40+ Most Anticipated 2021 Book Releases

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hi friends it's kayla i'm so excited to talk to you about 2021 releases so welcome to day 10 of la la la la la last year in this video i teased a christmas album we're still waiting for it weird so every year i talk about like 40 to 60 of my most anticipated books of the upcoming year and then i realize that it's an aggressive amount this is the wrong notebook and i try to cut it down for the next year and then i never do 2021 is all about copper if you've watched this series throughout the year you already know about all of these titles because i love knowing about new releases and i love sharing them and this time i brought it down to about 40 which is pretty good for me and we've got lots of different genres but all like the genres that i typically read so we'll start with thrillers we'll do some weird stuff some sci-fi some fantasy then get into contemporary and series continuations otherwise known as sequels and anthologies if they have a release date i'll put it right here those might change and then i'll also link to my goodreads shelf i'm most anticipated down below in case you don't even want to hear me talk and you just want to click that and read about them yourself i'm only going to give you a couple words per book that helps describe it i'm not necessarily trying to pitch you these books i'm just letting you know what to expect from my reading in 2021 kicking it off with thrillers there are three thrillers this year from authors i've read from before who seem to be leaning into some dark academia thriller stuff with questionable professors the first one is my most anticipated book of the entire year all's well by mona awad this is about a professor who has chronic pain and there's a lot of things going on in her life and she's dealing with a mutinous cast when trying to put on a production of shakespeare's all's well that ends well next one is for your own good by samantha downing which is about a teacher who's on a revenge mission and there's some type of murder involved the synopsis is very strange overall and i love the cover next is the maidens by alex michaelitis who i didn't love his debut book but i know a lot of people did uh so i'm gonna pick up this one it's about a professor who is suspected of murder and there's like a group of students i think called the maidens and he's influencing them in weird ways and then i think there's like another teacher or some type of faculty member who is looking into the situation i'm very interested in the upcoming book by ian ken braithwaite it's called the baby is mine and it takes place during the pandemic which is strange i think we're following a character named bambi who gets caught cheating his girlfriend kicks him out he goes to move in with his uncle but when he shows up at his uncle's house his uncle's dead and his aunt is there and she was pregnant but she has the baby now but then there's another woman living there and they both claim to be the baby's mother and then spooky stuff starts happening next up is one of my favorite covers of the entire year every vow you break by peter swanson it just looks and sounds very much up my alley it's about a couple on a honeymoon and it becomes a nightmare because the woman's one night stand from her bachelorette party shows up and then i think they get stranded on this island it's a psychological thriller i can't wait stephen graham jones has a book coming up in 2021 called my heart is a chainsaw which is one of my favorite titles of the year and it covers themes of like gentrification and it's about tourism in this small town where like horrory things start to happen um there's a girl who's like obsessed with horror movies and apparently she uses her knowledge to like save the town or something like that the upcoming riley cigar is absolutely on my radar it's called survive the night and it's with a girl named charlie who gets into the car with a suspected serial killer on campus and it's about her surviving the night then i don't think this one has a cover yet but it's called how to kill your best friend by lexi elliott i've read all of lexi elliott's and this one is about three best friends and they're all swimmers but one of the girls drowned and i think the other two get trapped again on an island and then they find out the truth about like what happened to that friend so those are definitely my most anticipated mystery thrillers of the year let me know if you know any other ones that i am missing that i don't know about that i should know about and then on to the weird things so darcy little badger has another book coming out this year it's called a snake falls to earth and it's about a girl from earth and a kid from the land of spirits and monsters and they like have to help each other to save their families i really don't care about the synopsis i know that it's going to be incredible i'll pick it up regardless of what it's about what it looks like the age range like dirty little badger perfection as king has an upcoming book called switch and i have been waiting for some more pure surrealism from her since like i crawled through it and i'm so excited about this one because it's it's about like okay so time has stopped i think like there's a lot of themes around time and then there's a switch in this girl's house and no one knows what the switch does and no one will touch the switch and then her dad starts building different boxes for each of the family members to live in or something like that anna marie mclemore has an upcoming book called the mirror season which is i think the typical mix they do of magical realism and just hard-hitting contemporary stuff there are two characters who were assaulted by the same person at the same party but i think one of them doesn't have a memory of the incident and the other person needs to decide what to do with the information and how to help this person through um the situation i think the magic comes into play because that character due to what happened to them begins to lose their magic next the upcoming andy weir i definitely want to read it's called project hail mary and it's about a character named ryland who's the sole survivor on a space mission and something to do with like the extinction of humanity and they are the only person who can stop it from happening next on my radar is the first book in a series called a history of what comes next by sylvan nouvel it's a sci-fi thriller set in the 1940s and it has to do with the space race and rocketry and nazis and i've heard has a lot of like feminist themes as well uh next up is house of holo by crystal sutherland which is like a fairy tale type story there are three sisters who disappeared um but they don't i don't think they remember like where they went and then current day one of the sisters disappears and they have to like return to this world next on my list is the ones we're meant to find by joan he which is my favorite cover at this point of the year uh it's a sci-fi fantasy i think there's two sisters and one of them like wakes up with no map a lot of memory stuff this year um one of them wakes up on an island a lot of island stuff this year and has no memory of like how she got there or what's going on and i think the other sister is in like this uh facility on the island and they're scientific experiments or something going on there and then they have to find each other next up another coverless one so far but i'm desperate to see what it's going to look like is the world ends here by rory power which i believe is her first adult novel it's a speculative thriller it's about ex-girlfriends and a research institute maybe this is the one with the research institute i don't know what's happening in the other one but i think within the research institute she discovers like the hidden secrets and what's really happening and like again i don't care what it's about i'll pick up every rory power then i've got another space story this one's by elliot schrafer and it's called the darkness outside us it's about two boys who end up alone together in space and they need to like get somewhere or save someone or something they come together but they also have secrets from each other or maybe like about their real intent on the spacecraft i think it's going to be so fun next up is darling by k ankrum which again i'll pick up every k incrum i know this is a peter pan retelling which i've read quite a few of in the past and i'm interested to see what this one does all i remember is we have justice for peter's victims which is a really interesting angle courtney gold's upcoming book is called the dead in the dark which is another one of my favorite covers it takes place in oregon i don't know why sometimes i wrote down the setting of these books i guess that's what was interesting to me and it's about disappearing at dead teens and then i think like the daughter of these ghost hunters of this tv show um and it i think it is like a ghost story and i think it's also about love because maybe the ghost hunter's daughter is like in a relationship with another girl in this small town or something like that next i've got another sapphic spooky romance question mark a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee which is about a haunted boarding school and there are witches and darkness and it sounds like everything i've ever wanted and i also am obsessed with the cover the upcoming sarah gailey is called the echo wife and it's about a woman who i think gets cloned but then her clone has an affair with her husband i don't know where it goes from there but doesn't that sound like perfect okay and then some more contemporary things let's see i've got the fire keeper's daughter by angeline boule which is about a native teen who's living taking care of her mother and then something happens there there's some criminal activity and she gets put into like an investigation and is like helping with um finding out like what really happened with this death also i remember there are hockey themes in that book which i'm always looking forward to books related to hockey the project by courtney summers which is about a girl i think saving her sister from a cult which is very intriguing okay next is the chosen and the beautiful by nevo which um is set in the 1920s and i know we're following a character who's treated as like an exotic attraction and it's her um like finding a place for herself and i think we're going to talk a lot about like racism in class and stuff i've heard it's a retelling of the great gatsby and i don't know if that is like the intended pitch in order for like people to be interested in it or if it's one of those books that like has accidentally been um perceived by people as a retelling of the great gatsby and like this author maybe doesn't want to be connected to that i think there might be a little bit of magic in here and i just nevo incredible next on my list is the sea is salt and so am i by cassandra hart and it takes place in maine i love bookset in maine we're following a character named harlow and i think there is another character who's or everyone in the book is going through really difficult times i know there's an attempted suicide involved um which is how it's related to the ocean and i'm not sure where we go from there but i think it's like a hard-hitting contemporary friendship vibes next i have she's too pretty to burn by wendy heard which is in san diego i had to write down where it was set oh this one's actually a y a thriller so maybe it should have been earlier in the list and it's about a summer like friendship and romance i think there's one girl and then these two girls are both in love with her or they are connected to her in some way and then there's a murder tanya battagio's upcoming book is called bruised i love the cover of this one as well we're following a girl as she immerses herself in the destructive world of roller derby it's about i think like self-inflicted pain self-destructive behavior but then overall like what she learns um from the friendships and the teamwork of this roller derby situation i just think it sounds lovely renee watson one of my go-to contemporary writers has an upcoming book called love is a revolution which follows a girl named nala and her love story like with herself i know it's got a focus on like activism and how lying can like get you into trouble and i think she kind of pretends to be someone that she isn't and throughout the story just like finds out more about herself develops as a person and like how self-love is really revolutionary next up cool for the summer by dahlia adler is about laura and i think it's like a just a queer coming of age i think there's a summer romance and she's deciding between a boy and a girl so we've got a new bisexual icon our next bisexual icon is in hani and ishi's guide to fake dating by adiba jaguadar this is about a girl whose identity is completely invalidated by her friends so she makes up this relationship that she doesn't really have with another girl at school that she actually hates and i think it's their like fake dating to true love story i think it's gonna be so sweet next up one of the only adult romances i'm interested in is called one last stop by kissima kwistin and it has a little bit of like time travel and magic involved which is why i'm really interested in it it's about a girl who's like stuck in time i think in the 70s there's like a train station and it's a loose retelling of kate and leopold so very much looking forward to that and then another sapphic romance a rise to the sun by leah johnson i'm losing my voice this one has to do with two girls and a music festival i think they're both like at uncertain points in their life and they go to this music festival together and then something happens at the music festival that um they have to rely on each other even more next up is concrete rose by angie thomas which is like uh the hate u give maverick it's his i guess we call his origin story and it's him um becoming a parent at a really young age and challenging the expectations on him and just becoming um the father that he needs to be next on my list is last night of the telegraph club by melinda lowe i have had this on my most anticipated list of every year for the last like three years because it i guess she's just been writing it for a while and it just took a while to come out so it's going to be incredible i've seen reviews call it like a really embra ambitious story so i'm just interested to see what happens it's set in san francisco's chinatown during the red scare and it's about a girl lily who is risking it all for the girl that she loves and then lastly for contemporaries i've got between perfect and real by ray stove which is about a trans teen it takes place in like a shakespeare kind of setting which you know i love uh he's been cast as romeo in the play but um people don't know his true identity and misinterpret him and he hopes that by playing romeo people will see him as he truly is and then i've got a couple sequels which i'm not even going to talk about like the entire plot of probably because i barely remember the plot of the first book in the series which i should be telling you but i can't tell you what these ones are about because it would spoil the first book anyway i'm going to be reading across the green grass fields by seanan maguire actually i think this one um is like a starting point in the series can be for some people it's like a standalone it follows a character named reagan and it has to do with like unicorns and centaurs it's she has a herd it's part of the portal fantasy wayward children series and then mr impossible by maggie stiefvater which i still just can't get over the title of uh it's the sequel to the first book in the dreamer trilogy following um ronan then we've got a chorus rises by bethany seymour which is the sequel to a song below water which has to do with sirens so we've got sirens we've got unicorns we've got dreamers and we've got ancestral magic because the next sequel i'll be reading is a psalm of storms and silence by roseanne a brown which is the sequel to a song of wraiths in ruin and then lastly the anthologies i'm most interested in there have been so many announced in the last year and a lot of them don't have um publication dates on goodreads so there's probably a bunch coming out this year that i haven't penned in here for this year because i don't know for sure but the ones that i think are certainly coming out in 2021 the first one is blackout which doesn't have a cover yet but i can't wait to see it and i think there are six um ya authors covering love stories during uh power outage which just sounds great the next one is that way madness lies clearly i have a thing for shakespeare this is edited by dahlia adler and it's all just retellings the same way that the edgar allen poe his hideous heart one was done this one is all shakespeare's stuff and um k ingram is doing the taking of the shrew lily anderson is doing all's well that ends well and anne-marie mclemore is doing a midsummer night's dreams those are the ones that i'm most anticipating in that anthology and then last is a short story collection just by one author that's bonnie sue hitchcock and this has to do with like the idea that nothing ever happens in a small town but she's covering all of these different i think standalone stories of teens in small towns and the things that they're dealing with maybe they're tied together i'm not totally sure so those are the 40 odd books that i'm most anticipating this year i usually have to do a part two throughout the year when more things get announced usually it's like thrillers and horror that often uh halfway through the year we find out there's gonna be like a new something by someone and then i get so hyped for it so definitely let me know your most anticipated so i can look into even more books and learn more about them and add more things to my list of must reads for the year and then i can tell you about them in a part two at some point so thank you very much for watching i cannot wait to see your list of things that you're excited about or if you made like a video or a blog post or an instagram post or something definitely link me to that or like a goodreads shelf i would just i love learning about everybody's most anticipated things i love reading new releases maybe you do too and i will see you tomorrow bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 41,024
Rating: 4.9798589 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: O4ppKMFKm9k
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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