50 Most Anticipated Books of 2020

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hi friends it's Kayla or lovely' welcome to day 10 of 12 days of lalalala I should really do a Christmas album I can't believe we're almost done the 12 days and we're done with 2019 discussions I guess now we're on to 2020 starting with my most anticipated books of the year well like I don't have any of the releases for the last couple months of the year because usually books sometimes don't get announced until like into the actual year but we're going to divide this into the types of books I read so mystery thrillers light erm contemporary maybe romance centric ones or ones that just don't I don't really know what the mood is and then hard-hitting contemporaries and then a couple ideologies and magic light fantasy type stuff that's what's happening are you ready let's start with rollers because this is what I already have the most of the publishers have sent me if there is a release date I'll pop it right here so beginning with dead to her by Sarah pinburrough this is a domestic thriller about a husband and wife but I guess their relationship didn't start in the most genuine of ways like there's already tension in their marriage and then there's this marriage that they're jealous of and then I don't really know what happens but it's gonna be good next time about the other misses by Mary Kay pika which is again a domestic thriller clearly about a marriage and this family that moves to town somebody dies in their new neighborhood they are suspects their teenage daughter has some shady things going on sidenote I'll be linking an entire Goodreads list of my most anticipated because I will not thoroughly explain every single one of these there's way too many books I think there's like 50 and you can find out more by their Goodreads links all right then we've got 8 perfect murders by Peter Swanson which is about a book shop guy and he has this list of the best murders in novels of all time and then somebody starts to commit those murders and he's under investigation CJ tutor has a new book this year called the other people which follows a bunch of different perspectives but all revolving around this girl who was kidnapped and the dad is like still trying to find her and there's these other people who know him or know her and are following the mystery then there's a book called the only child by me I see you this is about a criminal psychologist who gets invited to interview the serial killer who's never wanted to be interviewed before and at the same time is her doing that job her real life is being changed up because there's her husband's daughter from a previous marriage who started living with them and apparently like things in the investigation and her realized her to like mirror each other and it's weird then the third collaboration between Greer Hendrix and Sarah peckin is called you are not alone and that comes up this year their blurbs are so vague and strange so I'm just gonna read you what it says you probably know someone like Shane Miller she wants to find love but it eludes her she wants to be fulfilled but her job is dead and she wants to belong where her life is isolated you probably don't know anyone like the Moore sisters they have an unbreakable circle of friends they love the most glamorous life they always go with a desire she thinks she wants their life but what they really want is hers what then Samantha downing has a book called he started it and this one is about a group of siblings for some reason this plot has been happening in a lot of books recently and I want to read them all so it's basically like a bunch of siblings get this inheritance but in order to get it from their dead family member they have to like all come together and do something especially with thrillers I don't like to read too deeply into the synopsis so just know it's mysterious but I don't know in what way then Riley's Eggar has a new book called home before dark another side note if you know any thrillers that you think I'd be interested in that I don't mention here I probably do not know about them so please inform me I'm very excited that he's doing another eerie house live because that's what I loved about his last book there's basically this spooky house it gives me house on Haunted Hill the show vibes it's like this spooky house these children grew up in and one of them writes a book about the house and then like 20 years later they're returning to that house and all like this spooky stuff they're having memories of it and like the town doesn't want them there next is Megan Miranda which I'm very excited about her 2020 book is called the girl from widow Hills a lot of books about books this year like this one's about books that spooky haunted hill vibe one is about writing a book and then this one is about a girl who went missing like as a child and she miraculously returned after four days and then her mother wrote a book about the experience and got all this fame and now it's the 20th anniversary and the girl that happened to has like run away and doesn't anything to do with this but the media wants her to like do oh where is she now typed special and I think it's gonna reveal a whole bunch of stuff I think the last one I have is called the swap by Robin Harding I feel like the title and cover give you a pretty good idea of what this is there's a night of partner swapping between new friends and I think there's like some type of pregnancy involved there's like people who want to be pregnant or accidentally become pregnant or something like crazy happens within this wall okay let's move on to something lighter so I just have this as contemporary I feel like most of them are why usually if I'm reading like a light happy contemporary I choose ye for that but also you know what I just feel like I'm more aware of the why a contemporaries by the end of the year I usually become more aware of adult contemporaries that I'm interested based on what other people are reading and liking but I don't think I've quite maybe a goal for this year is to figure out what within adults outside of the hard-hitting stuff I already read in the thriller I already read their adult what in like the happier toned adult books I like so I can read more of that my first one okay actually wait I think I know why I like why a romance so I don't want you to just recommend adult romance because I still don't really think I want to read adult romance the thing I like about why a romance is that there are no stakes and that it's just like light and fluffy and fun most of the time and it doesn't go into the territory of like careers and children and marriage and all the things that like are part of my life like I just want to kind of feel the nostalgia of like fun high school relationships sometimes in reading anyway lucky karma animals I love animals this follows a girl who joins like the radio broadcasting club at her school and she butts heads with other people on the team but also like falls in love and has renewed friendship during that experience next is yes no maybe sell by becky albertalli and Aisha Saeed this is a politically charged why a romance where these two people with very different families and cultures and backgrounds begin a relationship and there is tension within that then I have Beach Reed which will be a very interesting experiment for me because I just said I don't really read adult romance however Emily Henry is my favorite like one of my favorite why I liked fantasy or sci-fi authors so this is strange I don't know what's happening but I'm going to read it again it's about a romance writer lots of books about books so she like doesn't really believe in love and she's in this literary slump and she meets this guy on the beach who also is a right and in a slump and they decide to like write each other genre for the next three months as they're in neighboring beach houses and romance occurs I I don't I don't know if I love this but I can't not read it then I have clack when you land maybe this kind of got in my hard hitting category I'm not totally sure how heavy it is it involves these two girls who have the same father but have never met never knew each other existed and then their father dies and they're forced together and I think I think it'll be so good next is a book called state gold by toab Lee Mick Smith we're probably two characters Pony who is a transgender boy starting a new school starting fresh and then a cisgender girl named Georgia who loves cheerleading and wants to graduate and just move on with her life and get out of high school and his decided not to date anyone but they obviously come together next on my list is the new caney who took no which is called you say it first which is another politically charged romance it's like this long distance I don't know hate to love or friendship dynamic I don't even know about this girl who gets a call from like a call center and the guy is going through his own stuff she's going through her stuff and they butt heads and then I don't know fall in love then the new Amina Mae Safi comes out this year it's called this is all your fault it's said over the course of one day and it follows three young women who run this indie bookstore and by the end of the day they have gone from having to shut down their store to like doing everything they can to make it thrive I'm gonna talk about the hard-hitting contemporary I have as well because I feel like they're sure to kind of blend together there's one called he must like you by Danielle young Ullman I'm really excited about the implications of the title here and I think it's gonna discuss like toxic masculinity and it takes place I think at the workplace the main character works as a waitress and I think gets harassed at work then I have Zara ho scientists here by Sabina Khan Zara is dealing with Islamophobia and people at school she gets like threatening notes and her she's waiting just waiting for her green card her family's from Pakistan and now she has to choose if she's going to stay or move be not far from me and my Mindy McGinnis is next which I'd never even know what genre to place her books in so this is about a girl who runs away something bad happens in the woods between her boyfriend and she gets lost and I don't know if this is more of like a mental do I want to survive and like having memories of her relationship in her life or if it's more just like straight-up survival like I'm in the woods I have an infected wound I need to get out of here I also have the new Robin Wasserman on my list it's called mother-daughter widow wife is about this woman who has no memories of her past and so she's at a Research Institute and being studied and that's all the short blurb says then I have I killed Zoe Spanos by KITT Frick which is a pretty aggressive title there's this Newell family that comes to town and our main character is being accused of something I think Zoe Spanos has just gone missing and so the town is on edge and she's a suspect somehow and apparently she did it I've gone by the title next is the new Alice Oakman it's called loveless and I think this is just a coming-of-age self-acceptance type story about this girl who doesn't feel romantic connection and finding out like what that means for her identity next is all eyes on her by Lauri Elizabeth or Ellie Flynn and this is about a 17 year old girl who's been accused of murdering somebody and it's from all of these different perspectives except hers next I have we are the Wildcats bye Vonn Vivian on my list is about a varsity field hockey squad and it's about a midnight initiation ceremony which turns dangerous next I have the new Carey clutter because Carey clutter wrote one of my favorite books of all time her second book the cover is very different and I don't really know like what the vibe is it seems really different from other books but I just don't know it's called East Coast girls and it's about three girls they spend every summer together but then one terrible night changed everything and then we are twelve years in the future and they're reuniting and I think we're finding out the truth about like that fateful incident okay now we'll move into my couple anthologies that I have on my list one is called out now which is the companion or follow-up to one of my favorite anthologies ever all out is again edited by Sondra Mitchell and it's a more contemporary version of the more historical previous one all revolving around queer or lgbtqia+ characters the other one I'm very much anticipating is called a Phoenix must first burn this is edited by Patrice Caldwell and it has both of these anthologies have some of my favorite authors of all time in them and this one says it is sixteen tales exploring the black experience through fantasy science fiction and magic yes speaking of magic perfect segue to my last category which is some sort of magical books some of these are more higher fantasy some of them are magical realism it's a whole mix we'll start with come tumbling down by Shawn remove iron we were children series about children who go through magical doors and live in magical places I can't tell you too much of the plot because this specifically is the follow-up story to another book in the series then dark and deepest read by Anna Marie Michael Moore this takes place in 1518 as rumors of witchcraft and demon possession spreads you've got dual timelines also in current day and a girl who has this pair of shoes that make her dance uncontrollably and I guess we're finding out how these two timelines are connected and rangiku more one of my favorite authors I always give them the highest praise so I don't think this will be any different this one I don't I think maybe it's a why a mystery hard-hitting could it be a little magic I don't know it's the Jun boys by court stephens it's about the serial kidnapper who kidnaps boys every year then returns them it's a consistent regular normal thing in this town and then one year things have changed cuz a boy has shown up dead and now they're trying even harder to find track down the boys who he still has in his possession next on my list is a lapto by darcy little badger i want to see what this cover is going to look like I can't wait I know there's illustrations in here too which super cool and it's about a it's like a contemporary story but it has some ancestral magic at the core of it it's based on indigenous and immigrant peoples and stories and we're following a girl named alas Oh her older cousin has died and now she has to figure out like who did it and the town's secrets next up is horrid by Katrina Leno which maybe isn't too 20/20 release but I'm still hoping it is it's about a girl who loves Agatha Christie another book about books she loves spooky stuff of mysteries until that spooky stuff starts happening to her it says expected publication 2020 but can you really trust katrin's next up is of curses and kisses by Sanjay Menon I'm always interested when an author writes one type of genre and then they switch to something else as long as it's something that I I like as a genre this is the first book in the st. Rosetta Academy this has to do with an elite boarding school and royalty I think it's an enemy's two lovers story so if you like that let's all read it and see my next one is king in the dragon flies by Kayson calendar this is a little grade I think um and it's about this twelve-year-old whose brother has gone missing and he goes into the Bayou to find him he thinks he's turned into a dragonfly and then his friend sandy goes missing but I think he finds its this conversation about like grief but abuse because he's trying to help his friend escape his situation I think it's gonna be the perfect amount of magic and hard-hitting stuff and I can't wait to read it I love kissing calendar then there's the fascinators by Andrew I love Poulos I'm trying to ignore the fact that the blurb says it's the Raven boys meet Stivers now Jose beans agenda because anything that says it's like the Raven boys never actually is but I understand what they're saying it's about an openly gay high school senior and he may be in love with his best friend and then there's a dark magic threatening the close-knit group of friends then burn our bodies down by Rory power which I can't wait it's about a girl who only has her mother and wants more of a family so she moves to a new place to connect with more people but she doesn't quite get what she bargained for and it doesn't say exactly what the magical element here is but I know it's gonna be great oh I have another case in calendar on my list this one is Felix ever after this one I think is why a and it's about a transgender teen grappling with identity and self-discovery while falling in love for the first time then I have one that is one of my favorite covers ever it's called a song below water by Bethany see more oh and it's about sirens but I think the majority of the story takes place in like a contemporary setting real world real life and people know that sirens exist but she has to keep her identity as a siren a secret then I have SIA Martinez and the moonlit beginning of everything by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland this is about a Mexican American team and there's commentary on ice and immigration but also her mother she believes has been abducted by aliens then I have ghost squad by clarabelle a or kanga which I'm excited to read with Liam it's another middle grade apparently with hints of Ghostbusters in it these kids accidentally awake some spirits and have to find a way to save their town and make this parents leave another book that doesn't have a cover yet or a release date so it might not be 2020 but don't come for me is meteor by Taylor K Mejia and Anna Marie McLamore two authors that I've read before again Anna Marie Michael Moore an all-time favorite so it has two friends one made of Stardust and one fighting to save her family's diner and they are trying to change their town's destiny whatever that means I'm gonna read it the last one is called when we were magic it's by Sarah Gately it says it's a sly witchy dark comedy about 14s whose magic goes our ride the story revolves around somebody dying and the girl is trying to right that wrong whatever that means and then having to do it again I have some books that aren't officially on my TBR they're kind of on my radar like I'm aware of them but maybe they interest me in some way but don't sound like something that I traditionally loves I think I'm gonna wait until some more people have read and I have some reviews but I might as well just mention them quickly the subtweet by Vivek shreya strange exit by Parker PV house the henna wars by a diba janggu dar i might be interested in the dilemma by BA paris and then the glass Hotel by Emily st. John Mandel has been something that I've been anticipating but I want to wait until more people have read it so I know if it's actually something I'll like or if she was kind of like a one-hit for me I don't know if Maggie Stiefvater is going to have another edition of the dreamer trilogy out in 2020 it says November 10th 2020 so if that is a thing that's happening that's very exciting in general I don't have a lot of sci-fi on this list and there are some sci-fi that are on my radar but I don't know if I'm gonna love them if there's any other sci-fi that you think I would like because like adult fiction sci-fi yaa war adult isn't something that I'm very aware of the new releases for so if you want to inform me about something that you think I would like totally do that in the comments I would much appreciate it but those are my most anticipated books of 2020 let me know if you're thinking of reading any of them I introduced you to any new things or if you've read any of them already and you want to tell me what you thought that's it I'll see you tomorrow thank you so much for watching hi
Channel: BooksandLala
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Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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