41 Mark Session 15

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[Music] okay let's uh we're going to go into the we're going to go into the word of god so but let's open with a word of prayer and we'll also include some prayer requests in that if we may let's borrow hearts father we come before your throne just awed by the very privilege you extend to us you've gone to such extremes that we might have this access to you father and we thank you that we can come boldly before the throne pleading the blood of jesus christ we thank you father that you are a healing god and we bring before you those in our families that have need have your healing hand and father i pray for my son mark that your hand would be upon him that you would give insight and skill and discernment to all the technicians involved we just commit them into your care father knowing that with you all things are possible we all bring also bring before you adele and the others among our volunteers and our staff that have your need father of healing we just bring them before you asking you to magnify your name in each of these situations glorify your son in these things and father we also thank you for the hour ahead we thank you for your word we pray father through your holy spirit you would open that word to our lives and hearts that we each might grow in grace in the knowledge of our coming king in whose name we commit ourselves amen okay we're going to explore the gospel of mark we're coming to the the big climax and uh we're in chapter 15 which uh obviously deals with the crucifixion now jesus that night after gethsemane was exposed to six trials after being arrested he was uh subjected to three jewish trials before anise before caiaphas and then finally before the sanhedrin itself every detail of these trials was illegal and we're not going to take the time here to go through all of that we have a briefing package that goes into each one of those things called the agony of love that it really focuses on this day uh there's there's a it's a two-hour study just on what happened uh at this time but in any case here in mark we're going to now see that jesus will be subjected to three roman trials he had three jewish ones now three roman trials he'll be before pilate of course and pilate's anxious to get it off his hands he discovers a basis by which he can pass the baton to herod because he's a galilean but herod's a shrewd administrator and he's too slippery he slips out from under that it bounces back to pilate who then finally tries to wash his hands of the whole situation but does what he's obligated to do as a roman administrator and we'll go into all that as we go here so mark chapter 15 verse 1 and straightway there's that word again again and again and again it's a shooting script and it leaps from action to action to action action and straightway in the morning the chief priest held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council and bound jesus that was illegal by the way and carried him away and delivered him to pilate now as you may recall in the upper room when they had the lord's supper the lord the lord announced that he was going to be betrayed that preempted judas they had not planned to do it over a holiday too dangerous didn't want to upset the romans but by jesus announcing it it caused judas to fisher cut bait he had to if you're going to do it do it now so he splits he has to make some arrangements among which was to get an audience with pilate that was not easy to do it's a holiday he's up from caesarea he's in town but it took some protocol to get that arranged you know that's why there's quite a delay that's why they're in gethsemane so long actually but in any case they delivered into pilot so the whole council here that's the sanhedrin they have a basic problem that's staring in the face they do not have the authority to administer the death penalty and that'll become evident as we look at the text but i want to give you a little bit of background here back about the sixth or seventh a.d in other words call it 20 more than 20 years ago king herod's son and successor herod archelaus was dethroned and banished to vienna a city in gaul archelaus was the second son of herod the great this is all and then you can get the details here from josephus in his book called the antiquities and the older son herod antipater was murdered by herod the great along with other family members he he did a pretty systematic job uh they said that you know it was uh it was much safer to be a dog in that household than a relative because it was dangerous and uh arcolas mother by the way was a samaritan in other words a quarter or less of jewish blood and therefore was never accepted herod of course was not jewish he was an idiot man anetomite the traditional enemy of the jews incidentally but there's more to that we won't get into that all here but after the death of herod and that's assumed by many it to be about 4 bc but many of those assumptions are turn out to be slightly inaccurate and we won't get into all that here archelaus was placed over judea as an ethnic by caesar augustus he was broadly rejected so he was removed in about 6 or 7 a.d and he was replaced by a roman procurator by the name of caponeus and the legal power of the sanhedrin then was immediately restricted and the adjudication of capital cases was lost this was normal roman policy and all of this you can find in the jerusalem talmud there are two talmuds the babylonian talmud and the jerusalem talmud which wasn't done in jerusalem was done in tiberias but the point is of the there's two talmuds among in the jewish community the babylonian talmud is considered the more uh authentic of the two but that's neither here to there yeah you'll find this there and you'll also find this in josephus in both his books wars of the jews in book two and also antiquities of the jews in volume 20. we're going to tell you some things that happened about this transfer of power it's very interesting and here let me give you a quote from josephus quote after the death of the procreator festus when albinus was about to succeed him the high priest ananias considered a favorable opportunity to assemble the sanhedrin he therefore caused james the brother of jesus who is called who was called christ and several others to appear before this hastily assembled council and pronounced upon them the sentence of death by stoning all the wise men and strict observers of the law who were at jerusalem expressed their disappropriation of this act some even went to albinus himself who had departed to alexandria to bring this breach of the law under his observation and to inform him that irenaeus had acted illegally in assembling the sanhedrin without roman authority so i just wanna it's interesting this is interesting passage in josephus because it mentions james and christ by the way that's a it's rather remarkable for that reason and it makes them historical figures if you will from the secular schedule and it also underscores the authority of the sanhedrin that had passed to the romans this also explained something else by the way in john chapter 18 when it talks about pilate it says then pilate said to them take he him and judge him according to your law the jews therefore said to him it is not lawful for us to put any man to death that again in the text the biblical text it confirms all this in the gospel text too but here's what's interesting when you what you find out what the reaction was when the members of the sanhedrin found themselves deprived of their right over life and death what did they do they covered their heads with ashes and their bodies with sackcloth and bemoan quote woe unto us for the scepter is departed from judah and the messiah has not come this is out of the babylonian talmud in in chapter four it's quoted a number of places actually now the reason that's a problem see why they thought that scepter departed they knew their bible jacob before he died he assembled the his sons around them and he made a a prophecy on each of their each of their tribes but he's speaking when he said of judy says that scepter shall not depart from judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come that's the term for the messiah and unto him shall the gathering of the people be so in other words the scepter was not to depart from judah until the messiah was present now the scepter departed from judah and the messiah had not come so what did they do they actually the high priest actually thought that the torah the word of god had failed they should have known better the scepter had indeed been removed from judah but shiloh had come while the jews wept in the streets they actually went through the streets weeping with this stuff while they were doing that a young son of a carpenter was growing up in nazareth he would present himself as the messiah the the king on the very day that gabriel told daniel he would and he held him accountable to know that day that's all in luke 19 a very interesting study well let's get back to the mark text here pilate asked him art thou king of the jews and he answered and said to him thou sayest it now pilate had no love for the jews and he was not about to do them any favors he knew that the leadership had delivered jesus for for envy and vengeance that'll show up in verse 10 about eight verses from now john gives us the most details of the roman trial incidentally now pilate has a dilemma see when you combine the gospel accounts you quickly discover that pilate who is the personal representative of the ruler of the world as far as they're concerned repeatedly stated that he found no fault he wasn't out to defend him he just found no fault in john 18 and 19 luke 23 several times in matthew 20 that's consistent in all the gospel accounts but his assignment from his boss from rome from the caesar was to keep the peace and avoid a riot especially during this touchy holiday period in fact that's why they weren't going to do it during a holiday period because they knew the romans are really sensitive about keeping the peace here so he attempted paul attempted every bureaucratic trick he could think of when he discovered jesus was a galilean he attempted to pass the whole issue onto herod herod the head of galley was in town we just you know some blocks away probably and so since he was there he he tried to get you know pin the rose on let herod deal with this problem see but here is a slippery old fox that's a title jesus used of him incidentally but that slippery old fox was too smart to take the bait so pilate finally had to cave in let's pick it up on mark chapter 15 verse 3. and the chief priest accused him of many things but he answered nothing pilate asked him again saying answers thou nothing behold how many things they witness against thee but jesus had answered nothing so that pilate marveled he made no attempt to defend himself didn't say a word that's exactly what isaiah predicted he would do in the seventh verse of that famous chapter 53 but if we take every by road here we won't make it so i'm going to have to leave some of that for you to track yourself peter by way by the way it is in his first epistle also emphasized this quiet suffering now that the now now probably got another gimmick he's going to try now at the feast he released unto them one prisoner whomsoever they desired that was his way of adding to the celebration he'll take one of the prisoners and release him so he thought that'll that ought to work there was one named barabbas which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him who had committed murder in the insurrection so we got a guy here that's a political zealot a terrorist we might call him today he uh he committed murder uh in this insurrection and pilate assumed certainly they would yeah you know not pick him they would pick jesus of course and the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done to them give us the guy the name barabbas by the way is an interesting name bar means son of on the masculine sense right and abba it means what he's the son of the father now we're not sure which father i won't go there right now but a leading zealot and we find a lot about that elsewhere but paul answered them saying will ye that i release unto you the king of the jews pilate was hoping that that would get him off the hook because he had this falsely accused guy that was going to get killed notice the label he uses of him pilate the ruler of the world for as far as they're concerned gives him the title the king of the jews wow see he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy but the chief priests moved the people that he would rather that they would rather release barbus under them but barabbas under them and they obviously went around and bribed them and so they you know it's so easy to manipulate a mob and that's exactly what they did so the personal representative the ruler of the roman empire identified jesus as what the king of the jews the father answered and said again unto them will what will ye then that i shall do unto him whom you call the king of the jews and if you don't want him released what do you want here and they cried out again crucify him the king of the jews twice pilate uses that public label they cried and said crucify him and then pilate said to them why what evil hath he done and they cried out the more exceedingly crucify him so he's got a mob getting riled here so but it's interesting he continually used that same title the king of the jews and so pilate willing to content the people released barabbas unto them and delivered jesus when he had scourged him to be crucified it's very very interesting you and i are in effect in barabbas shoes we're guilty we know we're guilty there was no reason for us to have freedom jesus was innocent but the guilt and confinement and destiny of barabbas was transferred to jesus they changed places and we have too thanks to this event we are in barabbas's shoes we've been freed by a ransom paid by none other than the son of god himself and the soldiers led them away into the hall well jesus away in the hall called the praetorium and we'll get into that here in a minute they they they call together the whole band and they closed him with purple and platted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and began to salute him hail king of the jews and they smote him on the head with a reed they did spit upon him and bowing their knees they worshipped him obviously and just this is the palace or the hall of audience libertarian i want to talk a little bit about that the praetorium where jesus was brought to trial has been traditionally located in the neighborhood of the present turkish barracks where once stood the antonia and where was stationed a large garrison that's in acts 21 but the statements of josephus make it almost certain that the headquarters of the procurator were at herod's palace and this by the way refutes the traditional via dolorosa which is a really a catholic set of traditions that the whole course of which depends on the theory that the way of sorrow began at the antonia the praetorium of a later ecclesiastical tradition small point it just means we should always guard a tradition when traditions aren't confirmed in the scripture they're probably wrong anyway moving on and when they had mocked him they took off the purple from him and put on his own clothes on him and let him out to crucify him and they compel one simon a sarenian who passed by coming out of the country the father of alexander and rufus to bear his cross now from this statement in mark it is apparent that at the time this gospel was written alexander rufus were christians and they were all well known within the christian community they show up in romans 16. oh as an example and they bring him into the place golgotha which is being interpreted the place of a skull and if you've been there you know that there it's still even now until today has those those markings but that isn't the reason we think that's the place yes you can see where it looked may have looked like a skull a long time ago but that isn't the basis for our identity here i want to make that clear if you do a topological map of that region you discover that mount moriah is a ridge system it starts at about 600 meters above sea level rises to about 741 which is the area of the temple mount but then it continues rising to the peak which is up north we have this ridge system uh to the to the west is the european valley it's now been filled in and mount zion uh to the uh east you have mount of olives separated by the kidron valley in other words you've got really three ridges here mount zion mariah and mount of olives separated by these two valleys ethan valley and the the kidron valley and uh so the the uh the hinnom valley is along the south here and that was the where we get the term kahana because it was a place where they had that's where they had offered um uh children to malik in its earlier history it also was a dumping ground it was always smoldering so the term gahinum was a idiom that came from the hinnom valley but salem the city of david starts at the base of this rise the city of david or salem if you will the thrashing floor that rises to 741 meters above sea level the thrashing floor of aruna that's what david purchased to be the temple site but that's not the peak it's a saddleback which most of these thrashing floors were where there's a prevailing wind if you go and so at the very peak there's a that's where the akida takes place that's where abraham offers isaac there's a jewish tradition that abram offered isaac where the temple was built there's no scripture for that he offered it at the peak and so if you look at this more closely there's the thrashing floor varuna at about 741 meters above sea level but if you continue up there it happens to be at 777 i wouldn't make too much of that those are meters above sea level fine but that's the peak the akida the offer abrams offering of isaac a place called golgotha so it's from the from the top topology that we have the conviction that's where the cross was and we know that from leviticus 1 and leviticus 6 all burnt offerings and sin offerings were to be on the north side interestingly enough people missed that and uh so on the north side burnt offerings of basically one sin offerings leviticus 6. they're supposed to be outside the camp and indeed it was outside the city gate if you will without the gate hebrews 13 tells us and so forth so it meets all the scriptural conditions we'll talk more about that in a minute and they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh but he received it not and then they had when they had crucified him they parted his garments casting lots upon them what every man should take which is interesting if you look at psalm 22 it says it's written as if jesus is quoting it while he's hanging on the cross he says they part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture he had this seamless robe that was a special prize they didn't want to tear that up they cast lots for that they divided the other stuff in fact psalm 22 is so descriptive here take the i'm going to indulge here in going through it verse by verse it opens with the first decla this this first declaration in the psalm says my god my god why hast thou forsaken me jesus i believe calls our attention to this from the cross later why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring oh my god i cry in the daytime but thou hearst not and in the night season i am not silent but thou art holy oh thou that inhabitest the praises of israel my god my god this is the only time i believe in eternity that he didn't call him father we always hear him speak of the father here he says my god it and why does he do that because he's in our shoes he's in our shoes the only time an eternity that jesus didn't call him father he goes on he says our father's now speaking of the ancestors our fathers trusted in thee they trusted and that it's delivered them they cried unto thee and were delivered they trusted in me and were not confounded but i am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised of the people wow i am a worm i'm going to come back to that word here in a little bit let's just leave it for now all they that seem he laughed me to scorn they shoot off the lip they shake the head saying he trusted in the lord that he should deliver him let him deliver him saying he delighted in him but thou art he that took me out of the womb thou just make me hope when i was upon my mother's breasts i was cast upon thee from the womb thou art my god from my mother's belly be not far from me for trouble is near for there is none to help many bulls have compassed me strong bones of bashan have beset me round wow a lot of mysteries about what that's really about again i got to watch my time let's keep moving they gaped upon me with their mouths as a ravening and roaring lion i am poured out like water all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it is melted in the midst of my bowels my strength is dried up like a potsherd my tongue cleaveth to my jaws and thou has brought me into the dust of death for dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet that's a remarkable illusion here in the psalms because that was written 700 years before crucifixion was invented it was invented by the persians subsequently widely adopted by the romans the official form of execution in israel was stoning yet we have this description of crucifixion that is so explicit so precise that you'll find articles in the american medical association journal attributing the details of the cause of death because of the details that are here portrayed centuries before the fact he continues let me tell all my bones they look and stare upon me they part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture i'm and i want to get back to this one phrase in verse six i am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised of the people the rabbis teach us that whenever there's a detail there it's worthy of investigation it may be a remiss a hint of something deeper let's take a look at this word worm in the hebrew the word is tola it's a word that means scarlet and the reason means scarlet that's where they get their scarlet or crimson it's crimson 38 times scarlet die was made from a particular worm called the sermous vermilio and the sermis familio pierces the thin bark of twigs to suck the sap from which it prepares a waxy scale to protect its soft body the red dye is in this scale when reproducing the female climbs a tree it's usually a home oak where it bears its eggs the larva hatch and feed on the body of the worm in other words it gives life okay a crimson spot is left on the branch when the scarlet spot dries out it takes three days for it to dry out it changes to white as it flakes off you following this isaiah says come now let us reason together saith the lord though your sins be a scarlet they shall be white of snow though to be red like crimson they shall be as wool it's interesting that this three days from red to white tucked away in that little word anyway verse 25 and it was the third hour and they crucified him the superscription of his accusation was written over the king of the jews that's mark talking this is we're going to see how john gives us a little more detail in john 19 verse 19 john explains this a little more precisely he says and pilate wrote a title who wrote it title a pilot did pilot wrote this title or title and they call it and put it on the cross pilate did it himself the writing was jesus of nazareth the king of the jews this title then read many of the jews for the place where jesus was crucified was nine of the city and it was written in what languages hebrew greek and latin hebrew because they're jewish obviously greek because that is the common language of the street of the of commerce latin was beginning to be introduced as the official language of the roman empire so the official language is latin the practical language was greek hebrew of course because it was it was judea so okay now what did pilate write remember it goes all languages flow towards jerusalem so nations that are uh to you know uh to the east go from from right to left that's not not just hebrew arabic sanskrit even chinese all nations west of jerusalem go from left to right um not just latin but cyrillic and and so on and greek but what is that what is he writing here the first we're going to go from right to left here yeshua hanatarai the melech jesus the nazarene the king of the jews are you with me so far now whenever you and i might miss something the pharisees come to our rescue whenever they're upset you want to find out what's bothering them notice here in verse 21 then said the chief priests of the jews to pilate right not the king of the jews but that he said i am king of the jews a pilot isn't about to change what he wrote by lancers said what i've written i have written what he actually said if you look at the grammar of the greek uh original here probably what i have written will always remain written pilate is rubbing their nose in this and why is he doing that pilate knows his culture the jews are always into acronyms all kinds of passages in the scripture are the psalm psalm 119 consists of eight lines that all start with person aleph the next eight lines by bet and goes through the 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet there are acrostic psalms they're acrostics you know well if you take this as an acrostic the first one is a yod then a hay is the name of the unpronounceable name of what we would say jehovah or yahweh if you will and so what what that's why they're upset because pilate is putting it in their terms as an acronym yeshua hadatharai vimelik and they would not miss that that's why they're upset they wanted to rearrange it somehow say so it isn't it isn't an acronym like that and of course pilate's doing it on purpose because it's really true maybe or maybe it's just because he knew they were they put him in the spot and this is his way of getting even with him okay let's move on and with him they crucified two thieves one on his right hand the other on his left that the scripture is fulfilled which said and he was numbered with the transgressors and that's of course the 12th verse of isaiah 53 and we could go on and on about that and they that passed by railed on him wagging their heads and saying ah thou destroys the temple and billiston three days save thyself and come down from the cross likewise also the chief priests mocking fed among themselves with the scribes he saved others himself he cannot save who is he saving you and me more than they have any grasp here let christ the king of israel descend now from the cross that we may see and believe and they that were crucified with him reviled him and you all know of course there's one that didn't that's a whole another story and when the sixth hour was come there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour and at the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice saying eloy eloy lama which being interpreted because it's aramaic in part my god my god why has thou forsaken me it's the very quote in aramaic from psalm 22 and some of them that stood by when they heard it said behold he calleth elias they misunderstand here see the eloy eloy was in the cry they they didn't hear it right quite right and one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar and put it on a reed and gave it them to drink saying let alone let us see whether elias will come to take him down and jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost who did it jesus did it and the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom and when the centurion which stood over against him saw that he so cried out and gave up the ghost he said truly this man was the son of god this these couple of verses caused a lot of confusion a lot of people think that the centurion was able to see the veil torn from top to bottom no that's in the holy of holies okay you couldn't see that from where they were we know that happened then because it's reported and that's why mark is recording it but then when that's when it was torn when the caesarean the centurion which stood over against him saw that he so cried out that centurion is responding to what jesus cried out and give up the ghost he said truly this man was the son of god there are some that try to argue that in order for the centurion to see the cross that means the crucifixion took place on the mount of olives and there's a group of scholars that hold that view we don't hold that view and we think the text it creates just the opposite but i want you to be aware of the fact that there are good people that have a different perspective and they build that primarily on the juxtaposition of these two verses but that doesn't necessarily follow and there's a lot of other evidence we think to the contrary anyway moving on there were also women looking on afar off among whom was mary magdalene and mary the mother of james the less and of joseph and salome who also when he was in galilee followed him and ministered unto him and many other women which came up with him unto jerusalem and as we've made note all the way through the study the women seemed to understand what was coming the guys didn't they didn't get it until after the fact then they remembered that he mentioned all these things in advance and now when the even was come because it was the preparation that is the day before the sabbath and it's talking not about passover it's talking about the the next day is the feast of unleavened bread that causes a lot of confusion also the word sabbath that's not necessarily saturday there are seven shabbats a year in addition to saturday that we call saturday this is one of them it's the day the feast of unleavened bread that's the feast the day after the formal day of passover passover is on the 14th of nisan the feast of 11 is starts on the 15th that's important understand it is a misunderstanding of this that has caused the traditional medieval church to assume that the crucifixion was on a friday that's what gives yields that tradition there are at least three rebuttals in the text that the crucifixion could not have been on a friday first of all jesus specifies that in matthew 12 40 as jonah spent three days and three nights three days and three nights that's what he said as jonah spent it in the belly of the earth so the belly of the whale social son of man spent in the belly of the earth and uh you can't get three days and three nights from friday night to sunday morning you could try as hard as you will it won't work okay but also matthew 28 verse 1 in your king james has a mistranslation and i'll take credit for the fact that this is the reason that error is not in the international standard version because i i caught him at it and they agreed that they'd missed that that is that matthew 28 1 should read when the sabbaths plural were passed i told them to recheck the greek it's a plural so that by sunday morning there were at least there were more than one sabbath okay and so you can't have um uh uh friday uh anyway the net of it is is that uh by by sunday morning you in order to have two sabbaths you've got to have jesus crucified either on a wednesday or thursday either way will work but there's also an issue in john 12 verse 1 where jesus goes from jericho to metheny six days before passover and if you analyze that you realize he couldn't do something more than a sabbath day's journey sabbath the passover that week could not have been on a friday it had to be another day so it turns out when you analyze that that just tells you it wasn't friday and for lots of reasons we hold the view that it was friday evening that he was crucified but let's move on here he's crucified joseph of arimathea an honorable counselor which also waited for the kingdom of god came and went went in boldly onto pilate and craved the body of jesus and pilate marveled if he were already dead and calling unto him the centurion he asked him whether he had been any while dead and when he knew it of the centurion he gave the body to joseph now there's a lot in here it's kind of first first of all let's talk a little bit and he went in boldly to pilate that's kind of interesting joseph of arimathea in john 19 it says that he was a disciple secretly that's also a technical error the word in the greek is not an adverb it's an adjective many people missed this and he was secreted it's an adjective what does that mean what's the difference obviously he was a secret disciple but what it means is he was secreted he was hidden they hid him he was in hiding it's an adjective not an adverb it doesn't it's not it's not how he believed it's how he was because he believed you follow me small point but that's one of the reasons that pilate is surprised to see him because he was in hiding he disappeared he's in undercover if you will now the other thing about joseph that's shocking is that he won't boldly into pilate you didn't do that he was the roman ruler of all of judea he didn't walk in knocking there hey can you got a minute no he had huge huge access so he apparently was a very powerful person now i'm told that the conversation went something like this that paul said you have carved out this tomb for your family and you're going to give it to this criminal and joe said oh they it's just for the weekend now i know that's true because chuck smith actually used that from from from the pulpit on on easter sunday once but anyway getting back to sears here he clearly was known to pilot and it's very likely he was the next of kin that would be the roman law to claim the body you had to have not only access to pilate but you had to give him permission that would be reserved for the next of kin so anyway it continues and he brought final in and took him down we understand nicodemus helped him and they wrapped him in the linen and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock i want you to notice that not all sepakers were carved in a rock this one was and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulcher and mary magdalene and mary the mother of joseph beheld where he was laid they made a note of that now this is a picture of what's known as the garden tomb and if you and if you haven't been there you want to make a point of doing that it's a life-changing experience to actually be there they won't oversell it but i can tell you candidly that i'm convinced from studying the details here and studying the biblical text i can count over 18 details that are in the text that confirms this so i i happened doesn't mean i'm right but i just hold the view that really was it's not representative it really was the tomb and that's surprising because generally in israel they'll always sell you this and that is the accurate one and they're wrong here's one where they don't oversell it but they happen to be on the unsound ground here the garden tomb let me give you a little bit of background here general charles george gordon he was a very distinguished british general he was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1852 he discovered this area while in jerusalem originally this was known as gordon's calvary they thought he was a nut now it's now known as the garden domain that was in 1883 is when he discovered this important date to notice here i discovered that andrew bonar in his commentary on leviticus describes this tomb from only the torah text but what's amazing when i realized that i checked monar published his commentary on leviticus 43 years before general gordon discovered what they call gordon's calvary so he barnard built his description there when you read uh bonor's description you think you're there had to be because he builds it strictly from the torah that had to be carved out of rock and had other conditions and he mentions all that anyway let's summarize the events here jesus arrives at golgotha he refuses the offer of wine vinegar and myrrh then he's nailed to the cross between those two thieves then we hear the first cry from the cross father forgive them for they know not what they do that's what luke has for us then the garments are allocated that's recorded in all four of the gospels the jews mocked jesus that's recorded in three of them he converses with the two thieves as you know then the second cry that was to the one of the three you will be with me in paradise wow then the third cry woman behold your son son behold your mother that's where he gives the custodianship of his mother mary not to his brother but to the apostle john and many people don't realize that the second epistle of john is the letter he wrote to mary i challenge you to check that out it's missed by most people finally there's darkness from noon to 3 p.m using our clock that's in three of the gospels then the fourth cry my god my god why hast thou forsaken me we have no capacity to imagine what it meant these two that had been together throughout all eternity to be separated we can't imagine what a pure holy god would endure being made sin for us we have no the physical aspects of the the crucifixion i won't call them trivial but they're certainly not the primary thing going on here jesus is paying for every one of my sins in detail and yours i don't think he got a a volume discount i think he paid for each one individually somehow anyway you get to the fifth cry i am thirsty then he drank the wine vinegar and then finally the sixth cry it is finished and the seventh cry father into your hands i command my spirit and some of those comments are detailed primarily by luke for us then he dismissed his spirit and that's in all four of them of course and then that was when the temple is torn and twain it's in three of the gospels and the roman soldiers declare surely he was the son of god that's both in matthew and mark seven cries from the cross father forgive them they know not what they do today thou shalt be with me in paradise woman behold thy son behold thy mother my god my god why hast thou forsaken me i thirst it to telesty it is finished paid in full father into thy hands i commit my spirit i'm fascinated by the painting called corpus christi by salvador dali i was startled to realize that salvador dali was not only an artist he obviously was extremely profoundly knowledgeable of mathematics because that is a four-dimensional cube unraveled in three dimensions it's called a tesseract or hinton cube and that's a very sophisticated concept here that's known only to someone that's been into hyperspaces but dolly used it as his motif for his view of the cross and i think that's absolutely flabbergasting well next time we have our final session in mark it's a little short chapter which of course deals with the resurrection i love this picture this picture was taken in the middle of the night at the resurrection the stone that's missing is in the picture so once you see something like this you never trust photoshop again right but anyway i want you for next time to study mark 16. but i have a couple of questions as you study mark chapter 16 i want you to pay attention to the last 12 verses and your study bible probably has a footnote saying that those verses were added by a later scribe we're going to attack that hypothesis and it's going to yield an astonishing surprise for you next time were they added later i'm going to prove to you using millions of computers i can prove to you that's impossible you mean that thinks that's surprising be prepared for a deep surprise so that's the end of the formal lesson but i want to talk about something else in the spirit of the season we talked here about isaiah 9 6 because it's christmas you always see this on christmas cards it opens up for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace we all we see this every year on christmas cards and everywhere else probably we always assume they're synonyms for unto us a child is born no that's christ's humanity a child is born unto us a son is given that speaks of his divinity he's both human and divine this christmas as we consider the babe in bethlehem let's remember the sun that was given the lamb that was slain at passover let's stand for a closing word of prayer let's borrow hearts father we stagger as we attempt to apprehend the extremes that you've gone to as a father that we might live oh how you must love us father we would just pray that through your holy spirit you would help us to apprehend your word the word that became flesh and dwelt among us help us to behold his glory help us to understand not only what you've done for us but help us to understand what you would have of us in response we thank you father for your word we thank you for your spirit and we thank you for the gift of the child that was born and the son that was given on that wooden cross erected in judea 2 000 years ago we thank you father for who you are we thank you for bringing us here we pray that you would just receive us father we we give ourselves to you without any reservations whatsoever we just commit ourselves into your hands indeed in the name of yeshua in whose name we do commit ourselves [Music] amen [Music] you
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Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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