just a little bit farther because we might have to adjust those units just a hair shallower because of the addition of the seed firmers on them all right there's the seed nope those are those are two inches right on the money too cover you back up buddy let you be good and productive all right our seed depth is set our seed trench is getting closed that's really the only kind of a manual adjustments we got on this planter used to on our old planters before we had all the electronics and the fancy metering systems everything we'd have to dig up like a 13 foot section of row uncover all the seeds and count the seeds make sure we had our planter set on the right population and everything but all that stuff is controlled electronically now so there's no need in it if there's a problem with any of that stuff we can see it on the monitor so all this fancy stuff just it's kind of a headache getting set up and when it doesn't work right it's an even bigger headache but when it is working right it greatly simplifies the process of getting the planter set and making sure it's performing just the way it's supposed just the way it's supposed to be i think we got everything on this planter ready to go looks like it's doing what it's supposed to be doing so let's roll on so i've been running about an hour and a half but i finally got the planner fixed i think he hasn't told me to stop gotten the kinks worked out kind of figured out how this sprayer runs it runs way better than the last one we had but i'm still figuring out the uh screen and you gotta toggle back to find out what your pressure is there's no it doesn't tell you like how many acres you have left how many you sprayed and that's the one thing i don't like i want to know what my pressure is i want that on the same screen i want to know how many acres i have left i know there's a way to do that we just have to call and have it done so other than that it rides better sprays better although i'm still getting kind of used to the wheels being farther back from the other one but it's a same sprayer just very nice a very nice upgrade so i'm probably 35 acres ahead of mad um i don't want to get too far ahead because i think there's rain tomorrow so i'm going to spray this bottom find out how many gallons i have left and then get like 320 and then call him and see what he wants to do zach is ready for a livestream behind me so you don't want to get too far ahead of the planet but it's at two o'clock and um my mom is going to pick up quarter because uh i can't so i'm grateful that she can go to that because he still can't take the bus home because he's still in so and it's also beautiful outside look how gorgeous it is gorgeous i kind of want to be outside but uh i also have to work so so far it's going well and we're stopped again we got a little bit planted and i kept on having this alarm pop up for a delta iv supply pressure low which this just because my tractor is hydraulically limited with all the different hydraulics where we're running it puts out it puts out plenty of hydraulic supply to make it work but it doesn't put out enough hydraulic supply to keep the alarm from coming on every time i turned around and set the planter down the alarm would pop up and in the old software last year you could disable you could disable that alarm well if you remember i updated the software when we were working on the planner in the shop and apparently the new software version didn't have that option and i just called the tech and he says he's seen it on some of the latest software which they've come out with four different versions so four different software versions in the last month and a half so we're uploading the latest software so hopefully it will include the option to disable that alarm sometimes i just wish for the old days where you just took your planter and went to the field set it down and put seed in the ground with no problem we'll get it going here in a minute
Channel: Griggs Farms LLC
Views: 9,118
Rating: 4.9939022 out of 5
Keywords: plant2021, corn planting, corn, planting, farming, Kinze, New Holland, Griggs Farms, planting green, cover crop
Id: r7ww8jufv_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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